
Defines functions aemet_api_call get_metadata_aemet get_data_aemet

Documented in get_data_aemet get_metadata_aemet

# API Functions: This functions makes a direct call to the API

#' Client tool for AEMET API
#' Client tool to get data and metadata from AEMET and convert json to
#' [`tibble`][tibble::tibble()].
#' @family aemet_api
#' @source
#' <https://opendata.aemet.es/dist/index.html>.
#' @param apidest Character string as destination URL. See
#'   <https://opendata.aemet.es/dist/index.html>.
#' @param verbose Logical `TRUE/FALSE`. Provides information about the flow of
#' information between the client and server.
#' @return
#' A [`tibble`][tibble::tibble()] (if possible) or the results of the query as
#' provided by [httr2::resp_body_raw()] or [httr2::resp_body_string()].
#' @seealso
#' Some examples on how to use these functions on
#' `vignette("extending-climaemet")`.
#' @examplesIf aemet_detect_api_key()
#' # Run this example only if AEMET_API_KEY is detected
#' url <- "/api/valores/climatologicos/inventarioestaciones/todasestaciones"
#' get_data_aemet(url)
#' # Metadata
#' get_metadata_aemet(url)
#' # We can get data from any API endpoint
#' # Plain text
#' plain <- get_data_aemet("/api/prediccion/nacional/hoy")
#' cat(plain)
#' # An image
#' image <- get_data_aemet("/api/mapasygraficos/analisis")
#' # Write and read
#' tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".gif")
#' writeBin(image, tmp)
#' gganimate::gif_file(tmp)
#' @export
get_data_aemet <- function(apidest, verbose = FALSE) {
  # API Key management
  apikey_detected <- aemet_detect_api_key()
  if (isFALSE(apikey_detected)) {
    stop("API key can't be missing. See ??aemet_api_key.", call. = FALSE)

  initapikey <- aemet_hlp_get_allkeys()
  initapikey <- c("a", NULL, NA, initapikey)
  # Clean not valid apikeys
  initapikey <- initapikey[!is.na(initapikey)]
  initapikey <- initapikey[nchar(initapikey) > 10]
  initapikey <- unique(initapikey)

  if (length(initapikey) < 1) {
    stop("Can't find any valud API key. See ??aemet_api_key.", call. = FALSE)

  # Sample to get a random apikey
  index <- sample(seq_len(length(initapikey)), 1)
  apikey <- initapikey[index]

  if (verbose && length(initapikey) > 1) {
    maskapi <- substr(apikey, nchar(apikey) - 10, nchar(apikey) + 1)

    message("\n\nUsing API KEY ", paste0("XXXX...", maskapi, collapse = ""))

  # 1. Initial request ----
  response_initial <- aemet_api_call(apidest, verbose, apikey = apikey)

  if (is.null(response_initial)) {

  # Extract data preparing the second request
  results <- try_parse_resp(response_initial)

  if (is.null(results$datos)) {
    warning("Error parsing JSON. Returning empty line, check your results")

  # 2. Get data from first call----
  if (verbose) {
    message("\n-----Requesting data-----")

  # Prepare second request
  newapientry <- results$datos
  response_data <- aemet_api_call(newapientry, verbose,
    data_call = TRUE,
    apikey = apikey

  if (!inherits(response_data, "httr2_response")) {

  # Last check
  if (!httr2::resp_has_body(response_data)) {
    warning("API request does not return a body. Skipping ", apidest)

  # Try to guess output, AEMET does not provide right mime types
  # Some json texts are given as "text/plain"

  mime_data <- httr2::resp_content_type(response_data)

  if (!grepl("json|plain", mime_data)) {
      "\nResults are MIME type: ", mime_data, "\n",
      "Returning raw data"
    raw <- httr2::resp_body_raw(response_data)

  results_data <- httr2::resp_body_string(response_data)

  # try to tibble
  data_tibble_end <- try(tibble::as_tibble(jsonlite::fromJSON(results_data)),
    silent = TRUE

  if (inherits(data_tibble_end, "try-error")) {
      "\nResults are MIME type: ", mime_data, "\n",
      "Returning data as string"
    str <- httr2::resp_body_string(response_data)


#' @rdname get_data_aemet
#' @name get_data_aemet
#' @export
get_metadata_aemet <- function(apidest, verbose = FALSE) {
  # API Key management
  apikey_detected <- aemet_detect_api_key()
  if (isFALSE(apikey_detected)) {
    stop("API key can't be missing. See ??aemet_api_key.", call. = FALSE)

  initapikey <- aemet_hlp_get_allkeys()

  # Sample to get a random apikey
  index <- sample(seq_len(length(initapikey)), 1)
  apikey <- initapikey[index]

  if (verbose && length(initapikey) > 1) {
    maskapi <- substr(apikey, nchar(apikey) - 10, nchar(apikey) + 1)

    message("\n\nUsing API KEY ", paste0("XXXX...", maskapi, collapse = ""))

  # 1. Initial request ----
  response_initial <- aemet_api_call(apidest, verbose, apikey = apikey)

  if (is.null(response_initial)) {

  # Extract data preparing the second request
  results <- try_parse_resp(response_initial)

  if (is.null(results$metadatos)) {
    warning("Error parsing JSON. Returning empty line, check your results")

  # 2. Get data from first call----
  if (verbose) {
    message("\n-----Requesting metadata-----")

  # Prepare second request
  newapientry <- results$metadatos
  response_data <- aemet_api_call(newapientry, verbose,
    data_call = TRUE,
    apikey = apikey

  if (!inherits(response_data, "httr2_response")) {

  # Last check
  if (!httr2::resp_has_body(response_data)) {
    warning("API request does not return a body. Skipping ", apidest)

  # Try to guess output, AEMET does not provide right mime types
  # Some json texts are given as "text/plain"

  mime_data <- httr2::resp_content_type(response_data)

  # Should never happen
  if (!grepl("json|plain", mime_data)) {
      "\nResults are MIME type: ", mime_data, "\n",
      "Returning raw data"
    raw <- httr2::resp_body_raw(response_data)

  try_list <- try_parse_resp(response_data)

  if (is.list(try_list)) {
    try_list <- try_list[lapply(try_list, length) > 0]

  # try to tibble
  data_tibble_end <- try(tibble::as_tibble(try_list), silent = TRUE)

  if (all(inherits(data_tibble_end, "tbl_df"), nrow(data_tibble_end) > 0)) {

  # Else, but should never happen
    "\nResults are MIME type: ", mime_data, "\n",
    "Returning data as string"
  str <- httr2::resp_body_string(response_data)


#' First call function
#' @description
#' Handles call to API.
#' @param apidest Character string as destination URL. See
#'   <https://opendata.aemet.es/dist/index.html>.
#' @param verbose Logical `TRUE/FALSE`. Provides information about the flow of
#' information between the client and server.
#' @param apikey API Key.
#' @return
#' - If everything is successful, the result of [httr2::req_perform()].
#' - On warnings, a `NULL` object.
#' - On fatal errors, an error as of [httr2::resp_check_status()].
#' @noRd
aemet_api_call <- function(apidest, verbose = FALSE, data_call = FALSE,
                           apikey = NULL) {
  if (is.null(apikey)) stop("Provide an apikey argument")

  # Prepare initial request
  if (data_call) {
    req1 <- httr2::request(apidest)
  } else {
    req1 <- httr2::request("https://opendata.aemet.es/opendata")
    req1 <- httr2::req_url_path_append(req1, apidest)
  req1 <- httr2::req_headers(req1, api_key = apikey)
  req1 <- httr2::req_error(req1, is_error = function(x) {

  # Increase timeout
  req1 <- httr2::req_timeout(req1, 20)

  # Perform request
  if (verbose) {
    message("\nRequesting ", req1$url)

  response <- httr2::req_perform(req1)
  # Add extra delay based on Remaining request
  msg_count <- httr2::resp_header(response, "Remaining-request-count")

  # Other msgs

  parsed_resp <- extract_resp_code(response)
  msg <- NULL

  if ("estado" %in% names(parsed_resp)) {
    parsed_code <- parsed_resp$estado
  } else {
    parsed_code <- parsed_resp

  if ("descripcion" %in% names(parsed_resp)) {
    msg <- parsed_resp$descripcion

  # On 404 continue, bad request
  if (parsed_code == 404) {
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- "Not Found"

    warning("HTTP ", parsed_code, ": ", msg)

  if (parsed_code == 401) {
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- "API Key Not Valid. Try with a new one."

  # In other cases retry
  if (parsed_code %in% c(429, 500, 503)) {
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- "Hit API Limits."
    message("HTTP ", parsed_code, ": ", msg, " Retrying...")
    req1 <- httr2::req_retry(req1,
      max_seconds = 60,
      is_transient = function(x) {
        httr2::resp_status(x) %in% c(429, 500, 503)

    response <- httr2::req_perform(req1)

  # Prepare for final output re-parsing code again
  parsed_resp <- extract_resp_code(response)
  msg <- NULL

  if ("estado" %in% names(parsed_resp)) {
    parsed_code <- parsed_resp$estado
  } else {
    parsed_code <- parsed_resp

  if ("descripcion" %in% names(parsed_resp)) {
    msg <- parsed_resp$descripcion

  if (parsed_code == 401) {
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- "API Key Not Valid. Try with a new one."

  if (parsed_code != 200) {
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- httr2::resp_header(response, "aemet_mensaje")
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- "Something went wrong"
    warning("HTTP ", parsed_code, ": ", msg)

  msg_count <- httr2::resp_header(response, "Remaining-request-count")
  if (verbose) {
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- httr2::resp_header(response, "aemet_mensaje")
    if (is.null(msg)) msg <- "OK"
    message("HTTP ", parsed_code, ": ", msg)

    if (!is.null(msg_count)) {
      message("Remaining request count: ", msg_count)


Try the climaemet package in your browser

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climaemet documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:18 p.m.