#' @title nice_DAG_plot
#' @description DAG visualization
#' @param my_DAG DAG
#' @param print_direct print DAG if TRUE
#' @param node_size node size vector
#' @param CPDAG if TRUE, then plot CPDAG instead of DAG
#' @param node_colours node colours
#' @param directed TRUE if nodes should be directed
#' @return A plot of the DAG of class c("gg", "ggplot").
#' @export
# #' @importFrom ggraph ggraph geom_edge_arc geom_node_point geom_node_text circle
#' @importFrom igraph V
#' @importFrom methods as
nice_DAG_plot <- function(my_DAG, print_direct=TRUE, node_size=NULL, CPDAG=TRUE, node_colours="#fdae61", directed=TRUE){
if (!requireNamespace("ggraph", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"ggraph\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
# set node size if not specified
node_size <- 3.5
# Transform the DAG to a CPDAG for a given variable selection
temp_var_selection <- 1:dim(my_DAG)[1]
my_DAG[temp_var_selection,temp_var_selection] <- as(pcalg::dag2cpdag(as(my_DAG[temp_var_selection,temp_var_selection], "graphNEL")), "matrix")
my_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(my_DAG, mode="directed")
# my_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(my_DAG, mode="directed")
arrowsize <- 2.3
# my_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(my_DAG, mode="undirected")
arrowsize <- 0
# add labelling
id = seq(1, length(my_graph))
angle= 360 * (id-0.5) /number_of_bar # I substract 0.5 because the letter must have the angle of the center of the bars. Not extreme right(1) or extreme left (0)
hjust <- ifelse(angle > 90 & angle<270, 1, 0)
angle <- ifelse(angle > 90 & angle<270, angle+180, angle)
name <- names(igraph::V(my_graph))
# Type <- as.factor(grp)
p1 <- ggraph::ggraph(my_graph, layout="circle")+
ggraph::geom_edge_arc(arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(arrowsize, 'mm')),
start_cap = ggraph::circle(2.3, 'mm'),
end_cap = ggraph::circle(2, 'mm'),
edge_colour="black", edge_alpha=0.6, edge_width=0.4, ggplot2::aes(circular=TRUE)) +
ggraph::geom_node_point(size=node_size, color=node_colours, alpha=0.9) +
ggraph::geom_node_text(ggplot2::aes(label=paste(" ",name," "),
angle=angle, hjust=hjust), size=2.3, color="black") +
ggplot2::theme_void() +
# theme(
# # legend.position="none",
# plot.margin=unit(c(0,0,0,0), "null"),
# panel.spacing=unit(c(0,0,0,0), "null")
# ) +
ggplot2::expand_limits(x = c(-1.2, 1.2), y = c(-1.2, 1.2)) +
# Compute by entropy
entropy <- function(cat.vect){
# from
px = table(cat.vect)/length(cat.vect)
lpx = log(px, base=2)
ent = -sum(px*lpx)
#' @title plot_clusters
#' @description Plot clusters
#' @param cluster_results Cluster results
#' @param node_colours node colours
#' @param scale_entropy if true, entropy measure will be used to determine size of the nodes
#' @param directed TRUE if nodes should be directed
#' @return A summary plot of all cluster networks of class c("gg", "ggplot", "ggarrange").
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulate data
#' sampled_data <- sampleData(n_vars = 15, n_bg = 0)$sampled_data
#' # learn clusters
#' cluster_results <- get_clusters(sampled_data)
#' # Load additional pacakges to visualize the networks
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(ggraph)
#' library(igraph)
#' library(ggpubr)
#' # Visualize networks
#' plot_clusters(cluster_results)
#' }
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix
plot_clusters <- function(cluster_results, node_colours="#fdae61", scale_entropy = FALSE, directed=TRUE){
if (!requireNamespace("ggpubr", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"ggpubr\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
data <-$data)
node_size <- NULL
# if entropy should define the size
if (!is.null(data)){
k_clust <- length(cluster_results$DAGs)
# # calculate overall entropy
# total_entropies <- sapply(data, function(x) entropy(x))
# # calculate relative entropy and select variables with the lowest entropy
# all_var_selected <- c()
# diff_entropies <- matrix(NA, nrow = k_clust, ncol = ncol(data))
# for (nn in 1:k_clust){
# # select data
# cluster_data <- data[cluster_results$clustermembership==nn,]
# # calculate entropy in clusters
# cluster_entropies <- sapply(cluster_data, function(x) entropy(x))
# # calculate relative entropy
# diff_entropies[nn,] <- cluster_entropies-total_entropies
# # select variables with lowest relative entropy
# # var_selection <- order(diff_entropies[nn,])[1:n_net]
# # all_var_selected <- unique(c(all_var_selected, var_selection))
# # top_entropy[[nn]] <- var_selection
# }
# # calculate size
# all_var_selected <- 1:dim(data)[2]
# node_size_percentage <- 1-(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected]+abs(min(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected])))/(max(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected])+abs(min(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected])))
# node_size <- 1.5+node_size_percentage*6
# # calculate overall entropy
# total_entropies <- sapply(data, function(x) entropy(x))
# # calculate relative entropy and select variables with the lowest entropy
# n_net <- 7 # number of selected variables per cluster
# all_var_selected <- c()
# diff_entropies <- matrix(NA, nrow = k_clust, ncol = ncol(data))
# binary_frequency <- matrix(NA, nrow = k_clust, ncol = ncol(data))
# for (nn in 1:k_clust){
# # select data
# cluster_data <- data[cluster_results$clustermembership==nn,]
# # calculate entropy in clusters
# cluster_entropies <- sapply(cluster_data, function(x) entropy(x))
# # calculate relative entropy
# diff_entropies[nn,] <- cluster_entropies-total_entropies
# # calculate frequency
# binary_frequency[nn,] <- sapply(cluster_data, function(x) sum(x))
# # # # select variables with lowest relative entropy
# # # var_selection <- order(diff_entropies[nn,])[1:n_net]
# # # all_var_selected <- unique(c(all_var_selected, var_selection))
# # # select variables with highest frequency
# # var_selection <- order(binary_frequency[nn,], decreasing = TRUE)[1:n_net]
# # all_var_selected <- unique(c(all_var_selected, var_selection))
# }
# # set node size for entropy
# node_size_percentage <- 1-(diff_entropies[,]+abs(min(diff_entropies[,])))/(max(diff_entropies[,])+abs(min(diff_entropies[,])))
# node_size <- 1.5+node_size_percentage*6
# # if there are binary variables, integrate them
# # set cols of genomic information and set frequ to zero elsewhere
# binary_frequency[,-binary_cols] <- 0
# # set node size for frequency
# node_size_percentage_frequ <- (binary_frequency[,]+abs(min(binary_frequency[,])))/(max(binary_frequency[,])+abs(min(binary_frequency[,])))
# node_size_frequ <- 1.5+node_size_percentage_frequ*6
# # merge
# node_size[,binary_cols] <- node_size_frequ[,binary_cols]
# top_entropy <- list()
# calculate overall entropy
total_entropies <- sapply(data, function(x) entropy(x))
# calculate relative entropy and select variables with the lowest entropy
# all_var_selected <- c()
cluster_dim <- c()
diff_entropies <- matrix(NA, nrow = k_clust, ncol = ncol(data))
binary_frequency <- matrix(NA, nrow = k_clust, ncol = ncol(data))
for (nn in 1:k_clust){
# select data
cluster_data <- data[cluster_results$clustermembership==nn,]
cluster_dim[nn] <- dim(cluster_data)[1]
# calculate entropy in clusters
cluster_entropies <- sapply(cluster_data, function(x) entropy(x))
# calculate relative entropy
diff_entropies[nn,] <- cluster_entropies-total_entropies
# calculate frequency
binary_frequency[nn,] <- sapply(cluster_data, function(x) sum(x))
# # select variables with lowest relative entropy
# var_selection <- order(diff_entropies[nn,])[1:n_net]
# all_var_selected <- unique(c(all_var_selected, var_selection))
# select variables with highest frequency
# var_selection <- order(binary_frequency[nn,], decreasing = TRUE)[1:n_net]
# all_var_selected <- unique(c(all_var_selected, var_selection))
# top_entropy[[nn]] <- var_selection
# normalize by cluster size
binary_frequency <- sweep(binary_frequency, 1, cluster_dim, FUN = "/")
binary_frequency_temp <- binary_frequency
# set cols of genomic information and set frequ to zero elsewhere
# binary_cols <- 1:46
# binary_frequency[,-binary_cols] <- 0
# node_size_percentage_frequ <- (binary_frequency[,]+abs(min(binary_frequency[,])))/(max(binary_frequency[,])+abs(min(binary_frequency[,])))
# node_size_frequ <- 1.5+node_size_percentage_frequ*6
# node_size[,binary_cols] <- node_size_frequ[,binary_cols]
# Find the maximum for each column and normalize per row for covariates
max_col_values <- apply(binary_frequency_temp, 2, max)
node_size_percentage_frequ_temp <- sweep(binary_frequency_temp, 2, max_col_values, FUN = "/")
node_size <- 1.5+node_size_percentage_frequ_temp*4
# set node size
node_size_percentage <- 1-(diff_entropies[,]+abs(min(diff_entropies[,])))/(max(diff_entropies[,])+abs(min(diff_entropies[,])))
node_size <- 1.5+node_size_percentage*6
# plot DAGs of each cluster
p_list <- list()
k_clust <- length(cluster_results$DAGs)
for (ii in 1:k_clust){
# my_graph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cluster_results$DAGs[ii][[1]], mode="directed")
my_DAG <- cluster_results$DAGs[ii][[1]]
# my_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cluster_results$DAGs[ii][[1]], mode="directed")
p_list[[ii]] <- nice_DAG_plot(my_DAG, print_direct=FALSE, node_size=node_size[ii,], node_colours=node_colours, directed=directed)
ggpubr::ggarrange(plotlist=p_list, labels = paste("Cluster", LETTERS[1:k_clust]))#, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
# #' @title plot_clusters
# #'
# #' @description Plot clusters
# #'
# #' @param cluster_results Cluster results
# #' @param data data
# #' @param node_colours node colours
# #'
# #' @export
# #' @importFrom igraph graph_from_adjacency_matrix
# #' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
# plot_clusters <- function(cluster_results, data=NULL, node_colours="#fdae61"){
# node_size <- NULL
# # if entropy should define the size
# if (!is.null(data)){
# k_clust <- length(cluster_results$DAGs)
# # n_net <- 1
# # top_entropy <- list()
# # calculate overall entropy
# total_entropies <- sapply(data, function(x) entropy(x))
# # calculate relative entropy and select variables with the lowest entropy
# all_var_selected <- c()
# diff_entropies <- matrix(NA, nrow = k_clust, ncol = ncol(data))
# for (nn in 1:k_clust){
# # select data
# cluster_data <- data[cluster_results$clustermembership==nn,]
# # calculate entropy in clusters
# cluster_entropies <- sapply(cluster_data, function(x) entropy(x))
# # calculate relative entropy
# diff_entropies[nn,] <- cluster_entropies-total_entropies
# # select variables with lowest relative entropy
# # var_selection <- order(diff_entropies[nn,])[1:n_net]
# # all_var_selected <- unique(c(all_var_selected, var_selection))
# # top_entropy[[nn]] <- var_selection
# }
# # calculate size
# all_var_selected <- 1:dim(data)[2]
# node_size_percentage <- 1-(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected]+abs(min(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected])))/(max(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected])+abs(min(diff_entropies[,all_var_selected])))
# node_size <- 1.5+node_size_percentage*6
# }
# # plot DAGs of each cluster
# p_list <- list()
# k_clust <- length(cluster_results$DAGs)
# for (ii in 1:k_clust){
# # my_graph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cluster_results$DAGs[ii][[1]], mode="directed")
# my_DAG <- cluster_results$DAGs[ii][[1]]
# # my_graph <- igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cluster_results$DAGs[ii][[1]], mode="directed")
# p_list[[ii]] <- nice_DAG_plot(my_DAG, print_direct=FALSE, node_size=node_size[ii,], node_colours=node_colours)
# }
# ggarrange(plotlist=p_list, labels = paste("Cluster", LETTERS[1:k_clust]))#, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
# }
#' @title density_plot
#' @description Create 2d dimensionality reduction of sample fit to Bayesian network clusters
#' @param cluster_results Cluster results from function get_clusters
#' @param var_selection Selected variables to consider, e.g. c(1:5) for first five only
#' @param colourys A vector specifying the colors of each cluster (optional)
#' @return A density plot of class recordedplot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Simulate data
#' sampled_data <- sampleData(n_vars = 15, n_samples = c(200,200,200))$sampled_data
#' # Learn clusters
#' cluster_results <- get_clusters(sampled_data)
#' # Load additional pacakges to create a 2d dimensionality reduction
#' library(car)
#' library(ks)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' library(graphics)
#' library(stats)
#' # Plot a 2d dimensionality reduction
#' density_plot(cluster_results)
#' }
density_plot <- function(cluster_results, var_selection = NULL, colourys = NULL){
if (!requireNamespace("car", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"car\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
if (!requireNamespace("ks", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"ks\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
if (!requireNamespace("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"ggplot2\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
if (!requireNamespace("graphics", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"graphics\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
if (!requireNamespace("stats", quietly = TRUE)) {
"Package \"stats\" must be installed to use this function.",
call. = FALSE
if (is.null(var_selection)){
var_selection <- 1:dim(cluster_results$data)[2]
test_data <- cluster_results$data[,var_selection]
# process input data
clustermembership <- as.factor(cluster_results$clustermembership)
levels(clustermembership) <- LETTERS[1:length(levels(clustermembership))]
levelly <- levels(clustermembership)
# cancer_type <- as.factor(cancer_type)
# levels(cancer_type) <- c("AML", "CMML", "MDS", "MPN")
# levelly2 <- levels(cancer_type)
# colourys2 <- c("#DD7788", "#771122", "#117777", "#DDDD77")
k_clust <- length(cluster_results$DAGs)
# Calculate scores against clusters
scoresagainstclusters <- matrix(NA,dim(test_data)[1],k_clust)
for (k in 1:k_clust){
allrelativeprobabs <- rep(0, dim(test_data)[1])
allrelativeprobabs[cluster_results$clustermembership==k] <- 1
scorepar <- BiDAG::scoreparameters("bdecat",, weightvector = allrelativeprobabs) #, bdepar = bdepar)
scoresagainstclusters[,k] <- BiDAG::scoreagainstDAG(scorepar,cluster_results$DAGs[[k]][var_selection,var_selection],test_data, bdecatCvec = apply(test_data, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))))
# Calculate divergence matrix
matsize <- nrow(test_data)
divergy <- matrix(0, matsize, matsize)
for(k1 in 1:(matsize-1)){
P <- exp(scoresagainstclusters[k1,] - max(scoresagainstclusters[k1,]))
P <- P/sum(P)
for(k2 in (k1+1):matsize){
Q <- exp(scoresagainstclusters[k2,] - max(scoresagainstclusters[k2,]))
Q <- Q/sum(Q)
M <- (P+Q)/2
JS <- (P%*%log(P/M) + Q%*%log(Q/M))/2
divergy[k1,k2] <- JS
divergy[k2,k1] <- JS
# Perform multidimensional scaling
reducey <- stats::cmdscale(divergy, k=2)
# plot(reducey, col=cancer_type+1)
# Set colors and plotting parameters
# colourys<-c("#202020","#774411","#DDAA77","#ed2124","#114477","#CC99BB",
# "#88CCAA","#117744","#77AADD")
if (is.null(colourys)){
colourys<-c("#202020","#774411","#DDAA77","#ed2124","#114477","#CC99BB", "#88CCAA","#117744","#77AADD","#771122","#AA4455","#DD7788","#AA7744",
oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
graphics::par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
xlims<-c(1.08*min(reducey[,1]), max(reducey[,1]))
ylims<-c(min(reducey[,2]), max(reducey[,2]))
graphics::par(bty = 'n')
plot(1, type="n", axes=F, xlab="", ylab="",xlim=xlims,ylim=ylims, bty="n")
textheights<-(ylims[2]-ylims[1])*rev(1*((c(1:16)-1.5)/(16-1))) +ylims[1]
for(k in 1:k_clust){
z <- ks::kde(combdata)
plot(z,display="filled.contour2",add=TRUE,cont=c(50),col=c("transparent",paste0(colourys[k],"66")), alpha=0.3, drawpoints=FALSE,drawlabels=FALSE,lwd=1.5, bty="n")
# # select mutations
# mutation_cols <- 1:46
# mut_data <- test_data[,mutation_cols]
# #TP53 check
# tp53_index <- which(colnames(mut_data)=="TP53")
# TP53only <- reducey[which((mut_data[,tp53_index]==1)&as.vector((rowSums(mut_data)==1)))[1],]
# # text(TP53only[1], TP53only[2], "TP53 only")
# #no muts check
# nomuts <- reducey[which(as.vector(rowSums(mut_data)==0))[1],]
# # plot edges for TP53 and no mutations
# arrows(TP53only[1] + 0.05, TP53only[2] - 0.05, TP53only[1] + 0.005, TP53only[2] - 0.005, length=0.1)
# text(TP53only[1] + 0.06, TP53only[2] - 0.085, paste0("TP53 only\n(",sum((mut_data[,1]==1)&as.vector((rowSums(mut_data)==1)))," samples)"))
# arrows(nomuts[1] + 0.05, nomuts[2] + 0.05, nomuts[1] + 0.005, nomuts[2] + 0.005, length=0.1)
# # text(nomuts[1] - 0.06, nomuts[2] - 0.085, paste0("No mutations\n(",sum(as.vector(rowSums(mut_data)==0))," samples)"))
# text(nomuts[1] + 0.06, nomuts[2] + 0.085, paste0("No mutations and\n no cytogenetic abnormalities \n(",sum(as.vector(rowSums(mut_data)==0))," samples)"))
# transparent_plot_plain <- recordPlot()
for(k in 1:k_clust){
# points(textxs,textheights[k],col=colourys[k],pch=19,cex=1.5)
# graphics::text(textxs,textheights[k],levelly[k],pos=4)
transparent_plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
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