#' Plot a time series from a data frame through dygraph's interactive html plot interface
#' @param dt data.frame containing the data to plot. It must have a numerical variable, a date variable, and optionally a grouping variable to split the data and plot them as individual time series inside the same plot.
#' @param value Name of the column of the data frame containing the numerical variables of the time series.
#' @param date Name of the column containing the date variable. It must be already a date or time object.
#' @param groups Name of the columns containing the different groups.
#' @param y_axis_label Label for the y axis. x axis is the date (or time) so it is not needed
#' @param plot_palette Character vector of hex codes specifying the colors to use on the plot. Default is RColorBrewer's Paired and Spectral colors concatenated.
#' @param plot_palette_generator Palette from the viridis package used in case plot_palette is unspecified or insufficient for the number of colors required.
#' @param static If TRUE (or if the dataset is over 10,000 rows), the output will be static ggplot chart instead of a dygraph. Default is FALSE.
#' @return A dygraph of the numerical variable specified, optionally split by the values of 'groups'. If static is set to TRUE, it will return a ggplot line plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(x = c(rnorm(100, 2, 4),
#' rnorm(100, 6, 1),
#' rnorm(100, 8, 2)),
#' group = c(rep('A', 100),
#' rep('B', 100),
#' rep('C', 100)),
#' date = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),
#' as.Date("2020-04-09"),
#' 'days'),
#' 3))
#' make_dygraph(dt = dat,
#' value = 'x',
#' date = 'date')
#' make_dygraph(dt = dat,
#' value = 'x',
#' groups = 'group',
#' date = 'date')
make_dygraph <- function(dt,
value ,
groups = NULL,
y_axis_label = NULL,
plot_palette = NULL,
plot_palette_generator = 'plasma',
static = FALSE){
dt_cols <- c(value, date, groups)
if(any((!dt_cols %in% colnames(dt)))){
stop(paste(setdiff(dt_cols, colnames(dt)), collapse = ', '), ' not found on dt.')
# coerce groups to character
dt <- chronicle::set_classes(dt, character = c(groups))
# only build dygraphs if the dataset is under 10,000 rows
#if not, build a line plot
if(!as.logical(static) & nrow(dt) <= 10000){
# check how many colors are needed for plotting
plot_palette_length <- ifelse(test = is.null(groups),
yes = 1,
no = data.table::uniqueN(dt[[groups]]))
# map the generator to its corresponding viridis palette
plot_palette_generator <- switch(plot_palette_generator,
'cividis' = viridis::cividis,
'inferno' = viridis::inferno,
'magma' = viridis::magma,
'plasma' = viridis::plasma,
'viridis' = viridis::viridis,
'mako' = viridis::mako,
'rocket' = viridis::rocket,
'turbo' = viridis::turbo,
#if not provided, use palette from viridis::plasma
plot_palette <- plot_palette_generator(plot_palette_length, begin = 0, end = .8)
}else if(plot_palette_length > length(plot_palette)){
warning('Insufficient palette length provided for a dygraph plot of ',
value, ' by ', if(!is.null(groups)){paste(' by', groups)},
'. Adding the missing ', (plot_palette_length - length(plot_palette)),
' colors from plot_palette_generator')
plot_palette <- c(plot_palette,
plot_palette_generator(plot_palette_length - length(plot_palette), begin = 0, end = .8))
# create the custom dygraph structure needed for plotting: first column should be the time,
# all columns after that should be numerical variables.
# check data_var is actually of class Date
if(any(grepl(x = class(dt[[value]]), pattern = 'POSIXct|Date|timeDate|yearmon|yearqtr'))){
stop(paste0('dt$', date, 'must be a class supported by xts::xts. As of version 0.10-2, supported classes include: "Date", "POSIXct", "timeDat", as well as "yearmon" and "yearqtr"'))
dy_cols <- c(date, value, groups)
dy_data <-
dy_data <- purrr::keep(dy_data, colnames(dy_data) %in% dy_cols) %>%
# aggregate values by date
formula = stats::as.formula(paste(c(date,'~',ifelse(is.null(groups),
yes = '.',
no = groups)), collapse = ' ')),
value.var = value,
fun.aggregate = sum) %>%
# labeling
y_axis_label <- ifelse(test = is.null(y_axis_label),
yes = value,
no = y_axis_label)
dy_plot <- dygraphs::dygraph(dy_data) %>%
dygraphs::dyOptions(includeZero = FALSE,
colors = plot_palette,
fillGraph = TRUE,
fillAlpha = 0.4,
drawPoints = TRUE,
pointSize = 2) %>%
dygraphs::dyRangeSelector(height = 20) %>%
dygraphs::dyHighlight(highlightCircleSize = 5,
hideOnMouseOut = TRUE) %>%
dygraphs::dyAxis("x", drawGrid = FALSE) %>%
dygraphs::dyAxis('y', label = y_axis_label,
valueFormatter = 'function(d){return d.toString().replace(/\\B(?=(\\d{3})+(?!\\d))/g, ",");}')
dy_plot <- make_lineplot(dt = dt,
x = date,
y = value,
groups = groups,
y_axis_label = y_axis_label,
plot_palette = plot_palette,
plot_palette_generator = plot_palette_generator,
static = static)
#' Add a dygraph to a chronicle report
#' @param dt Data to plot
#' @param report Character string containing all the R Markdown chunks previously added. Default is '', an empty report.
#' @param value Name of the column of the data frame containing the numerical variables of the time series.
#' @param date Name of the column containing the date variable. It must be already a date or time object.
#' @param groups Name of the columns containing the different groups.
#' @param y_axis_label Label for the y axis. x axis is the date (or time) so it is not needed
#' @param plot_palette Character vector of hex codes specifying the colors to use on the plot.
#' @param plot_palette_generator Palette from the viridis package used in case plot_palette is unspecified or insufficient for the number of colors required.
#' @param dygraph_title Title for the Rmarkdown section containing the dygraph
#' @param title_level Level of the section title of this plot (ie, number of # on Rmarkdown syntax.)
#' @param echo Whether to display the source code in the output document. Default is FALSE.
#' @param message Whether to preserve messages on rendering. Default is FALSE.
#' @param warning Whether to preserve warnings on rendering. Default is FALSE.
#' @param fig_width Width of the plot (in inches).
#' @param fig_height Height of the plot (in inches).
#' @return An R Markdown file as a character string, now containing a chunk for the specified dygraph.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(x = c(rnorm(100, 2, 4),
#' rnorm(100, 6, 1),
#' rnorm(100, 8, 2)),
#' group = c(rep('A', 100),
#' rep('B', 100),
#' rep('C', 100)),
#' date = rep(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"),
#' as.Date("2020-04-09"),
#' 'days'),
#' 3))
#'html_report <- add_dygraph(report = '',
#' dt = dat,
#' value = 'x',
#' date = 'date')
add_dygraph <- function(report = '',
value ,
groups = NULL,
y_axis_label = NULL,
plot_palette = NULL,
plot_palette_generator = NULL,
dygraph_title = NULL,
title_level = 2,
echo = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
fig_width = NULL,
fig_height = NULL){
dt_cols <- c(value, date, groups)
if(any((!dt_cols %in% colnames(dt)))){
stop(paste(setdiff(dt_cols, colnames(dt)), collapse = ', '), ' not found on dt.')
params <- list(dt = ifelse(test = is.character(dt),
yes = dt,
no = deparse(substitute(dt))),
value = value,
date = date,
groups = groups,
y_axis_label = y_axis_label,
plot_palette = ifelse(is.null(plot_palette), 'params$plot_palette', plot_palette),
plot_palette_generator = ifelse(is.null(plot_palette_generator), 'params$plot_palette_generator', plot_palette_generator),
static = 'params$set_static') %>%
report <- chronicle::add_chunk(report = report,
fun = chronicle::make_dygraph,
params = params,
chunk_title = dygraph_title,
title_level = title_level,
echo = echo,
message = message,
warning = warning,
fig_width = fig_width,
fig_height = fig_height,
guess_title = TRUE)
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