
decomposeSurv <- function
  ### decomposes complex survival formula
  ### trans: I(), powM2, powM1, powM0.5, sqrt, pow2, pow3, log,
  ### 2008-04
  orig.formula <- formula
  ## expand formula if needed:
  repeat {
    terms <- terms(formula, "fp", data=data)
    fac <- attr(terms, "factors")
    needed <- rownames(fac)[!rownames(fac) %in% colnames(fac)][-1]
    if(length(needed) == 0) break
    formula <- as.formula(paste(as.character(formula)[2], "~",
                                as.character(formula)[3], "+",
                                paste(needed, sep="+")))
  ## determine position of <fp> terms (of all orders) in
  ## not expanded formula
  spec <- untangle.specials(terms, "fp", order=1:3)
  fpnames <- gsub("fp\\(([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\)", "\\1", spec$vars) # c("a", "b")
  fpiden <- paste("(", fpnames, ")", sep="") # c("(a)", "(b)")
  formulaOrig <- formula
  ## replace fp() by the 8x2 possible terms (in formula[3])
  ## attention: fp-variables must consist of a-z,A-Z,0-9, otherwise
  ## must be made modifications here (gsub) ...
  ## FURTHER: 1st term is the linear one
  ## FURTHER: 1st half (=8) are the usual terms, 2nd half (9-16) are the repeated powers
  ## FURTHER: problems possible if one variable name is part of the other, e.g. ABC & ABCDE
  ##CODE <- paste("(I(\\1) + powM2(\\1) + powM1(\\1) + powM0.5(\\1) + log(\\1) + sqrt(\\1) + pow2(\\1) + pow3(\\1) + ",
  ##              "  RI(\\1) + RpowM2(\\1) + RpowM1(\\1) + RpowM0.5(\\1) + Rlog(\\1) + Rsqrt(\\1) + Rpow2(\\1) + Rpow3(\\1) )")
  CODE <- paste("(I(PT(\\1)) + powM2(PT(\\1)) + powM1(PT(\\1)) + powM0.5(PT(\\1)) + log(PT(\\1)) + ",
                "sqrt(PT(\\1)) + pow2(PT(\\1)) + pow3(PT(\\1)) + ",
                "RI(PT(\\1)) + RpowM2(PT(\\1)) + RpowM1(PT(\\1)) + RpowM0.5(PT(\\1)) + ",
                "Rlog(PT(\\1)) + Rsqrt(PT(\\1)) + Rpow2(PT(\\1)) + Rpow3(PT(\\1)) )")
  sub3 <- gsub("fp\\(([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\)", CODE, formulaOrig[3])
  formula <- as.formula(paste(as.character(formula)[2], "~", sub3))
  ## define simple transformations
  powM2 <- function(z) z^(-2)
  powM1 <- function(z) z^(-1)
  powM0.5 <- function(z) z^(-0.5)
  pow2 <- function(z) z^2
  pow3 <- function(z) z^3
  ## define repeated powers
  RI <- function(z) z * log(z)
  RpowM2 <- function(z) z^(-2) * log(z)
  RpowM1 <- function(z) z^(-1) * log(z)
  RpowM0.5 <- function(z) z^(-0.5) * log(z)
  Rlog <- function(z) log(z) * log(z)
  Rsqrt <- function(z) sqrt(z) * log(z)
  Rpow2 <- function(z) z^2 * log(z)
  Rpow3 <- function(z) z^3 * log(z)
  ## pretransformation function
  PT <- function(z) {
    obj <- fp.scale(z)
    (z + obj$shift) / obj$scale }
  ## construct 3-col response:
  resp <- model.extract(model.frame(formula, data = data), "response")
  if(is.null(dim(resp))) 	 resp<-cbind(resp-min(min(resp-0.01),0), rep(1,length(resp)))
  if(ncol(resp) == 2)      resp <- cbind(start=rep(0, nrow(resp)), resp)
  ## sortieren nach STOPzeit und -Cens
  if(sort) {
    sort <- order(resp[, 2],  -resp[, 3])
    data <- data[sort, , drop=FALSE]
    resp <- resp[sort, ]
  mm <- model.matrix(formula, data = data) ## Model-Matrix
  mm1 <- mm[, -1, drop=FALSE]	# w/o intercept
  sub3 <- gsub("fp\\(([a-zA-Z0-9]*)\\)", "PT(\\1)", formulaOrig[3])
  formulaPT <- as.formula(paste(as.character(formulaOrig)[2], "~", sub3))
  ## varied pretransformation function to get coefficients:
  PT <- function(z) {
    obj <- fp.scale(z)
    c(shift=obj$shift, scale=obj$scale, rep(-999, length(z) - 2)) }
  mmPT <- model.matrix(formulaPT, data = data)
  PTcoefs <- mmPT[1:2, !is.na(mmPT[1,]) & (mmPT[3,]==-999), drop=FALSE]
  rownames(PTcoefs) <- c("shift", "scale")
  ## *** END
  ## offset ..
  if(length(offset) != 0)
    offset.values <- offset
    offset.values <- NA
  terms <- terms(formula, "fp", data=data)
  fac <- attr(terms, "factors")
  labels <- attr(terms, "term.labels")
  ## splits by special chars
  f <- function(str)
    for(chars in c("(", ")", ":", " ", ",", "*", "^"))
      str <- unlist(strsplit(str, split=chars, fixed=TRUE))
  rowSplit <- sapply(rownames(fac), f, simplify=FALSE)	# splitted effects
  stopName <- tail(rowSplit[[1]], 2)[1]	# name of stoptime
  rowInter <- unlist(lapply(rowSplit[-1], function(z) any(z == stopName)))
  ##  rowOffset <- unlist(lapply(rowSplit[-1], function(z) any(z == "offset")))
  ##  rowOffset
  fac <- fac[-1, , drop=FALSE]	# omit Surv
  colSplit <- lapply(colnames(fac), f)
  colInter <- unlist(lapply(colSplit, function(z) any(z == stopName)))
  nTimes <- colSums(fac[rowInter, , drop=FALSE])
  nFac   <- colSums(fac[!rowInter, , drop=FALSE])
  inters <- (nFac>0) & (nTimes>0)
  NTDE <- sum(inters)
  timedata <- matrix(0, nrow(data), 0)
  timeind <- c()
  ## loop for (time x effect)
  for(i in which(inters)) {
    ## search pure time:
    ind <- (colSums(fac[rowInter, i] != fac[rowInter, , drop=FALSE]) == 0) & (nFac==0)
    timedata <- cbind(timedata, mm1[, ind, drop=FALSE])
    ## search pure effect:
    ind <- (colSums(fac[!rowInter, i] != fac[!rowInter, , drop=FALSE]) == 0) & (nTimes == 0)
    timeind <- c(timeind, which(ind[!colInter]))
  mm1 <- mm1[, !colInter, drop=FALSE]
  covnames <- c(colnames(mm1),
                paste(colnames(timedata), colnames(mm1)[timeind], sep=":")
  alter <- c(colnames(mm1),
             paste(colnames(mm1)[timeind], colnames(timedata), sep=":")
  ## indicator to identify the original formula:
  ind <- covnames %in% colnames(attr(terms(orig.formula, "fp", data=data), "factors")) |
    alter %in% colnames(attr(terms(orig.formula, "fp", data=data), "factors"))
  ## FP indicator matrix (1:16)
  NFP <- length(fpnames)
  fpind <- matrix(0, NFP, length(covnames), dimnames=
                    list(fpnames, covnames))
  for(i in seq(length=NFP)) {
    inds <- grep(fpiden[i], covnames)
    ## when interactions occur, 1:16,1:16 instead of 1:32 is needed
    fpind[i, inds] <- ((seq(along=inds) - 1) %% 16) + 1
  ## return object
    fac=fac,                    # factor matrix ..
    resp=resp,                  # N x 3 - response matrix
    mm1=mm1,                    # model matrix without time effects
    NTDE=NTDE,                  # number time dep. effects
    timedata=timedata,          # matrix with time functions as columns
    timeind=timeind, 		       # indicator of time-dependend effects
    NFP=NFP,                    # number of frac.polys
    fpnames=fpnames,            # names of the variables used as fractional poly's
    fpind=fpind,                # matrix with frac.polyn. in each row, numbered by 1 to 5
    PTcoefs=PTcoefs,            # coefficients of pretransformations
    covnames=covnames,          # names of covariates
    ind=ind,			               # indicator vector:
    # which terms are really part of the formula
    offset.values=offset.values # offset values

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