
Defines functions datetime.append

Documented in datetime.append

#' Append Date-Time Information to a Dataset
#' This function appends date-time information to a dataset in POSIXct 
#'    date_time format. It also uses functions from the lubridate package and 
#'    minor calculations to parse out month, day, hour, minute, second, 
#'    daySecond (the sequentially ordered second of a day), and totalSecond 
#'    (sequentially ordered second over the course of the study period) of 
#'    observations in a given dataset with date 
#'    (format: "mdy" =  month/day/year, "ymd" =  year/month/day, 
#'    "dmy" =  day/month/year, or "ydm" =  year/day/month (note: no preceding 
#'    zeroes should be included before numbers <10)) and time 
#'    (format: hour:minute:second (note:preceding zeroes must be included 
#'    before numbers < 10, ex. 00:00:01)) information, appends this metadata to
#'    the dataset, and can assign each day a unique ID.
#' @param x Data frame or list of data frames to which new information will be 
#'    appended.
#' @param date Vector of length nrow(data.frame(x)) or singular character data,
#'    detailing the relevant colname in x, that denotes what date information 
#'    will be used. If argument == NULL, datetime.append assumes a column with 
#'    the colname "date" exists in x, or that the dateTime argument != NULL. 
#'    Defaults to NULL.
#' @param time Vector of length nrow(data.frame(x)) or singular character data,
#'    detailing the relevant colname in x, that denotes what time information 
#'    will be used. If argument == NULL, datetime.append assumes a column with 
#'    the colname "time" exists in x, or that the dateTime argument != NULL. 
#'    Defaults to NULL.
#' @param dateTime Vector of length nrow(data.frame(x)) or singular character 
#'    data, detailing the relevant colname in x, that denotes what dateTime 
#'    information will be used. If argument == NULL, date and time arguments 
#'    must be appropriately defined, OR "date and "time" columns must exist in 
#'    x. Defaults to NULL.
#' @param dateFormat Character string. Defines how date information is 
#'    presented. Takes values "mdy" (i.e., month/day/year), 
#'    "ymd" (i.e., year/month/day), "dmy" (i.e., day/month/year), or 
#'    "ydm" (i.e., year/day/month). Defaults to "mdy."  
#' @param dateFake Logical. If TRUE, the function will assign fake date 
#'    information, beginning 01/01/startYear, to each of the timestamps. 
#'    Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param startYear Numerical. Denotes what year fake date information will 
#'    begin if dateFake == TRUE. Defaults to 2000.
#' @param tz.in Character. Identifies the timezone associated with the 
#'    time/dateTime argument input. Defaults to "UTC." Timezone names often 
#'    take the form "Country/City." See the listing of timezones at: 
#'    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones.
#' @param tz.out Character. Identifies the timezone that the output dateTime 
#'    information will be converted to. If NULL, tz.out will be identical to 
#'    tz.in. Defaults to NULL. Timezone names often take the form 
#'    "Country/City." See the listing of timezones at: 
#'    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones.
#' @param month Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "month" column with 
#'    relevant information derived from dateTime information. Defaults to 
#'    FALSE.
#' @param day Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "day" column with 
#'    relevant information  derived from dateTime information. Defaults to 
#'    FALSE.
#' @param year Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "year" column with 
#'    relevant information derived from dateTime information. Defaults to 
#'    FALSE.
#' @param hour Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "hour" column with 
#'    relevant information derived from dateTime information. Defaults to 
#'    FALSE.
#' @param minute Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "minute" column with 
#'    relevant information derived from dateTime information. Defaults to 
#'    FALSE.
#' @param second Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "second" column with 
#'    relevant information derived from dateTime information. Defaults to 
#'    FALSE.
#' @param daySecond Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "daySecond" column 
#'    with information detailing what the second of a given day the associated 
#'    dateTime value corresponds to. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param totalSecond Logical. If TRUE, output will contain a "totalSecond" 
#'    column with information detailing what the second of the entire data set 
#'    the associated dateTime value corresponds to. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @keywords date time date-time
#' @return Output is \code{x} with new columns appended according to 
#'    corresponding argmuents.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("calves")
#' calves.dateTime<-datetime.append(calves, date = calves$date, time = calves$time) 
#' head(calves.dateTime) #see now that a dateTime column exists.

datetime.append <- function(x, date = NULL, time = NULL, dateTime = NULL, dateFormat = "mdy", dateFake = FALSE, startYear = 2000, tz.in = "UTC", tz.out = NULL, month = FALSE, day = FALSE, year = FALSE, hour = FALSE, minute = FALSE, second = FALSE, daySecond = FALSE, totalSecond = FALSE){
  generate.append<-function(x, date, time, dateTime, dateFormat, dateFake, startYear, tz.in, tz.out, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, daySecond, totalSecond){
    dateFake.func<-function(timestamp, dateFormat, startYear){
      for(a in 1:12){
        monthDays<- lubridate::days_in_month(a)
        numDays1<-c(numDays1, unname(unlist(monthDays)))
        Seq1<-seq(1, unname(unlist(monthDays)),1)
        seqFrame<- expand.grid(monthSeq[a], Seq1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        daySeqFrame<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(list(daySeqFrame,seqFrame)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      dataTime<- lubridate::hms(timestamp)
      dataHours<- lubridate::hour(dataTime) + 1 #assuming timestamp system is hours 0-23, not 1-24
      numYears<- ceiling(max(dataHours)/(24*365)) #number hours in the dataset / (number of hours in a day * number days in a year)
      endYear<-startYear + numYears - 1 #minus 1, because the first year with data will be the startYear.
      for(b in startYear:endYear){ #added 02/06/2019. No longer will this function always start on year 2001
        year <- b
        daySeqFrame$year <- year
        yearFrame<-data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(list(yearFrame,daySeqFrame)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
      rowCall<- ceiling(dataHours/24)
      if(dateFormat == "mdy"){
        outSeq<- paste(yearFrame[rowCall,1],yearFrame[rowCall,2],yearFrame[rowCall,3],sep = "-")
      if(dateFormat == "ymd"){
        outSeq<- paste(yearFrame[rowCall,3],yearFrame[rowCall,1],yearFrame[rowCall,2],sep = "-")
      if(dateFormat == "dmy"){
        outSeq<- paste(yearFrame[rowCall,2],yearFrame[rowCall,1],yearFrame[rowCall,3],sep = "-")
      if(dateFormat == "ydm"){
        outSeq<- paste(yearFrame[rowCall,3],yearFrame[rowCall,2],yearFrame[rowCall,1],sep = "-")

    if(length(dateTime) > 0){
      if(length(dateTime) == 1 && is.na(match(dateTime[1], names(x))) == FALSE){
        timevec <- x[,match(dateTime, names(x))]
      }else{ #if length(dateTime) > 1
        timevec <- dateTime
      rm.dateTime <- TRUE #if there is already dateTime information present, new dateTime information will not be appended.
      #convert timevec to POSIXct format
      if(dateFormat == "mdy"){timevec = lubridate::mdy_hms(timevec)}
      if(dateFormat == "ymd"){timevec = lubridate::ymd_hms(timevec)}
      if(dateFormat == "dmy"){timevec = lubridate::dmy_hms(timevec)}
      if(dateFormat == "ydm"){timevec = lubridate::ydm_hms(timevec)}
    }else{ #if length(dateTime) == 0
      rm.dateTime <- FALSE
      if(length(time) > 0){
        if(length(time) == 1 && is.na(match(time[1], names(x))) == FALSE){ #added 2/02 Rather than time being a vector of length(nrow(x)), it may be more convenient to designate the colname for intended "time" values
          time.append <- x[,match(time, names(x))]
        }else{ #if length(time) > 1
          time.append <- time
      }else{ #if length(time) == 0
        time.append = x$time #if time == NULL, the function assumes there is a column in x named "time"
      if(dateFake == TRUE){
        date.append<- dateFake.func(time.append, dateFormat, startYear)
      }else{ #if dateFake == FALSE
        if(length(date) > 0){
          if(length(date) == 1 && is.na(match(date[1], names(x))) == FALSE){
            date.append <- x[,match(date, names(x))]
          }else{ #if length(date) > 1
            date.append <- date
        }else{ #if length(date) == 0
          date.append = x$date #if date == NULL, the function assumes there is a column in x named "date"
      date.time = paste(date.append, time.append, sep = " ")
      if(dateFormat == "mdy"){timevec = lubridate::mdy_hms(date.time)}
      if(dateFormat == "ymd"){timevec = lubridate::ymd_hms(date.time)}
      if(dateFormat == "dmy"){timevec = lubridate::dmy_hms(date.time)}
      if(dateFormat == "ydm"){timevec = lubridate::ydm_hms(date.time)}

    lubridate::tz(timevec) <- tz.in #sets the appropriate input timezone. Defaults to UTC.
    if(is.null(tz.out) == FALSE){ #If tz.out is anything other than NULL, the output timezone will be changed to tz.out
      timevec =	lubridate::with_tz(timevec,tz=tz.out)

    cbindTab<- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = length(timevec)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)

    if(rm.dateTime == FALSE){
      cbindTab$dateTime <- timevec

    if(month == TRUE){
      cbindTab$month = lubridate::month(timevec)
    if(day == TRUE){
      cbindTab$day = lubridate::day(timevec)
    if(year == TRUE){
      cbindTab$year = lubridate::year(timevec)
    if(hour == TRUE){
      cbindTab$hour = lubridate::hour(timevec)
    if(minute == TRUE){
      cbindTab$minute = lubridate::minute(timevec)
    if(second == TRUE){
      cbindTab$second = lubridate::second(timevec)
    if(daySecond == TRUE | totalSecond == TRUE){
      daySecondVec = lubridate::hour(timevec) * 3600 + lubridate::minute(timevec) * 60 + lubridate::second(timevec) #This calculates a day-second
      if(daySecond == TRUE){
        cbindTab$daySecond <- daySecondVec
    if(totalSecond == TRUE){ 
      lub.dates = lubridate::date(timevec)
      x<-x[order(lub.dates, daySecondVec),] #Just in case the data wasn't already ordered in this way.
      cbindTab<-cbindTab[order(lub.dates, daySecondVec),]
      timevec <-timevec[order(lub.dates, daySecondVec)]
      cbindTab$totalSecond<- as.integer(difftime(timevec ,timevec[1] , units = c("secs"))) #adds the total second column to the dataframe
    appendedTab<-do.call("cbind", bindlist)

  if(is.data.frame(x) == FALSE & is.list(x) == TRUE){ #02/02/2019 added the "is.data.frame(x) == FALSE" argument because R apparently treats dataframes as lists.
    list.dateTime <- lapply(x, generate.append, date, time, dateTime, dateFormat, dateFake, startYear, tz.in, tz.out, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, daySecond, totalSecond)
  }else{ #if x is a dataFrame
    frame.dateTime<- generate.append(x, date, time, dateTime, dateFormat, dateFake, startYear, tz.in, tz.out, month, day, year, hour, minute, second, daySecond, totalSecond)

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