
#use_data(trans_df,nt_coi_PHMM,aa_coi_PHMM,nt_coi_PHMM,example_nt_string,example_barcode_data, overwrite=TRUE, internal=TRUE)

#' Nucleotide profile hidden Markov model for coi5p.
#' This model is stored in the coi5p package and was trained on a representative
#' sample of the barcode of life database (http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php).

#' Amino acid profile hidden Markov model for coi5p.
#' This model is stored in the coi5p package and was trained on a representative
#' sample of the barcode of life database (http://www.boldsystems.org/index.php).

#' Data frame containing the translation table recommendation.

#' Example coi5p DNA sequence string
#' This string of barcode data is used in the package documentation's examples
#' and within the vignette demonstrating how to use the package.

#' Example barcode data.
#' A nine line dataframe of coi5p barcode data with the following columns:
#' id - the unique identifier for the sample
#' genetic_code - the genetic code for translation of the sample (features NA for unknowns)
#' taxa -  a taxonomic designation associated with the sample
#' sequence - the DNA sequence associated with the sample
#' notes - notes on the sequence structure

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coil documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:51 a.m.