rowbind <- function(..., idcol = NULL, row.names = FALSE, use.names = TRUE, fill = FALSE, id.factor = "auto",
return = c("as.first", "data.frame", "data.table", "tibble", "list")) {
l <- if(...length() == 1L && is.list(..1)) unclass(..1) else list(...)
if(is.logical(idcol)) idcol <- if(isTRUE(idcol)) ".id" else NULL
id_fact <- length(idcol) && switch(as.character(id.factor), `TRUE` = TRUE, `FALSE` = FALSE,
auto = !is.null(names(l)), ordered = TRUE,
stop("id.factor needs to be 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'auto' or 'ordered'"))
if(id_fact) {
nam <- names(l)
names(l) <- NULL
res <- .Call(C_rbindlist, l, use.names || fill, fill, idcol)
if(id_fact) {
attr(res[[1L]], "levels") <- if(length(nam)) nam else as.character(seq_along(l))
oldClass(res[[1L]]) <- switch(id.factor, `TRUE` = c("factor", "na.included"), # Cannot have empty alternative in numeric switch
auto = c("factor", "na.included"),
ordered = c("ordered", "factor", "na.included"))
if(!isFALSE(row.names)) {
attributes(l) <- NULL
rn <- list(.Call(C_pivot_long, lapply(l, attr, "row.names"), NULL, FALSE))
if(length(rn[[1L]]) != length(res[[1L]])) stop("length mismatch: not all objects in the list have 'row.names' attribute")
names(rn) <- switch(row.names, `TRUE` = "row.names", row.names)
res <- if(is.null(idcol)) c(rn, res) else c(res[1L], rn, res[-1L])
as.first = {
a1 <- attributes(l[[1L]])
if(is.null(a1)) return(res)
if(any(a1$class == "data.frame")) a1$row.names <- .set_row_names(length(res[[1L]]))
a1$names <- names(res)
.Call(C_setattributes, res, a1)
if(any(a1$class == "data.table")) return(alc(res))
data.frame = qDF(res),
data.table = qDT(res),
tibble = qTBL(res),
list = res,
stop("Unknown return option: ", return[1L])
unlist2d <- function(l, idcols = ".id", row.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE, id.factor = FALSE, DT = FALSE) {
if (!is.list(l)) return(l) # stop("l is not a list")
makeids <- length(idcols) && !isFALSE(idcols)
if(makeids) id.names <- if(isTRUE(idcols)) ".id" else idcols[1L]
keeprn <- !isFALSE(row.names)
if(keeprn) row.names <- switch(row.names, `TRUE` = "row.names", row.names)
idfac <- !isFALSE(id.factor)
if(idfac) fcclass <- switch(id.factor, `TRUE` = c("factor", "na.included"), ordered = c("ordered", "factor", "na.included"),
stop('id.factor needs to be FALSE, TRUE or "ordered"'))
DATAclass <- if(DT) c("data.table", "data.frame") else "data.frame"
DFDTl <- function(l) {
attr(l, "row.names") <- .set_row_names(.Call(C_fnrow, l))
`oldClass<-`(l, DATAclass)
# idf <- function(x) if(inherits(x, "data.frame")) 2L else if (!length(x)) 1L else 3L*is.atomic(x) # was if(is.null(x)) 1L -> disregards empty list, bug reported # faster way ? : This is not faster: 2L*inherits(x, "data.frame") + is.null(x) + 3L*is.atomic(x)
addrn <- function(x) if(any(attr(x, "names") == row.names)) x else c(`names<-`(list(attr(x, "row.names")), row.names), x) # faster way ?
attol <- function(x) {
# class(x) <- NULL # tables are also arrays, although only 1D, not because of the class but because they have a dimension attribute.
if (length(d <- dim(x)) > 1L) { # is.array(x) # length could also be 0... not NULL
if (length(d) > 2L) { # breaking down HDA
dn <- dimnames(x)
dim(x) <- c(d[1L], bprod(d[-1L]))
if (length(dn)) {
for (i in 2L:length(d)) if(is.null(dn[[i]])) dn[[i]] <- seq_len(d[i])
dimnames(x) <- list(dn[[1L]], interact_names(dn[-1L])) # Good ?
if(keeprn) {
dn <- dimnames(x)
x <- `names<-`(c(list(if(is.null(dn[[1L]])) seq_len(d[1L]) else dn[[1L]]), .Call(Cpp_mctl, x, FALSE, 0L)), c(row.names, dn[[2L]]))
} else x <- .Call(Cpp_mctl, x, TRUE, 0L)
} else x <- as.vector(x, "list")
if (is.null(names(x))) names(x) <- paste0("V", seq_along(x)) # it seems this is not yet working for all (i.e. model objects..), also perhaps not start at V1, depending on what other columsn there are.. i.e. start at the right position ?
ul2d <- function(y) {
if(inherits(y, "data.frame") || is.atomic(y)) return(y)
if(is.object(y)) oldClass(y) <- NULL # perhaps unclassing y would put more safety ? -> yes !
ident <- .Call(C_vtypes, y, 6L) # vapply(`attributes<-`(y, NULL), idf, 1L) # removes names ?
if(is.list(y) && all(ident > 0L)) {
if(any(at <- ident == 3L)) y[at] <- lapply(y[at], attol)
if(keeprn && any(df <- ident == 2L)) y[df] <- lapply(y[df], addrn) # better cbind for data.table ? or x[["row.names"]] =.. and the sort later ?
if(makeids) {
if(idfac) {
y <- y[ident != 1L] # better way ? y[ident!=1L] = NULL ?
nam <- names(y)
if(length(nam)) names(y) <- NULL else nam <- as.character(seq_along(y))
y <- DFDTl(.Call(C_rbindlist, y, TRUE, TRUE, id.names))
setattributes(.subset2(y, 1L), pairlist(levels = nam, class = fcclass))
} else return(DFDTl(.Call(C_rbindlist, y[ident != 1L], TRUE, TRUE, id.names)))
} else return(DFDTl(.Call(C_rbindlist, y[ident != 1L], TRUE, TRUE, NULL)))
} else lapply(y, ul2d)
l <- ul2d(l)
if(recursive) {
while(!inherits(l, "data.frame")) l <- ul2d(l)
if(makeids) {
nams <- attr(l, "names")
ids <- whichv(nams, id.names)
nid <- length(ids)
if(nid > 1L) {
nids <- seq_len(nid)
attr(l, "names")[ids] <- if(length(idcols) == nid) idcols else paste(id.names, nids, sep = ".")
if(keeprn) {
rn <- whichv(nams, row.names) # with more id's, row.names are automatically generated from the sub-data.frames..
if(!all(ids == nids) || rn != nid + 1L) .Call(C_setcolorder, l, c(ids, rn, seq_along(nams)[-c(ids, rn)]))
} else if (!all(ids == nids)) .Call(C_setcolorder, l, c(ids, seq_along(nams)[-ids]))
} else if(keeprn) { # makes sure row.names comes after ids, even if only one id!
rn <- whichv(nams, row.names) # length(rn) needed when only vectors... no row names column...
if(length(rn) && rn != 2L) .Call(C_setcolorder, l, c(ids, rn, seq_along(nams)[-c(ids, rn)]))
} else if (keeprn) {
nams <- attr(l, "names")
rn <- whichv(nams, row.names)
if(length(rn) && rn != 1L) .Call(C_setcolorder, l, c(rn, seq_along(nams)[-rn]))
if(DT) return(alc(l))
# attr(l, ".internal.selfref") <- NULL
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