# Copyright (C) 2018- Ioannis Kosmidis
#' Subset a [`cranly_network`] according to author, package and/or directive
#' @param x a [`cranly_network`] object.
#' @param package a vector of character strings with the package names to be matched. Default is [`Inf`] which returns all available packages in `x` for further subsetting.
#' @param author a vector of character strings with the author names to be matched. Default is `Inf` which returns all available author in `x` for further subsetting.
#' @param maintainer a vector of character strings with the maintainer names to be matched. Default is `Inf` which returns all available maintainers in `x` for further subsetting.
#' @param directive a vector of at least one of `"Imports"`, `"Suggests"`, `"Enhances"`, `"Depends"`.
#' @param base logical. Should we include base packages in the subset? Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param recommended logical. Should we include recommended packages in the subset? Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param exact logical. Should we use exact matching? Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param only logical. If `TRUE` the subset includes only the edges between packages named in `package` and/or authors named in `author`. If `FALSE` (default) edges to and from all other packages and/or authors that are linked to `package` and/or `author` are included in the subset.
#' @param ... currently not used.
#' @return
#' A [`cranly_network`] object that is the subject of `x`.
#' @export
subset.cranly_network <- function(x,
package = Inf,
author = Inf,
maintainer = Inf,
directive = c("imports", "suggests", "enhances", "depends", "linking_to"),
base = TRUE,
recommended = TRUE,
exact = TRUE,
only = FALSE,
...) {
if (!has_usable_data(x)) return(invisible(NULL))
perspective <- attr(x, "perspective")
if (perspective == "package") {
p1 <- package_with(x, name = package, exact = exact)
p2 <- package_by(x, author = author, exact = exact)
base_packages <- subset(x$nodes, priority == "base")$package
recommended_packages <- subset(x$nodes, priority == "recommended")$package
keep <- intersect(p1, p2)
if (!is.infinite(maintainer)) {
p3 <- maintained_by(x, author = maintainer, exact = exact)
keep <- intersect(keep, p3)
if (only) {
inds <- with(x$edges, (to %in% keep & from %in% keep) &
(type %in% directive))
else {
inds <- with(x$edges, (to %in% keep | from %in% keep) & (type %in% directive))
if (!base) {
inds <- inds & with(x$edges, !(to %in% base_packages | from %in% base_packages))
if (!recommended) {
inds <- inds & with(x$edges, !(to %in% recommended_packages | from %in% recommended_packages))
edges_subset <- subset(x$edges, inds)
node_names <- unique(c(as.character(edges_subset$from), as.character(edges_subset$to), keep))
nodes_subset <- subset(x$nodes, package %in% node_names)
else {
a1 <- author_with(x, name = author, exact = exact)
a2 <- author_of(x, package = package, exact = exact)
keep <- intersect(a1, a2)
if (!is.infinite(maintainer)) {
a3 <- maintainer_of(x, package = package, exact = exact)
keep <- intersect(keep, a3)
if (only) {
edges_subset <- subset(x$edges, (to %in% keep & from %in% keep))
else {
edges_subset <- subset(x$edges, (to %in% keep | from %in% keep))
node_names <- unique(c(as.character(edges_subset$from), as.character(edges_subset$to), keep))
nodes_subset <- subset(x$nodes, author %in% node_names)
out <- list(edges = edges_subset, nodes = nodes_subset)
attr(out, "timestamp") <- attr(x, "timestamp")
attr(out, "perspective") <- perspective
attr(out, "keep") <- keep
class(out) <- c("cranly_network", class(out))
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