perturbate_matrix <- function (M, sd=-1, sd_scale=0.1, truncated=FALSE){
if (sd==-1){
sd= sqrt(stats::var(as.vector(M))*sd_scale)
n <- dim(M)[1]
for (i in 1:(n-1)){
for (j in (i+1):n){
if (M[i,j] != 0){
if (truncated)
M[i,j] <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, mean=M[i,j], sd=sd, a=0, b=1)
M[i,j] <- truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, mean=M[i,j], sd=sd, a=0)
#M[i,j] <- rnorm(1, mean=M[i,j], sd=sd)
M[j,i] <- M[i,j]
return (M)
cluster_bootstrap_igraph <- function (clust_alg, g, n_samples=10, sd=-1, sd_scale=0.1, truncated=FALSE, edgelist=TRUE, perturbate=TRUE, add_self_edges=TRUE){
n <- gorder(g)
c_original <- clust_alg(g)
memb <- membership(c_original)
vi_distances <- vector (mode="numeric", length=n_samples)
rand_indices <- vi_distances
for (i in 1:n_samples){
S_sample <- sample(n, n, replace=TRUE)
if (edgelist){
g_resample <- resample_igraph(g, S_sample, perturbate=perturbate, sd=sd, sd_scale=sd_scale, truncated=truncated, add_self_edges=add_self_edges)
M <- as_adjacency_matrix(g, type="both", attr = "weight")
M_resample <- M[S_sample,S_sample]
M_p <- perturbate_matrix(M_resample, sd= sd, sd_scale=sd_scale, truncated=truncated)
g_resample <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(M_p, mode="undirected", weighted=TRUE)
c_resample <- clust_alg(g_resample)
memb_nd <- memb[S_sample] #gets the original clusters for the new sample
memb_resample <- membership(c_resample)
vi_distances[i] <- mcclust::vi.dist(memb_nd, memb_resample)/log(n)
rand_indices[i] <- fossil::rand.index(memb_nd, memb_resample)
results <- c(mean(rand_indices),mean (vi_distances))
names(results) <- c('Rand Index', 'VI')
return (c(mean(rand_indices),mean (vi_distances)))
jaccard_distances <- function(memb1, memb2, clusters=NULL){
# computes all jaccard distances between two membership vectors using the criteria described in Hennig2007
# (for each cluster in memb1, determines its corresponding cluster in memb2 to be the one with smaller
# jaccard distance)
# "clusters" is a vector of indices of the clusters of the output (i.e. which clusters we want to study)
# this is necessary to keep the outputs consistent when bootstraping (if a cluster doesn't appear in a
# sample, we want its jaccard value to be 0, not to be ommited)
if (is.null(clusters))
c1 <- unique(memb1)
c1 <- clusters
c2 <- unique(memb2)
n_union <- function(x1, x2) sum(memb1==x1 | memb2==x2)
n_intersection <- function(x1, x2) sum(memb1==x1 & memb2==x2)
unions <- matrix(nrow=length(c1), ncol=length(c2), dimnames=list(c1,c2))
intersections <- unions
for (i in 1:length(c1)){
for (j in 1:length(c2)){
unions[i,j] <- n_union(c1[i], c2[j])
intersections[i,j] <- n_intersection(c1[i], c2[j])
jaccards <- intersections / unions
return (1-apply(jaccards,1,max))
resample_igraph <- function (g, S_sample, perturbate=FALSE, sd=-1, sd_scale=0.1, truncated=FALSE, percentile=0.95, add_self_edges=FALSE){
n <- gorder(g)
el <- cbind( get.edgelist(g, names=FALSE) , round( E(g)$weight, 3 ))
el_s <- resampled_edgelist(el, S_sample)
#adds self edges
a <- sort(el[,3])
l = length(a)
a <- a[as.integer(percentile*l):l]
self_edges <- cbind(1:n,1:n,sample(a,n, replace=TRUE))
el_s <- rbind(el_s, self_edges)
if (perturbate){
p <- function(weight){
if (sd==-1){
sd= sqrt(stats::var(el[,3])*sd_scale)
if (truncated)
return(truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, mean=weight, sd=sd, a=0, b=1))
return(truncnorm::rtruncnorm(1, mean=weight, sd=sd, a=0))
el_s[,3] <- sapply(el_s[,3], p)
g_s <- graph_from_edgelist(el_s[,1:2], directed=FALSE)
E(g_s)$weight <- el_s[,3]
#the bootstrap process could produce some isolated vertices. when calling graph_from_edgelist they are left out of the graph, so we add them back
missing_vertices = n-gorder(g_s)
g_s <- add_vertices(g_s, missing_vertices)
cluster_bootstrap_comparison <- function(g, clust_alg_list, n_samples=10, sd=-1,
sd_scale=0.1, truncated=FALSE){
results <- sapply(clust_alg_list, cluster_bootstrap_igraph, g=g,
n_samples=n_samples, sd, sd_scale=sd_scale,
rownames(results) <- c("Rand index", "VI")
cluster_statistic <- function(data, sample, memb_original, clust_alg, g, type="global"){
# clusters the data with clust_alg and returns the VI and rand index of
# the results compared to memb_original
# Intended to use with the boot function
# type can be either "global" (uses VI and Rand index) or "cluster-wise" (uses Jaccard)
n <- gorder(g)
g_resample <- resample_igraph(g, sample)
g_resample<-set_vertex_attr(g_resample, name="name", value=names(V(g)[sample]))
memb_nd <- memb_original[sample] #gets the original clusters for the new sample
#c_resample <- clust_alg(g_resample)
c_resample <- tryCatch({clust_alg(g_resample)},
warning("clustering error (algorithm not converging?)")
if (is.null(c_resample)) return(c(NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN))
memb_resample <- as.vector(membership(c_resample))
if (type=="cluster-wise"){
clusters <- sort(unique(memb_original))
#clusters <- c(1,2,3) DELETE
return(jaccard_distances(memb_nd, memb_resample, clusters))
statistics <- c(mcclust::vi.dist(memb_nd, memb_resample)/log(n),
aricode::AMI(memb_nd, memb_resample),
clustAnalytics::reduced_mutual_information(memb_nd, memb_resample,
normalized=TRUE, warning=FALSE),
fossil::rand.index(memb_nd, memb_resample),
mclust::adjustedRandIndex(memb_nd, memb_resample),
names(statistics) <- c("VI", "AMI","NRMI", "Rand", "AdRand", "n_clusters")
boot_cluster <- function(clust_alg, g, R=999, type="global"){
c_original <- clust_alg(g)
memb <- membership(c_original)
vertex_list <- 1:(gorder(g))
b <- boot::boot(vertex_list, cluster_statistic, R=R, memb_original=memb,
clust_alg=clust_alg, g=g, type=type)
retry_cluster_leading_eigen <- function(g, itermax=10){
for (i in 1:itermax){
c <- cluster_leading_eigen(g)
get_statistics <- function(boot_result) colMeans(boot_result$t, na.rm=TRUE)
statistics_table <- function(b) sapply(b, get_statistics)
#' Performs nonparametric bootstrap to a graph and a list of clustering algorithms
#' Performs nonparametric bootstrap on a graph's by resampling its vertices and
#' clustering the results using a list of clustering algorithms.
#' @param alg_list List of igraph clustering algorithms
#' @param g \code{igraph} graph object
#' @param R Number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param return_data Logical. If \code{TRUE}, returns a list of "\code{boot}" objects
#' with the full results. Otherwise, returns a table with the mean results.
#' @param type Can be "global" (Variation of Information, Reduced Mutual Information,
#' and adjusted Rand Index) or "cluster-wise" (Jaccard distance)
#' @return If \code{return_data} is set to \code{TRUE}, returns a list of objects of
#' class "\code{boot}" (see \code{\link[boot]{boot}}). Otherwise, returns as table
#' with the mean distances from the clusters in the original graph to the resampled
#' ones, for each of the algorithms.
#' @export
boot_alg_list <- function (alg_list = list(Louvain=cluster_louvain,
"label prop"= cluster_label_prop,
g, R=999, return_data=FALSE, type="global"){
#type can be "global" (VI and Rand) or "cluster-wise" (Jaccard)
evaluate_boot_g <- function(clust_alg) boot_cluster(clust_alg=clust_alg, g=g, R=R, type=type)
b <- lapply(alg_list, evaluate_boot_g)
if(return_data) return(b)
statistics <- sapply(b,get_statistics)
rownames(statistics) <- c("VI", "AMI", "NRMI", "Rand", "AdRand", "n_clusters")
warning("The RMI is currently computed with an analytical approximation that can give
inaccurate results on some partitions containing many small clusters.
It will be corrected in future versions of the package.")
# #' @param t_names names of the statistics in b and b_rnd. Defaults should not be
# #' changed unless the experiments are as well.
# #' @param sel_statistics subset of t_names, used to select which statistics we
# #' want the table to display.
# get_latex_table <- function(b, b_rnd, graph_name = "", caption = NULL, label=NULL,
# t_names = c("VI", "RMI", "Rand", "AdRand", "n_clusters"),
# sel_statistics = c("VI", "RMI", "AdRand", "n_clusters")){
# t <- statistics_table(b)
# rownames(t) <- t_names
# t_rnd <- statistics_table(b_rnd)
# rownames(t_rnd) <- sapply(t_names, paste0, "_rnd")
# table <- cbind(t(t), t(t_rnd))
# #select desired rows
# all_sel_statistics <- c(sel_statistics, sapply(sel_statistics, paste0, "_rnd"))
# table <- table[,all_sel_statistics]
# addtorow <- list()
# addtorow$pos <- list(-1,0)
# n_stats <- length(sel_statistics)
# range1 <- paste0("2-", toString(1+n_stats))
# range2 <- paste0(toString(2+n_stats), "-", toString(2*n_stats+1))
# addtorow$command <- c(paste0("& \\multicolumn{",
# toString(n_stats),
# "}{c}{original} & \\multicolumn{",
# toString(n_stats),
# "}{c}{randomized} \\\\
# \\cmidrule(l){", range1, "} \\cmidrule(l){", range2, "}"),
# "\\hline\n")
# if (is.null(caption)){
# caption <- paste("Mean values of the metrics after bootstrapping with $R=999$ , for both the",
# graph_name, "graph and its randomized counterpart, for all tested clustering algorithms")
# }
# if (is.null(label)){
# label <- paste0(graph_name, "_bootstrap")
# }
# aux <- paste(replicate(n_stats, "r"), collapse = "")
# align <- paste0("l|", aux, "|", aux)
# l_table <- xtable(table, align = align, caption=caption, label=label)
# print(l_table,, hline.after=NULL)
# }
# jaccard_table <- function(b, graph_name = "", caption = NULL, label=NULL){
# if (is.null(caption)){
# caption <- paste("Jaccard distances for each cluster after bootstrapping the", graph_name, "graph with $R=999$")
# }
# if (is.null(label)){
# label <- paste0(graph_name, "_bootstrap_cw")
# }
# distances <- function(b_el) colMeans(b_el$t)
# j_list <- lapply(b, distances)
# n_max <- max(unlist(lapply(j_list, length)))
# table <- matrix(nrow=length(b), ncol=n_max, dimnames=list(names(b)))
# for (i in 1:length(j_list)) table[i,1:length(j_list[[i]])] <- j_list[[i]]
# j_table <- xtable(table, caption=caption, label=label)
# print(j_table)
# }
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