#' Plot spectrum from peak table
#' Plots the trace and/or spectrum for a given peak in peak.table object, or
#' plots the spectrum a particular retention time for a given chromatogram.
#' Can be used to confirm the identity of a peak or check that a particular
#' column in the peak table represents a single compound. Retention times can
#' also be selected by clicking on the plotted trace if what == 'click'.
#' @importFrom scales rescale
#' @importFrom graphics identify title text
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @param loc The name of the peak or retention time for which you wish to
#' extract spectral data.
#' @param peak_table The peak table (output from \code{\link{get_peaktable}}
#' function).
#' @param chrom_list A list of chromatograms in matrix form (timepoints x
#' wavelengths).
#' @param chr Numerical index of chromatogram you wish to plot, or "max" to
#' automatically plot the chromatogram with the largest signal.
#' @param lambda The wavelength you wish to plot the trace at if plot_trace ==
#' TRUE and/or the wavelength to be used for the determination of signal
#' abundance.
#' @param plot_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, plots the spectrum of the chosen
#' peak. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param plot_trace Logical. If TRUE, plots the trace of the chosen peak at
#' lambda. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param spectrum_labels Logical. If TRUE, plots labels on maxima in spectral
#' plot. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param scale_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, scales spectrum to unit height.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param export_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, exports spectrum to console.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param verbose Logical. If TRUE, prints verbose output to console. Defaults
#' to TRUE.
#' @param what What to look for. Either "peak" to extract spectral information
#' for a certain peak, "rt" to scan by retention time, or "click" to manually
#' select retention time by clicking on the chromatogram. Defaults to "peak"
#' mode.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return If \code{export_spectrum} is TRUE, returns the spectrum as a \code{
#' data.frame} with wavelengths as rows and a single column encoding the
#' absorbance (or normalized absorbance, if \code{scale_spectrum} is TRUE)
#' at each wavelength. Otherwise, there is no return value.
#' @section Side effects:
#' If \code{plot_trace} is TRUE, plots the chromatographic trace of the specified
#' chromatogram (\code{chr}), at the specified wavelength (\code{lambda}) with a
#' dotted red line to indicate the retention time given by \code{loc}. The
#' trace is a single column from the chromatographic matrix.
#' If \code{plot_spectrum} is TRUE, plots the spectrum for the specified chromatogram
#' at the specified retention time. The spectrum is a single row from the chromatographic
#' matrix.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @examplesIf interactive()
# data(Sa)
# pks <- get_peaks(Sa,lambda="220.00000")
# pk_tab <- get_peaktable(pks)
# oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# plot_spectrum(loc = "V10", peak_table = pk_tab, what="peak")
# par(oldpar)
#' @export plot_spectrum
#' @md
plot_spectrum <- function(loc, peak_table, chrom_list,
chr = 'max', lambda = 'max',
plot_spectrum = TRUE, plot_trace = TRUE,
spectrum_labels=TRUE, scale_spectrum=FALSE,
export_spectrum = FALSE, verbose=TRUE,
what=c("peak", "rt", "click"), ...){
what <- match.arg(what, c("peak", "rt", "click"))
if (what == "click")
plot_trace <- TRUE
if (missing(chrom_list) & missing(peak_table))
stop("Must provide either a peak_table or a chrom_list.")
if (missing(chrom_list)){
chrom_list <- get_chrom_list(peak_table)
} else get_chrom_list(peak_table, chrom_list)
if (!(class(chrom_list) %in% c("list", "chrom_list", "matrix")))
stop("Chrom_list does not appear to be valid. Check chrom_list argument")
if (is.matrix(chrom_list)){
chrom_list <- list(chrom_list)
chr <- 1
new.ts <- round(as.numeric(rownames(chrom_list[[1]])),2)
new.lambdas <- as.numeric(colnames(chrom_list[[1]]))
sig <- max(nchar(gsub(".*\\.","",rownames(chrom_list[[1]]))))
if (what == "rt" | what == "click"){
if (chr == "max")
stop("Chromatogram must be specified for scan function.")
if (is.null(chrom_list))
stop("List of chromatograms must be provided for scan function.")
if (what == "peak"){
stop("Peak table must be provided to locate peak.")}
if (!(loc %in% colnames(peak_table$tab))){
stop(paste0("No match found for peak \'", loc, "\' in peak table."))}
RT <- round(peak_table$pk_meta['rt', loc], sig)
} else if (what == "rt"){
RT <- round(as.numeric(loc), sig)
if (what != "click"){
if (!is.numeric(RT))
stop("Retention time not found!")
if (RT > tail(new.ts, 1) | RT < head(new.ts, 1))
stop("The supplied retention time falls outside the bounds of the chromatogram.")
idx <- which.min(abs(RT - new.ts))
if (chr == 'max'){
chr <- which.max(peak_table$tab[,loc])
if (is.character(chr) & !(chr %in% names(chrom_list))){
stop("Chromatogram not found. check `chr` argument!")
if (lambda == 'max'){
if (what == "click")
stop("Wavelength (`lambda`) must be specified for interactive scanning.")
y <- unlist(chrom_list[[chr]][idx, , drop=TRUE])
lambda <- names(which.max(y))
lambda.idx <- which(new.lambdas == lambda)
} else{
lambda <- as.numeric(lambda)
lambda.idx <- which(new.lambdas == lambda)
if (length(lambda.idx) == 0)
stop("The specified wavelength (`lambda`) could not be found!")
if (plot_trace){
y_trace <- chrom_list[[chr]][,lambda.idx]
matplot(x = new.ts, y = y_trace,type='l',
ylab='', xlab='')
if (what == "click"){
message("Click trace to select timepoint")
idx <- identify(new.ts, y_trace, n = 1, plot = FALSE)
RT <- new.ts[idx]
abline(v = RT,col='red', lty=3)
title(bquote(paste("\n\n Chr ", .(chr), " ; RT: ", .(RT), " ; ", lambda, ": ", .(lambda), " nm",
#" abs: ", .(round(y_trace[idx], 2))
if (verbose){
message(paste0("chrome no. ", chr, " (`", names(chrom_list)[chr], "`) \n",
"RT: ", RT, "; \n",
"lambda = ", lambda, " nm; \n",
"abs = ", round(y_trace[idx], 2)))
### report closest match ###
if (what != "peak" & !is.null(peak_table$tab)){
pk <- names(which.min(abs(peak_table$pk_meta["rt",] - RT)))
message(paste("nearest peak:", pk))
y <- unlist(chrom_list[[chr]][idx, , drop=TRUE])
if (scale_spectrum){
y <- rescale(y)
if (plot_spectrum){
plot_spec(y = y, spectrum_labels = spectrum_labels, ...)
if (export_spectrum){
y <- data.frame(y)
colnames(y) <- names(chrom_list)[chr]
#' Elementwise all equal function
#' @author Brian Diggs
#' @references
#' @noRd
elementwise.all.equal <- Vectorize(function(x, y, ...) {isTRUE(all.equal(x, y, ...))})
#' Plot all spectra for chosen peak.
#' Plot multiple for a given peak in peak table. Wrapper for
#' \code{\link{plot_spectrum}}.
#' @param peak The name of a peak to plot (in character
#' format)
#' @param peak_table The peak table (output from \code{\link{get_peaktable}}
#' function)
#' @param chrom_list A list of profile matrices, each of the same dimensions
#' (timepoints x components).
#' @param chrs Vector of chromatograms to plot.
#' @param plot_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, plots the spectrum of the chosen
#' peak.
#' @param export_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, exports spectrum to console.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param scale_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, scales spectrum to unit height.
#' @param overlapping Logical. If TRUE, plot spectra in single plot.
#' @param verbose Logical. If TRUE, prints verbose output to console.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to plot_spectrum.
#' @return If \code{export_spectrum} is TRUE, returns the spectra as a \code{
#' data.frame} with wavelengths as rows and one column for each sample in the
#' \code{chrom_list} encoding the absorbance (or normalized absorbance, if
#' \code{scale_spectrum} is TRUE) at each wavelength. Otherwise, there is no
#' return value.
#' @section Side effects:
#' If \code{plot_spectrum} is TRUE, plots the spectra for the specified chromatogram
#' (\code{chr}) of the given \code{peak}. The spectrum is a single row
#' from the chromatographic matrix.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_spectrum}}
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' data(Sa_warp)
#' pks <- get_peaks(Sa_warp, lambda="220")
#' pk_tab <- get_peaktable(pks)
#' plot_all_spectra(peak="V13", peak_table = pk_tab, overlapping=TRUE)
#' @export plot_all_spectra
plot_all_spectra <- function(peak, peak_table, chrom_list, chrs="all",
plot_spectrum = TRUE, export_spectrum=TRUE,
scale_spectrum=TRUE, overlapping=TRUE,
verbose=FALSE, ...){
if (missing(chrom_list)){
chrom_list <- get_chrom_list(peak_table)
} else get_chrom_list(peak_table, chrom_list)
if (!(inherits(chrom_list, "list") | inherits(chrom_list, "chrom_list")))
stop("chrom_list is not a list")
new.lambdas <- as.numeric(colnames(chrom_list[[1]]))
if ("all" %in% chrs) chrs <- seq_along(chrom_list)
sp <- sapply(chrs, function(chr){
plot_spectrum(loc = peak, peak_table = peak_table, chrom_list=chrom_list,
chr=chr, plot_spectrum=FALSE, plot_trace=FALSE,
export_spectrum = TRUE, scale_spectrum=scale_spectrum,
verbose=verbose, what="peak")
sp<, sp))
colnames(sp) <- names(chrom_list)[chrs]
rownames(sp) <- colnames(chrom_list[[1]])
if (plot_spectrum){
matplot(new.lambdas, sp, type='l', xlab='wavelength', ylab='intensity',las=2)
} else{
apply(sp, 2,function(spp){
plot(new.lambdas, spp, type='l', xlab='', ylab='',las=2)
#' Scan spectrum
#' Convenience function to call plot_spectrum with what = "click".
#' @importFrom scales rescale
#' @importFrom graphics identify title text abline
#' @param peak_table The peak table (output from \code{\link{get_peaktable}}
#' function).
#' @param chrom_list A list of chromatograms in matrix form (timepoints x
#' wavelengths).
#' @param chr Numerical index of chromatogram you wish to plot.
#' @param lambda The wavelength to plot the trace at.
#' @param spectrum_labels Logical. If TRUE, plots labels on maxima in spectral
#' plot. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param scale_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, scales spectrum to unit height.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param export_spectrum Logical. If TRUE, exports spectrum to console.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @return If \code{export_spectrum} is TRUE, returns the spectrum as a \code{
#' data.frame} with wavelengths as rows and a single column encoding the
#' absorbance (or normalized absorbance, if \code{scale_spectrum} is TRUE)
#' at each wavelength. Otherwise, there is no return value.
#' @section Side effects:
#' Plots a chromatographic trace from the specified chromatogram (\code{chr}),
#' at the specified wavelength (\code{lambda}) with a dotted red line to indicate
#' the user-selected retention time. The trace is a single column from the
#' chromatographic matrix.
#' If \code{plot_spectrum} is TRUE, plots the spectrum for the specified
#' chromatogram at the user-specified retention time. The spectrum is a single
#" row from the chromatographic matrix.
#' @md
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' data(Sa_pr)
#' scan_chrom(Sa_pr, lambda="210", chr=2, export_spectrum=TRUE)
#' @export scan_chrom
scan_chrom <- function(chrom_list, lambda, chr, peak_table=NULL,
scale_spectrum = FALSE, spectrum_labels = TRUE,
export_spectrum = FALSE, ...){
if (!(inherits(chrom_list, "list") | inherits(chrom_list, "chrom_list")))
stop("chrom_list is not a list")
if (missing(lambda))
stop("Please specify wavelength (`lambda`) to proceed with scanning.")
if (missing(chr)){
chr <- as.numeric(readline(
prompt="Which chromatogram do you wish to plot? \n"))
plot_spectrum(chrom_list = chrom_list, peak_table=peak_table,
chr = chr, lambda = lambda, what="click",
scale_spectrum = scale_spectrum,
spectrum_labels = spectrum_labels,
export_spectrum = export_spectrum, ...)
#' Retrieve chrom_list from peak_table object
#' @param peak_table Peak table object
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
get_chrom_list <- function(x, chrom_list, verbose = FALSE){
if (inherits(x, "peak_table")){
if (missing(chrom_list)){
chrom_list <- try(get(x$args["chrom_list"]))
if (inherits(chrom_list, "try-error")) stop("Chromatograms not found!")
if (length(chrom_list) != nrow(x$tab)){
stop("Dimensions of chrom_list and peak_table do not match.")
} else{
if (verbose & any(names(chrom_list) != rownames(x$tab)))
warning("Names of chromatograms do not match peak_table")
} else if (inherits(x, "peak_list")){
if (missing(chrom_list)){
chrom_list <- try(get(attr(x, "chrom_list")))
if (inherits(chrom_list, "try-error")) stop("Chromatograms not found!")
if (length(chrom_list) != length(x)){
stop("Dimensions of chrom_list and peak_list do not match.")
} else{
if (verbose & any(names(chrom_list) != names(x)))
warning("Names of chromatograms do not match peak_list")
#' Plot spectrum
#' @param y Numeric vector containing spectral data.
#' @param spectrum_labels Logical. Whether to label peaks in spectrum.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
plot_spec <- function(y, spectrum_labels = TRUE, ...){
matplot(x = as.numeric(names(y)), y = as.numeric(y), type='l',
ylab = 'Intensity', xlab = 'Wavelength (nm)',
ylim=c(0,max(y, na.rm = TRUE)*1.2), ...)
if (spectrum_labels){
suppressWarnings(pks <- find_peaks(y, slope_thresh = .00001, bounds = FALSE))
if (length(pks)>0){
pks <- data.frame(round(as.numeric(names(y)[pks]),0), y[pks],stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
text(pks[,1], pks[,2], pks[,1], pos=3, offset=.3, cex = .8)
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