
## Creates the graph for the Summary tab of Numerical Simulations
# Horizontal
output$plotSumATR <- renderPlot({

  if(grepl("%", input$outcomeSumATR)) ylimSumATR <- c(0,50)
  else{ylimSumATR <- c(0,350)}

  ggplot(data = subset(sumboxdata, Outcome == input$outcomeSumATR & shareOutThresh == input$shareOutSumATR), aes(x=Model, ymin=low_wisk,lower=pct25,middle=pct50,upper=pct75,ymax=high_wisk))+
    geom_boxplot(stat = "identity", lwd = 0.75, fatten = 1) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = ylimSumATR)+
    theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 16, face = "bold"), axis.title = element_text(size = 13), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 11, face = "bold")) +
    ylab(input$outcomeSumATR) +
    ggtitle(paste0(input$outcomeSumATR, ", Outside Share Less Than ", input$shareOutSumATR, "%"))


# Tariffs
output$plotSumTariffs <- renderPlot({

  if(grepl("%", input$outcomeSumTariffs)) ylimSumTariffs <- c(0,50)
  else{ylimSumTariffs <- c(0,350)}  # Set scale appropriately by inspection. However, some axes seem way off, so Charles will investigate more prior to making this change...

  ggplot(data = subset(sumboxdata_trade, Outcome == input$outcomeSumTariffs & tariffThresh == input$tariffThreshSum), aes(x=Model, ymin=low_wisk,lower=pct25,middle=pct50,upper=pct75,ymax=high_wisk))+
    geom_boxplot(stat = "identity", lwd = 0.75, fatten = 1) +
    #coord_cartesian(ylim = ylimSumTariffs)+
    theme_bw() + theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 16, face = "bold"), axis.title = element_text(size = 13), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, size = 11, face = "bold")) +
    ylab(input$outcomeSumTariffs) +
    ggtitle(paste0(input$outcomeSumTariffs, ", Tariffs Less Than ", input$tariffThreshSum, "%"))


## Creates the graph for the Indices tab of Numerical Simulations
# Horizontal
output$plotIndATR <- renderPlot({

  plotInd <- ggplot(subset(indicboxdata, Cut_type == input$indexIndATR & Supply == "Pooled" & shareOutThresh == input$shareOutIndATR),
                    aes(x=Cut_value,ymin=low_wisk,lower=pct25,middle=pct50,upper=pct75,ymax=high_wisk)) +
    geom_boxplot(stat = "identity", lwd = 0.75, fatten = 1) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,30)) + theme_bw() +
    xlab(input$indexIndATR) + ylab("Industry Price Change (%)") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 16, face = "bold"), axis.text.y = element_text(size=11), axis.title = element_text(size=13), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45,hjust = 1, size = 12)) +
    geom_hline(yintercept=0, col = "#d95f02",linetype = "dashed") +
    geom_hline(yintercept=c(1,5,10), linetype="dashed") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(seq(from=0, to=30, by=10), 1, 5, 10)) +
    ggtitle(paste0(input$indexIndATR,", Outside Share Less Than ",input$shareOutIndATR, "% (", input$pooledIndATR,")"))


  if (input$pooledIndATR == "By Demand Model") {
    plotInd %+% subset(indicboxdata, Cut_type == input$indexIndATR & shareOutThresh == input$shareOutIndATR & !Supply == "Pooled") +
      facet_wrap(Supply~Demand,scales = "fixed",nrow=1) + theme(axis.text.y  = element_text(size=7))

## Number of Simulated Mergers for Summary Tab of ATR Numerical Simulations
# Horizontal
output$sumNumMergerATR <- renderUI({
  sumNumMerg <- subset(sumboxmktCnt, Outcome == input$outcomeSumATR & shareOutThresh == input$shareOutSumATR)
  sumNumMerg <- prettyNum(sum(sumNumMerg$Cnt), big.mark=",")
  HTML(paste("Examine the distribution of outcomes from", sumNumMerg, "simulated horizontal mergers."))

# Tariffs
output$sumNumMergerTariffs <- renderUI({
  sumNumMerg <- subset(sumboxmktCnt_trade, Outcome == input$outcomeSumTariffs & tariffThresh == input$tariffThreshSum)
  sumNumMerg <- prettyNum(sum(sumNumMerg$Cnt), big.mark = ",")
  HTML(paste("Examine the distribution of outcomes from", sumNumMerg, "tariffs."))

## Number of Simulated Mergers for Indices Tab of ATR Numerical Simulation
# Horizontal
output$indicNumMergerATR <- renderUI({
  indicNumMerg <- prettyNum(indicboxmktCnt$Cnt[which(indicboxmktCnt$Cut_type == input$indexIndATR & indicboxmktCnt$shareOutThresh == input$shareOutIndATR )], big.mark=",")
  HTML(paste("Examine the relationship between industry price changes and commmonly used merger indices from", prettyNum((indicNumMerg), big.mark=","), "simulated horizontal mergers."))

## Generates captions for Summary Graph of ATR Numerical Simulations
# Horizontal
output$capSumATR <- renderText({

captionSumATR <- reactive({
  switch(input$outcomeSumATR, 'Consumer Harm ($)' = "Consumer Harm Measured in Dollars.",
                              'Producer Benefit ($)' = "Producer Benefit Measured in Dollars.",
                              'Net Harm ($)' = "Net Harm Caused to Consumer Measured in Dollars.",
                              'Industry Price Change (%)' = "Industry Price Change Measured as a Percent Change from Pre-Merger Price",
                              'Merging Party Price Change (%)' = "Merging Party Price Change as a Percent Change from Pre-Merger Price")

# Tariffs
output$capSumTariffs <- renderText({

captionSumTariffs <- reactive({
  switch(input$outcomeSumTariffs, 'Domestic Firm Benefit' = "Domestic Firm Benefit Measured in ?",
                                  'Domestic Firm Price Change' = "Domestic Firm Price Change Measured in ?",
                                  'Foreign Firm Harm' = "Foreign Firm Harm Measured in ?",
                                  'Foreign Firm Price Change' = "Foreign Firm Price Change Measured in ?",
                                  'Industry Price Change' = "Industry Price Change Measured as a ?Percent Change from Pre-Merger Price?",
                                  'Consumer Harm' = "Consumer Harm Measured in ?",
                                  'Net Domestic Harm' = "Net Domestic Harm Measured in ?",
                                  'Net Total Harm' = "Net Total Harm Measured in ?")

## Generates captions for Indices Graph of ATR Numerical Simulations
# Horizontal
output$capIndATR <- renderText({

captionIndATR <- reactive({
  switch(input$indexIndATR, 'UPP' = "Upward Pricing Pressure (UPP): Describes the relationship between UPP and industry-wide price changes across the different models, confirming previous findings
         that UPP's predictive power substantially degrades as demand curvature increases. Second, with the exception of Cournot-log and Bertrand-AIDS specifications,
         UPP tends to over-predict the price effects from a merger",
         'HHI' = "Post-Merger Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI): Demonstrates the distribution of estimated industry price changes by the level of the post-merger HHI for each model.
         Across all models, both the level and the variance of the quantiles of the estimated industry price changes increase with the change post-merger HHI.",
         'Delta HHI' = "Change in Post-Merger Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (Delta HHI): Presents the distribution of estimated industry price changes by the change in post-merger HHI for each model.
         Presents nearly identical results to 'HHI' with the added benefit that the change in the post-merger HHI is associated with a stronger negative correlation with a negligible
         price effect.",
         'CMCR' =  "Compensating Marginal Cost Reductions (CMCR): Displays the relationship between the Bertrand CMCR and industry-wide price changes across the different models.
         The range of price effects increases as the CMCR increases, with models having substantial demand curvature (i.e. Cournot, with Log-linear demand and Bertrand with AIDS demand)
         experiencing the largest increases in price dispersion.",
         'Firm Count' = "Number of Pre-Merger Firms (Firm Count): Depicts the distribution of industry price changes by Firm Count. Across all models, markets with fewer firms have exponentially larger average effects
         on industry-wide prices than markets with more firms.",
         'Party Gap' = "Difference in the Party Rank of the Merging Parties (Party Gap):  Presents Party Gap versus changes in industry-wide prices. As the merging parties grow closer in rank both the average price
         effects and the variance of the predicted price effects increase.",
         'Harm2nd' = "2nd Harm: Coming Soon")


## Embed PNG figure for Summary tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$figSummary <- renderImage({
    src = "www/surplussum.png",
    contentType = "image/png",
    width = "100%",
    height = "70%"
}, deleteFile = FALSE)

## Embed PNG figure for Upstream tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$figUpstream <- renderImage({
  if (input$upstreamPlot == "By Bargaining Parameter") {
      src = "www/CVbargupBW.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
      width = "100%",
      height = "70%"
  } else if (input$upstreamPlot == "By Number of Firms") {
      src = "www/CVfirmsupBW.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
      width = "100%",
      height = "70%"
}, deleteFile = FALSE)

## Embed PNG figure for Downstream tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$figDownstream <- renderImage({
  if (input$downstreamPlot == "By Bargaining Parameter") {
      src = "www/CVbargdownBW.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
      width = "100%",
      height = "70%"
  } else if (input$downstreamPlot == "By Number of Firms") {
      src = "www/CVfirmsdownBW.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
      width = "100%",
      height = "70%"
}, deleteFile = FALSE)

## Embed PNG figure for Vertical tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$figVertical <- renderImage({
  if (input$verticalPlot == "By Bargaining Parameter") {
      src = "www/CVbargvertBW.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
      width = "100%",
      height = "70%"
  } else if (input$verticalPlot == "By Number of Firms") {
      src = "www/CVfirmsvertBW.png",
      contentType = "image/png",
      width = "100%",
      height = "70%"
}, deleteFile = FALSE)

## Generate caption for Summary tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$capSummary <- renderText({
  "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which mergers affect consumer, retailer, wholesaler, and
   total surplus. Each blue box (on the left in each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing
   game, and each orange box (on the right in each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score
   auction game. Whiskers depict the 5th and 95th percentiles of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles,
   and the solid horizontal line depicts the median."

## Generate captions for Upstream tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$capUpstream <- renderText({

captionUpstream <- reactive({
  switch(input$upstreamPlot, 'By Bargaining Parameter' = "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which mergers among two wholesalers affect consumer,
         retailer, wholesaler, and total surplus as the bargaining power of wholesalers relative to retailers changes. Each blue box (on
         the left in each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing game, and each orange box (on
         the right in each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score auction game. Whiskers depict the
         5th and 95th percentiles of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the solid horizontal line depicts
         the median.",
                             'By Number of Firms' = "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which mergers among two wholesalers affect consumer,
         retailer, wholesaler, and total surplus as the number of wholesalers present in a market change. Each blue box (on the left in
         each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing game, and each orange box (on the right in
         each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score auction game. Whiskers depict the 5th and 95th
         percentiles of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the solid horizontal line depicts the median.")

## Generate captions for Downstream tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$capDownstream <- renderText({

captionDownstream <- reactive({
  switch(input$downstreamPlot, 'By Bargaining Parameter' = "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which mergers among two retailers affect consumer, retailer,
         wholesaler, and total surplus as the bargaining power of wholesalers relative to retailers changes. Each blue box (on the left in
         each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing game, and each orange box (on the right in
         each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score auction game. Whiskers depict the 5th and 95th
         percentiles of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the solid horizontal line depicts the median.",
                               'By Number of Firms' = "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which mergers among two retailers affect consumer, retailer,
         wholesaler, and total surplus as the number of retailers present in a market change. Each blue box (on the left in each pair)
         depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing game, and each orange box (on the right in each pair)
         depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score auction game. Whiskers depict the 5th and 95th percentiles
         of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the solid horizontal line depicts the median.")

## Generate captions for Vertical tab of Vertical Numerical Simulations
# Vertical
output$capVertical <- renderText({

captionVertical <- reactive({
  switch(input$verticalPlot, 'By Bargaining Parameter' = "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which vertical mergers between a wholesaler and retailer
         affect consumer, retailer, wholesaler, and total surplus as the bargaining power of wholesalers relative to retailers changes. Each
         blue box (on the left in each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing game, and each
         orange box (on the right in each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score auction game.
         Whiskers depict the 5th and 95th percentiles of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the solid
         horizontal line depicts the median.",
                             'By Number of Firms' = "Box and whisker plots summarizing the extent to which vertical mergers between a wholesaler and retailer affect consumer,
         retailer, wholesaler, and total surplus as the number of wholesalers and retailers present in a market change. Each blue box (on the left in
         each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a Bertrand pricing game, and each orange box (on the right in
         each pair) depicts the effects assuming that retailers are playing a second score auction game. Whiskers depict the 5th and 95th
         percentiles of a particular outcome, boxes depict the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the solid horizontal line depicts the median.")

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competitiontoolbox documentation built on Aug. 25, 2022, 9:08 a.m.