#' Find peaks in chromatographic profile
#' Find peaks in chromatographic profile.
#' Find peaks with function \code{find_peaks} by looking for zero-crossings in
#' the smoothed first derivative of a signal that exceed a given slope
#' threshold.
#' @importFrom smoother smth.gaussian
#' @importFrom minpack.lm nlsLM
#' @importFrom stats deriv lm
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @param y response (numerical vector)
#' @param smooth_type Type of smoothing. (Defaults to "gaussian").
#' @param smooth_window Window for smoothing. (Defaults to 1).
#' @param smooth_width Width for smoothing. (Defaults to 0.1).
#' @param slope_thresh Minimum threshold for peak slope. (Defaults to 0).
#' @param amp_thresh Minimum threshold for peak amplitude. (Defaults to 0).
#' @param bounds Logical. If TRUE, includes peak boundaries in data.frame.
#' (Defaults to TRUE).
#' @return If bounds == TRUE, returns a data.frame containing the center, start,
#' and end of each identified peak. Otherwise, returns a numeric vector of peak
#' centers. All locations are expressed as indices.
#' @note The \code{find_peaks} function is adapted from matlab code in Prof.
#' Tom O'Haver's
#' \href{}{
#' Pragmatic Introduction to Signal Processing}.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @examples
#' data(Sa_pr)
#' find_peaks(Sa_pr[[1]][,"220"])
#' @seealso \code{\link{fit_peaks}}, \code{\link{get_peaks}}
#' @references O'Haver, Tom. Pragmatic Introduction to Signal Processing:
#' Applications in scientific measurement.
#' /href{} (Accessed January, 2022).
#' @export find_peaks
find_peaks <- function(y, smooth_type="gaussian", smooth_window = 1,
smooth_width = 0.1, slope_thresh=0, amp_thresh=0,
#compute derivative (with or without smoothing)
if (smooth_type=='gaussian'){
d <- smth.gaussian(diff(y), window = smooth_window, alpha = smooth_width)
} else{
d <- deriv(y)
# detect zero-crossing of first derivative (peak apex)
p1 <- which(sign(d[1:(length(d)-1)]) > sign(d[2:length(d)]))
# detect second derivative exceeding slope threshold
p2 <- which(abs(diff(d)) > slope_thresh)
# detect y-vals exceeding amplitude threshold
p3 <- which(y > amp_thresh)
p <- intersect(intersect(p1,p2), p3)
if (bounds){
p4 <- which(sign(d[1:(length(d)-1)]) < sign(d[2:length(d)]))
# find lower bound
suppressWarnings(bl <- sapply(p, function(v) max(p4[p4 < v])))
bl[which(bl == -Inf)] <- 0
# find upper bound
suppressWarnings(bu <- sapply(p, function(v) min(p4[p4 > v])))
bu[which(bu == Inf)] <- length(y)
data.frame(pos = p, lower = bl, upper = bu)
} else
#' Fit chromatographic peaks to an exponential-gaussian hybrid or gaussian
#' profile
#' Fit peak parameters using exponential-gaussian hybrid or gaussian function.
#' Peak parameters are calculated using \code{fit_peaks}, which fits the data
#' to a gaussian or exponential-gaussian hybrid curve using non-linear least
#' squares estimation as implemented in \code{\link[minpack.lm:nlsLM]{nlsLM}}.
#' Area under the fitted curve is estimated using trapezoidal estimation.
#' @param y response (numerical vector)
#' @param pos Locations of peaks in vector y. If NULL, \code{find_peaks} will
#' run automatically to find peak positions.
#' @param sd.max Maximum width (standard deviation) for peaks. Defaults to 50.
#' @param fit Function for peak fitting. (Currently exponential-gaussian hybrid
#' \code{egh}, \code{gaussian} and \code{raw} settings are supported). If \code{
#' raw} is selected, trapezoidal integration will be performed on raw data
#' without fitting a peak shape. Defaults to \code{egh}.)
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations to use in nonlinear least
#' squares peak-fitting. (Defaults to 1000).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{find_peaks}.
#' @return Function \code{fit_peaks} returns a matrix, whose columns contain
#' the following information: \item{rt}{location of the maximum of the peak
#' (x)} \item{start}{start of peak (only included in table if `bounds==TRUE`)}
#' \item{end}{end of peak (only included in table if `bounds==TRUE`)}
#' \item{sd}{width of the peak (x)} \item{tau}{tau parameter (only included in
#' table if `fit=="egh"`)} \item{FWHM}{full width at half maximum (x)}
#' \item{height}{height of the peak (y)} \item{area}{peak area}
#' \item{r.squared}{r-squared value for linear fit of model to data.}
#' Again, the first five elements (rt, start, end, sd and FWHM) are expressed
#' as indices, so not in terms of the real retention times. The transformation
#' to "real" time is done in function \code{get_peaks}.
#' @note The \code{\link{fit_peaks}} function is adapted from Dr. Robert
#' Morrison's
#' \href{}{DuffyTools package}
#' as well as code published in Ron Wehrens'
#' \href{}{alsace} package.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @examples
#' data(Sa_pr)
#' fit_peaks(Sa_pr[[1]][,"220"])
#' @seealso \code{\link{find_peaks}}, \code{\link{get_peaks}}
#' @references
#' Lan, K. & Jorgenson, J. W. 2001. A hybrid of exponential and gaussian
#' functions as a simple model of asymmetric chromatographic peaks. \emph{Journal of
#' Chromatography A} \bold{915}:1-13. \doi{10.1016/S0021-9673(01)00594-5}.
#' Naish, P. J. & Hartwell, S. 1988. Exponentially Modified Gaussian functions - A
#' good model for chromatographic peaks in isocratic HPLC? \emph{Chromatographia},
#' /bold{26}: 285-296. \doi{10.1007/BF02268168}.
#' @export fit_peaks
fit_peaks <- function (y, pos=NULL, sd.max = 50, fit = c("egh", "gaussian", "raw"),
max.iter = 1000, ...){
fit <- match.arg(fit, c("egh", "gaussian", "raw"))
if (is.null(pos)){
pos <- find_peaks(y, ...)
if (fit == "gaussian"){
tabnames <- c("rt", "start", "end", "sd", "FWHM", "height", "area", "r-squared")
noPeaksMat <- matrix(rep(NA, length(tabnames)), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL,
on.edge <- sapply(pos$pos, function(x)[x + 1]) |[x - 1]))
pos <- pos[!on.edge,]
if (nrow(pos) == 0)
fitpk <- function(pos) {
xloc <- pos[1]
peak.loc <-[2], pos[3])
suppressWarnings(m <- fit_gaussian(peak.loc, y[peak.loc], = xloc,
start.height = y[xloc],
max.iter = max.iter)
area <- sum(diff(peak.loc) * mean(c(m$y[-1], tail(m$y,-1)))) # trapezoidal integration
r.squared <- try(summary(lm(m$y ~ y[peak.loc]))$r.squared, silent=TRUE)
c("rt" = m$center, "start" = pos[2], "end" = pos[3], "sd" = m$width, "FWHM" = 2.35 * m$width,
"height" = y[xloc], "area" = area, "r.squared" = r.squared)
else if (fit == "egh") {
tabnames <- c("rt", "start", "end", "sd", "tau", "FWHM", "height", "area",
noPeaksMat <- matrix(rep(NA, length(tabnames)), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL,
on.edge <- sapply(pos$pos, function(x)[x + 1]) |[x - 1]))
pos <- pos[!on.edge,]
if (nrow(pos) == 0)
fitpk <- function(pos){
xloc <- pos[1]
peak.loc <-[2], pos[3])
suppressWarnings(m <- fit_egh(peak.loc, y[peak.loc], = xloc,
start.height = y[xloc], max.iter = max.iter)
r.squared <- try(summary(lm(m$y ~ y[peak.loc]))$r.squared, silent=TRUE)
area <- sum(diff(peak.loc) * mean(c(m$y[-1], tail(m$y,-1)))) # trapezoidal integration
c("rt" = m$center, "start" = pos[2], "end" = pos[3], "sd" = m$width, "tau" = m$tau, "FWHM" = 2.35 * m$width,
"height" = y[xloc], "area" = area, "r.squared" = r.squared)
} else if (fit == "raw") {
tabnames <- c("rt", "start", "end", "sd", "FWHM", "height", "area")
noPeaksMat <- matrix(rep(NA, length(tabnames)), nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL,
on.edge <- sapply(pos$pos, function(x)[x + 1]) |[x - 1]))
pos <- pos[!on.edge,]
if (nrow(pos) == 0)
fitpk <- function(pos){
xloc <- pos[1]
peak.loc <-[2], pos[3])
area <- sum(diff(peak.loc) * mean(c(y[peak.loc][-1], tail(y[peak.loc],-1)))) # trapezoidal integration
c("rt" = pos[1], "start" = pos[2], "end" = pos[3], "sd" = pos[3]-pos[2], "FWHM" = 2.35 * pos[3]-pos[2],
"height" = y[xloc], "area" = area)
huhn <- data.frame(t(apply(pos, 1, fitpk)))
colnames(huhn) <- tabnames
huhn <- data.frame(sapply(huhn, as.numeric))
if (!is.null(sd.max)) {
huhn <- huhn[huhn$sd < sd.max, ]
x <- try(huhn[huhn$rt>0,],silent=TRUE)
if(inherits(x, "try-error")){NA} else {x}
#' Gaussian function
#' @note: Adapted from \href{}
#' @noRd
gaussian <- function(x, center=0, width=1, height=NULL, floor=0) {
# adapted from Earl F. Glynn; Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 2007
twoVar <- 2 * width * width
sqrt2piVar <- sqrt( pi * twoVar)
y <- exp( -( x - center)^2 / twoVar) / sqrt2piVar
# by default, the height is such that the curve has unit volume
if ( ! is.null (height)) {
scalefactor <- sqrt2piVar
y <- y * scalefactor * height
y + floor
#' Fit gaussian peak
#' @importFrom stats coef fitted lm nls.control quantile residuals
#' @noRd
fit_gaussian <- function(x, y,, start.width=NULL, start.height=NULL,
start.floor=NULL, fit.floor=FALSE, max.iter=1000) {
# estimate starting values
who.max <- which.max(y)
if ( is.null( <- x[ who.max]
if ( is.null( start.height)) start.height <- y[ who.max]
if ( is.null( start.width)) start.width <- sum( y > (start.height/2)) / 2
# call the Nonlinear Least Squares, either fitting the floor too or not
controlList <- nls.control( maxiter = max.iter, minFactor=1/512, warnOnly=TRUE)
starts <- list( "center", "width"=start.width, "height"=start.height)
if ( ! fit.floor) {
nlsAns <- try(nlsLM( y ~ gaussian(x, center, width, height),
start=starts, control=controlList), silent=TRUE)
} else{
if (is.null( start.floor)) start.floor <- quantile( y, seq(0,1,0.1))[2]
starts <- c(starts,"floor"=start.floor)
nlsAns <- try(nlsLM( y ~ gaussian( x, center, width, height, floor),
start=starts, control=controlList), silent=TRUE)
# package up the results to pass back
if (inherits(nlsAns, "try-error")){
yAns <- gaussian(x,, start.width, start.height, start.floor)
out <- list("center", "width"=start.width, "height"=start.height,
"y"=yAns, "residual"= y - yAns)
floorAns <- if ( fit.floor) start.floor else 0
} else {
coefs <-coef(nlsAns)
out <- list( "center"=coefs[1], "width"=coefs[2], "height"=coefs[3],
"y"=fitted( nlsAns), "residual"=residuals(nlsAns))
floorAns <- if ( fit.floor) coefs[4] else 0
if (fit.floor) {
out <- c( out, "floor"=floorAns)
return( out)
#' Expontential-gaussian hybrid
#' @noRd
egh <- function(x, center, width, height, tau, floor=0){
result <- rep(0, length(x))
index <- which(2*width^2 + tau*(x-center)>0)
result[index] <- height*exp(-(x[index]-center)^2/(2*width^2 + tau*(x[index]-center)))
#' Fit exponential-gaussian hybrid peak
#' @importFrom stats coef fitted lm nls.control quantile residuals
#' @noRd
fit_egh <- function(x1, y1,, start.width=NULL, start.tau=NULL,
start.height=NULL, start.floor=NULL, fit.floor=FALSE,
max.iter=1000) {
# try to find the best egh to fit the given data
# make some rough estimates from the values of Y
who.max <- which.max(y1)
if (is.null({ <- x1[who.max]
if (is.null(start.height)){
start.height <- y1[who.max]
if (is.null(start.width)){
start.width <- sum(y1 > (start.height/2)) / 2
if (is.null(start.tau)){
start.tau <- 0
# call the Nonlinear Least Squares, either fitting the floor too or not
controlList <- nls.control(maxiter=max.iter, minFactor=1/512, warnOnly=TRUE)
starts <- list("center", "width"=start.width, "height"=start.height, "tau"=start.tau)
if (!fit.floor){
nlsAns <- try(nlsLM(y1 ~ egh(x1, center, width, height, tau),
start=starts, control=controlList), silent=TRUE)
} else{
if (is.null( start.floor)) start.floor <- quantile( y1, seq(0,1,0.1))[2]
starts <- c(starts, "floor"=start.floor)
nlsAns <- try(nlsLM(y1 ~ egh(x1, center, width, height, tau, floor),
start=starts, control=controlList), silent=TRUE)
# package up the results to pass back
if (inherits(nlsAns, "try-error")) {
yAns <- egh(x1,, start.width, start.height, start.tau, start.floor)
out <- list("center", "width"=start.width, "height"=start.height, "tau"=start.tau,
"y"=yAns, "residual"= y1 - yAns)
floorAns <- if ( fit.floor) start.floor else 0
} else {
coefs <-coef(nlsAns)
out <- list( "center"=coefs[1], "width"=coefs[2], "height"=coefs[3], "tau"=coefs[4],
"y"=fitted( nlsAns), "residual"=residuals(nlsAns))
floorAns <- if ( fit.floor) coefs[5] else 0
if (fit.floor) {
out <- c( out, "floor"=floorAns)
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