do.call_tryCatch <- function(f, args){
#same as the, but executes f inside a tryCatch block, and returns NULL
#if there is an error
g <- args[[1]]
c <- tryCatch({, g)
return (f(g))
return(make_clusters(g, replicate(gorder(g), 1)))
return(make_clusters(g, replicate(gorder(g), 1)))
#' Evaluates significance of cluster algorithm results on a graph
#' Given a graph and a list of clustering algorithms, computes several scoring
#' functions on the clusters found by each of the algorithms.
#' @param g Graph to be analyzed (as an \code{igraph} object)
#' @param alg_list List of clustering algorithms, which take an \code{igraph} graph as
#' input and return an object of the \code{communities} class.
#' @param w_max Numeric. Upper bound for edge weights. Should be generally left as default (\code{NULL}).
#' @param no_clustering_coef Logical. If \code{TRUE}, skips the computation of the clustering
#' coefficient, which is the most computationally costly of the scoring functions.
#' @param gt_clustering Vector of integers that correspond to labels of the ground truth clustering.
#' The scoring functions will be evaluated on it.
#' @return
#' A data frame with the values of scoring functions (see \code{\link[clustAnalytics]{scoring_functions}})
#' of the clusters obtained by
#' applying the clustering algorithms to the graph.
#' @examples
#' data(karate, package="igraphdata")
#' evaluate_significance(karate)
#' @export
evaluate_significance <- function(g, alg_list=list(Louvain=cluster_louvain,
"label prop"= cluster_label_prop,
no_clustering_coef=FALSE, gt_clustering=NULL,
#given an algorithm list and a graph
c_list <- lapply(alg_list,, list(g)) #clusters graph g by all algorithms in list
#c_list <- lapply(alg_list, do.call_tryCatch, list(g)) #clusters graph g by all algorithms in list
memberships_list <- lapply(c_list, membership)
ground_truth <- (!missing(gt_clustering) & !is.null(gt_clustering))
if (ground_truth){
l <- list(gt_clustering)
names(l) <- c("ground truth")
memberships_list <- c(memberships_list, l)
# TO DO:
# change "scoring_functions" to return and use a matrix/vector all along, not a data frame
# this is currently only a workaround to prevent the conversion of the results to strings by
# sapply
aux <- function(mem){
scores <- scoring_functions(g, mem, no_clustering_coef=no_clustering_coef, w_max=w_max, type="global")
v <- as.vector(as.matrix(scores))
names(v) <- colnames(scores)
if (ground_truth){
v <- c(v, mcclust::vi.dist(mem, gt_clustering))
names(v)[length(v)] <- "VIdist_to_GT"
result <- sapply(memberships_list, aux)
matrix_elementwise_apply <- function (f, A, ...){
#returns the matrix where element i,j is f(A_ij, B_ij)
#A and B need to be of the same size.
M <- matrix(mapply(f, A, ...), ncol=ncol(A))
rownames(M) <- rownames(A)
colnames(M) <- colnames(A)
merge_percentile <- function(table1, table2, table3){
# Joins table1 (original scores), table2 (mean rewired scores) and table3
# percentile of original scores within the corresponding distribution of
# rewired scores, with the approppriate suffixes.
colnames(table2) <- lapply(colnames(table2), paste0, "_r")
colnames(table3) <- lapply(colnames(table3), paste0, '_percentile')
cbind(table1, table2, table3)
merge4 <- function(table1, table2, table3, digits=3){
#like merge2, but with percentiles in parentheses
table1 <- apply(table1, 1:2, format, digits = digits)
table2 <- apply(table2, 1:2, format, digits = digits)
table3 <- apply(table3, 1:2, format, digits = digits)
p <- function(a,b,c) paste0(a, "|", b, "(", c, ")")
n_row <- nrow(table2)
n_col <- ncol(table2)
partial_results <- matrix_elementwise_apply(p, table1[1:n_row, 1:n_col], table2, table3)
merged_table <- table1
merged_table[1:n_row, 1:n_col] <- partial_results
pull_element <- function(A, i, j) A[i,j]
pull_element_list <- function(l, i,j) sapply(l, pull_element, i=i, j=j)
pull_element_list_nodegen <- function(l, i, j, degen_row="n_clusters"){
# pulls list of elements (i,j) out of each of the matrices of a list, but only those for which
# ("n_communities", j) is not 1 (degenerate cases)
l_ij <- pull_element_list(l, i, j)
l_nj <- pull_element_list(l, degen_row, j)
l_ij[l_nj != 1]
matrix_elwise_mean_no_degen <- function(l){
#computes the elementwise mean of a list of matrices
n <- dim(l[[1]])[1]
m <- dim(l[[1]])[2]
M <- l[[1]] #we copy the matrix to get the dimensions and dim names, the values will be overwritten
for (j in 1:m){
for (i in 1:n){
l_ij <- pull_element_list_nodegen(l, i, j)
if (length(l_ij) == 0)
M[i,j] <- NaN
M[i,j] <- mean(l_ij)
nullify_degen <- function(M){
#turns all elements into NaNs for the columns in which n_cluster is 1
for (i in 1:ncol(M)){
if (M["n_communities", i] == 1)
M[lower_is_better,i] <- NaN
percentile_matrix <- function(M, l){
# from a matrix M and a list of matrices (all of the same dimensions), for
# each element of M, compute its percentile rank with respect to all
# the corresponding values across l.
ncol_l <- ncol(l[[1]])
nrow_l <- nrow(l[[1]])
if (ncol(M) > ncol_l){
M <- M[,1:ncol_l]
if (nrow(M) >nrow_l){
M <- M[1:nrow_l,]
external_conn_scores <- c("expansion", "cut ratio", "conductance", "norm cut", "max ODF", "average ODF", "flake ODF")
other_scores <- setdiff(rownames(M), external_conn_scores)
element_rank <- function(x, v) dplyr::percent_rank(c(x,v))[1]
M_per <- M
for (j in 1:(dim(M))[2]){
for (i in external_conn_scores)
M_per[i,j] <- element_rank(M[i,j], pull_element_list_nodegen(l, i, j))
for (i in 1:(dim(M)[1])){
for (j in 1:(dim(M)[2]))
M_per[i,j]<- element_rank(M[i,j], pull_element_list(l, i, j))
#' Evaluates the significance of a graph's clusters
#' Computes community scoring functions to the communities obtained by applying
#' the given clustering algorithms to a graph. These are compared to the same scores
#' for randomized versions of the graph obtained by a switching algorithm that
#' rewires edges.
#' @inherit evaluate_significance params
#' @param Q Numeric. Parameter that controls the number of iterations of the switching algorithm,
#' which will be Q times the order of the graph.
#' @param lower_bound Numeric. Lower bound to the edge weights. The randomization
#' process will avoid steps that would make edge weights fall outside this
#' bound. It should generally be left as 0 to avoid negative weights.
#' @param weight_sel Can be either \code{const_var} or \code{max_weight}.
#' @param n_reps Number of samples of the rewired graph.
#' @param ignore_degenerate_cl Logical. If TRUE, when computing the means of the
#' scoring functions, samples with only one cluster will be ignored.
#' See \link[clustAnalytics]{rewireCpp}.
#' @param w_max Numeric. Upper bound for edge weights. The randomization algorithm will avoid steps that would make
#' edge weights fall outside this bound. Should be generally left as default (\code{NULL}), unless the network has
#' by nature or by construction a known upper bound.
#' @param table_style By default returns a table with three columns per algorithm: the original one,
#' the mean of the corresponding rewired scores (suffix "_r") and it's percentile rank within the
#' distribution of rewired scores (suffix "_percentile"). If table_style == "string", instead
#' returns a table with a column per algorithm where each element is of the form "original|rewired(percentile)"
#' @return A matrix with the results of each scoring function and algorithm. See \code{table_style} for details.
#' @export
evaluate_significance_r <- function(g, alg_list=list(Louvain=cluster_louvain,
"label prop"= cluster_label_prop,
ignore_degenerate_cl=TRUE, Q=100,
lower_bound=0, weight_sel="const_var",
n_reps=5, w_max=NULL){
### weight_sel can be either "const_var" or "max_weight"
## ignore_degenerate_cl: if TRUE, when computing the means of the scoring functions, samples with
## only one cluster will be ignored.
ground_truth <- (!missing(gt_clustering) & !is.null(gt_clustering))
upper_bound <- w_max
table1 <- evaluate_significance(g, alg_list, no_clustering_coef, gt_clustering,
if (n_reps == 1){
rewire_g <- rewireCpp(g, Q, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound, weight_sel=weight_sel)
table2 <- evaluate_significance(rewire_g, alg_list, no_clustering_coef,
table_per <- table1
table_per[,] <- NA
# aux <- function(x) rewireCpp(g, Q, lower_bound=lower_bound,
# upper_bound=upper_bound, weight_sel=weight_sel)
# rewired_graph_list <- lapply(1:n_reps, aux)
rewired_graph_list <- replicate(n_reps, rewireCpp(g, Q, lower_bound=lower_bound,
table_list <- lapply(rewired_graph_list, evaluate_significance, alg_list=alg_list,
mean_table <- Reduce('+', table_list)/n_reps
# this part is causing errors. Unavailable for now
# mean_table_nodegen <- matrix_elwise_mean_no_degen(table_list)
table2 <- mean_table
# if (ignore_degenerate_cl){
# table2[lower_is_better,] <- mean_table_nodegen[lower_is_better,]
# table_list <- lapply(table_list, nullify_degen)
# }
table_per <- percentile_matrix(table1, table_list)
if (ground_truth){
table2 <- rbind(table2, NA)
rownames(table2) <- rownames(table1)
table_per <- rbind(table_per, NA)
rownames(table_per) <- rownames(table1)
if (table_style=="string"){
results_table <- merge4(table1, table2, table_per)
if (ground_truth){
results_table[,"ground truth"] <- format(table1[,"ground truth"], digits=3)
results_table <- merge_percentile(table1, table2, table_per)
higher_is_better <- c("edges inside", "internal density", "av degree",
"FOMD", "clustering coef", "modularity")
lower_is_better <- c("expansion", "cut ratio", "conductance", "norm cut",
"max ODF", "average ODF", "flake ODF")
add_arrow <- function(s){
if (s %in% higher_is_better)
return(paste("\U2191", s))
else if (s %in% lower_is_better)
return(paste("\U2193", s))
add_arrow_rownames <- function(table){
rownames(table) <- lapply(rownames(table), add_arrow)
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