
Defines functions warming_stripes_plot

Documented in warming_stripes_plot

#' A 'cmsaf' extension for creating warming stripes plots.
#' This plotting routine generates graphical output for
#' the given variable within the given time range and area.
#' Dependent on the output format a PNG is created.
#' Circular stripe plots are inspired by Emanuele Bevacqua (see emanuele.bevacqua.eu)
#' @inheritParams monitor_climate
#' @param pointsTF Show data points (logical).
#' @param lineTF Show trend line (logical).
#' @param title Set title (character).
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.date is.dir is.flag is.number is.readable is.string is.writeable

warming_stripes_plot <- function(variable = NULL,
                                 infile = NULL, 
                                 selected_number = 1,
                                 color_pal = 1,
                                 analyze_method = TRUE,
                                 temp_dir = tempdir(),
                                 out_dir = getwd(),
                                 climate_dir = NULL,
                                 climate_year_start = 1983,
                                 climate_year_end = 2018,
                                 start_date = NULL,
                                 end_date = NULL,
                                 country_code = "S_A",
                                 lon_min = NULL,
                                 lon_max = NULL,
                                 lat_min = NULL,
                                 lat_max = NULL,
                                 outfile_name = NULL,
                                 output_format = "graphic",
                                 language = "eng",
                                 keep_files = TRUE,
                                 states = FALSE,
                                 attach = FALSE,
                                 infile_attach = "auto",
                                 pointsTF = FALSE,
                                 lineTF = FALSE,
                                 circ_plot = FALSE,
                                 title = "",
                                 verbose = TRUE,
                                 nc = NULL)
  # Call central argument parser
  arguments_necessary <- methods::formalArgs(parse_arguments)
  arguments <- as.list(match.call())
  arguments[[1]] <- "warming_stripes_plot"
  names(arguments)[1] <- "plot_type"
  arguments <- arguments[stats::na.omit(match(arguments_necessary, names(arguments)))]
  parsedArguments <- do.call(parse_arguments, arguments, envir = parent.frame())

  # Use parsed arguments
  variable <- parsedArguments$variable
  temp_dir <- parsedArguments$temp_dir
  country_code <- parsedArguments$country_code
  out_dir <- parsedArguments$out_dir
  lon_min <- parsedArguments$lon_min
  lon_max <- parsedArguments$lon_max
  lat_min <- parsedArguments$lat_min
  lat_max <- parsedArguments$lat_max
  infile <- parsedArguments$infile
  start_date <- parsedArguments$start_date
  end_date <- parsedArguments$end_date
  language <- parsedArguments$language
  output_format <- parsedArguments$output_format
  outfile_name <- parsedArguments$outfile_name

  keep_files <- parsedArguments$keep_files
  states <- parsedArguments$states
  attach <- parsedArguments$attach
  infile_attach <- parsedArguments$infile_attach
  new_infile <- parsedArguments$new_infile
  verbose <- parsedArguments$verbose
  nc <- parsedArguments$nc
  # convert, because we need another data type
  if(analyze_method == FALSE)
    analyze_method = "mean"
  else if(analyze_method == TRUE)
    analyze_method = "accumulate"
  if (attach) {
    attach_file(variable = variable,
                infile = infile,
                infile_attach = infile_attach,
                new_infile = new_infile,
                temp_dir = temp_dir,
                verbose = verbose
    infile <- new_infile
  finalInfile <- extractOutfile(
      variable = variable,
      infile = infile,
      selected_number = selected_number,
      analyze_method = analyze_method,
      temp_dir = temp_dir,
      verbose = verbose,
      nc = nc

  climatology_file <- calculate_climatology_outfile(
    variable = variable,
    climate_year_start = climate_year_start,
    climate_year_end = climate_year_end,
    country_code = country_code,
    climate_dir = climate_dir,
    infile = infile,
    lon_min = lon_min,
    lon_max = lon_max,
    lat_min = lat_min,
    lat_max = lat_max,
    selected_number = selected_number,
    analyze_method = analyze_method,
    verbose = verbose,
    nc = nc

  if (is_country(country_code)) {
    mask_file <- create_country_mask(
      infile = finalInfile,
      temp_dir = temp_dir,
      country_code = country_code,
      states = states,
      verbose = verbose

    mask_file_final <- create_country_mask_final(
      mask_infile = mask_file,
      temp_dir = temp_dir,
      country_code = country_code,
      lon_min = lon_min,
      lon_max = lon_max,
      lat_min = lat_min,
      lat_max = lat_max,
      verbose = verbose

    # Remove reusable file if desired
    if (!keep_files & file.exists(mask_file)) {
  mean_value <- FALSE
  accumulate <- FALSE
  if(analyze_method == "mean")
      mean_value = TRUE
  else if(analyze_method == "accumulate")
    accumulate = TRUE
  var_masked_file <- apply_mask_final(
    variable = variable,
    temp_dir = temp_dir,
    infile = finalInfile,
    mask_file_final = mask_file_final,
    climatology_file = climatology_file,
    country_code = country_code,
    lon_min = lon_min,
    lon_max = lon_max,
    lat_min = lat_min,
    lat_max = lat_max,
    climate_year_start = climate_year_start,
    climate_year_end = climate_year_end,
    start_date = start_date,
    end_date = end_date,
    accumulate = accumulate,
    mean_value = mean_value,
    selected_number = selected_number
  # Remove reusable file if desired
  if (!keep_files) {
    if (is_country(country_code) && file.exists(mask_file_final)) { file.remove(mask_file_final) }
  country_name <- get_country_name(country_code)
  # title <- paste0(variable, " Stripes Plot: ", country_name, " (", climate_year_start, " - ", substring(end_date,1,4), ")")
  title <- paste0(variable, " change in ", country_name, " since XXXX (Reference: ", 
                  climate_year_start, " - ", climate_year_end, ")")
    variable = variable,
    infile = var_masked_file, 
    climatology_file = climatology_file,
    out_dir = out_dir,
    climate_year_start = climate_year_start,
    climate_year_end = climate_year_end,
    start_date = start_date,
    end_date = end_date,
    country_code = country_code,
    outfile_name = outfile_name,
    language = language,
    pointsTF = pointsTF,
    lineTF = lineTF, 
    title = title,
    color_pal = color_pal,
    circ_plot = circ_plot,
    verbose = TRUE)

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cmsafvis documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:07 p.m.