
Defines functions run_wb_cmd confirm_wb_cmd_path get_wb_cmd_path wb_path_request

Documented in confirm_wb_cmd_path get_wb_cmd_path run_wb_cmd wb_path_request

#' Request \code{"wb_path"}
#' Print a message requesting that the \code{ciftiTools} option \code{"wb_path"}
#'  be set.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return The message (length 1 character vector)
wb_path_request <- function() {
    "ciftiTools requires the path to the Connectome Workbench folder, ",
    "  or directly to `wb_command(.exe)`. Please execute the command  ", 
    "      > ciftiTools.setOption('wb_path', 'path/to/workbench')     ", 
    "                                                                 ", 
    "  If you do not have the Connectome Workbench, install it here:  ", 
    "      humanconnectome.org/software/get-connectome-workbench      ",

#' Get the Connectome Workbench command path
#' Retrieves the path to the Connectome Workbench executable from a file path
#'  that may point to the executable itself, or to the Workbench folder which
#'  contains it (i.e., "path/to/workbench/bin_linux64/wb_command" or 
#'  "path/to/workbench".)
#' @param wb_path (Optional) Path to the Connectome Workbench folder or 
#'  executable. 
#' @return The path to the Connectome Workbench executable
#' @export
get_wb_cmd_path <- function(wb_path) {


  # Remove double slashes (except at very beginning)
  add_back <- startsWith(wb_path, "//")
  wb_path <- gsub("(/)+", "/", wb_path)
  if (add_back) { wb_path <- paste0("/", wb_path) }
  wb_path <- gsub("/$", "", wb_path) # Remove slash at end (will become double)

  # Expand tilde: can vary between R and system() command
  wb_path <- path.expand(wb_path)

  # If `wb_path` doesn't exist, raise a warning but still use it.
  # (Sometimes the file does exist, even if `file.exists` fails?)
  if (!file.exists(wb_path)) {
      "The `wb_path` option value '",
      wb_path, "' does not seem to reference an existing directory or file. ",
      "Will try to use it anyway. If this message persists, try ",
      "providing the absolute path to the Connectome Workbench executable ",
      "rather than the path to the containing folder, or a relative path.\n"
    wb_cmd_path <- wb_path

  # First, check if `wb_path` points to the executable itself.
  if (grepl("wb_command$|wb_command\\.exe$", wb_path)) { 
    wb_cmd_path <- wb_path
  # If not, check if it points to a containing folder.
  } else {
    possible_paths <- c(
      # Containing folders (bin_*) within the Workbench.
      file.path(wb_path, "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "wb_command.exe"),
      # The Workbench folder itself.
      file.path(wb_path, "bin_linux64", "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "bin_rh_linux64", "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "bin_macosx64", "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "bin_windows64", "wb_command.exe"),
      # A folder containing the Workbench folder.
      file.path(wb_path, "workbench", "bin_linux64", "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "workbench", "bin_rh_linux64", "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "workbench", "bin_macosx64", "wb_command"),
      file.path(wb_path, "workbench", "bin_windows64", "wb_command.exe")
    possible_paths <- possible_paths[vapply(possible_paths, file.exists, FALSE)]
    if (length(possible_paths) == 0) {
        "The `wb_path` option value '",
        wb_path, "' exists, but does not seem to be the Workbench executable, ",
        "nor a folder containing the executable. Will try to use it anyway. ",
        "If this problem persists, try ",
        "providing the absolute path to the Connectome Workbench executable ",
        "rather than the path to the containing folder, or a relative path.\n"
      wb_cmd_path <- wb_path
    } else if (length(possible_paths) > 1) {
        "Found these possible Workbench executables: '",
        paste0(possible_paths, collapse="', '"), "'. ",
        "Using the first. If another should be used, provide the absolute path ",
        "to the executable rather than the path to the containing folder, or",
        "a relative path.\n"
      wb_cmd_path <- possible_paths[1]
    } else {
      cat(paste0("Using this Workbench path: '", possible_paths, "'.\n"))
      wb_cmd_path <- possible_paths


#' Confirm the Connectome Workbench command path
#' Confirm that the path to the Connectome Workbench executable is valid.
#'  (For example, if the "wb_path" option was relative and the user changed the 
#'  current working directory, the path is no longer valid.)
#' @param wb_path (Optional) Path to the Connectome Workbench folder or 
#'  executable. 
#' @return \code{NULL}, invisibly
#' @keywords internal
confirm_wb_cmd_path <- function(wb_path) {
  if (is.null(wb_path)) { stop(wb_path_request()) } 

  # Complain if `wb_path` doesn't exist.
  #   Use `cat` instead of `warning` because sometimes the warnings are
  #   witheld from printed output of a subfunction in RStudio, and only
  #   visible with a call to `warning()`.
  if (!file.exists(wb_path)) {
      "WARNING: The `wb_path` option value '",
      wb_path, "' does not seem to reference an existing directory or file. ",
      "If `wb_path` is relative and the current working directory has changed, ",
      "the new path needs to be given with `ciftiTools.setOption('wb_path', ...)`. ",
      "Using an absolute path instead of a relative path could avoid this problem.\n\n",
      "Will try to use `wb_path` anyway, but the command will most likely fail.\n"
  # Complain if `wb_path` doesn't seem to be the command.
  } else if (!grepl("wb_command$|wb_command\\.exe$", wb_path)) {
      "WARNING: The `wb_path` option value '", wb_path, "' appears invalid. Set it ",
      "again with `ciftiTools.setOption('wb_path', ...)`.\n\n",
      "Will try to use `wb_path` anyway, but the command will most likely fail.\n"

#' Wrapper for Connectome Workbench Commands
#' Runs a Connectome Workbench command that has already been formatted.
#' @param cmd The full command, beginning after the workbench path.
#' @param intern Return printed output? If \code{FALSE}, return
#'  logical indicating success instead. Default: \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ignore.stdout,ignore.stderr The "ignore.stdout" and "ignore.stderr"
#'  arguments to \code{\link[base]{system}}. Should be logical or \code{NULL}.
#'  If \code{NULL} (default), messages will be controlled by 
#'  \code{ciftiTools.getOption("suppress_msgs")} and errors will not be ignored.
#' @return If \code{intern==TRUE}, the printed output of the command.
#'  If \code{intern==FALSE}, a logical indicating if the command finished 
#'  successfully.
#' @export
run_wb_cmd <- function(cmd, intern=TRUE, ignore.stdout=NULL, ignore.stderr=NULL){
  wb_cmd <- ciftiTools.getOption("wb_path")

  cmd <- paste(sys_path(wb_cmd), cmd)

  if (is.null(ignore.stdout)) {
    ignore.stdout <- ciftiTools.getOption("suppress_msgs")
  } else {
    stopifnot(is.logical(ignore.stdout)); ignore.stdout <- ignore.stdout[1]
  if (is.null(ignore.stderr)) {
    ignore.stderr <- FALSE # ciftiTools.getOption("suppress_msgs")
  } else {
    stopifnot(is.logical(ignore.stderr)); ignore.stderr <- ignore.stderr[1]

  ciftiTools_msg("Using the Connectome Workbench.")

  # out_print <- invisible(capture.output( out <- system(cmd, intern=intern) ))
  out <- system(
    cmd, intern=intern, ignore.stdout=ignore.stdout, ignore.stderr=ignore.stderr

  if (!intern) {
    out <- out == 0
    if (!out) {
        "The Connectome Workbench command failed with code ", out, 
        ". The command was:\n", cmd


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ciftiTools documentation built on June 25, 2024, 9:07 a.m.