ASTM.D1925.YellownessIndex | ASTM D 1925 Yellowness Index for Plastics |
ASTM.E313.Whiteness | ASTM E313 Whiteness |
ASTM.E313.YellownessIndex | ASTM E313 Yellowness |
Berger59.Whiteness | Berger (59) Whiteness |
BVR2XYZ | convert from BVR coordinates to XYZ temperature (Robertson) |
cccie31 | CIE (1931) 2-deg chromaticity coordinates |
cccie64 | CIE (1964) 10-deg chromaticity coordinates |
CCT2XYZ | Convert CCT to XYZ |
CentralsISCCNBS | Central notations for the revised ISCC-NBS |
CheckColorLookup | Check that the color block number is correct |
ChromaticAdaptation | Chromatic adaptation algorithms |
chromaticity.diagram | Plot the chromaticity diagram |
chromaticity.diagram.color | Plot the chromaticity diagram line with color |
CIE1931xy2CIE1960uv | Convert CIE 1931 xy color space to CIE 1960 uv color space |
CIE1931xy2CIE1976uv | Convert CIE 1931 xy color space to CIE 1976 uv color space |
CIE1931XYZ2CIE1931xyz | Convert CIE 1931 XYZ color space to CIE 1931 xyz color space |
CIE1931XYZ2CIE1960uv | Convert CIE 1931 XYZ color space to CIE 1960 uv color space |
CIE1931XYZ2CIE1976uv | Convert CIE 1931 XYZ color space to CIE 1976 uv color space |
CIE1960UCS2CIE1964 | Convert CIE 1960 UCS color space to CIE 1964 color space |
CIE1960UCS2xy | Convert CIE 1960 UCS color space to 1960 xy color space |
CIE1976chroma | CIE 1976 chroma formula for CIELab and CIELuv |
CIE1976hueangle | CIE 1976 hue angle formula for CIELab and CIELuv |
CIE1976uv2CIE1931xy | CIE-1976 u'v' to CIE-1931 xy |
CIE1976uv2CIE1960uv | CIE-1976 u'v' to CIE-1960 uv |
CIE1976uvSaturation | CIE 1976 uv Saturation |
CIELabtoDIN99 | Conversion from CIELAB color space to DIN99 coordinates |
CIEluminanceY2NCSblackness | approximated NCS blackness s by the CIE luminance factor Y |
CIETint | Tint indices: CIE Tint and ASTM E313 Tint |
CIE.Whiteness | CIE Whiteness |
ciexyz31 | CIE 1931 2-deg, XYZ CMFs |
ciexyz64 | CIE 1964 10-deg, XYZ CMFs |
CMY2CMYK | Convert CMY coordinates to CMYK |
CMY2RGB | Convert CMYK coordinates to RGB |
CMYK2CMY | Convert CMYK coordinates to CMY |
ColorBlockFromMunsell | Get HVC, ISCC-NBS Number and ISCC-NBS Name from Munsell... |
colorscience-internal | Internal colorscience functions |
compuphaseDifferenceRGB | compuphase Difference RGB |
conversionIlluminance | Conversion Factors for Units of Illuminance |
conversionLuminance | Conversion Factors for Units of Luminance |
createIsoTempLinesTable | table of isotemperature lines for use with the Robertson... |
daylightcomponents | daylight components |
deltaE1976 | Delta E (CIE 1976) |
deltaE1994 | Delta E (CIE 1994) |
deltaE2000 | Delta E (CIE 2000) |
deltaECMC | Delta E CMC |
DeMarcoPokornySmith2degConeFundamentals1992 | DeMarco, Pokorny & Smith (1992) versions of the Smith-Pokorny... |
DIN6167.YellownessIndex | CIE Whiteness |
DIN99toCIELab | Conversion from DIN99 coordinates to CIELAB color space |
dkl2dklCart | converts between spherical and cartesian coordinates for DKL |
dkl2rgb | convert RGB to DKL |
DominantWavelength | Converts xyY coordinates to wavelength |
emittanceblackbodyPlanck | emittance of a black body of temperature T at a given... |
footcandle2candela.steradian.sqmeter | converts foot candle to candela steradian / square meter |
footcandle2lux | convert foot candle to Lumens/lux |
footcandle2watt.sqcentimeter | converts foot candle to watts / square centimeter |
GanzGrieser.Tint | Ganz and Grieser Tint |
GanzGrieser.Whiteness | Ganz and Grieser Whiteness |
heuristic.wlnm2RGB | Approximations from wavelengths to RGB |
HSL2RGB | Convert HSL coordinates to RGB |
HSV2RGB | Convert HSV coordinates to RGB |
Hue.2.RGB | Convert Hue to RGB |
huedegree | convert Munsell hue to degree |
huedegreemunsell | Table with Munsell hue degrees |
Hunter60.WhitenessIndex | Hunter 60 Whiteness Index |
HunterLab2XYZ | Convert HunterLab coordinates to XYZ |
illuminantA | Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant A at... |
illuminantD65 | Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminant D65... |
illuminants | Relative spectral power distributions of CIE illuminants at 5... |
ISObrightnessReflectometerRSD | Weighting factors for the calculation of ISO brightness |
kelvin2xy | Blackbody radiator color temperature to CIE 1931 x,y... |
Lab2LCHab | Convert CIE Lab coordinates to LCHab |
LAB2LUV | Convert CIE Lab coordinates to CIE Luv |
Lab2XYZ | Convert CIE Lab coordinates to XYZ |
LCHab2Lab | Convert LCHab coordinates to CIE Lab |
LCHuv2Luv | Convert LCHuv coordinates to CIE Luv |
LEF2RGB | Convert LEF coordinates to RGB |
LMS2DKL | Convert LMS coordinates to DKL |
LMS2RGB | Convert LMS coordinates to RGB |
LMS2XYZ | Convert LMS coordinates to XYZ |
LSLM2RGB | Convert LSLM coordinates to RGB |
LUV2LAB | Convert CIE Luv coordinates to CIE Lab |
Luv2LCHuv | Convert CIE Luv coordinates to LCHuv |
Luv2XYZ | Convert CIE Luv coordinates to XYZ |
Luv2Yuv | Convert CIE Luv coordinates to Yuv |
makeChromaticAdaptationMatrix | Generate a Chromatic Adaptation matrix |
MaterialReferenceData | Material Reference Data from Principles of Digital Image... |
MaxChromaFromExtrapRenotationData | Table with maximum chroma for which extrapolated renotation... |
MaxChromasForStandardMunsellHuesAndValues | Table with maximum Munsell chroma, for a given Munsell hue... |
Maxwell.triangle | Plot the Maxwell triangle |
Munsell100hues55 | Chromaticity diagram showing values for x and y for... |
Munsell100hues55FM100 | Munsell 100-Hues at 5/5, production numbers 101 to 200 and... |
MunsellHues | Table with Munsell Hues |
MunsellNeutrals2sRGB | Table with Munsell Neutrals and corresponding sRGB |
MunsellSpecToHVC | convert Munsell notation to numeric HVC |
MunsellSpectral | Table with Munsell spectral data |
MunsellV2relativeLuminanceY | Munsell value V to relative luminance Y |
MunsellV2Y | Munsell value to CIE XYZ "Y" |
NickersonColorDifference | Nickerson Color Difference |
PhotoYCC2RGB | Convert PhotoYCC to RGB |
PreucilAngle | Preucil Angle |
PreucilPercentGreyness | Preucil Percentage of Greyness |
PreucilPercentHueError | Preucil Percentage of Greyness |
RGB2CMY | Convert sRGB coordinates to CMY |
rgb2dklV | convert RGB to DKL |
RGB2HSL | Convert RGB coordinates to HSL |
RGB2HSV | Convert RGB coordinates to HSV |
RGB2hue | Convert sRGB coordinates to hue |
RGB2LEF | Convert RGB coordinates to LEF |
RGB2LMS | Convert RGB coordinates to LMS |
RGB2LSLM | Convert RGB coordinates to LSLM |
RGB2PhotoYCC | Convert RGB coordinates to PhotoYCC |
RGB2XYZ | Convert sRGB coordinates to XYZ |
RGB2YCbCr | Convert RGB coordinates to YCbCr |
RGB2YIQ | Convert RGB coordinates to YIQ |
RGB2YPbPr | Convert RGB coordinates to YPbPr |
RGB2YUV | Convert RGB coordinates to YUV |
RxRyRz2XYZ | convert from three filter measurements (reflectance factors)... |
saturationCIECAM02 | saturation CIECAM 2002 |
saturationCIELABEvaLubbe | CIELAB saturation (Eva Lubbe) |
saturationCIELUV | CIELUV/CIELAB saturation |
SmithPokorny2degConeFundamentals1975 | Smith & Pokorny (1975) 2-deg cone fundamentals |
spectra2CCT | Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) from spectra |
spectra2CRIGAIFSCI | CRI, GAI and FSCI from spectra |
spectra2ISObrightness | Diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness) |
spectra2lux | Illuminance (Lux) from spectra |
spectra2XYZ | convert spectral data to tristimulus values |
sprague | Interpolates an n by w matrix of spectra, sprague |
StearnsStearnscorrection | Stearns and Stearns correction |
Stensby68.Whiteness | Stensby Whiteness |
StockmanMacLeodJohnson10degConeFundamentals1993 | Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 10-deg cone fundamentals |
StockmanMacLeodJohnson2degCIEadjConeFundamentals1993 | Stockman, MacLeod & Johnson (1993) 2-deg cone fundamentals |
StockmanMacLeodJohnson2degStilesBurchConeFundamentals1993 | Stockman, MacLeod & Johnson (1993) 2-deg fundamentals |
StockmanSharpe10degCMFS2000 | Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 10-deg cone fundamentals |
StockmanSharpe2degCMFadj2000 | Stockman & Sharpe (2000) 2-deg cone fundamentals |
SystemISCCNBS | ISCC-NBS System |
Taube60.Whiteness | Taube Whiteness |
TCSdata | The spectral reflectance data of 14 color test samples for... |
tristimulusMunsell | 434 Munsell colors with tristimulus and CMFs for a few... |
VosEstevezWalraven2degConeFundamentals1990 | Vos, Estévez & Walraven (1990) 2-deg cone fundamentals |
VosWalraven2degConeFundamentals1971 | Vos & Walraven(1971) 2-deg cone fundamentals |
WestlandBlacknessIndex | Westland, et al. blackness index |
whitepointsilluminants | White points of standard illuminants |
whitepointsRGB | Primaries for RGB color spaces |
wlnm2XYZ | Approximates wavelength to CIE tristimulus XYZ |
xFit_1931 | Approximations from wavelengths to XYZ by Wyman et al |
xy2CCT.HernandezAndres | convert from chromaticity coordinates to correlated color... |
xy2CCT.McCamy | convert from chromaticity coordinates to correlated color... |
xyChromaticitiesVos1978 | x, y coordinates transformed to Judd (1951) x', y' system |
xyY2XYZ | Convert CIE CMF to XYZ |
XYZ2BVR | convert from XYZ coordinates to BVR |
XYZ2CCT.Robertson | convert from chromaticity coordinates to correlated color... |
XYZ2HunterLab | convert from XYZ coordinates to Hunter Lab coordinates |
XYZ2Lab | convert from XYZ coordinates to CIE Lab coordinates |
XYZ2LMS | Convert XYZ coordinates to LMS |
XYZ2Luv | convert from XYZ coordinates to CIE Luv coordinates |
XYZ2RGB | convert from XYZ coordinates to CIE RGB coordinates |
XYZ2RxRyRz | convert from XYZ to three filter measurements (reflectance... |
XYZ2xyY | convert from XYZ coordinates to xyY coordinates |
XYZ2Yuv | convert from XYZ coordinates to Yuv coordinates |
XYZMoonSpencer1945 | Approximations from wavelengths to XYZ by Moon & Spencer |
XYZperfectreflectingdiffuser | Perfect reflecting diffuser data |
XYZTannenbaum1974 | Approximations from wavelengths to XYZ by Tannenbaum 1974 |
XYZtoRGB | convert from XYZ coordinates to RGB |
Y2MunsellV | CIE XYZ "Y" to Munsell value |
Y2MunsellVtable1D1535 | CIE XYZ "Y" to Munsell value formula, based on the ASTM... |
YCbCr2RGB | Convert YCbCr coordinates to RGB |
YIQ2RGB | Convert YIQ coordinates to RGB |
YPbPr2RGB | Convert YCbCr coordinates to RGB |
Yuv2Luv | Convert Yuv coordinates to Luv |
YUV2RGB | Convert YUV coordinates to RGB |
Yuv2xy | convert from Yuv coordinates to xy coordinates |
Yuv2XYZ | convert from Yuv coordinates to XYZ coordinates |
Yxy2CIE1960UCS | convert from Yxy coordinates to CIE 1960 UCS |
Yxy2Yuv | convert from Yxy coordinates to Yuv coordinates |
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