
Defines functions makegraph

Documented in makegraph

#' Construct graph
#' @param df  A data.frame or matrix containing 3 columns: from, to, cost. See details.
#' @param directed logical. If \code{FALSE}, then all edges are duplicated by inverting 'from' and 'to' nodes.
#' @param coords Optional. A data.frame or matrix containing all nodes coordinates. Columns order should be 'node_ID', 'X', 'Y'.
#' @param aux Optional. A vector or a single value describing an additional edge weight.
#' @param capacity Optional. A vector or a single value describing edge capacity. Used for traffic assignment.
#' @param alpha Optional. A vector or a single value describing alpha parameter. Used for traffic assignment.
#' @param beta Optional. A vector or a single value describing beta parameter. Used for traffic assignment.
#' @return Named list with two useful attributes for the user : \cr
#' \emph{nbnode} : total number of vertices \cr
#' \emph{dict$ref} : vertices IDs
#' @details 'from' and 'to' are character or numeric vector containing nodes IDs.
#' 'cost' is a non-negative numeric vector describing the cost (e.g time, distance) between each 'from' and 'to' nodes.
#' \code{coords} should not be angles (e.g latitude and longitude), but expressed in a projection system.
#' \code{aux} is an additional weight describing each edge. Shortest paths are always computed using 'cost' but \code{aux} can be summed over shortest paths.
#' \code{capacity}, \code{alpha} and \code{beta} are parameters used in the Volume Delay Function (VDF) to equilibrate traffic in the network. See \link{assign_traffic}.
#' \code{capacity}, \code{alpha}, \code{beta} and \code{aux} must have a length equal to \code{nrow(df)}. If a single value is provided, this value is replicated for each edge.
#' \code{alpha} must be different from 0 and \code{alpha} must be greater or equal to 1.
#' For more details and examples about traffic assignment, please see the package website : \url{https://github.com/vlarmet/cppRouting/blob/master/README.md}
#' @examples
#' #Data describing edges of the graph
#' edges<-data.frame(from_vertex=c(0,0,1,1,2,2,3,4,4),
#'                   to_vertex=c(1,3,2,4,4,5,1,3,5),
#'                   cost=c(9,2,11,3,5,12,4,1,6))
#' #Construct directed and undirected graph
#' directed_graph<-makegraph(edges,directed=TRUE)
#' non_directed<-makegraph(edges,directed=FALSE)
#' #Visualizing directed and undirected graphs
#' if(requireNamespace("igraph",quietly = TRUE)){
#'   plot(igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edges))
#'   plot(igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edges,directed=FALSE))
#' }
#' #Coordinates of each nodes
#' coord<-data.frame(node=c(0,1,2,3,4,5),X=c(2,2,2,0,0,0),Y=c(0,2,2,0,2,4))
#' #Construct graph with coordinates
#' directed_graph2<-makegraph(edges, directed=TRUE, coords=coord)

                    aux = NULL,
                    capacity = NULL,
                    alpha = NULL,
                    beta = NULL){
  if (ncol(df)!=3) stop("Data should have 3 columns")


  if (any(is.na(df))) stop("NAs are not allowed in the graph")
  if (any(df[,3]<0)) stop("Negative cost is not allowed")


  if (!is.null(aux)){
    if (length(aux) == 1) aux <- rep(aux, nrow(df))
    if (length(aux) != nrow(df)) stop("length(aux) must equal 1 or nrow(df)")
    if (sum(aux < 0) > 0) warning("aux contains negative values, this weight is aggregate-only and cannot be minimized")

  if (!is.null(capacity)){
    if (length(capacity) == 1) capacity <- rep(capacity, nrow(df))
    if (length(capacity) != nrow(df)) stop("length(capacity) must equal 1 or nrow(df)")
    if (sum(capacity <= 0) > 0) stop("cap must be strictly positive")

  if (!is.null(alpha)){
    if (length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, nrow(df))
    if (length(alpha) != nrow(df)) stop("length(alpha) must equal 1 or nrow(df)")
    if (sum(alpha == 0) > 0) stop("alpha must be different from 0")

  if (!is.null(beta)){
    if (length(beta) == 1) beta <- rep(beta, nrow(df))
    if (length(beta) != nrow(df)) stop("length(beta) must equal 1 or nrow(df)")
    if (sum(beta < 1) > 0) stop("beta must be equal or greater than 1")

  attrib <- list(aux, capacity, alpha, beta)
  names(attrib) <- c("aux", "cap", "alpha", "beta")

  if (directed==FALSE){
    attrib <- lapply(attrib, rep, 2)


  if (!is.null(coords)){
    if (ncol(coords)!=3) stop("Coords should have 3 columns")


    if (any(is.na(coords))) stop("NAs are not allowed in coordinates")
    if (sum(duplicated(coords[,1]))>0) stop("Nodes should be unique in the coordinates data frame")
    #if (length(Nodes)!=nrow(coords)) stop("Number of rows of coords should be equal to the number of egdes")
    if (sum(Nodes %in% coords[,1])<length(Nodes)) stop("Some nodes are missing in coordinates data")
    coords<-coords[coords[,1] %in% Nodes,]


  dict<-data.frame(ref=Nodes,id=0:(length(Nodes)-1),stringsAsFactors = F)


              attrib = attrib))


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cppRouting documentation built on Dec. 1, 2022, 5:08 p.m.