

# Smoke test for testing general end to end functions.  These tests hit
# outside resources (Civis API, Redshift), so necessary credentials are
# required. These tests can be used to test that large changes, especially
# changes to the endpoints, retain core functionality.  It is not recommended
# to run these tests during continuous integration tests. Use unit tests
# in tests/testhat/ instead.


# Set up
start <- proc.time()
tablename <- paste0("scratch.r_smoke_test", sample(1:10000, 1))
database <- "redshift-general"
options(civis.default_db = "redshift-general")

# Data in and out

test_that("read_civis reads from redshift", {
  query <- sql("SELECT * FROM datascience.iris")
  d <- read_civis("datascience.iris", verbose = TRUE)
  d2 <- read_civis(query, verbose = TRUE)
  expect_equal(d, d2)

test_that("write_civis writes to redshift", {
  # Tests both write_civis.character and write_civis.default
  iris$id <- 1:nrow(iris)
  write_civis(iris, tablename, database = database, verbose = TRUE)
  x <- read_civis(tablename, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  colnames(x) <- colnames(iris)
  expect_equivalent(x[order(x$id), ], iris)
  query_civis(paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", tablename), database = database)

  # write_civis.numeric
  tablename <- paste0("scratch.r_smoke_test", sample(1:10000, 1))
  fname <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
  write.csv(iris, file = fname, row.names = TRUE)
  fid <- write_civis_file(fname, "iris.csv")
  write_civis(fid, tablename, "redshift-general", if_exists = "drop", verbose = TRUE)
  x <- read_civis(tablename, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  id <- x[,1]
  x$column_0 <- NULL
  colnames(x) <- colnames(iris)
  expect_equivalent(x[order(id), ], iris)
  query_civis(paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", tablename), database = database)

test_that("download_civis downloads onto disk", {
  download_civis("datascience.iris", file = "file1.csv",
                 overwrite = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
  download_civis(sql("SELECT * FROM datascience.iris"), file = "file2.csv",
                 overwrite = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
  df1 <- read.csv("file1.csv")
  df2 <- read.csv("file2.csv")
  expect_identical(df1, df2)
  # Clean up after testing
  if (file.exists("file1.csv")) file.remove("file1.csv")
  if (file.exists("file2.csv")) file.remove("file2.csv")

test_that("queries are executed", {
  x <- query_civis(sql("SELECT * FROM datascience.iris"), database = "redshift-general")
  expect_is(x, "civis_api")

test_that("civis_to_multifile produces csv links", {
  x <- civis_to_multifile_csv("SELECT * FROM datascience.iris", "redshift-general")
  expect_gt(length(x$entries), 1)
  expect_equal(x$query, "SELECT * FROM datascience.iris")

test_that("tables can be transferred", {
  tablename <- paste0("scratch.r_smoke_test", sample(1:10000, 1))
  x <- transfer_table("redshift-general", "redshift-general",
                      "datascience.iris", tablename,
                      verbose = TRUE)
  expect_is(x, "civis_api")
  q <- queries_post(32, paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", tablename), 1)

test_that("files can be uploaded", {
  # tests both write_civis_file.default and write_civis_file.character
  fid <- write_civis_file(iris)
  x <- read_civis(fid, using = read.csv, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  expect_equal(x, iris)

  info <- files_get(id = fid)

  # test large file
  fn <- tempfile()
  system(paste0("dd if=/dev/zero of=", fn, " count=1 bs=",
                civis:::MIN_MULTIPART_SIZE + 1))
  system.time(id <- write_civis_file(fn, name = "a"))

  # if you've got a big pipe, it can make some difference...
  system.time(id <- write_civis_file(fn, name = "a"))

test_that("query_civis_file", {
  id <- query_civis_file(sql("SELECT * FROM datascience.iris"), database = database)
  id2 <- query_civis_file("datascience.iris", database = database)
  df1 <- read_civis(id, using = read.csv)
  df2 <- read_civis(id2, using = read.csv)
  expect_equal(df1, df2)

# Reports

test_that("Reports are created", {
      rmd <- c("```{r}", "summary(cars)", "```")
      html <- "<div><ul>A</ul><ul>B</ul><ul>C</ul></div>"
      rmd_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd")
      md_file <- gsub(".Rmd", ".md", basename(rmd_file))
      html_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".html")
      write(rmd, rmd_file)
      write(html, html_file)
      out1 <- publish_rmd(rmd_file = rmd_file, report_name = "R Smoke Test")
      out2 <- publish_html(html_file, report_name = "R Smoke Test2")
    }, finally = {

# Models
test_that("iris model works", {
  tbl <- civis_table(table_name = "datascience.iris",
                     database_name = "redshift-general")
  m <- civis_ml_sparse_logistic(x = tbl, dependent_variable = "type",
                                primary_key = "index")
  # Just make sure this finished w/o error.
  expect_is(m, "civis_ml")

# Futures

test_that("futures work", {
  fut <- future({2+2})
  expect_is(fut, "CivisFuture")
  val <- value(fut)
  expect_equal(val, 4)

test_that("additional packages get installed", {
  fut <- future({map(1:2, c)},
                docker_image_name = "civisanalytics/datascience-r",
                docker_image_tag = "latest")
  res <- value(fut)
  expect_equal(res, list(1, 2))

test_that("environment is attached", {
  f <- function(x) g(x)
  g <- function(x) x
  fut <- future({f(1)},
                docker_image_name = "civisanalytics/datascience-r",
                docker_image_tag = "latest")
  res <- value(fut)
  expect_equal(res, 1)

end <- proc.time()
tot <- end - start

cat("total time: ", tot[3], "s", fill = TRUE)

Try the civis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

civis documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:01 a.m.