
Defines functions verify_rscript_path cron_rstudioaddin

Documented in cron_rstudioaddin

#' @title Launch an RStudio addin which allows to schedule an Rscript interactively.
#' @description Launch an RStudio addin which allows to schedule an Rscript interactively.
#' @param RscriptRepository path to the folder where R scripts will be copied to and launched from, and by default log files will be written to.
#' Defaults to the current working directory or in case it is set, the path set in the \code{CRON_LIVE} environment variable.
#' @return the return of \code{\link[shiny]{runGadget}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' cron_rstudioaddin()
#' }
cron_rstudioaddin <- function(RscriptRepository = Sys.getenv("CRON_LIVE", unset = getwd())) {
  cron_current <- function(){
    x <- try(parse_crontab(), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(x, "try-error")){
      x <- list(cronR = character())

  check <- NULL
  popup <- shiny::modalDialog(title = "Request for approval", 
                              "By using this app, you approve that you are aware that the app has access to your cron schedule and that it will add or remove elements in your crontab.", 
                              shiny::modalButton("Yes, I know", icon = shiny::icon("play")),
                              shiny::actionButton(inputId = "ui_validate_no", label = "No I don't want this, close the app", icon = shiny::icon("stop")),
                              footer = NULL,
                              easyClose = FALSE)
  ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
    # Shiny fileinput resethandler
    # shiny::tags$script('
    #                    Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("resetFileInputHandler", function(x) {
    #                    var id = "#" + x + "_progress";
    #                    var idBar = id + " .bar";
    #                    $(id).css("visibility", "hidden");
    #                    $(idBar).css("width", "0%");
    #                    });
    #                    '),
    miniUI::gadgetTitleBar("Use cron to schedule your R script"),
      miniUI::miniTabPanel(title = 'Upload and create new jobs', icon = shiny::icon("cloud-upload"),
                             shiny::h4("Choose your Rscript"),
                             shinyFiles::shinyFilesButton('fileSelect', label='Select file', title='Choose your Rscript', multiple=FALSE),
                             shiny::fillRow(flex = c(3, 3),
                                                          shiny::div(class = "control-label", shiny::strong("Selected Rscript")),
                                                          shiny::dateInput('date', label = "Launch date:", startview = "month", weekstart = 1, min = Sys.Date()),
                                                          shiny::textInput('hour', label = "Launch hour:", value = format(Sys.time() + 122, "%H:%M")),
                                                          shiny::radioButtons('task', label = "Schedule:", choices = c('ONCE', 'EVERY MINUTE', 'EVERY HOUR', 'EVERY DAY', 'EVERY WEEK', 'EVERY MONTH', 'ASIS'), selected = "ONCE"),
                                                          shiny::textInput('custom_schedule', label = "ASIS cron schedule", value = "")
                                                          shiny::textInput('jobdescription', label = "Job description", value = "I execute things"),
                                                          shiny::textInput('jobtags', label = "Job tags", value = ""),
                                                          shiny::textInput('rscript_args', label = "Additional arguments to Rscript", value = ""),
                                                          shiny::textInput('jobid', label = "Job identifier", value = sprintf("job_%s", digest(runif(1)))),
                                                          shiny::textInput('rscript_repository', label = "Rscript repository path: launch & log location", value = RscriptRepository)
                           miniUI::miniButtonBlock(border = "bottom",
                                                   shiny::actionButton('create', "Create job", icon = shiny::icon("play-circle"))
      miniUI::miniTabPanel(title = 'Manage existing jobs', icon = shiny::icon("table"),
                             shiny::fillRow(flex = c(3, 3),
                                                          shiny::h4("Existing crontab"),
                                                          shiny::actionButton('showcrontab', "Show current crontab schedule", icon = shiny::icon("calendar")),
                                                          shiny::h4("Show/Delete 1 specific job"),
                                                          shiny::actionButton('showjob', "Show job", icon = shiny::icon("clock-o")),
                                                          shiny::actionButton('deletejob', "Delete job", icon = shiny::icon("remove"))
                                                          shiny::h4("Save crontab"),
                                                          shiny::textInput('savecrontabpath', label = "Save current crontab schedule to", value = file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "my_schedule.cron")),
                                                          shiny::actionButton('savecrontab', "Save", icon = shiny::icon("save")),
                                                          shiny::h4("Load crontab"),
                                                          shinyFiles::shinyFilesButton('crontabSelect', label='Select crontab schedule', title='Select crontab schedule', multiple=FALSE),
                                                          #shiny::div(class = "control-label", strong("Selected crontab")),
                                                          shiny::actionButton('loadcrontab', "Load selected schedule", icon = shiny::icon("load")),
                           miniUI::miniButtonBlock(border = "bottom",
                                                   shiny::actionButton('deletecrontab', "Completely clear current crontab schedule", icon = shiny::icon("delete"))
  # Server code for the gadget.
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    shiny::observeEvent(input$ui_validate_no, {
    volumes <- c('Current working dir' = getwd(), 'HOME' = Sys.getenv('HOME'), 'R Installation' = R.home(), 'Root' = "/")
    getSelectedFile <- function(inputui, default = "No R script selected yet"){
      f <- shinyFiles::parseFilePaths(volumes, inputui)$datapath
      f <- as.character(f)
      if(length(f) == 0){
        if(length(grep(" ", f, value=TRUE))){
          warning(sprintf("It is advised that the file you want to schedule (%s) does not contain spaces", f))
    # Ui element for fileinput
    shinyFiles::shinyFileChoose(input, id = 'fileSelect', roots = volumes, session = session)
    output$fileSelect <- shiny::renderUI({shinyFiles::parseFilePaths(volumes, input$fileSelect)})
    output$currentfileselected <- shiny::renderText({getSelectedFile(inputui = input$fileSelect)})
    #output$fileSelect <- shiny::renderUI({
    #  shiny::fileInput(inputId = 'file', 'Choose your Rscript',
    #            accept = c("R-bestand"),
    #            multiple = TRUE)
    shinyFiles::shinyFileChoose(input, id = 'crontabSelect', roots = volumes, session = session)
    output$crontabSelect <- shiny::renderUI({shinyFiles::parseFilePaths(volumes, input$crontabSelect)})
    output$currentcrontabselected <- shiny::renderText({basename(getSelectedFile(inputui = input$crontabSelect, default = ""))})
    # output$cronload <- shiny::renderUI({
    #   shiny::fileInput(inputId = 'crontabschedule', 'Load an existing crontab schedule & overwrite current schedule',
    #                    multiple = FALSE)
    # })
    # when path to Rscript repository has been changed, check for existence of path and write permissions,
    # and normalize RscriptRepository path in parent environment.
    shiny::observeEvent(input$rscript_repository, {
      RscriptRepository <<- normalizePath(input$rscript_repository, winslash = "/")
    shiny::observeEvent(input$create, {
      if(input$task == "EVERY MONTH" ){
        days <- as.integer(format(input$date, "%d"))
      else if(input$task == "EVERY WEEK"){
        days <- as.integer(format(input$date, "%w"))
      else {
        # get default value by setting days to null.
        days <- NULL
      starttime <- input$hour
      rscript_args <- input$rscript_args
      frequency <- factor(input$task, 
                          levels = c('ONCE', 'EVERY MINUTE', 'EVERY HOUR', 'EVERY DAY', 'EVERY WEEK', 'EVERY MONTH', "ASIS"),
                          labels = c('once', 'minutely', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'asis'))
      frequency <- as.character(frequency)
      ## Copy the uploaded file from the webapp to the main folder to store the scheduled rscripts.
      if(length(grep(" ", RscriptRepository)) > 0){
        warning(sprintf("It is advised that the RscriptRepository does not contain spaces, change argument %s to another location on your drive which contains no spaces", RscriptRepository))
      if (!file.exists(RscriptRepository)) {
        stop(sprintf("The specified Rscript repository path, at %s, does not exist. Please set it to an existing directory.", RscriptRepository))
      runme <- getSelectedFile(inputui = input$fileSelect)
      myscript <- paste0(RscriptRepository, "/", basename(runme))
      if(runme != myscript){
        done <- file.copy(runme, myscript, overwrite = TRUE)
          stop(sprintf('Copying file %s to %s failed. Do you have access rights to %s?', file.path(runme, input$file$name), myscript, dirname(myscript)))
      ## Make schedule task
      cmd <- sprintf("Rscript %s %s >> %s.log 2>&1", myscript, rscript_args, tools::file_path_sans_ext(myscript))
      cmd <- sprintf('%s %s %s >> %s 2>&1', file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "bin", "Rscript"), shQuote(myscript), rscript_args, shQuote(sprintf("%s.log", tools::file_path_sans_ext(myscript))))
      if(frequency %in% c('minutely')){
        cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = frequency, id = input$jobid, tags = input$jobtags, description = input$jobdescription, ask=FALSE)  
      }else if(frequency %in% c('hourly')){
        cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = frequency, at = starttime, id = input$jobid, tags = input$jobtags, description = input$jobdescription, ask=FALSE)  
      }else if(frequency %in% c('daily')){
        cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = 'daily', at = starttime, id = input$jobid, tags = input$jobtags, description = input$jobdescription, ask=FALSE)  
      }else if(frequency %in% c('weekly')){
        cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = 'daily', days_of_week = days, at = starttime, id = input$jobid, tags = input$jobtags, description = input$jobdescription, ask=FALSE)  
      }else if(frequency %in% c('monthly')){
        cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = 'monthly', days_of_month = days, days_of_week = 1:7, at = starttime, id = input$jobid, tags = input$jobtags, description = input$jobdescription, ask=FALSE)  
      }else if(frequency %in% c('once')){
        message(sprintf("This is not a cron schedule but will launch: %s", sprintf('nohup %s &', cmd)))
        system(sprintf('nohup %s &', cmd))
      }else if(frequency %in% c('asis')){
        cron_add(command = cmd, frequency = input$custom_schedule, id = input$jobid, tags = input$jobtags, description = input$jobdescription, ask=FALSE)  
      # Reset ui inputs
      shiny::updateDateInput(session, inputId = 'date', value = Sys.Date())
      shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "hour", value = format(Sys.time() + 122, "%H:%M"))
      shiny::updateRadioButtons(session, inputId = 'task', selected = "ONCE")
      shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "jobid", value = sprintf("job_%s", digest(runif(1))))
      shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "jobdescription", value = "I execute things")
      shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "jobtags", value = "")
      shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "rscript_args", value = "")
      # output$fileSelect <- shiny::renderUI({
      #   shiny::fileInput(inputId = 'file', 'Choose your Rscript',
      #                    accept = c("R-bestand"),
      #                    multiple = TRUE)
      # })
      #output$currentfileselected <- shiny::renderText({""})
      shiny::updateSelectInput(session, inputId="getFiles", choices = sapply(cron_current()$cronR, FUN=function(x) x$id))
    # Schedule list
    output$getFiles <- shiny::renderUI({
      shiny::selectInput(inputId = 'getFiles', "Select job", choices = sapply(cron_current()$cronR, FUN=function(x) x$id))
    # Show
    shiny::observeEvent(input$showcrontab, {
    shiny::observeEvent(input$showjob, {
    # Save/Load/Delete
    shiny::observeEvent(input$savecrontab, {
      cron_save(file = input$savecrontabpath, overwrite = TRUE)
    shiny::observeEvent(input$loadcrontab, {
      #cron_load(file = input$crontabschedule$datapath)
      f <- getSelectedFile(inputui = input$crontabSelect, default = "")
      if(f != ""){
        cron_load(file = f, ask=FALSE)
      output$getFiles <- shiny::renderUI({
        shiny::selectInput(inputId = 'getFiles', "Select job", choices = sapply(cron_current()$cronR, FUN=function(x) x$id))
    shiny::observeEvent(input$deletecrontab, {
      cron_clear(ask = FALSE)
      output$getFiles <- shiny::renderUI({
        shiny::selectInput(inputId = 'getFiles', "Select job", choices = sapply(cron_current()$cronR, FUN=function(x) x$id))
    shiny::observeEvent(input$deletejob, {
      cron_rm(input$getFiles, ask=FALSE)
      output$getFiles <- shiny::renderUI({
        shiny::selectInput(inputId = 'getFiles', "Select job", choices = sapply(cron_current()$cronR, FUN=function(x) x$id))
    # Listen for the 'done' event. This event will be fired when a user
    # is finished interacting with your application, and clicks the 'done'
    # button.
    shiny::observeEvent(input$done, {
      # Here is where your Shiny application might now go an affect the
      # contents of a document open in RStudio, using the `rstudioapi` package.
      # At the end, your application should call 'stopApp()' here, to ensure that
      # the gadget is closed after 'done' is clicked.
  # Use a modal dialog as a viewr.
  viewer <- shiny::dialogViewer("Cron job scheduler", width = 700, height = 800)
  #viewer <- shiny::paneViewer()
  shiny::runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)

verify_rscript_path <- function(RscriptRepository) {
  # first check whether path exists; if it does, then check whether you have write permission.
    warning(sprintf("The specified Rscript repository path %s does not exist, make sure this is an existing directory without spaces.", RscriptRepository))
  } else if (as.logical(file.access(RscriptRepository, mode = 2))) {
    warning(sprintf("You do not have write access to the specified Rscript repository path, %s.", RscriptRepository))

Try the cronR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

cronR documentation built on Jan. 9, 2023, 5:10 p.m.