#' Create a bar plot from a data frame through ggplotly
#' @param dt data.frame containing the data to plot.
#' @param bars Name of the column containing the different groups.
#' @param value Name of the columns to use as value on the y axis of the plot. If NULL (default), counts will be used.
#' @param break_bars_by Name of the categorical variable used to break each bar
#' @param up_to_n_bars Plot up to this number of bars. If there are more distinct values in 'bars', the function will summarise them into an 'Others' category. Default is 20.
#' @param horizontal Plot the bars horizontally. Default is FALSE.
#' @param sort_by_value Sort the bars by value. Default is FALSE unless horizontal is TRUE.
#' @param sort_decreasing Sort the values decreasingly. Default is TRUE, but sort_by_value must also be TRUE.
#' @param ggtheme ggplot2 theme function to apply. Default is ggplot2::theme_minimal.
#' @param x_axis_label Label for the x axis.
#' @param y_axis_label Label for the y axis.
#' @param plot_palette Character vector of hex codes specifying the colors to use on the plot.
#' @param plot_palette_generator Palette from the viridis package used in case plot_palette is unspecified or insufficient for the number of colors required
#' @param static If TRUE (or if the dataset is over 10,000 rows), the output will be static ggplot chart instead of an interactive ggplotly chart. Default is FALSE.
#' @export
#' @return A plotly-ized version of a ggplot bar plot.
#' @examples
#' make_barplot(dt = iris, bars = 'Species', value = 'Sepal.Length')
#' make_barplot(dt = ggplot2::mpg,
#' bars = 'manufacturer',
#' break_bars_by = 'model',
#' value = 'cty',
#' horizontal = TRUE,
#' sort_by_value = TRUE)
#' @importFrom rlang .data
make_barplot <- function(dt,
value = NULL,
break_bars_by = NULL,
up_to_n_bars = 20,
horizontal = FALSE,
sort_by_value = horizontal,
sort_decreasing = TRUE,
ggtheme = 'minimal',
x_axis_label = NULL,
y_axis_label = NULL,
plot_palette = NULL,
plot_palette_generator = 'plasma',
static = FALSE){
# check that the specified columns are present in the data
dt_cols <- c(bars, value, break_bars_by)
if(any((!dt_cols %in% colnames(dt)))){
stop(paste(setdiff(dt_cols, colnames(dt)), collapse = ', '), ' not found on dt.')
# coerce groups to character
dt <- chronicle::set_classes(dt, character = unique(c(bars, break_bars_by)))
# avoid a redundant specification
if(bars == break_bars_by){
break_bars_by <- NULL
# make a copy of the data to avoid modifying user data.tables by reference
dt1 <- data.table::setDT(data.table::copy(dt))
data.table::setkeyv(x = dt1, cols = c(bars, break_bars_by))
# summarise table for plot. If no value is specified, use value counts
value = 'Count'
plot_dt <- dt1[, list(value = .N), by = c(bars, break_bars_by)]
plot_dt <- dt1[, list(value = sum(get(value))), by = c(bars, break_bars_by)]
# if there are more than values to plot, make an 'other' category
if(data.table::uniqueN(plot_dt[[bars]]) > up_to_n_bars){
top_n <- data.table::setorderv(x = data.table::copy(plot_dt), cols = bars, order = -1)[[bars]][1:up_to_n_bars]
plot_dt[!(get(bars) %in% top_n), (bars) := 'Others']
plot_dt <- plot_dt[, list(value = sum(value)), by = c(bars, break_bars_by)]
# correct value name after finishing the computations
data.table::setnames(x = plot_dt, old = 'value', new = value)
# if horizontal, flip the value of sort_decreasing (will apply ggplot2::coord_flip)
sort_decreasing <- !as.logical(sort_decreasing)
# if given break bars by, summarize and sort by total
bar_order <- plot_dt[, list(total_value = sum(get(value))), by = c(bars)] %>%
data.table::setorderv(cols = 'total_value',
order = ifelse(test = sort_decreasing,
plot_dt[, (bars) := factor(get(bars), levels = bar_order[[bars]])]
data.table::setorderv(x = plot_dt,
cols = value,
order = ifelse(test = sort_decreasing, -1, 1)
plot_dt[, (bars) := factor(get(bars), levels = get(bars))]
# check how many colors are needed for plotting
plot_palette_length <- ifelse(test = is.null(break_bars_by),
yes = data.table::uniqueN(plot_dt[[bars]]),
no = data.table::uniqueN(plot_dt[[break_bars_by]]))
# map the gg theme to its corresponding ggplot2::theme_ function
ggtheme <- switch(ggtheme,
'bw' = ggplot2::theme_bw,
'classic' = ggplot2::theme_classic,
'dark' = ggplot2::theme_dark,
'gray' = ggplot2::theme_gray,
'grey' = ggplot2::theme_grey,
'light' = ggplot2::theme_light,
'linedraw' = ggplot2::theme_linedraw,
'minimal' = ggplot2::theme_minimal,
'void' = ggplot2::theme_void,
# map the generator to its corresponding viridis palette
plot_palette_generator <- switch(plot_palette_generator,
'cividis' = viridis::cividis,
'inferno' = viridis::inferno,
'magma' = viridis::magma,
'plasma' = viridis::plasma,
'viridis' = viridis::viridis,
'mako' = viridis::mako,
'rocket' = viridis::rocket,
'turbo' = viridis::turbo,
#if not provided, use palette from viridis::plasma
plot_palette <- plot_palette_generator(plot_palette_length, begin = 0, end = .8)
}else if(plot_palette_length > length(plot_palette)){
warning('Insufficient palette length provided for a bar plot of ',
value, ' by ', ifelse(test = is.null(break_bars_by),
yes = bars,
no = break_bars_by),
'. Adding the missing ', (plot_palette_length - length(plot_palette)),
' colors from plot_palette_generator')
plot_palette <- c(plot_palette,
plot_palette_generator(plot_palette_length - length(plot_palette), begin = 0, end = .8))
# create bar plot
barplot <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_dt,
ggplot2::aes(x = .data[[bars]],
y = .data[[value]],
fill = .data[[ifelse(test = is.null(break_bars_by),
yes = bars,
no = break_bars_by)]])) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = 'identity', alpha = .95) +
ggtheme() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA),
plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "transparent", colour = NA)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.01,
decimal.mark = '.',
big.mark = ',')) +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = plot_palette)
# axes
barplot <- barplot + ggplot2::xlab(x_axis_label)
barplot <- barplot + ggplot2::ylab(y_axis_label)
barplot <- barplot + ggplot2::coord_flip()
# bar plots are computed on do not need to stay static for file size concerns
# they are created on summarised data
barplot <- plotly::ggplotly(barplot,
tooltip = c('x', 'y', if(!is.null(break_bars_by)){'fill'})) # %>%
# plotly::layout(paper_bgcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
# grid = '',
# plot_bgcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)")
#' Add a bar plot to a chronicle report
#' @param report Character string containing all the R Markdown chunks previously added. Default is '', an empty report.
#' @param dt Table with the data for the plot.
#' @param bars Name of the columns containing the different groups.
#' @param value Name of the columns to use as values on the y axis of the plot. If NULL (default), counts will be used.
#' @param break_bars_by Name of the categorical variable used to break each bar
#' @param up_to_n_bars Plot up to this number of bars. If there are more distinct values in 'bars', the function will summarise them into an 'Others' category. Default is 20
#' @param horizontal Plot the bars horizontally. Default is FALSE.
#' @param sort_by_value Sort the bars by value. Default is FALSE.
#' @param sort_decreasing Sort the values decreasingly. Default is TRUE, but sort_by_value must also be TRUE.
#' @param ggtheme ggplot2 theme function to apply. Default is ggplot2::theme_minimal.
#' @param x_axis_label Label for the x axis.
#' @param y_axis_label Label for the y axis.
#' @param plot_palette Character vector of hex codes specifying the colors to use on the plot.
#' @param plot_palette_generator Palette from the viridis package used in case plot_palette is unspecified or insufficient for the number of colors required.
#' @param barplot_title Title of the bar plot section on the report. If NULL, chronicle will try to parse a generic title using make_title()
#' @param title_level Level of the section title of this plot (ie, number of # on Rmarkdown syntax.)
#' @param echo Whether to display the source code in the output document. Default is FALSE.
#' @param message Whether to preserve messages on rendering. Default is FALSE.
#' @param warning Whether to preserve warnings on rendering. Default is FALSE.
#' @param fig_width Width of the plot (in inches).
#' @param fig_height Height of the plot (in inches).
#' @return An rmarkdown file as a character string, now containing a chunk for adding the specified bar plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' html_report <- add_barplot(report = '',
#' dt = iris,
#' bars = 'Species',
#' value = 'Sepal.Length')
#' cat(html_report)
add_barplot <- function(report = '',
value = NULL,
break_bars_by = NULL,
up_to_n_bars = 20,
horizontal = FALSE,
sort_by_value = FALSE,
sort_decreasing = TRUE,
ggtheme = 'minimal',
x_axis_label = NULL,
y_axis_label = NULL,
plot_palette = NULL,
plot_palette_generator = NULL,
barplot_title = NULL,
title_level = 2,
echo = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
fig_width = NULL,
fig_height = NULL){
# if a data.frame is provided, check if the specified columns are present
dt_cols <- c(bars, value, break_bars_by)
if(any((!dt_cols %in% colnames(dt)))){
stop(paste(setdiff(dt_cols, colnames(dt)), collapse = ', '), ' not found on dt.')
params <- list(dt = ifelse(test = is.character(dt),
yes = dt,
no = deparse(substitute(dt))),
bars = bars,
value = value,
break_bars_by = break_bars_by,
horizontal = horizontal,
sort_by_value = sort_by_value,
sort_decreasing = sort_decreasing,
ggtheme = ggtheme,
x_axis_label = x_axis_label,
y_axis_label = y_axis_label,
plot_palette = ifelse(is.null(plot_palette), 'params$plot_palette', plot_palette),
plot_palette_generator = ifelse(is.null(plot_palette_generator), 'params$plot_palette_generator', plot_palette_generator),
static = 'params$set_static') %>%
report <- chronicle::add_chunk(report = report,
fun = chronicle::make_barplot,
params = params,
chunk_title = barplot_title,
title_level = title_level,
echo = echo,
message = message,
warning = warning,
fig_width = fig_width,
fig_height = fig_height,
guess_title = TRUE)
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