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This vignette presents an example workflow for CRSO. If a parallel backend is registered, CRSO will make use of all available registered workers. If not, it can still be run sequentially.

### Load example dataset consisting of TCGA melanoma (SKCM) patients.
names(skcm.list) ### load D, P and cnv.dictionary
Q <- log10(P) ### Q is the penalty matrix derived from P

Specify parameters

The parameter values used are not the default values that are recommended in the CRSO paper, because the computation time may be excessive depending on the parallel availability. Instead, these were chosen to demonstrate how to use all of the functions in the package. The recommended parameter values are indicated in parentheses.

rule.thresh <- .05 # Minimum percentage of samples covered by each rule in the rule library. (Default = .03)
spr <- 4 # Phase 1 random sets per rule (default = 40, recommend at least 40) 
trn <- 40 # Phase 1 stop criteria (default = 16, recommend at most 24)
k.max <- 6 # Maximum RS size (default is 12)
max.stored <- 1000 # Max RS stored per K in phases 2 and 3 (no default, recommend at least 10^4) <- 1000 # Phase 2 max rs per K (default is 10^5, recommend at least 10^5)
max.compute <- 10* # Max raw im size for phase 2 (default is 10^6, recommend at least 10*
max.nrs.borrow <- 1000 # Phase 3 max rs per K (default is 10^5, recommend at least 10^5)
filter.thresh <- .03 # minimum assignment threshold per rule set (default is .03)
### Generalized core parameters:
num.gc.iter <- 10 # Number GC iterations (default is 100)
num.gc.eval <- 100 # Rulesets evaluated per K per GC iter (default is 1000)

Phase 1

rm.full <- buildRuleLibrary(D,rule.thresh) # build rule library
rm.ordered <- makePhaseOneOrderedRM(D,rm.full,spr,Q,trn,shouldPrint = TRUE) # run phase 1

Phase 2

pool.sizes <- getPoolSizes(rm.ordered,k.max,,max.compute) 
### The pool size for each K is the number of rules considered for exhaustive evaluation in phase 2.
til.p2 <- makePhaseTwoImList(D,Q,rm.ordered,k.max,pool.sizes,max.stored,shouldPrint = TRUE) # Run phase 2
### TIL stands for top index list. The output of phase two is a list of top index matrices for each k.  Each index matrix contains the rule sets ordered by performance. For example the best performing rule set of size 3 will be the first row of the K.3 index matrix. For K=1 the index matrix is actually a vector.

Phase 3 and Filtering

til.p3 <- makePhaseThreeImList(D,Q,rm.ordered,til.p2,pool.sizes,max.stored,max.nrs.borrow,shouldPrint = TRUE)
### Make TIL for phase 3 by updating phase two til to consider neighbor rule sets.

til.filtered <- makeFilteredImList(D,Q,rm.ordered,til.p3,filter.thresh)
### Filter the phase 3 results to only include rule sets for which every rule is assigned to a minimum percentage of samples, default is 3%
tpl.filtered <- evaluateListOfIMs(D,Q,rm.ordered,til.filtered) 
### Get top performance list (TPL), which contains the objective function score of all of the rule sets in til.filtered

Extract best rule sets and core rule set <- getBestRsList(rm.ordered,tpl.filtered,til.filtered)
### This is a list of the best rule sets for all K

core.K <- getCoreK(D,rm.ordered,tpl.filtered,til.filtered) # Determine core K
core.ruleset <- getCoreRS(D,rm.ordered,tpl.filtered,til.filtered) # Extract core rule set

Make generalized core results

list.subset.cores <- makeSubCoreList(D,Q,rm.ordered,til.filtered,num.gc.iter,num.gc.eval)
### list.subset.cores is a list of core rule set derived from subsampling iterations

gcr.df <- getGCRs(list.subset.cores) # Generalized core rules
gcd.df <- getGCDs(list.subset.cores) # Generalized core duos
gce.df <- getGCEs(list.subset.cores) # Generalized core events

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crso documentation built on July 7, 2019, 5:02 p.m.