
Defines functions make_surf read_surf

Documented in make_surf read_surf

#' Get a \code{"surf"} object
#' Coerce a file path to a surface GIFTI, a \code{"gifti"} object, a list with
#'  entries "pointset" and "triangle", or a \code{"surf"} to a
#'  \code{"surf"}.
#' @param surf Either a file path to a surface GIFTI; a \code{"gifti"}
#'  read by \code{\link[gifti]{readgii}}; a list with entries "pointset" and
#'  "triangle"; or, a \code{"surf"} object.
#' @param expected_hemisphere The expected hemisphere (\code{"left"} or \code{"right"})
#'  of \code{surf}. If the hemisphere indicated in the GIFTI metadata is the
#'  opposite, an error is raised. If \code{NULL} (default), use the GIFTI
#'  hemisphere.
#' @param resamp_res The resolution to resample the surfaces to. If \code{NULL}
#'  (default), do not resample.
#' @return The \code{"surf"}: a list with components \code{"vertices"}
#'  (3D spatial locations), \code{"faces"} (defined by three vertices), and
#'  \code{"hemisphere"} (\code{"left"}, \code{"right"}, or \code{NULL} if
#'  unknown).
#' @importFrom gifti readgii is.gifti
#' @family reading
#' @family surface-related
#' @export
read_surf <- function(surf, expected_hemisphere=NULL, resamp_res=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(expected_hemisphere)) {
    expected_hemisphere <- match.arg(expected_hemisphere, c("left", "right"))

  need_to_resample <- !is.null(resamp_res)

  # File --> GIFTI.
  if (is.fname(surf)){
    # Resample before reading in, if necessary & possible.
    if (need_to_resample && !is.null(expected_hemisphere)) {
      surf2 <- format_path("to_read.surf.gii", tempdir(), 2)
        surf, surf2, hemisphere=expected_hemisphere, resamp_res=resamp_res
      surf <- readgii(surf2)
      need_to_resample <- FALSE
    } else {
      surf <- readgii(surf)
  } else {
    if (length(surf)==1 && is.character(surf)) {
      stop("`surf` is a length-one character vector, but is not an existing file path.")

  # GIFTI --> list of vertices and faces.
  if (is.gifti(surf)) {
    ## Get hemisphere.
    hemisphere <- try({
      ps_idx <- which(names(surf$data) == "pointset")[1]
      ps_meta <- surf$data_meta[[ps_idx]]
      hemisphere <- ps_meta[which(ps_meta[,1] == "AnatomicalStructurePrimary"),2]
      if ((length(hemisphere)!=1) || (!(hemisphere %in% c("CortexLeft", "CortexRight")))) {
          "The hemisphere metadata entry (AnatomicalStructurePrimary) was not ",
          "CortexLeft or CortexRight. Instead, it was ", hemisphere,
          ". Discarding and leaving hemisphere entry blank."
    }, silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(hemisphere, "try-error")) {
      warning(hemisphere); hemisphere <- NULL
    } else {
      hemisphere <- switch(hemisphere, CortexLeft="left", CortexRight="right")
    if ((!is.null(hemisphere)) && (!is.null(expected_hemisphere))) {
      if (hemisphere != expected_hemisphere) {
          "The expected hemisphere was", expected_hemisphere,
          "but the hemisphere indicated in the GIFTI was the opposite."
    surf <- surf$data
  } else {
    hemisphere <- NULL

  if (is.list(surf) && all(c("pointset", "triangle") %in% names(surf))) {
    surf <- list(
      vertices = surf$pointset, faces = surf$triangle, hemisphere = hemisphere

  if (!(is.list(surf) && all(c("vertices", "faces") %in% names(surf)))) {
    stop("The object could not be converted into a surface.")

  ## Format faces as integers starting index at 1 instead of 0
  if (min(surf$faces)==0) surf$faces <- surf$faces + 1
  mode(surf$faces) <- "integer"

  # Check success and add "surf" class
  if (!is.surf(surf)) {
    stop("The object could not be converted into a surface.")
  surf <- structure(surf, class="surf")

  # Resample, if necessary & possible
  if (need_to_resample) {
    if (is.null(hemisphere)) {
      warning("Cannot resample, because the hemisphere is unknown.")
    } else {
      surf <- resample_surf(surf, resamp_res, hemisphere)
    need_to_resample <- FALSE


#' @rdname read_surf
#' @export
make_surf <- function(surf, expected_hemisphere=NULL, resamp_res=NULL){
  read_surf(surf=surf, expected_hemisphere=expected_hemisphere, resamp_res=resamp_res)

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ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.