
Defines functions date_count_between.POSIXt date_spanning_seq.POSIXt date_seq.POSIXt date_end.POSIXt date_start.POSIXt date_time_info date_now date_time_build date_shift.POSIXt date_time_parse_RFC_3339 date_time_parse_abbrev date_time_parse_complete date_time_parse check_date_zone_error date_time_set_zone date_time_zone date_format.POSIXt warn_clock_invalid_rounding_origin collect_date_time_rounder_origin date_time_rounder date_round.POSIXt date_ceiling.POSIXt date_floor.POSIXt date_leap_year.POSIXt date_group.POSIXt add_posixt_duration_sys_time_point add_seconds.POSIXt add_minutes.POSIXt add_hours.POSIXt add_posixt_duration_naive_time_point add_days.POSIXt add_weeks.POSIXt add_posixt_duration_year_month_day add_months.POSIXt add_quarters.POSIXt add_years.POSIXt slider_minus.POSIXlt.clock_duration slider_minus.POSIXct.clock_duration slider_plus.POSIXlt.clock_duration slider_plus.POSIXct.clock_duration arith_duration_and_posixt arith_posixt_and_duration vec_arith.clock_duration.POSIXlt vec_arith.POSIXlt.clock_duration vec_arith.clock_duration.POSIXct vec_arith.POSIXct.clock_duration set_posixt_field_year_month_day set_second.POSIXt set_minute.POSIXt set_hour.POSIXt set_day.POSIXt set_month.POSIXt set_year.POSIXt get_posixt_field_year_month_day get_second.POSIXt get_minute.POSIXt get_hour.POSIXt get_day.POSIXt get_month.POSIXt get_year.POSIXt as_date_time.clock_zoned_time as_date_time.clock_naive_time as_date_time.clock_sys_time as_date_time.clock_calendar as_date_time.Date as_date_time.POSIXt as_date_time as.POSIXlt.clock_zoned_time as.POSIXlt.clock_sys_time as.POSIXlt.clock_calendar as.POSIXct.clock_zoned_time as.POSIXct.clock_naive_time as.POSIXct.clock_sys_time as.POSIXct.clock_calendar as_weekday.POSIXt as_year_day.POSIXt as_iso_year_week_day.POSIXt as_year_week_day.POSIXt as_year_quarter_day.POSIXt as_year_month_weekday.POSIXt as_year_month_day.POSIXt as_zoned_time.POSIXt as_naive_time.POSIXt as_sys_time.POSIXt

Documented in add_days.POSIXt add_hours.POSIXt add_minutes.POSIXt add_months.POSIXt add_quarters.POSIXt add_seconds.POSIXt add_weeks.POSIXt add_years.POSIXt as_date_time as_date_time.clock_calendar as_date_time.clock_naive_time as_date_time.clock_sys_time as_date_time.clock_zoned_time as_date_time.Date as_date_time.POSIXt as_zoned_time.POSIXt date_ceiling.POSIXt date_count_between.POSIXt date_end.POSIXt date_floor.POSIXt date_format.POSIXt date_group.POSIXt date_now date_round.POSIXt date_seq.POSIXt date_shift.POSIXt date_start.POSIXt date_time_build date_time_info date_time_parse date_time_parse_abbrev date_time_parse_complete date_time_parse_RFC_3339 date_time_set_zone date_time_zone get_day.POSIXt get_hour.POSIXt get_minute.POSIXt get_month.POSIXt get_second.POSIXt get_year.POSIXt set_day.POSIXt set_hour.POSIXt set_minute.POSIXt set_month.POSIXt set_second.POSIXt set_year.POSIXt

#' @export
as_sys_time.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  # The sys-time that would give the equivalent zoned-time when a zone is attached

#' @export
as_naive_time.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {

#' Convert to a zoned-time from a date-time
#' @description
#' This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the [as_zoned_time()] generic.
#' Converting from one of R's native date-time classes (POSIXct or POSIXlt)
#' will retain the time zone of that object. There is no `zone` argument.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time.
#' @return A zoned-time.
#' @name as-zoned-time-posixt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")
#' as_zoned_time(x)
as_zoned_time.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {

  x <- to_posixct(x)

  names <- names(x)
  zone <- posixt_tzone(x)

  fields <- to_sys_duration_fields_from_sys_seconds_cpp(x)

  new_zoned_time_from_fields(fields, PRECISION_SECOND, zone, names)

#' @export
as_year_month_day.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive -> calendar is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)

#' @export
as_year_month_weekday.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive -> calendar is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)

#' @export
as_year_quarter_day.POSIXt <- function(x, ..., start = NULL) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive -> calendar is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)
  as_year_quarter_day(x, start = start)

#' @export
as_year_week_day.POSIXt <- function(x, ..., start = NULL) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive -> calendar is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)
  as_year_week_day(x, start = start)

#' @export
as_iso_year_week_day.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive -> calendar is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)

#' @export
as_year_day.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive -> calendar is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)

#' @export
as_weekday.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {
  # Assumes zoned -> naive is what the user expects
  x <- as_naive_time(x)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Not using `check_dots_empty()` because that might
# be too aggressive with base generics. Also not passing `...` on to methods
# that do check empty dots. Essentially just silently swallowing them.

# Using `tz = ""` to be compatible with the generic of `as.POSIXct()`.

#' @export
as.POSIXct.clock_calendar <- function(x,
                                      tz = "",
                                      nonexistent = NULL,
                                      ambiguous = NULL) {
  x <- as_naive_time(x)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = tz, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @export
as.POSIXct.clock_sys_time <- function(x, tz = "", ...) {
  x <- as_zoned_time(x, zone = tz)

#' @export
as.POSIXct.clock_naive_time <- function(x,
                                        tz = "",
                                        nonexistent = NULL,
                                        ambiguous = NULL) {
  x <- as_zoned_time(x, zone = tz, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @export
as.POSIXct.clock_zoned_time <- function(x, ...) {
  zone <- zoned_time_zone_attribute(x)

  x <- as_sys_time(x)
  x <- time_point_floor(x, "second")

  seconds <- to_sys_seconds_from_sys_duration_fields_cpp(x)

  names(seconds) <- clock_rcrd_names(x)

  new_datetime(seconds, zone)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
as.POSIXlt.clock_calendar <- function(x,
                                      tz = "",
                                      nonexistent = NULL,
                                      ambiguous = NULL) {
  x <- as.POSIXct(x, tz = tz, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @export
as.POSIXlt.clock_sys_time <- function(x, tz = "", ...) {
  x <- as.POSIXct(x, tz = tz)

#' @export
as.POSIXlt.clock_naive_time <- as.POSIXlt.clock_calendar

#' @export
as.POSIXlt.clock_zoned_time <- function(x, ...) {
  x <- as.POSIXct(x)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Convert to a date-time
#' @description
#' `as_date_time()` is a generic function that converts its input to a date-time
#' (POSIXct).
#' There are methods for converting dates (Date), calendars, time points, and
#' zoned-times to date-times.
#' For converting to a date, see [as_date()].
#' @details
#' Note that clock always assumes that R's Date class is naive, so converting
#' a Date to a POSIXct will always attempt to retain the printed year, month,
#' and day. Where possible, the resulting time will be at midnight (`00:00:00`),
#' but in some rare cases this is not possible due to daylight saving time. If
#' that issue ever arises, an error will be thrown, which can be resolved by
#' explicitly supplying `nonexistent` or `ambiguous`.
#' This is not a drop-in replacement for `as.POSIXct()`, as it only converts a
#' limited set of types to POSIXct. For parsing characters as date-times, see
#' [date_time_parse()]. For converting numerics to date-times, see
#' [vctrs::new_datetime()] or continue to use `as.POSIXct()`.
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[vector]`
#'   A vector.
#' @return A date-time with the same length as `x`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- as.Date("2019-01-01")
#' # `as.POSIXct()` will always treat Date as UTC, but will show the result
#' # of the conversion in your system time zone, which can be somewhat confusing
#' if (rlang::is_installed("withr")) {
#'   withr::with_timezone("UTC", print(as.POSIXct(x)))
#'   withr::with_timezone("Europe/Paris", print(as.POSIXct(x)))
#'   withr::with_timezone("America/New_York", print(as.POSIXct(x)))
#' }
#' # `as_date_time()` will treat Date as naive, which means that the original
#' # printed date will attempt to be kept wherever possible, no matter the
#' # time zone. The time will be set to midnight.
#' as_date_time(x, "UTC")
#' as_date_time(x, "Europe/Paris")
#' as_date_time(x, "America/New_York")
#' # In some rare cases, this is not possible.
#' # For example, in Asia/Beirut, there was a DST gap from
#' # 2021-03-27 23:59:59 -> 2021-03-28 01:00:00,
#' # skipping the 0th hour entirely.
#' x <- as.Date("2021-03-28")
#' try(as_date_time(x, "Asia/Beirut"))
#' # To resolve this, set a `nonexistent` time resolution strategy
#' as_date_time(x, "Asia/Beirut", nonexistent = "roll-forward")
#' # You can also convert to date-time from other clock types
#' as_date_time(year_month_day(2019, 2, 3, 03), "America/New_York")
as_date_time <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_date_time
#' @export
as_date_time.POSIXt <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_date_time
#' @export
as_date_time.Date <- function(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL) {
  as.POSIXct(as_naive_time(x), tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname as_date_time
#' @export
as_date_time.clock_calendar <- function(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL) {
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname as_date_time
#' @export
as_date_time.clock_sys_time <- function(x, zone, ...) {
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone)

#' @rdname as_date_time
#' @export
as_date_time.clock_naive_time <- function(x, zone, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = NULL) {
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname as_date_time
#' @export
as_date_time.clock_zoned_time <- function(x, ...) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Getters: date-time
#' @description
#' These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the [getter generics][clock-getters].
#' - `get_year()` returns the Gregorian year.
#' - `get_month()` returns the month of the year.
#' - `get_day()` returns the day of the month.
#' - There are sub-daily getters for extracting more precise components, up to
#'   a precision of seconds.
#' For more advanced component extraction, convert to the calendar type
#' that you are interested in.
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time type to get the component from.
#' @return The component.
#' @name posixt-getters
#' @examples
#' x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")
#' x <- add_days(x, 0:5)
#' x <- set_second(x, 10:15)
#' get_day(x)
#' get_second(x)

#' @rdname posixt-getters
#' @export
get_year.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  get_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, get_year)
#' @rdname posixt-getters
#' @export
get_month.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  get_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, get_month)
#' @rdname posixt-getters
#' @export
get_day.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  get_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, get_day)
#' @rdname posixt-getters
#' @export
get_hour.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  get_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, get_hour)
#' @rdname posixt-getters
#' @export
get_minute.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  get_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, get_minute)
#' @rdname posixt-getters
#' @export
get_second.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  get_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, get_second)
get_posixt_field_year_month_day <- function(x, get_fn) {
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Setters: date-time
#' @description
#' These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the [setter generics][clock-setters].
#' - `set_year()` sets the year.
#' - `set_month()` sets the month of the year. Valid values are in the range
#'   of `[1, 12]`.
#' - `set_day()` sets the day of the month. Valid values are in the range
#'   of `[1, 31]`.
#' - There are sub-daily setters for setting more precise components, up to
#'   a precision of seconds.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @inheritParams invalid_resolve
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @param value `[integer / "last"]`
#'   The value to set the component to.
#'   For `set_day()`, this can also be `"last"` to set the day to the
#'   last day of the month.
#' @return `x` with the component set.
#' @name posixt-setters
#' @examples
#' x <- as.POSIXct("2019-02-01", tz = "America/New_York")
#' # Set the day
#' set_day(x, 12:14)
#' # Set to the "last" day of the month
#' set_day(x, "last")
#' # You cannot set a date-time to an invalid date like you can with
#' # a year-month-day. Instead, the default strategy is to error.
#' try(set_day(x, 31))
#' set_day(as_year_month_day(x), 31)
#' # You can resolve these issues while setting the day by specifying
#' # an invalid date resolution strategy with `invalid`
#' set_day(x, 31, invalid = "previous")
#' y <- as.POSIXct("2020-03-08 01:30:00", tz = "America/New_York")
#' # Nonexistent and ambiguous times must be resolved immediately when
#' # working with R's native date-time types. An error is thrown by default.
#' try(set_hour(y, 2))
#' set_hour(y, 2, nonexistent = "roll-forward")
#' set_hour(y, 2, nonexistent = "roll-backward")

#' @rdname posixt-setters
#' @export
set_year.POSIXt <- function(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  set_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_year)
#' @rdname posixt-setters
#' @export
set_month.POSIXt <- function(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  set_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_month)
#' @rdname posixt-setters
#' @export
set_day.POSIXt <- function(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  set_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_day)
#' @rdname posixt-setters
#' @export
set_hour.POSIXt <- function(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  set_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_hour)
#' @rdname posixt-setters
#' @export
set_minute.POSIXt <- function(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  set_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_minute)
#' @rdname posixt-setters
#' @export
set_second.POSIXt <- function(x, value, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  set_posixt_field_year_month_day(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_second)
set_posixt_field_year_month_day <- function(x, value, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, set_fn) {
  zone <- posixt_tzone(x)
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)
  x <- set_fn(x, value)
  x <- invalid_resolve(x, invalid = invalid)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @method vec_arith.POSIXct clock_duration
#' @export
vec_arith.POSIXct.clock_duration <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_posixt_and_duration(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_duration POSIXct
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_duration.POSIXct <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_duration_and_posixt(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.POSIXlt clock_duration
#' @export
vec_arith.POSIXlt.clock_duration <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_posixt_and_duration(op, x, y, ...)

#' @method vec_arith.clock_duration POSIXlt
#' @export
vec_arith.clock_duration.POSIXlt <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
  arith_duration_and_posixt(op, x, y, ...)

arith_posixt_and_duration <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
    "+" = add_duration(x, y),
    "-" = add_duration(x, -y),
    stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y, ...)

arith_duration_and_posixt <- function(op, x, y, ...) {
    "+" = add_duration(y, x, swapped = TRUE),
    "-" = stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y, details = "Can't subtract a POSIXct/POSIXlt from a duration.", ...),
    stop_incompatible_op(op, x, y, ...)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# @export - .onLoad()
slider_plus.POSIXct.clock_duration <- function(x, y) {
  vec_arith("+", x, y)

# @export - .onLoad()
slider_plus.POSIXlt.clock_duration <- function(x, y) {
  vec_arith("+", x, y)

# @export - .onLoad()
slider_minus.POSIXct.clock_duration <- function(x, y) {
  vec_arith("-", x, y)

# @export - .onLoad()
slider_minus.POSIXlt.clock_duration <- function(x, y) {
  vec_arith("-", x, y)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Arithmetic: date-time
#' @description
#' These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the
#' [arithmetic generics][clock-arithmetic].
#' Calendrical based arithmetic:
#' These functions convert to a naive-time, then to a year-month-day, perform
#' the arithmetic, then convert back to a date-time.
#' - `add_years()`
#' - `add_quarters()`
#' - `add_months()`
#' Naive-time based arithmetic:
#' These functions convert to a naive-time, perform the arithmetic, then
#' convert back to a date-time.
#' - `add_weeks()`
#' - `add_days()`
#' Sys-time based arithmetic:
#' These functions convert to a sys-time, perform the arithmetic, then
#' convert back to a date-time.
#' - `add_hours()`
#' - `add_minutes()`
#' - `add_seconds()`
#' @details
#' Adding a single quarter with `add_quarters()` is equivalent to adding
#' 3 months.
#' `x` and `n` are recycled against each other using
#' [tidyverse recycling rules][vctrs::vector_recycling_rules].
#' Calendrical based arithmetic has the potential to generate invalid dates
#' (like the 31st of February), nonexistent times (due to daylight saving
#' time gaps), and ambiguous times (due to daylight saving time fallbacks).
#' Naive-time based arithmetic will never generate an invalid date, but
#' may generate a nonexistent or ambiguous time (i.e. you added 1 day and
#' landed in a daylight saving time gap).
#' Sys-time based arithmetic operates in the UTC time zone, which means
#' that it will never generate any invalid dates or nonexistent / ambiguous
#' times.
#' The conversion from POSIXct/POSIXlt to the corresponding clock type uses
#' a "best guess" about whether you want to do the arithmetic using a naive-time
#' or a sys-time. For example, when adding months, you probably want to
#' retain the printed time when converting to a year-month-day to perform
#' the arithmetic, so the conversion goes through naive-time. However,
#' when adding smaller units like seconds, you probably want
#' `"2020-03-08 01:59:59" + 1 second` in the America/New_York time zone to
#' return `"2020-03-08 03:00:00"`, taking into account the fact that there
#' was a daylight saving time gap. This requires doing the arithmetic in
#' sys-time, so that is what clock converts to. If you disagree with this
#' heuristic for any reason, you can take control and perform the conversions
#' yourself. For example, you could convert the previous example to a
#' naive-time instead of a sys-time manually with [as_naive_time()], add
#' 1 second giving `"2020-03-08 02:00:00"`, then convert back to a
#' POSIXct/POSIXlt, dealing with the nonexistent time that gets created by
#' using the `nonexistent` argument of `as.POSIXct()`.
#' @section Relative ordering:
#' For the most part, adding time based units to date-times will retain the
#' relative ordering of the input. For example, if `x[1] < x[2]` before the
#' `add_*()` call, then it is generally also true of the result. Using
#' `invalid = "previous" / "next"` and
#' `nonexistent = "roll-forward" / "roll-backward"` ensures that this holds
#' when invalid and nonexistent issues are encountered.
#' That said, with date-times there is an edge case related to ambiguous times
#' where the relative ordering could change. Consider these three date-times:
#' ```{r}
#' x <- c(
#'   date_time_build(2012, 4, 1, 2, 30, zone = "Australia/Melbourne", ambiguous = "earliest"),
#'   date_time_build(2012, 4, 1, 2, 00, zone = "Australia/Melbourne", ambiguous = "latest"),
#'   date_time_build(2012, 4, 1, 2, 30, zone = "Australia/Melbourne", ambiguous = "latest")
#' )
#' x
#' ```
#' In this case, there was a daylight saving time fallback on `2012-04-01`
#' where the clocks went from `02:59:59 AEDT -> 02:00:00 AEST`. So the times
#' above are precisely 30 minutes apart, and they are in increasing order.
#' If we add sys-time based units like hours, minutes, or seconds, then the
#' relative ordering of these date-times will be preserved. However, arithmetic
#' that goes through naive-time, like adding days or months, won't preserve
#' the ordering here:
#' ```{r}
#' add_days(x, 1)
#' add_months(x, 1)
#' ```
#' Note that the 1st and 3rd values of the result are the same, and the 1st
#' value is no longer before the 2nd value.
#' Adding larger units of time in naive-time generally does make more sense
#' than adding it in sys-time, but it does come with this one edge case to be
#' aware of when working with date-times (this does not affect dates). If this
#' has the potential to be an issue, consider only adding sys-time based units
#' (hours, minutes, and seconds) which can't have these issues.
#' @inheritParams clock-arithmetic
#' @inheritParams invalid_resolve
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @return `x` after performing the arithmetic.
#' @name posixt-arithmetic
#' @examples
#' x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", tz = "America/New_York")
#' add_years(x, 1:5)
#' y <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-31 00:30:00", tz = "America/New_York")
#' # Adding 1 month to `y` generates an invalid date. Unlike year-month-day
#' # types, R's native date-time types cannot handle invalid dates, so you must
#' # resolve them immediately. If you don't you get an error:
#' try(add_months(y, 1:2))
#' add_months(as_year_month_day(y), 1:2)
#' # Resolve invalid dates by specifying an invalid date resolution strategy
#' # with the `invalid` argument. Using `"previous"` here sets the date-time to
#' # the previous valid moment in time - i.e. the end of the month. The
#' # time is set to the last moment in the day to retain the relative ordering
#' # within your input. If you are okay with potentially losing this, and
#' # want to retain your time of day, you can use `"previous-day"` to set the
#' # date-time to the previous valid day, while keeping the time of day.
#' add_months(y, 1:2, invalid = "previous")
#' add_months(y, 1:2, invalid = "previous-day")

#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_years.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  add_posixt_duration_year_month_day(x, n, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_years)
#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_quarters.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  add_posixt_duration_year_month_day(x, n, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_quarters)
#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_months.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ..., invalid = NULL, nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  add_posixt_duration_year_month_day(x, n, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_months)
add_posixt_duration_year_month_day <- function(x, n, invalid, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_fn) {
  zone <- posixt_tzone(x)
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)
  x <- add_fn(x, n)
  x <- invalid_resolve(x, invalid = invalid)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_weeks.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  add_posixt_duration_naive_time_point(x, n, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_weeks)
#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_days.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ..., nonexistent = NULL, ambiguous = x) {
  add_posixt_duration_naive_time_point(x, n, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_days)
add_posixt_duration_naive_time_point <- function(x, n, nonexistent, ambiguous, add_fn) {
  zone <- posixt_tzone(x)
  x <- as_naive_time(x)
  x <- add_fn(x, n)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_hours.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ...) {
  add_posixt_duration_sys_time_point(x, n, add_hours)
#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_minutes.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ...) {
  add_posixt_duration_sys_time_point(x, n, add_minutes)
#' @rdname posixt-arithmetic
#' @export
add_seconds.POSIXt <- function(x, n, ...) {
  add_posixt_duration_sys_time_point(x, n, add_seconds)
add_posixt_duration_sys_time_point <- function(x, n, add_fn) {
  zone <- posixt_tzone(x)
  x <- as_sys_time(x)
  x <- add_fn(x, n)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Group date-time components
#' @description
#' This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the [date_group()] generic.
#' `date_group()` groups by a single component of a date-time, such as month
#' of the year, day of the month, or hour of the day.
#' If you need to group by more complex components, like ISO weeks, or quarters,
#' convert to a calendar type that contains the component you are interested
#' in grouping by.
#' @inheritParams date_group
#' @inheritParams invalid_resolve
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   One of:
#'   - `"year"`
#'   - `"month"`
#'   - `"day"`
#'   - `"hour"`
#'   - `"minute"`
#'   - `"second"`
#' @return `x`, grouped at `precision`.
#' @name posixt-group
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- as.POSIXct("2019-01-01", "America/New_York")
#' x <- add_days(x, -3:5)
#' # Group by 2 days of the current month.
#' # Note that this resets at the beginning of the month, creating day groups
#' # of [29, 30] [31] [01, 02] [03, 04].
#' date_group(x, "day", n = 2)
#' # Group by month
#' date_group(x, "month")
#' # Group by hour of the day
#' y <- as.POSIXct("2019-12-30", "America/New_York")
#' y <- add_hours(y, 0:12)
#' y
#' date_group(y, "hour", n = 3)
date_group.POSIXt <- function(x,
                              n = 1L,
                              invalid = NULL,
                              nonexistent = NULL,
                              ambiguous = x) {
  zone <- date_time_zone(x)
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)
  x <- calendar_group(x, precision, n = n)
  x <- calendar_widen(x, "second")
  as.POSIXct(x, zone, invalid = invalid, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
date_leap_year.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Rounding: date-time
#' @description
#' These are POSIXct/POSIXlt methods for the
#' [rounding generics][date-and-date-time-rounding].
#' - `date_floor()` rounds a date-time down to a multiple of
#'   the specified `precision`.
#' - `date_ceiling()` rounds a date-time up to a multiple of
#'   the specified `precision`.
#' - `date_round()` rounds up or down depending on what is closer,
#'   rounding up on ties.
#' You can group by irregular periods such as `"month"` or `"year"` by using
#' [date_group()].
#' @details
#' When rounding by `"week"`, remember that the `origin` determines the "week
#' start". By default, 1970-01-01 is the implicit origin, which is a
#' Thursday. If you would like to round by weeks with a different week start,
#' just supply an origin on the weekday you are interested in.
#' @inheritParams date_floor
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   One of:
#'   - `"week"`
#'   - `"day"`
#'   - `"hour"`
#'   - `"minute"`
#'   - `"second"`
#'   `"week"` is an alias for `"day"` with `n * 7`.
#' @param origin `[POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1) / NULL]`
#'   An origin to start counting from.
#'   `origin` must have exactly the same time zone as `x`.
#'   `origin` will be floored to `precision`. If information is lost when
#'   flooring, a warning will be thrown.
#'   If `NULL`, defaults to midnight on 1970-01-01 in the time zone of `x`.
#' @return `x` rounded to the specified `precision`.
#' @name posixt-rounding
#' @examples
#' x <- as.POSIXct("2019-03-31", "America/New_York")
#' x <- add_days(x, 0:5)
#' # Flooring by 2 days, note that this is not tied to the current month,
#' # and instead counts from the specified `origin`, so groups can cross
#' # the month boundary
#' date_floor(x, "day", n = 2)
#' # Compare to `date_group()`, which groups by the day of the month
#' date_group(x, "day", n = 2)
#' # Note that daylight saving time gaps can throw off rounding
#' x <- as.POSIXct("1970-04-26 01:59:59", "America/New_York") + c(0, 1)
#' x
#' # Rounding is done in naive-time, which means that rounding by 2 hours
#' # will attempt to generate a time of 1970-04-26 02:00:00, which doesn't
#' # exist in this time zone
#' try(date_floor(x, "hour", n = 2))
#' # You can handle this by specifying a nonexistent time resolution strategy
#' date_floor(x, "hour", n = 2, nonexistent = "roll-forward")

#' @rdname posixt-rounding
#' @export
date_floor.POSIXt <- function(x,
                              n = 1L,
                              origin = NULL,
                              nonexistent = NULL,
                              ambiguous = x) {
  date_time_rounder(x, precision, n, origin, nonexistent, ambiguous, time_point_floor)

#' @rdname posixt-rounding
#' @export
date_ceiling.POSIXt <- function(x,
                                n = 1L,
                                origin = NULL,
                                nonexistent = NULL,
                                ambiguous = x) {
  date_time_rounder(x, precision, n, origin, nonexistent, ambiguous, time_point_ceiling)

#' @rdname posixt-rounding
#' @export
date_round.POSIXt <- function(x,
                              n = 1L,
                              origin = NULL,
                              nonexistent = NULL,
                              ambiguous = x) {
  date_time_rounder(x, precision, n, origin, nonexistent, ambiguous, time_point_round)

date_time_rounder <- function(x,
                              error_call = caller_env()) {

  result <- tweak_date_rounder_precision(precision, n)
  precision <- result$precision
  n <- result$n

  zone <- date_time_zone(x)

  x <- as_naive_time(x)

  if (!is_null(origin)) {
    origin <- collect_date_time_rounder_origin(origin, zone, precision, error_call = error_call)

  x <- time_point_rounder(x, precision, n = n, origin = origin)

  as.POSIXct(x, zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

collect_date_time_rounder_origin <- function(origin, zone, precision, error_call) {
  check_posixt(origin, call = error_call)

  origin <- to_posixct(origin)

  vec_check_size(origin, 1L, call = error_call)
  check_no_missing(origin, call = error_call)

  if (is.infinite(origin)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg origin} can't be an infinite date.", call = error_call)

  if (!identical(date_time_zone(origin), zone)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.arg origin} must have the same time zone as {.arg x}.", call = error_call)

  origin <- as_naive_time(origin)

  # Floor to match the precision of `precision`
  origin_old <- origin
  origin <- time_point_floor(origin, precision)

  # If we lost information while flooring, let the user know
  if (origin_old != time_point_cast(origin, "second")) {


warn_clock_invalid_rounding_origin <- function(precision) {
  message <- paste0(
    "{.arg origin} has been floored from {.str second} precision to {.str {precision}} ",
    "precision to match {.arg precision}. This floor has resulted in a loss of information."
  message <- cli::format_inline(message)

  rlang::warn(message, class = "clock_warning_invalid_rounding_origin")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Formatting: date-time
#' @description
#' This is a POSIXct method for the [date_format()] generic.
#' `date_format()` formats a date-time (POSIXct) using a `format` string.
#' If `format` is `NULL`, a default format of `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]"` is
#' used. This matches the default format that [date_time_parse_complete()]
#' parses. Additionally, this format matches the de-facto standard extension to
#' RFC 3339 for creating completely unambiguous date-times.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @inheritParams format.clock_zoned_time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @return A character vector of the formatted input.
#' @name posixt-formatting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- date_time_parse(
#'   c("1970-04-26 01:30:00", "1970-04-26 03:30:00"),
#'   zone = "America/New_York"
#' )
#' # Default
#' date_format(x)
#' # Which is parseable by `date_time_parse_complete()`
#' date_time_parse_complete(date_format(x))
#' date_format(x, format = "%B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S")
#' # By default, `%Z` uses the full zone name, but you can switch to the
#' # abbreviated name
#' date_format(x, format = "%z %Z")
#' date_format(x, format = "%z %Z", abbreviate_zone = TRUE)
date_format.POSIXt <- function(x,
                               format = NULL,
                               locale = clock_locale(),
                               abbreviate_zone = FALSE) {
  x <- as_zoned_time(x)
  format(x, format = format, locale = locale, abbreviate_zone = abbreviate_zone)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Get or set the time zone
#' @description
#' - `date_time_zone()` gets the time zone.
#' - `date_time_set_zone()` sets the time zone. This retains the _underlying
#' duration_, but changes the _printed time_ depending on the zone that is
#' chosen.
#' @details
#' This function is only valid for date-times, as clock treats R's Date class as
#' a _naive_ type, which always has a yet-to-be-specified time zone.
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @param zone `[character(1)]`
#'   A valid time zone to switch to.
#' @return
#' - `date_time_zone()` returns a string containing the time zone.
#' - `date_time_set_zone()` returns `x` with an altered printed time. The
#' underlying duration is not changed.
#' @name date-time-zone
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' # Cannot set or get the zone of Date.
#' # clock assumes that Dates are naive types, like naive-time.
#' x <- date_parse("2019-01-01")
#' try(date_time_zone(x))
#' try(date_time_set_zone(x, "America/New_York"))
#' x <- date_time_parse("2019-01-02 01:30:00", "America/New_York")
#' x
#' date_time_zone(x)
#' # If it is 1:30am in New York, what time is it in Los Angeles?
#' # Same underlying duration, new printed time
#' date_time_set_zone(x, "America/Los_Angeles")
#' # If you want to retain the printed time, but change the underlying duration,
#' # convert to a naive-time to drop the time zone, then convert back to a
#' # date-time. Be aware that this requires that you handle daylight saving time
#' # irregularities with the `nonexistent` and `ambiguous` arguments to
#' # `as_date_time()`!
#' x %>%
#'   as_naive_time() %>%
#'   as_date_time("America/Los_Angeles")
#' y <- date_time_parse("2021-03-28 03:30:00", "America/New_York")
#' y
#' y_nt <- as_naive_time(y)
#' y_nt
#' # Helsinki had a daylight saving time gap where they jumped from
#' # 02:59:59 -> 04:00:00
#' try(as_date_time(y_nt, "Europe/Helsinki"))
#' as_date_time(y_nt, "Europe/Helsinki", nonexistent = "roll-forward")
#' as_date_time(y_nt, "Europe/Helsinki", nonexistent = "roll-backward")

#' @rdname date-time-zone
#' @export
date_time_zone <- function(x) {

#' @rdname date-time-zone
#' @export
date_time_set_zone <- function(x, zone) {
  x <- to_posixct(x)
  posixt_set_tzone(x, zone)

check_date_zone_error <- function(x,
                                  arg = caller_arg(x),
                                  call = caller_env()) {
  if (!is_date(x)) {

  message <- c(
    "{.arg {arg}} can't be a {.cls Date}.",
    i = "{.cls Date} is considered a naive time with an unspecified time zone.",
    i = "Time zones can only be get or set for date-times ({.cls POSIXct} or {.cls POSIXlt})."

  cli::cli_abort(message, call = call)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Parsing: date-time
#' @description
#' There are four parsers for parsing strings into POSIXct date-times,
#' `date_time_parse()`, `date_time_parse_complete()`,
#' `date_time_parse_abbrev()`, and `date_time_parse_RFC_3339()`.
#' ## date_time_parse()
#' `date_time_parse()` is useful for strings like `"2019-01-01 00:00:00"`, where
#' the UTC offset and full time zone name are not present in the string. The
#' string is first parsed as a naive-time without any time zone assumptions, and
#' is then converted to a POSIXct with the supplied `zone`.
#' Because converting from naive-time to POSIXct may result in nonexistent or
#' ambiguous times due to daylight saving time, these must be resolved
#' explicitly with the `nonexistent` and `ambiguous` arguments.
#' `date_time_parse()` completely ignores the `%z` and `%Z` commands. The only
#' time zone specific information that is used is the `zone`.
#' The default `format` used is `"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`. This matches the default
#' result from calling `format()` on a POSIXct date-time.
#' ## date_time_parse_complete()
#' `date_time_parse_complete()` is a parser for _complete_ date-time strings,
#' like `"2019-01-01T00:00:00-05:00[America/New_York]"`. A complete date-time
#' string has both the time zone offset and full time zone name in the string,
#' which is the only way for the string itself to contain all of the information
#' required to unambiguously construct a zoned-time. Because of this,
#' `date_time_parse_complete()` requires both the `%z` and `%Z` commands to be
#' supplied in the `format` string.
#' The default `format` used is `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Ez[%Z]"`. This matches the
#' default result from calling `date_format()` on a POSIXct date-time.
#' Additionally, this format matches the de-facto standard extension to RFC 3339
#' for creating completely unambiguous date-times.
#' ## date_time_parse_abbrev()
#' `date_time_parse_abbrev()` is a parser for date-time strings containing only
#' a time zone abbreviation, like `"2019-01-01 00:00:00 EST"`. The time zone
#' abbreviation is not enough to identify the full time zone name that the
#' date-time belongs to, so the full time zone name must be supplied as the
#' `zone` argument. However, the time zone abbreviation can help with resolving
#' ambiguity around daylight saving time fallbacks.
#' For `date_time_parse_abbrev()`, `%Z` must be supplied and is interpreted as
#' the time zone abbreviation rather than the full time zone name.
#' If used, the `%z` command must parse correctly, but its value will be
#' completely ignored.
#' The default `format` used is `"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"`. This matches the
#' default result from calling `print()` or `format(usetz = TRUE)` on a POSIXct
#' date-time.
#' ## date_time_parse_RFC_3339()
#' `date_time_parse_RFC_3339()` is a parser for date-time strings in the
#' extremely common date-time format outlined by [RFC
#' 3339](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339). This document outlines
#' a profile of the ISO 8601 format that is even more restrictive, but
#' corresponds to the most common formats that are likely to be used in
#' internet protocols (i.e. through APIs).
#' In particular, this function is intended to parse the following three
#' formats:
#' ```
#' 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
#' 2019-01-01T00:00:00+0430
#' 2019-01-01T00:00:00+04:30
#' ```
#' This function defaults to parsing the first of these formats by using
#' a format string of `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"`.
#' If your date-time strings use offsets from UTC rather than `"Z"`, then set
#' `offset` to one of the following:
#' - `"%z"` if the offset is of the form `"+0430"`.
#' - `"%Ez"` if the offset is of the form `"+04:30"`.
#' The RFC 3339 standard allows for replacing the `"T"` with a `"t"` or a space
#' (`" "`). Set `separator` to adjust this as needed.
#' The date-times returned by this function will always be in the UTC time zone.
#' @details
#' If `date_time_parse_complete()` is given input that is length zero, all
#' `NA`s, or completely fails to parse, then no time zone will be able to be
#' determined. In that case, the result will use `"UTC"`.
#' If you have strings with sub-second components, then these date-time parsers
#' are not appropriate for you. Remember that clock treats POSIXct as a second
#' precision type, so parsing a string with fractional seconds directly into a
#' POSIXct is ambiguous and undefined. Instead, fully parse the string,
#' including its fractional seconds, into a clock type that can handle it, such
#' as a naive-time with [naive_time_parse()], then round to seconds with
#' whatever rounding convention is appropriate for your use case, such as
#' [time_point_floor()], and finally convert that to POSIXct with
#' [as_date_time()]. This gives you complete control over how the fractional
#' seconds are handled when converting to POSIXct.
#' @inheritParams zoned-parsing
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @inheritParams sys-parsing
#' @return A POSIXct.
#' @name date-time-parse
#' @examples
#' # Parse with a known `zone`, even though that information isn't in the string
#' date_time_parse("2020-01-01 05:06:07", "America/New_York")
#' # Same time as above, except this is a completely unambiguous parse that
#' # doesn't require a `zone` argument, because the zone name and offset are
#' # both present in the string
#' date_time_parse_complete("2020-01-01T05:06:07-05:00[America/New_York]")
#' # Only day components
#' date_time_parse("2020-01-01", "America/New_York", format = "%Y-%m-%d")
#' # `date_time_parse()` may have issues with ambiguous times due to daylight
#' # saving time fallbacks. For example, there were two 1'oclock hours here:
#' x <- date_time_parse("1970-10-25 00:59:59", "America/New_York")
#' # First (earliest) 1'oclock hour
#' add_seconds(x, 1)
#' # Second (latest) 1'oclock hour
#' add_seconds(x, 3601)
#' # If you try to parse this ambiguous time directly, you'll get an error:
#' ambiguous_time <- "1970-10-25 01:00:00"
#' try(date_time_parse(ambiguous_time, "America/New_York"))
#' # Resolve it by specifying whether you'd like to use the
#' # `earliest` or `latest` of the two possible times
#' date_time_parse(ambiguous_time, "America/New_York", ambiguous = "earliest")
#' date_time_parse(ambiguous_time, "America/New_York", ambiguous = "latest")
#' # `date_time_parse_complete()` doesn't have these issues, as it requires
#' # that the offset and zone name are both in the string, which resolves
#' # the ambiguity
#' complete_times <- c(
#'   "1970-10-25T01:00:00-04:00[America/New_York]",
#'   "1970-10-25T01:00:00-05:00[America/New_York]"
#' )
#' date_time_parse_complete(complete_times)
#' # `date_time_parse_abbrev()` also doesn't have these issues, since it
#' # uses the time zone abbreviation name to resolve the ambiguity
#' abbrev_times <- c(
#'   "1970-10-25 01:00:00 EDT",
#'   "1970-10-25 01:00:00 EST"
#' )
#' date_time_parse_abbrev(abbrev_times, "America/New_York")
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # RFC 3339
#' # Typical UTC format
#' x <- "2019-01-01T00:01:02Z"
#' date_time_parse_RFC_3339(x)
#' # With a UTC offset containing a `:`
#' x <- "2019-01-01T00:01:02+02:30"
#' date_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, offset = "%Ez")
#' # With a space between the date and time and no `:` in the offset
#' x <- "2019-01-01 00:01:02+0230"
#' date_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, separator = " ", offset = "%z")
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Sub-second components
#' # If you have a string with sub-second components, but only require up to
#' # seconds, first parse them into a clock type that can handle sub-seconds to
#' # fully capture that information, then round using whatever convention is
#' # required for your use case before converting to a date-time.
#' x <- c("2019-01-01T00:00:01.1", "2019-01-01T00:00:01.78")
#' x <- naive_time_parse(x, precision = "millisecond")
#' x
#' time_point_floor(x, "second")
#' time_point_round(x, "second")
#' as_date_time(time_point_round(x, "second"), "America/New_York")

#' @rdname date-time-parse
#' @export
date_time_parse <- function(x,
                            format = NULL,
                            locale = clock_locale(),
                            nonexistent = NULL,
                            ambiguous = NULL) {

  if (is_null(format)) {
    # Default format for `date_time_parse()` doesn't have the `T`, unlike
    # default format for `naive_time_parse()`. This is intended to parse the
    # format returned by `format(<POSIXct>)` by default.
    format <- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

  x <- naive_time_parse(x, format = format, precision = "second", locale = locale)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname date-time-parse
#' @export
date_time_parse_complete <- function(x, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale()) {
  x <- zoned_time_parse_complete(x, format = format, precision = "second", locale = locale)

#' @rdname date-time-parse
#' @export
date_time_parse_abbrev <- function(x, zone, ..., format = NULL, locale = clock_locale()) {
  x <- zoned_time_parse_abbrev(x, zone, format = format, precision = "second", locale = locale)

#' @rdname date-time-parse
#' @export
date_time_parse_RFC_3339 <- function(x,
                                     separator = "T",
                                     offset = "Z") {
  x <- sys_time_parse_RFC_3339(x, separator = separator, offset = offset, precision = "second")
  # Hard-code UTC because we don't allow optional `zone` arguments that have a
  # default anywhere else in the package. It seems like it would be bad practice
  # to have one here, since parsed RFC 3339 strings should probably always be
  # interpreted as UTC.
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = "UTC")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Shifting: date and date-time
#' @description
#' `date_shift()` shifts `x` to the `target` weekday. You can shift to the next
#' or previous weekday. If `x` is currently on the `target` weekday, you can
#' choose to leave it alone or advance it to the next instance of the `target`.
#' Shifting with date-times retains the time of day where possible. Be aware
#' that you can run into daylight saving time issues if you shift into a
#' daylight saving time gap or fallback period.
#' @inheritParams time_point_shift
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @return `x` shifted to the `target` weekday.
#' @name posixt-shifting
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tuesday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$tuesday)
#' x <- as.POSIXct("1970-04-22 02:30:00", "America/New_York")
#' # Shift to the next Tuesday
#' date_shift(x, tuesday)
#' # Be aware that you can run into daylight saving time issues!
#' # Here we shift directly into a daylight saving time gap
#' # from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
#' sunday <- weekday(clock_weekdays$sunday)
#' try(date_shift(x, sunday))
#' # You can resolve this with the `nonexistent` argument
#' date_shift(x, sunday, nonexistent = "roll-forward")
date_shift.POSIXt <- function(x,
                              which = "next",
                              boundary = "keep",
                              nonexistent = NULL,
                              ambiguous = x) {
  zone <- date_time_zone(x)
  x <- as_naive_time(x)
  x <- time_point_shift(x, target, which = which, boundary = boundary)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Building: date-time
#' @description
#' `date_time_build()` builds a POSIXct from it's individual components.
#' To build a POSIXct, it is required that you specify the `zone`.
#' @details
#' Components are recycled against each other using
#' [tidyverse recycling rules][vctrs::vector_recycling_rules].
#' @inheritParams invalid_resolve
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param year `[integer]`
#'   The year. Values `[-32767, 32767]` are generally allowed.
#' @param month `[integer]`
#'   The month. Values `[1, 12]` are allowed.
#' @param day `[integer / "last"]`
#'   The day of the month. Values `[1, 31]` are allowed.
#'   If `"last"`, then the last day of the month is returned.
#' @param hour `[integer]`
#'   The hour. Values `[0, 23]` are allowed.
#' @param minute `[integer]`
#'   The minute. Values `[0, 59]` are allowed.
#' @param second `[integer]`
#'   The second. Values `[0, 59]` are allowed.
#' @param zone `[character(1)]`
#'   A valid time zone name.
#'   This argument is required, and must be specified by name.
#' @return A POSIXct.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # The zone argument is required!
#' # clock always requires you to be explicit about your choice of `zone`.
#' try(date_time_build(2020))
#' date_time_build(2020, zone = "America/New_York")
#' # Nonexistent time due to daylight saving time gap from 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
#' try(date_time_build(1970, 4, 26, 1:12, 30, zone = "America/New_York"))
#' # Resolve with a nonexistent time resolution strategy
#' date_time_build(
#'   1970, 4, 26, 1:12, 30,
#'   zone = "America/New_York",
#'   nonexistent = "roll-forward"
#' )
date_time_build <- function(year,
                            month = 1L,
                            day = 1L,
                            hour = 0L,
                            minute = 0L,
                            second = 0L,
                            invalid = NULL,
                            nonexistent = NULL,
                            ambiguous = NULL) {

  if (is_missing(zone)) {
    abort("`zone` must be supplied.")

  x <- year_month_day(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
  x <- invalid_resolve(x, invalid = invalid)
  as.POSIXct(x, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname date-today
#' @export
date_now <- function(zone) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Info: date-time
#' @description
#' `date_time_info()` retrieves a set of low-level information generally not
#' required for most date-time manipulations. It returns a data frame with the
#' same columns as [sys_time_info()], but the `begin` and `end` columns are
#' date-times with the same time zone as `x`, and the `offset` column is an
#' integer rather than a second based [duration][duration_seconds()] column
#' since this is part of the high-level API.
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time.
#' @return A data frame of low level information.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- date_time_build(
#'   2021, 03, 14, c(01, 03), c(59, 00), c(59, 00),
#'   zone = "America/New_York"
#' )
#' # x[1] is in EST, x[2] is in EDT
#' x
#' info <- date_time_info(x)
#' info
#' # `end` can be used to iterate through daylight saving time transitions
#' date_time_info(info$end)
date_time_info <- function(x) {

  x <- as_zoned_time(x)

  out <- zoned_time_info(x)
  out$begin <- as.POSIXct(out$begin)
  out$end <- as.POSIXct(out$end)
  out$offset <- as.integer(out$offset)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Boundaries: date-time
#' @description
#' This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the [date_start()] and [date_end()]
#' generics.
#' @inheritParams date_group
#' @inheritParams invalid_resolve
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param x `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A date-time vector.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   One of:
#'   - `"year"`
#'   - `"month"`
#'   - `"day"`
#'   - `"hour"`
#'   - `"minute"`
#'   - `"second"`
#' @return `x` but with some components altered to be at the boundary value.
#' @name posixt-boundary
#' @examples
#' x <- date_time_build(2019:2021, 2:4, 3:5, 4, 5, 6, zone = "America/New_York")
#' x
#' # Last moment of the month
#' date_end(x, "month")
#' # Notice that this is different from just setting the day to `"last"`
#' set_day(x, "last")
#' # Last moment of the year
#' date_end(x, "year")
#' # First moment of the hour
#' date_start(x, "hour")

#' @rdname posixt-boundary
#' @export
date_start.POSIXt <- function(x,
                              invalid = NULL,
                              nonexistent = NULL,
                              ambiguous = x) {
  zone <- date_time_zone(x)
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)
  x <- calendar_start(x, precision)
  as.POSIXct(x, zone, invalid = invalid, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

#' @rdname posixt-boundary
#' @export
date_end.POSIXt <- function(x,
                            invalid = NULL,
                            nonexistent = NULL,
                            ambiguous = x) {
  zone <- date_time_zone(x)
  x <- as_year_month_day(x)
  x <- calendar_end(x, precision)
  as.POSIXct(x, zone, invalid = invalid, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Sequences: date-time
#' @description
#' This is a POSIXct method for the [date_seq()] generic.
#' `date_seq()` generates a date-time (POSIXct) sequence.
#' When calling `date_seq()`, exactly two of the following must be specified:
#' - `to`
#' - `by`
#' - `total_size`
#' @section Sequence Generation:
#' Different methods are used to generate the sequences, depending on the
#' precision implied by `by`. They are intended to generate the most intuitive
#' sequences, especially around daylight saving time gaps and fallbacks.
#' See the examples for more details.
#' ## Calendrical based sequences:
#' These convert to a naive-time, then to a year-month-day, generate
#' the sequence, then convert back to a date-time.
#' - `by = duration_years()`
#' - `by = duration_quarters()`
#' - `by = duration_months()`
#' ## Naive-time based sequences:
#' These convert to a naive-time, generate the sequence, then
#' convert back to a date-time.
#' - `by = duration_weeks()`
#' - `by = duration_days()`
#' ## Sys-time based sequences:
#' These convert to a sys-time, generate the sequence, then
#' convert back to a date-time.
#' - `by = duration_hours()`
#' - `by = duration_minutes()`
#' - `by = duration_seconds()`
#' @inheritParams date_seq
#' @inheritParams invalid_resolve
#' @inheritParams as-zoned-time-naive-time
#' @param from `[POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1)]`
#'   A date-time to start the sequence from.
#' @param to `[POSIXct(1) / POSIXlt(1) / NULL]`
#'   A date-time to stop the sequence at.
#'   `to` is only included in the result if the resulting sequence divides
#'   the distance between `from` and `to` exactly.
#'   If `to` is supplied along with `by`, all components of `to` more precise
#'   than the precision of `by` must match `from` exactly. For example, if `by =
#'   duration_months(1)`, the day, hour, minute, and second components of `to`
#'   must match the corresponding components of `from`. This ensures that the
#'   generated sequence is, at a minimum, a weakly monotonic sequence of
#'   date-times.
#'   The time zone of `to` must match the time zone of `from` exactly.
#' @param by `[integer(1) / clock_duration(1) / NULL]`
#'   The unit to increment the sequence by.
#'   If `by` is an integer, it is equivalent to `duration_seconds(by)`.
#'   If `by` is a duration, it is allowed to have a precision of:
#'   - year
#'   - quarter
#'   - month
#'   - week
#'   - day
#'   - hour
#'   - minute
#'   - second
#' @return A date-time vector.
#' @name posixt-sequence
#' @export
#' @examples
#' zone <- "America/New_York"
#' from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, zone = zone)
#' to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, second = 50, zone = zone)
#' # Defaults to second precision sequence
#' date_seq(from, to = to, by = 7)
#' to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 5, zone = zone)
#' # Use durations to change to alternative precisions
#' date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_days(1))
#' date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_hours(10))
#' date_seq(from, by = duration_minutes(-2), total_size = 3)
#' # Note that components of `to` more precise than the precision of `by`
#' # must match `from` exactly. For example, this is not well defined:
#' from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 0, 1, 30, zone = zone)
#' to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 5, 2, 20, zone = zone)
#' try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_hours(1)))
#' # The minute and second components of `to` must match `from`
#' to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 5, 1, 30, zone = zone)
#' date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_hours(1))
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Invalid dates must be resolved with the `invalid` argument
#' from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 31, zone = zone)
#' to <- date_time_build(2019, 12, 31, zone = zone)
#' try(date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1)))
#' date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "previous-day")
#' # Compare this to the base R result, which is often a source of confusion
#' seq(from, to = to, by = "1 month")
#' # This is equivalent to the overflow invalid resolution strategy
#' date_seq(from, to = to, by = duration_months(1), invalid = "overflow")
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # This date-time is 2 days before a daylight saving time gap that occurred
#' # on 2021-03-14 between 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
#' from <- as.POSIXct("2021-03-12 02:30:00", "America/New_York")
#' # So creating a daily sequence lands us in that daylight saving time gap,
#' # creating a nonexistent time
#' try(date_seq(from, by = duration_days(1), total_size = 5))
#' # Resolve the nonexistent time with `nonexistent`. Note that this importantly
#' # allows times after the gap to retain the `02:30:00` time.
#' date_seq(from, by = duration_days(1), total_size = 5, nonexistent = "roll-forward")
#' # Compare this to the base R behavior, where the hour is adjusted from 2->3
#' # as you cross the daylight saving time gap, and is never restored. This is
#' # equivalent to always using sys-time (rather than naive-time, like clock
#' # uses for daily sequences).
#' seq(from, by = "1 day", length.out = 5)
#' # You can replicate this behavior by generating a second precision sequence
#' # of 86,400 seconds. Seconds always add in sys-time.
#' date_seq(from, by = duration_seconds(86400), total_size = 5)
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Usage of `to` and `total_size` must generate a non-fractional sequence
#' # between `from` and `to`
#' from <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, zone = "America/New_York")
#' to <- date_time_build(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, zone = "America/New_York")
#' # These are fine
#' date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 2)
#' date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 4)
#' # But this is not!
#' try(date_seq(from, to = to, total_size = 3))
date_seq.POSIXt <- function(from,
                            to = NULL,
                            by = NULL,
                            total_size = NULL,
                            invalid = NULL,
                            nonexistent = NULL,
                            ambiguous = NULL) {

  check_number_of_supplied_optional_arguments(to, by, total_size)

  from <- to_posixct(from)
  zone <- date_time_zone(from)

  if (!is_null(to)) {
    to <- to_posixct(to)

    if (!identical(zone, date_time_zone(to))) {
      to_zone <- date_time_zone(to)

      message <- c(
        "{.arg from} and {.arg to} must have identical time zones.",
        i = "{.arg from} has zone {.str {zone}}.",
        i = "{.arg to} has zone {.str {to_zone}}."


  if (!is_null(total_size)) {
    total_size <- check_length_out(total_size)

  if (is_null(by)) {
    precision <- "second"
  } else if (is_duration(by)) {
    precision <- duration_precision(by)
  } else {
    precision <- "second"
    by <- duration_helper(by, PRECISION_SECOND)

  precision_int <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  if (precision_int == PRECISION_QUARTER) {
    by <- duration_cast(by, "month")
    precision <- "month"
    precision_int <- PRECISION_MONTH

  if (precision_int == PRECISION_WEEK) {
    by <- duration_cast(by, "day")
    precision <- "day"
    precision_int <- PRECISION_DAY

  if (precision_int %in% c(PRECISION_YEAR, PRECISION_MONTH)) {
    out <- date_seq_year_month(from, to, by, total_size, precision)
    out <- invalid_resolve(out, invalid = invalid)
    out <- as.POSIXct(out, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

  if (precision_int == PRECISION_DAY) {
    out <- date_seq_day(from, to, by, total_size, precision)
    out <- as.POSIXct(out, tz = zone, nonexistent = nonexistent, ambiguous = ambiguous)

    out <- date_seq_hour_minute_second(from, to, by, total_size, precision)
    out <- as.POSIXct(out, tz = zone)

  precisions <- c("year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second")

  by_precision <- duration_precision(by)

  cli::cli_abort("`by` must have a precision of {.or {.str {precisions}}}, not {.str {by_precision}}.")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @export
date_spanning_seq.POSIXt <- function(x) {
  zone <- date_time_zone(x)
  x <- to_posixct(x)
  x <- vec_drop_infinite(x)
  x <- as_sys_time(x)
  x <- time_point_spanning_seq(x)
  as.POSIXct(x, zone)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Counting: date-times
#' @description
#' This is a POSIXct/POSIXlt method for the [date_count_between()] generic.
#' `date_count_between()` counts the number of `precision` units between
#' `start` and `end` (i.e., the number of years or months). This count
#' corresponds to the _whole number_ of units, and will never return a
#' fractional value.
#' This is suitable for, say, computing the whole number of years or months
#' between two dates, accounting for the day of the month and the time of day.
#' Internally, the date-time is converted to one of the following three clock
#' types, and the counting is done directly on that type. The choice of type is
#' based on the most common interpretation of each precision, but is ultimately
#' a heuristic. See the examples for more information.
#' _Calendrical based counting:_
#' These precisions convert to a year-month-day calendar and count while in that
#' type.
#' - `"year"`
#' - `"quarter"`
#' - `"month"`
#' _Naive-time based counting:_
#' These precisions convert to a naive-time and count while in that type.
#' - `"week"`
#' - `"day"`
#' _Sys-time based counting:_
#' These precisions convert to a sys-time and count while in that type.
#' - `"hour"`
#' - `"minute"`
#' - `"second"`
#' @details
#' `"quarter"` is equivalent to `"month"` precision with `n` set to `n * 3L`.
#' @inheritSection calendar_count_between Comparison Direction
#' @inheritParams date_count_between
#' @param start,end `[POSIXct / POSIXlt]`
#'   A pair of date-time vectors. These will be recycled to their common
#'   size.
#' @param precision `[character(1)]`
#'   One of:
#'   - `"year"`
#'   - `"quarter"`
#'   - `"month"`
#'   - `"week"`
#'   - `"day"`
#'   - `"hour"`
#'   - `"minute"`
#'   - `"second"`
#' @inherit date_count_between return
#' @name posixt-count-between
#' @export
#' @examples
#' start <- date_time_parse("2000-05-05 02:00:00", zone = "America/New_York")
#' end <- date_time_parse(
#'   c("2020-05-05 01:00:00", "2020-05-05 03:00:00"),
#'   zone = "America/New_York"
#' )
#' # Age in years
#' date_count_between(start, end, "year")
#' # Number of "whole" months between these dates. i.e.
#' # `2000-05-05 02:00:00 -> 2020-04-05 02:00:00` is 239 months
#' # `2000-05-05 02:00:00 -> 2020-05-05 02:00:00` is 240 months
#' # Since `2020-05-05 01:00:00` occurs before the 2nd hour,
#' # it gets a count of 239
#' date_count_between(start, end, "month")
#' # Number of seconds between
#' date_count_between(start, end, "second")
#' # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Naive-time VS Sys-time interpretation
#' # The difference between whether `start` and `end` are converted to a
#' # naive-time vs a sys-time comes into play when dealing with daylight
#' # savings.
#' # Here are two times around a 1 hour DST gap where clocks jumped from
#' # 01:59:59 -> 03:00:00
#' x <- date_time_build(1970, 4, 26, 1, 50, 00, zone = "America/New_York")
#' y <- date_time_build(1970, 4, 26, 3, 00, 00, zone = "America/New_York")
#' # When treated like sys-times, these are considered to be 10 minutes apart,
#' # which is the amount of time that would have elapsed if you were watching
#' # a clock as it changed between these two times.
#' date_count_between(x, y, "minute")
#' # Lets add a 3rd date that is ~1 day ahead of these
#' z <- date_time_build(1970, 4, 27, 1, 55, 00, zone = "America/New_York")
#' # When treated like naive-times, `z` is considered to be at least 1 day ahead
#' # of `x`, because `01:55:00` is after `01:50:00`. This is probably what you
#' # expected.
#' date_count_between(x, z, "day")
#' # If these were interpreted like sys-times, then `z` would not be considered
#' # to be 1 day ahead. That would look something like this:
#' date_count_between(x, z, "second")
#' trunc(date_count_between(x, z, "second") / 86400)
#' # This is because there have only been 83,100 elapsed seconds since `x`,
#' # which isn't a full day's worth (86,400 seconds). But we'd generally
#' # consider `z` to be 1 day ahead of `x` (and ignore the DST gap), so that is
#' # how it is implemented.
#' # You can override this by converting directly to sys-time, then using
#' # `time_point_count_between()`
#' x_st <- as_sys_time(x)
#' x_st
#' z_st <- as_sys_time(z)
#' z_st
#' time_point_count_between(x_st, z_st, "day")
date_count_between.POSIXt <- function(start, end, precision, ..., n = 1L) {

  start <- to_posixct(start)
  end <- to_posixct(end)

  start_zone <- date_time_zone(start)
  end_zone <- date_time_zone(end)

  if (!identical(start_zone, end_zone)) {
    start_zone <- zone_pretty(start_zone)
    end_zone <- zone_pretty(end_zone)

      "{.arg start} ({start_zone}) and {.arg end} ({end_zone}) ",
      "must have identical time zones."

  precision_int <- precision_to_integer(precision)

  # Designed to match `add_*()` functions to guarantee that
  # if `start <= end`, then `start + <count> <= end`
  allowed_precisions_calendar <- c(
  allowed_precisions_naive_time <- c(
  allowed_precisions_sys_time <- c(

    start = start,
    end = end,
    precision = precision,
    n = n,
    allowed_precisions_calendar = allowed_precisions_calendar,
    allowed_precisions_naive_time = allowed_precisions_naive_time,
    allowed_precisions_sys_time = allowed_precisions_sys_time

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clock documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:39 p.m.