
Defines functions getCqYData getCqEsts getCqResp getCqPid getCqData getCqDataDf

Documented in getCqData getCqDataDf getCqEsts getCqPid getCqResp getCqYData

# todo: getCqGroupData; add group to getCqData/Df; give cqYData sensible column labs (currently Y1:YgNReg)

#' @title getCqDataDf
#' @description Takes a list object returned by `conquestr::getCqData` and coerces it to a wide data frame.
#'   This can sometimes cause issues in complex data, for example where there are multiple response
#'   vectors for each case (for example a many-facets model). This is because it is assumed that the data
#'   can be reduced to a matrix of _gNCases x m variables_ (where _m_ is the number of id, item, estimate and
#'   regression variables in the analysis). For more complex data, the user should use the outputs of
#'   `conquestr::getCqData` to manually merge together a data frame.
#' @param cqData An R object of class list, returned by the function conquestr::getCqData
#' @return A data frame containing R data frames based on the list objects in
#'   the ConQuest system file that has been read in.
#' @seealso conquestr::ConQuestSys()
#' @seealso conquestr::getCqData
#' @examples
#'   mySys <- ConQuestSys()
#'   myData <- getCqData(mySys)
#'   myDataDf <- getCqDataDf(myData)
getCqDataDf <-function(cqData) {
  if (!"cqData" %in% class(cqData))
    stop("'cqData' must be a list created by 'conquestr::getCqData'")

  tmpRespData <- cqData[["Responses"]]

  tmpRespData <- tryCatch(
    #try this
    reshape(tmpRespData, timevar = "Item", idvar = "Pid", direction = "wide"),
    # if there's a warning, handle it like this
    warning = function(w) {
        "converting gResponseData from long to wide has thrown a warning.
        This is usually caused by duplicate PIDs in the response data.
        Some data loss may have occured"
      (reshape(tmpRespData, timevar = "Item", idvar = "Pid", direction = "wide"))
    # finally, do this
    finally = { } # don't need anything here as reshape will always return the result from reshape
  # reorder resp data cols
  tmpColNames <- names(tmpRespData)
  tmpColNames[-c(1)] # remove "pid"
  myOrder <- as.numeric(
  tmpColNames <- tmpColNames[order(myOrder)]
  tmpRespData <- tmpRespData[ , c("Pid", tmpColNames)]

  myConQuestData <- cqData[["PID"]]
  # merge response data on PID lookup, this gives us the right link between seqNum and PID
  myConQuestData <- merge(myConQuestData, tmpRespData, by.x = "seqNum", by.y ="Pid", all.x = TRUE)
  # myConQuestData <- merge(myConQuestData, gGroupDataDf, by.x = "seqNum", by.y ="CaseNum", all.x = TRUE) # merge group data on response data, there will always be at least 1 vector of group vars (can be all NA)
  # merge gYData
  myConQuestData <- merge(myConQuestData, cqData[["Regression"]], by.x = "seqNum", by.y ="seqNum", all.x = TRUE)
  # merge estimates  (note some cases could be missing from gAllCaseEstimatesDf IF they are missing all response data and are missing regression data - e.g., missing regressors result in deletion)
  myConQuestData <- merge(myConQuestData, cqData[["Estimates"]], by.x = "seqNum", by.y ="pid", all.x = TRUE)



# TODO: function to return matrix sampler
#   # make nice DF out of matrix sampler  matricies iF they exist
#   if (any(grep("_raw|_fit", names(ReadSysList$gMatrixList))))
#   {
#     # get user defined prefix
#     myMatrixoutPrefix <- strsplit(grep("_raw|_fit", names(ReadSysList$gMatrixList), value = TRUE)[1], split = "_")[[1]][1]
#     matrixSampler_fit <- as.data.frame(eval(parse(text=paste0("ReadSysList$gMatrixList$", myMatrixoutPrefix, "_fit"))))
#     matrixSampler_raw <- as.data.frame(eval(parse(text=paste0("ReadSysList$gMatrixList$", myMatrixoutPrefix, "_raw"))))
#     # add to system file
#     systemFile[["matrixSampler_fit"]] <- matrixSampler_fit
#     systemFile[["matrixSampler_raw"]] <- matrixSampler_raw
#   }
#   # make nice DF out of item fit to use with matrix sampler matricies iF they exist
#   if (any(grep("_userfit", names(ReadSysList$gMatrixList))))
#   {
#     # get user defined prefix
#     myMatrixoutPrefix <- strsplit(grep("_userfit", names(ReadSysList$gMatrixList), value = TRUE)[1], split = "_")[[1]][1]
#     matrix_userfit <- as.data.frame(eval(parse(text=paste0("ReadSysList$gMatrixList$", myMatrixoutPrefix, "_userfit"))))
#     matrix_userfit$gin <- c(1:ReadSysList$gNGins)
#     # add to system file
#     systemFile[["matrix_userfit"]] <- matrix_userfit
#   }
#   return(systemFile)
# }

#' @title getCqData
#' @description Get data objects from an R object of class ConQuestSys.
#'   This function returns person IDs, response data, case estimates, regression and weight data.
#'   Each data type is stored as a data frame, and each data frame is a named element of a list.
#'   1. PID,
#'   2. Responses,
#'   3. Estimates,
#'   4. Regression.
#' @param mySys An R object of class ConQuestSys, returned by the function conquestr::ConQuestSys
#' @return A List of data frames.
#' @seealso conquestr::ConQuestSys()
#' @examples
#'   mySys <- ConQuestSys()
#'   myData <- getCqData(mySys)
getCqData <- function(mySys) {
  if (!"conQuestSysFile" %in% class(mySys)) {
    stop("'mySys' must be a ConQuest system file object created by 'conquestr::ConQuestSys'")
  tmpList <- list()

  # get person IDs
  gPIDLookUpDf <- getCqPid(mySys)
  # get responses
  gResponseDataDf <- getCqResp(mySys)
  # get case ests
  gAllCaseEstimatesDf <- getCqEsts(mySys)
  # get weight and regression vars
  gYDataDf <- getCqYData(mySys)

  tmpList[["PID"]] <- gPIDLookUpDf
  tmpList[["Responses"]] <- gResponseDataDf
  tmpList[["Estimates"]] <- gAllCaseEstimatesDf
  tmpList[["Regression"]] <- gYDataDf

  class(tmpList) <- append(class(tmpList), "cqData")

#' @title getCqPid
#' @description Return PID as a data frame.
#' @param mySys An R object of class conQuestSysFile, returned by the function conquestr::ConQuestSys
#' @return A data frame containing sequence number and PID (if no PID is declared, this is the sequence number).
#' @keywords internal
getCqPid <- function(mySys) {
  # if no PID is declared in datafile/format, gPIDLookUp is empty
  tmpSeq <- c(seq(mySys$gNCases[[1]]))
  if (!length(mySys$gPIDLookUp) == 0) {
    # note PID can be string
    tmpPid <- as.character(unlist(mySys$gPIDLookUp))
    gPidDf <- data.frame(
      pid = tmpPid,
      seqNum = tmpSeq
  } else
    gPidDf <- data.frame(
      pid = as.character(tmpSeq),
      seqNum = tmpSeq
  gPidDf <- replaceInDataFrame(gPidDf, -1.797693e+308, NA)

#' @title getCqResp
#' @description Return item responses as a data frame.
#' @param mySys An R object of class conQuestSysFile, returned by the function conquestr::ConQuestSys
#' @return A data frame containing raw item responses (pre key) and scored item response (post key).
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @keywords internal
getCqResp <- function(mySys) {

  # note: "pid" is really seqNum
  tmpColNames <- names(mySys$gResponseData[[1]])
  tmpNCol <- length(tmpColNames)
  tmpRespData <- matrix(
    ncol = tmpNCol, byrow = TRUE
  tmpRespData <- as.data.frame(tmpRespData)
  names(tmpRespData) <- tmpColNames

  # get preKey lookup table
  tmpKeys <- unlist(mySys$gPreKeyLookUp[[2]])
  preKeyLU <- data.frame(
    lookup = 0:(length(tmpKeys) - 1),
    PreKeyRsp_char = tmpKeys # should always be char
  tmpRespData <- merge(tmpRespData, preKeyLU, by.x = "PreKeyRsp", by.y = "lookup", all.x = TRUE)
  # order by PID and item
  tmpRespData <- tmpRespData[order(tmpRespData$Pid, tmpRespData$Item), ]

  tmpRespData <- replaceInDataFrame(tmpRespData, -1.797693e+308, NA)

  tmpRespData$Rsp[tmpRespData$RspFlag == 10] <- NA # these are dummies for drawing PVs


#' @title getCqEsts
#' @description Return ability estimates as a data frame.
#' @param mySys An R object of class conQuestSysFile, returned by the function conquestr::ConQuestSys
#' @return A data frame containing ability estimates (missing if not estimated).
#' @keywords internal
getCqEsts <- function(mySys) {
  tmpNames <- names(unlist(mySys$gAllCaseEstimates[[1]]))
  tmpNCol <- length(tmpNames)
  # rename PVs - dimensions cycle faster than PVs
  tmpNames[grep("^pvs", tmpNames)] <- paste0(
    rep("PV", mySys$gNDim * mySys$gNPlausibles),
    rep(1:mySys$gNPlausibles, each = mySys$gNDim),
    rep(1:mySys$gNDim, mySys$gNPlausibles)
  gAllCaseEstimatesDf <- matrix(
    ncol = tmpNCol, byrow = TRUE
  gAllCaseEstimatesDf <- as.data.frame(gAllCaseEstimatesDf)
  gAllCaseEstimatesDf <- replaceInDataFrame(gAllCaseEstimatesDf, -1.797693e+308, NA)
  names(gAllCaseEstimatesDf) <- tmpNames


#' @title getCqYData
#' @description Return weight and regression data as a data frame.
#' @param mySys An R object of class conQuestSysFile, returned by the function conquestr::ConQuestSys
#' @return A data frame containing weight and regression data.
#' @keywords internal
getCqYData <- function(mySys) {
  tmpNCol <- length(unlist(mySys$gYData[[1]]))
  if (tmpNCol > 2)
    tmpNames <- c("Weight", "Constant", paste0("Y", 1:(tmpNCol-2)))
  } else
    tmpNames <- c("Weight", "Constant")

  gYDataDf <- matrix(
    ncol = tmpNCol, byrow = TRUE
  gYDataDf <- as.data.frame(gYDataDf)
  names(gYDataDf) <- tmpNames
  gYDataDf$seqNum <- 1:mySys$gNCases[[1]]

  gYDataDf <- replaceInDataFrame(gYDataDf, -1.797693e+308, NA)


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conquestr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 6:02 p.m.