
Defines functions multiple.mrc1

Documented in multiple.mrc1

#'Most recent changepoints from mrc method.

#' @description Detecting most recent changepoints using mrc method consisting
#' of many related univariate timeseries (Bardwell, Eckley, Fearnhead, and Smith, 2016)
#' and pools information across the time-series by
#'solving the K-median problem using tb.raw (Teitz and Bart, 1968).
#' @param mrc data obtained from mrc.mean1
#'@param pmax   Maximum number of most recent changepoints
#' to search for. Default value pmax=10.

#'@param alpha The variable  penalty used to penalise

#' the addition of a given changepoint into a given variable.
#'Default value alpha = 2.
#'@param elbow.thresh default 0.5
#'@param n length of series
#'@return  indicates the most recent changepoint in each series .
#' @importFrom tbart tb.raw
#'@seealso  mrc.mean1
#' #example(right censoring)
#'mrc = mrc.mean1( data , beta = 1.5*log(n) )
#'c = multiple.mrc1( mrc , pmax=10, alpha = 2 , elbow.thresh = 0.5 , n=144)
#'p.hat = c$MDL
#'mrc.chpts = c$locs[[p.hat]][ c$affected[[p.hat]] ]

multiple.mrc1 = function(mrc , pmax=10  , alpha = 2 , elbow.thresh = 0.5, n=144){

  # no of series
  N = dim(mrc)[1]
  location.vec = 0:(n-1)

  cost = numeric( pmax )
  mmrc = vector( "list" , pmax )
  affected = vector( "list" , pmax )
  # p=1 separate as simpler
  mmrc[[1]] = tb.raw( mrc , c(1) )
  # say all series are affected by this 1 change
  index = rep(1,times=N)
  # find which affected (more evidence above threshold)
  #index[ data[ , mmrc[[1]] ] > - alpha ] <- 0
  affected[[1]] = index
  # objective cost
  cost[1] =  sum( mrc[ , mmrc[[1]] ] )

  if (pmax>1){

    for (p in 2:pmax){

      # mmrc[[i]] gives locations of the i best locations
      mmrc[[p]] = tb.raw( mrc , c(1:p) )
      # affected[[i]], gives each dimension a label from 1:i
      # depending on which change it is associated with
      affected[[p]] = apply( mrc[ , mmrc[[p]] ] , 1 , which.min )
      # cost[[i]] gives the objective cost for solving with i different changes/sets
      csum = 0
      for (i in 1:p){
        wa = which( affected[[p]] == i)
        csum = csum + sum( mrc[ wa , mmrc[[p]][i] ] )
      cost[p] = csum



  locations = vector("list",pmax)
  for ( i in 1:pmax ){
    locations[[i]] = location.vec[ mmrc[[i]] ]

  BIC = which.min( cost + ( (1:pmax) )*log(N)*log(N*n) )  ###
  MDL = which.min(cost + (N*log(1:pmax)+ (1:pmax)*log(n))/log(2)) ##MDL

  # selecting best p - Lavielle
  J = numeric(pmax)
  for (k in 1:pmax){
    J[k] = ( ( cost[pmax] - cost[k] )/( cost[pmax] - cost[1] ) ) * ( pmax - 1 ) + 1
  D = numeric(pmax-1)
  D[1] = Inf
  for ( k in 2:(pmax-1) ){
    D[k] = J[k-1] - 2*J[k] + J[k+1]
  elbow = max( which( D > elbow.thresh ) )

  newlist = list( "locs" = locations , "affected" = affected , "cost" = cost , "bic" = BIC, "elbow" = elbow, "MDL"=MDL )


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