
Defines functions date_match_format_and_column date_process date_make_format date_get_format date_detect_simple_format date_detect_day_or_month date_detect_separator date_check_column_existence date_detect_format date_detect_complex_format date_guess_convert date_convert_and_update date_convert date_trim_outliers date_check_timeframe

Documented in date_check_column_existence date_check_timeframe date_convert date_convert_and_update date_detect_complex_format date_detect_day_or_month date_detect_format date_detect_separator date_detect_simple_format date_get_format date_guess_convert date_make_format date_match_format_and_column date_process date_trim_outliers

#' Check date time frame
#' @param first_date A Date object specifying the first valid date.
#'    The arbitrary default value is fifty years before the `last_date`.
#' @param last_date A Date object specifying the last valid date.
#'    The defaults value is the current date.
#' @returns A list with the first and last dates
#' @keywords internal
date_check_timeframe <- function(first_date, last_date) {

  # make sure that they are single character strings in ISO 8601 format.
  iso_8601 <- "[0-9]{4}-(0|1(?=[0-2]))[0-9]-([0-2]|3(?=[0-1]))[0-9]"

  first_date_is_charcater <- is.character(first_date)
  first_date_has_len_1    <- length(first_date) == 1L
  first_date_has_iso_8601 <- grepl(iso_8601, first_date, perl = TRUE)
  verdict <- first_date_is_charcater & first_date_has_len_1 &
  if (verdict) {
    first_date <- as.Date(first_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

  last_date_is_charcater <- is.character(last_date)
  last_date_has_len_1    <- length(last_date) == 1L
  last_date_has_iso_8601 <- grepl(iso_8601, last_date, perl = TRUE)
  verdict <- last_date_is_charcater & last_date_has_len_1 &
  if (verdict) {
    last_date <- as.Date(last_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

  # Set the first date to 50 years before the last date if it's not set
  if (is.null(first_date) && inherits(last_date, "Date")) {
    first_date <- min(seq.Date(last_date, length.out = 2L, by = "-50 years"))

  if (!inherits(first_date, "Date") || !inherits(last_date, "Date")) {
    stop("first_date and last_date must be Date objects or characters in",
         "yyyy-mm-dd format.")
  return(list(first_date, last_date))

#' Trim dates outside of the defined boundaries
#' @param new_dates A vector of the new date values
#' @param dmin A minimum date
#' @param dmax A maximum date
#' @param original_dates A vector of original dates (to be collected
#'    for errors)
#' @param cols The name of the date column of interest
#' @param original_dates A vector of the original date values
#' @returns A list of 2 elements: the update input vector where date values that
#'    are out of the boundaries are replaced by `NA`, and a vector of the out of
#'    boundaries values.
#' @keywords internal
date_trim_outliers <- function(new_dates, dmin, dmax, cols, original_dates) {

  # filter out the dates that are below the threshold
  outsiders <- new_dates < dmin | new_dates > dmax
  outsiders[is.na(outsiders)] <- FALSE

  # record the bad dates in the report
  out_of_boundaries <- NULL
  if (any(outsiders)) {
    idx <- which(outsiders)
    out_of_boundaries <- data.frame(idx            = idx,
                                    column         = rep(cols, length(idx)),
                                    original_value = original_dates[idx])
  # mark the bad dates as NA
  new_dates[outsiders] <- as.Date(NA_character_)

    new_dates = new_dates,
    outsiders = out_of_boundaries

#' Convert characters to dates
#' @inheritParams standardize_dates
#' @param cols  date column name(s)
#' @returns A data frame where the specified columns have been converted
#'    into Date.
#' @keywords internal
date_convert <- function(data, cols, error_tolerance,
                         timeframe = NULL, orders, modern_excel) {
  # Guess the date using Thibault's parser
  new_dates           <- data[[cols]]
  if (!inherits(data[[cols]], "Date")) {
    date_guess_res    <- date_guess(data[[cols]],
                                    orders       = orders,
                                    modern_excel = modern_excel,
                                    column_name  = cols)
    new_dates         <- date_guess_res[["res"]]
    multi_format_dates <- date_guess_res[["multi_format"]]
    # report the multi formatted dates
    if (nrow(multi_format_dates)) {
      data            <- add_to_report(
        x     = data,
        key   = "multi_format_dates",
        value = multi_format_dates

  # Trim outliers i.e. date values that are out of the range of the provided
  # timeframe
  outsiders        <- NULL
  if (!is.null(timeframe)) {
    res            <- date_convert_and_update(data, timeframe, new_dates, cols,
    data           <- res[["data"]]
    outsiders      <- res[["outsiders"]]
  } else {
    data[[cols]]   <- new_dates

  # report the out of range dates
  if (!is.null(outsiders)) {
    data         <- add_to_report(x     = data,
                                  key   = "out_of_range_dates",
                                  value = outsiders)


#' Convert and update the date values
#' @inheritParams standardize_dates
#' @param new_dates A vector of the converted date values
#' @param cols The names of the date column been converted
#' @returns A list of 2 data frames: the updated input data (if some columns
#'    were converted to Date) and a data frame of date values that are not
#'    within the specified timeframe.
#' @keywords internal
date_convert_and_update <- function(data, timeframe, new_dates, cols,
                                    error_tolerance = 0.5) {
  timeframe <- date_check_timeframe(timeframe[[1L]], timeframe[[2L]])
  new_dates <- date_trim_outliers(new_dates,
                                  timeframe[[1L]], timeframe[[2L]],
                                  cols, data[[cols]])
  na_before       <- sum(is.na(data[[cols]]))
  na_after        <- sum(is.na(new_dates[["new_dates"]]))
  prop_successful <- (length(data[[cols]]) - na_after) / (length(data[[cols]]) - na_before) # nolint: line_length_linter

  # shape result depending on whether conversion was successful
  if (prop_successful > (1L - error_tolerance)) {
    data[[cols]]   <- new_dates[["new_dates"]]

  outsiders   <- new_dates[["outsiders"]]
  if (all(is.na(new_dates[["new_dates"]]))) {
    outsiders <- NULL
  report      <- attr(data, "report")
  if ("out_of_range_dates" %in% names(report)) {
    outsiders <- rbind(report[["out_of_range_dates"]], outsiders)

  return(list(data = data, outsiders = outsiders))

#' Guess if a character vector contains Date values, and convert them to date
#' @param data A data frame
#' @inheritParams standardize_dates
#' @returns The input data frame where the character columns with date values
#'    have been converted into Date.
#' @keywords internal
date_guess_convert <- function(data, error_tolerance, timeframe,
                               orders, modern_excel) {
  # guess and convert for column of type character, factor and POSIX
  are_posix      <- which(apply(data, 2, inherits, "POSIXt"))
  are_characters <- which(apply(data, 2, inherits, "character"))
  are_factors    <- which(apply(data, 2, inherits, "factor"))
  are_dates      <- which(apply(data, 2, inherits, "Date"))

  # convert POSIX to date
  for (i in are_posix) {
    data[[i]]   <- as.Date(data[[i]])

  # convert characters and factors to date when applicable
  of_interest       <- c(are_characters, are_factors, are_dates, are_posix)
  multi_forma_dates <- NULL
  for (i in names(of_interest)) {
    date_guess_res    <- date_guess(data[[i]], orders = orders,
                                    modern_excel = modern_excel,
                                    column_name = i)
    new_dates         <- date_guess_res[["res"]]
    multi_format      <- date_guess_res[["multi_format"]]
    if (nrow(multi_format) > 0L) {
      multi_forma_dates <- rbind(multi_forma_dates, multi_format)
                                 # cbind(field = i, multi_format))

    if (!all(is.na(new_dates)) && is.null(timeframe)) {
      data[[i]]       <- new_dates
    if (!is.null(timeframe)) {
      res             <- date_convert_and_update(data, timeframe, new_dates, i,
      data            <- res[["data"]]
      data            <- add_to_report(x     = data,
                                       key   = "out_of_range_dates",
                                       value = res[["outsiders"]])

  # report the multi formatted dates
  if (!is.null(multi_forma_dates)) {
    data            <- add_to_report(
      x     = data,
      key   = "multi_format_dates",
      value = multi_forma_dates


#' Detect complex date format
#' @param x A string of interest
#' @returns A string with the inferred format.
#' @keywords internal
date_detect_complex_format <- function(x) {
  f1 <- f2 <- NULL
  tmp_sep <- unique(unlist(lapply(x, date_detect_separator)))
  if (is.null(tmp_sep)) {
    f1 <- date_detect_simple_format(x)
    if (is.null(f1)) {
      f1 <- date_detect_day_or_month(x)
  } else if (!is.na(tmp_sep) && length(tmp_sep) == 1L) {
    p1 <- as.character(unlist(lapply(x, date_get_part1, tmp_sep)))
    p2 <- as.character(unlist(lapply(x, date_get_part2, tmp_sep)))
    f1 <- date_detect_simple_format(p1)
    f2 <- date_detect_simple_format(p2)
    if (is.null(f1)) {
      f1 <- date_detect_day_or_month(p1)
    if (is.null(f2)) {
      f2 <- date_detect_day_or_month(p2)
  } else {
  format <- date_make_format(f1, f2, tmp_sep)

#' Detect a date format with only 1 separator
#' @param x A string of interest
#' @returns A string with the identified format.
#' @keywords internal
date_detect_format <- function(x) {
  # check the format in x
  idx <- which(is.na(x))
  if (length(idx) > 0L) {
    x <- x[-idx]
  if (all(numbers_only(x))) {
    f1 <- date_detect_simple_format(x)
  } else {
    f1 <- date_detect_complex_format(x)

#' Check if date column exists in the given dataset
#' @param data The input data frame
#' @param date_column_names A vector with the name of the columns to check
#' @returns The input vector if all column names are part of the input data, an
#'    error is issued otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
date_check_column_existence <- function(data, date_column_names) {
  # convert to vector if comma-separated list of names is provided
  if (is.character(date_column_names)) {
    date_column_names <- unlist(strsplit(date_column_names, ",", fixed = TRUE))
    date_column_names <- trimws(date_column_names)

  # check whether the provided column name belong to the data
  if (!all(date_column_names %in% names(data))) {
    idx <- which(!(date_column_names %in% names(data)))
    stop("Can't find columns: ", paste(date_column_names[idx], sep = ", "))

#' Detect the special character that is the separator in the date values
#' @param x A string of interest
#' @returns A detected separator
#' @returns A vector of the identified special characters.
#' @keywords internal
date_detect_separator <- function(x) {
  sep                <- NULL
  special_characters <- c("-", "/", ",", " ")
  if (!is.na(x)) {
    sep <- NULL
    for (spec_char in special_characters) {
      if (grepl(pattern = spec_char, x)) {
        sep <- c(sep, spec_char)

#' Detect the appropriate abbreviation for day or month value
#' @param x The input string
#' @returns A string with abbreviation used to distinguish the written day or
#'    month
#' @keywords internal
date_detect_day_or_month <- function(x) {
  f1 <- NULL
  full_days <- c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
                 "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")
  abreviated_days <- c("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")
  all_full_months <- c(month.name, toupper(month.name), tolower(month.name))
  all_abb_months  <- c(month.abb, toupper(month.abb), tolower(month.abb))
  all_full_days   <- c(full_days, toupper(full_days), tolower(full_days))
  all_abb_days    <- c(abreviated_days, toupper(abreviated_days),
  in_full_month   <- x %in% all_full_months
  in_abb_month    <- x %in% all_abb_months
  in_full_day     <- x %in% all_full_days
  in_abb_day      <- x %in% all_abb_days
  if (all(in_full_month)) {
    f1 <- "%B"
  } else if (all(in_abb_month)) {
    f1 <- "%b"
  if (all(in_full_day)) {
    f1 <- "%A"
  } else if (all(in_abb_day)) {
    f1 <- "%a"

#' Get format from a simple Date value
#' @param x A string with the date value of interest
#' @returns A string with the abbreviation that correspond to the Date value
#' @keywords internal
date_detect_simple_format <- function(x) {
  f1 <- NULL
  if (is.null(x)) f1 <- NULL
  if (all(nchar(x) == 4L)) {
    f1 <- "%Y" # year with century i.e 4 digits year
  } else if (any(nchar(x) == 4L) && any(nchar(x) == 2L)) {
    stop("Detected different lengths in first digits of date column.\n",
         "Please use same number of digits or specify the date format with",
         "the 'format' argument.")
  } else if (all(nchar(x) == 2L)) {
    tmp <- as.numeric(x)
    if (all(tmp <= 12L)) {
      f1 <- "%m"
    } else if (all(tmp >= 1L) && all(tmp <= 31L)) {
      f1 <- "%d"
    } else {
      f1 <- "%y"

#' Detect date format from a date column
#' @param data A  data frame
#' @param date_column_name The name of the date columns of interest
#' @param sep A separator in the date string
#' @return A string with the detected date format
#' @keywords internal
date_get_format <- function(data, date_column_name, sep) {
  # we will first check if all values in the date column have that separator in
  # them. If there are some without the separator, we will set
  # other = index_of_values_without_the_separator and return it. This will be
  # used to inform the 'date_convert()' function that those values need to
  # handle differently.
  tmp_date_column <- data[[date_column_name]]
  tmp_date_column <- as.character(tmp_date_column)

  # return 'NULL' if there are multiple formats in the date column
  if (!all(grepl(sep[[1L]], tmp_date_column))) {

  # investigate the format among the date values that contain the separator
  tmp_list                 <- strsplit(tmp_date_column,
                                       fixed = TRUE)
  idx                      <- which(is.na(tmp_list))
  if (length(idx) > 0L) {
    tmp_list[[idx]]        <- rep(NA, max(lengths(tmp_list)))
  part1 <- part2 <- part3 <- rep(NA, length(tmp_date_column))
  if (any(lengths(tmp_list) >= 1L)) {
    part1 <- as.character(unlist(lapply(tmp_date_column,
  if (any(lengths(tmp_list) >= 2L)) {
    part2 <- as.character(unlist(lapply(tmp_date_column,
  if (any(lengths(tmp_list) >= 3L)) {
    part3 <- as.character(unlist(lapply(tmp_date_column,

  f1       <- ifelse(all(is.na(part1)), NA, date_detect_format(part1))
  f2       <- ifelse(all(is.na(part2)), NA, date_detect_format(part2))
  f3       <- ifelse(all(is.na(part3)), NA, date_detect_format(part3))
  idx      <- which(is.na(c(f1, f2, f3)))
  format   <- NULL
  if (length(idx) == 0L) {
    format <- paste0(format, f1, sep[[1L]], f2, sep[[1L]], f3)
  } else if (idx == 3L) {
    format <- paste0(format, f1, sep[[1L]], f2)
  } else if (idx == c(2L, 3L)) {
    format <- paste0(format, f1)
  } else {

#' Build the auto-detected format
#' Put together the different date format characters that were identified in
#' the target date column.
#' @param f1 The first part of the date values
#' @param f2 The second part of the date values
#' @param tmp_sep The character string that separate the first and second parts
#'    of the date values.
#' @return A character string that represent the inferred format of the date
#'    values.
#' @keywords internal
date_make_format <- function(f1, f2, tmp_sep) {
  if (is.null(f1) && is.null(f2)) {
    stop("Unrecognised date format.\n",
         "Please specify the date format using the 'format' argument.")

  return(paste(c(f1, f2), collapse = tmp_sep))

#' Process date variable
#' @param x A object of class Date
#' @return The converted input value into Date or character
#' @keywords internal
date_process <- function(x) {
  # If the input is a date already: no guessing needed!
  if (inherits(x, c("Date", "POSIXt", "aweek"))) {
    x <- as.Date(x)

  if (is.factor(x) || is.numeric(x)) {
    x <- as.character(x)

  if (!is.character(x)) {
    stop("guess dates will only work for characters and factors")


#' Check whether the number of provided formats matches the number of target
#' columns to be standardized.
#' @param target_columns A vector of column names to be standardized
#' @param format A vector of formats to be used when standardizing the columns
#' @return A vector of format
#' @keywords internal
date_match_format_and_column <- function(target_columns, format) {
  if (length(target_columns) > 2L && length(format) == 2L) {
    stop("Need to specify one format if all target columns have the same",
         "format.\nProvide one format per target column, otherwise.")
  if (length(target_columns) >= 1L && length(format) == 1L) {
    warning("Using ", format, " to standardize all columns...", call. = FALSE)
    format <- rep(format, length(target_columns))

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