#' Load the data
#' Depending on file ending, the data is loaded.
#' @importFrom Hmisc spss.get
#' @importFrom utils read.csv read.csv2 count.fields
#' @importFrom readr guess_encoding
#' @importFrom stringr str_match
#' @param datafile yep, the data file to upload
#' @return data as an R object or an error
#' @noRd
load_data <- function(datafile) {
fileending <- stringr::str_match(datafile$datapath, "(\\..+$)")[1, 1]
data <- tryCatch({
if (fileending == ".sav") {
data <- Hmisc::spss.get(datafile$datapath, use.value.labels = F)
} else if (fileending == ".csv") {
encoding <- unlist(readr::guess_encoding(datafile$datapath)[1, 1])
lines <- readLines(datafile$datapath, n = 1)
numfields_semicolon <- count.fields(textConnection(lines), sep = ";")
numfields_colon <- count.fields(textConnection(lines), sep = ",")
if (numfields_semicolon == 1) {
data <- utils::read.csv(datafile$datapath, fileEncoding = encoding)
} else if (numfields_colon == 1) {
data <- utils::read.csv2(datafile$datapath, fileEncoding = encoding)
error = function(error_message) {
msg <- paste(
"Sorry, I could not read your data. Please check that it is in the ",
"SPSS format .sav or a regular .csv file with a comma as a separator ",
"(not a semicolon or any other delimiter).",
sep = ""
showNotification(msg, type = "error")
#' Make column names to html tags
#' This is a sortable helper that covert column names of a data frame to
#' proper html tags for use with sortable_js
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @param df the data frame to convert
#' @return html object with column names of the df
#' @noRd
colnames_to_tags <- function(df) {
function(co) {
class = utils::tail(class(df[, co]), 1),
tags$span(class = "glyphicon glyphicon-move"),
#' Creates default (linear) lambdas
#' This is used in shiny input tables to have some default.
#' @param levels levels to create default lambdas for
#' @return vector of lambdas
#' @noRd
create_default_lambdas <- function(levels) {
lambdas <- 1:length(levels)
lambdas <- lambdas - mean(lambdas)
names(lambdas) <- levels
#' Creates rhandsontable for lambda input
#' Used in shiny to create a UI for setting lambda values.
#' @param levels levels to create default lambdas for
#' @return rhandsontable with lambda levels and default (linear) lambda values
#' @noRd
create_table <- function(levels) {
df <- data.frame(
levels = levels,
lambda = create_default_lambdas(levels)
the_tab <- rhandsontable::rhandsontable(
stretchH = "all",
rowHeaders = NULL
# make first column read only
rhandsontable::hot_col(the_tab, "levels", readOnly = T)
#' prepares lambda table
#' Used in shiny to pepare a UI for setting lambda values.
#' @param levels levels to create default lambdas for
#' @return data frame with levels, lambda values and n per group
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom rlang .data
prepare_table <- function(lambda, var) {
df <- data.frame("level" = names(lambda), lambda = lambda)
freq_between <-
freq_between <- dplyr::transmute(freq_between,
level = as.character(.data$var),
n = .data$Freq)
df$level <- as.character(df$level)
df <- dplyr::left_join(df, freq_between, by = "level")
#' Cites useful references for cofad in html
#' Used in shiny to list some references for contrast analysis.
#' @return HTML character
#' @noRd
cite <- function() {
paste(readLines(system.file("extdata", "citation.txt", package = "cofad")),
collapse = "")
#' Calculate lambdas for two competing hypotheses
#' If you want to test two competing hypotheses, you can use this helper
#' function to create the correct difference lambdas. There is no magic here.
#' The two contrasts are z-standardized first and then subtracted
#' (lambda_preferred - lambda_competing). You can use the new difference lambdas
#' as the input for calc_contrast.
#' @param lambda_preferred Lambdas of the preferred hypothesis. Has to be a
#' named vector with the names corresponding with the groups in the analyzed
#' data set. Alternatively, use the parameter labels.
#' @param lambda_competing Lambdas of the competing hypothesis. Has to be a
#' named vector with the names corresponding with the groups in the analyzed
#' data set. Alternatively, use the parameter labels.
#' @param labels If you provide lambdas without names, you can set the group
#' labels for both contrasts here.
#' @return Lambdas for difference between lambda_preferred and lambda_competing
#' @examples
#' lambda <- lambda_diff(c("A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 3),
#' c("A" = 1, "B" = 2, "C" = 6))
#' lambda
#' # same result
#' lambda2 <- lambda_diff(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 2, 6),
#' labels = c("A", "B", "C"))
#' lambda2
#' @export
lambda_diff <- function(lambda_preferred, lambda_competing, labels = NULL) {
if (cor(lambda_preferred, lambda_competing) == 1) {
stop('Your lambdas are perfectly correlated. ',
'It does not make sense to compare them.')
if ((is.null(names(lambda_preferred)) | is.null(names(lambda_competing))) &
is.null(labels)) {
stop('Please provide group labels for your lambdas. ',
'For instance, c("A" = 1, "B" = 2, ...)')
if ((!is.null(names(lambda_preferred)) | !is.null(names(lambda_competing))) &
!is.null(labels)) {
stop('Use either a named vector for the lambdas',
' or the labels parameter to specify the group labels. ',
'Do not use both.')
if (!is.null(labels)) {
names(lambda_preferred) <- names(lambda_competing) <- labels
lambda_preferred <- lambda_preferred[sort(names(lambda_preferred))]
lambda_competing <- lambda_competing[sort(names(lambda_competing))]
if (!(identical(names(lambda_preferred), names(lambda_competing)))) {
stop('Please provide the same labels for your lambdas\n',
'current labels of preferred lambdas: ',
paste(names(lambda_preferred), collapse = " "),
'\ncurrent labels of competing lambdas: ',
paste(names(lambda_competing), collapse = " "))
lambda_diff <- as.numeric(zscale(lambda_preferred) - zscale(lambda_competing))
names(lambda_diff) <- names(lambda_preferred)
zscale <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
sqrt(n / (n - 1)) * (x - mean(x)) / sd(x)
#' @importFrom tibble lst
cn <- function(...) {
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