sumstat_nucleotide_div: Summary Statistic: Nucleotide Diversity

View source: R/sumstat_nucleotide_div.R

sumstat_nucleotide_divR Documentation

Summary Statistic: Nucleotide Diversity


The summary statistic calculates the nucleotide diversity (\pi) per locus, which is the mean number of pairwise difference for two individuals. It is a commonly used estimator for the scaled mutation rate \theta.


sumstat_nucleotide_div(name = "pi", population = 1, transformation = identity)



The name of the summary statistic. When simulating a model, the value of the statistics are written to an entry of the returned list with this name. Summary statistic names must be unique in a model.


The population for which the statistic is calculated. Can also be "all" to calculate it from all populations. Default is population 1.


An optional function for transforming the results of the statistic. If specified, the results of the transformation are returned instead of the original values.


The nucleotide diversity was introduced by

Nei and Li (1979). "Mathematical Model for Studying Genetic Variation in Terms of Restriction Endonucleases". PNAS 76 (10): 5269-73. doi:10.1073/pnas.76.10.5269.


On simulation, this returns a vector with the value of pi for each locus.

See Also

To create a demographic model: coal_model

To calculate this statistic from data: calc_sumstats_from_data

Other summary statistics: sumstat_dna(), sumstat_file(), sumstat_four_gamete(), sumstat_ihh(), sumstat_jsfs(), sumstat_mcmf(), sumstat_omega(), sumstat_seg_sites(), sumstat_sfs(), sumstat_tajimas_d(), sumstat_trees()


model <- coal_model(5, 2) +
  feat_mutation(5) +
stats <- simulate(model)

coala documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:14 a.m.