
Defines functions parse_url_for_domain featureFlag crDownload retry rootURL sessionURL getAPIRoot handleShoji packageUA crunch_user_agent set_crunch_config get_crunch_auth_config get_crunch_config locationHeader get_header handleAPIfailure handleAPIsuccess handleAPIresponse crDELETE crPOST crPATCH crPUT crGET crunchAPI

Documented in crDELETE crGET crPATCH crPOST crPUT crunchAPI crunch_user_agent handleAPIresponse retry set_crunch_config

#' Main Crunch API handling function
#' @param http.verb character in GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
#' @param url character URL to do the verb on
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to `GET`, `PUT`,
#' `POST`, `PATCH`, or `DELETE`
#' @param config list of config parameters. See httr documentation.
#' @param status.handlers named list of specific HTTP statuses and a response
#' function to call in the case where that status is returned. Passed to the
#' [handleAPIresponse()] function.
#' @param progress.handler an optional function that resolves errors raised
#' during an async request. Passed to the [`pollProgress()`] function.
#' @keywords internal
crunchAPI <- function(
    config = list(),
    status.handlers = list(),
    progress.handler = NULL,
) {
    url ## force lazy eval of url
    if (isTRUE(envOrOption("crunch.debug", expect_lgl = TRUE))) {
        ## TODO: work this into httpcache.log
        payload <- list(...)$body
        if (!is.null(payload)) try(cat("\n", payload, "\n"), silent = TRUE)
    FUN <- get(http.verb, envir = asNamespace("httpcache"))
    x <- FUN(url, ..., config = c(get_crunch_config(), get_crunch_auth_config(url), config))
    out <- handleAPIresponse(
        special.statuses = status.handlers,
        progress.handler = progress.handler

#' HTTP methods for communicating with the Crunch API
#' These methods let you communicate with the Crunch API, for more background
#' see [Crunch Internals](https://crunch.io/r/crunch/articles/crunch-internals.html).
#' @param ... see [`crunchAPI`] for details. `url` is the first
#' named argument and is required; `body` is also required for PUT,
#' PATCH, and POST.
#' @return Depends on the response status of the HTTP request and any custom
#' handlers.
#' @importFrom httpcache GET PUT PATCH POST DELETE
#' @name http-methods
#' @export
crGET <- function(...) crunchAPI("GET", ...)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crPUT <- function(...) crunchAPI("PUT", ...)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crPATCH <- function(...) crunchAPI("PATCH", ...)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crPOST <- function(...) crunchAPI("POST", ...)
#' @rdname http-methods
#' @export
crDELETE <- function(...) crunchAPI("DELETE", ...)

#' Do the right thing with the HTTP response
#' @param response an httr response object
#' @param special.statuses an optional named list of functions by status code.
#' @param progress.handler an optional function to handle errors reported by
#' a progress result. Default NULL prints the string `message`; other
#' functions required to handle non-string messages in progress responses.
#' @return The full HTTP response object, just the content, or any other
#' status-specific action
#' @importFrom httr content http_status
#' @keywords internal
handleAPIresponse <- function(
    special.statuses = list(),
    progress.handler = NULL
) {
    warning <- get_header("Warning", response$headers)
    if (!is.null(warning)) {
        if (startsWith(warning, "299")) {
            msg <- c(
                "The API resource at ",
                " returned a deprecation warning. Updating to the latest version ",
                "of the package is recommended and may resolve the issue."
        } else {
            msg <- c("The API resource at ", response$url, " returned a warning.")

            " Details: ",
            call. = FALSE
    code <- response$status_code
    handler <- special.statuses[[as.character(code)]]
    if (is.function(handler)) {
    } else if (tolower(http_status(response)$category) == "success") {
        handleAPIsuccess(code, response, progress.handler)
    } else {
        handleAPIfailure(code, response)

handleAPIsuccess <- function(code, response, progress.handler) {
    if (code == 202) {
        ## 202 Continue: a few cases:
        ## 1) Legacy: POST /batches/ returns Batch entity in Location, no
        ##    response content
        ## 2) Progress body with Location
        ## 3) Progress body without Location
        ## So, if there's a shoji:value response, it's a Progress, so poll it.
        ## Otherwise, return the location.
        loc <- locationHeader(response)
        if (length(response$content) > 0) {
            ## Progress URL comes in a shoji:value
            progress_url <- handleShoji(content(response))
            ## Quick validation
            if (is.character(progress_url) && length(progress_url) == 1) {
                if (envOrOption("crunch.show.progress.url", FALSE, expect_lgl = TRUE)) {
                    message(paste0("Checking progress at: ", progress_url))
                        envOrOption("crunch.poll.wait", 0.5, expect_num = TRUE),
                    error = function(e) {
                            "Something went wrong during `pollProgress()` of url: ",
                        ## Handle the error here so we can message the
                        ## Location header, if present
                        if (!is.null(loc)) {
                            message("Result URL: ", loc)
        ## Return the location header, if it exists
    } else if (code == 201) {
        ## 201 Location: return the Location header
    } else if (code == 204 || length(response$content) == 0) {
        ## If No Content, invisibly return NULL
    } else {
        ## Parse the content

handleAPIfailure <- function(code, response) {
    if (code == 401) {
        sitrep <- crunch_sitrep(verbose = FALSE)
        if (is.null(sitrep$key)) {
            halt("No authentication key found. See `help('crunch-api-key')` for more information.")
            "Could not connect to '", sitrep$api, "' with key ", sitrep$key_source, "\n",
            "(", sitrep$key, ")\n",
            "Make sure your key is correct and still valid. See `help('crunch-api-key')` for ",
            "more information."
    } else if (code == 410) {
            "The API resource at ",
            " has moved permanently. Please upgrade crunch to the ",
            "latest version."
    } else if (code == 503 && response$request$method == "GET" &&
               "retry-after" %in% tolower(names(response$headers))) {
        ## Server is busy and telling us to retry the request again after
        ## some period.
        wait <- get_header("Retry-After", response$headers)
        message("This request is taking longer than expected. Please stand by...")
        ## TODO: resend request headers? Or, include the request to evaluate
        ## inside this function, do match.call at the beginning, and re-eval?
    msg <- http_status(response)$message
    if (code == 404) {
        # Add the URL that was "not found" (there isn't going to be any
        # useful response content message)
        msg2 <- response$url
    } else {
        msg2 <- try(content(response)$message, silent = TRUE)
    if (!is.error(msg2)) {
        msg <- paste(msg, msg2, sep = ": ")
    if (code == 409 && grepl("current editor", msg)) {
            "You are not the current editor of this dataset. `unlock()` ",
            "it and try again."

get_header <- function(x, headers, default = NULL) {
    m <- tolower(names(headers)) == tolower(x)
    if (any(m)) {
    } else {

locationHeader <- function(response) {
    loc <- response$headers$location

get_crunch_config <- function() getOption("crunch.httr_config")

get_crunch_auth_config <- function(url) {
    # --- Don't send token outside of api host (aws downloads fail if you try)
    api_hostname <- parse_url_for_domain(envOrOption("crunch.api"))
    url_hostname <- parse_url_for_domain(url)
    if (!identical(api_hostname, url_hostname)) return(add_headers())

    sitrep <- crunch_sitrep(verbose = FALSE, redact = FALSE)
    if (!is.null(sitrep$key)) {
            option = "message.auth.info",
            "Connecting to ", sitrep$api, " with key ", sitrep$key_source, "."
        return(add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", sitrep$key)))

#' Set or modify general Crunch API request configuration
#' @param cfg A [httr::config()] object
#' @return A list of length one containing the configuration that was set; this
#' function is called primarily for its side effects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_crunch_config <- function(cfg = c(
                                  config(postredir = 3),
                                  add_headers(`user-agent` = crunch_user_agent())
                              update = FALSE) {
    if (update) {
        cfg <- c(get_crunch_config(), cfg)
    options(crunch.httr_config = cfg)

#' Generate or extend the User-Agent string
#' By default, the names and versions of curl, httr, and any attached Crunch
#' packages are included in the User-Agent request header. You can add to this
#' using this function.
#' @param ... Additional character terms to add to the User-Agent string
#' @return The User-Agent string. Provide this appropriately in requests or set
#' globally with [set_crunch_config()].
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom curl curl_version
crunch_user_agent <- function(...) {
    ## Cf. httr:::default_ua
    ## Include versions of any of these packages, if attached
    pkgs <- ua_packages[ua_packages %in% loadedNamespaces()]
    ua <- c(
        # Also include the libcurl version
        paste0("libcurl/", curl_version()$version),
        mapply(packageUA, pkgs, names(pkgs)),
        # And any extra bits provided
    return(paste(ua, collapse = " "))

ua_packages <- c(
    # This is a named vector so that we can provide an alternate name in the
    # user-agent string ("rcrunch" instead of "crunch", for example)
    curl = "curl",
    httr = "httr",
    rcrunch = "crunch",
    crplyr = "crplyr",
    crunchy = "crunchy"

#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
packageUA <- function(pkg, name = pkg) {
    # Return a string like "rcrunch/3.4.2" for a package
    paste0(name, "/", as.character(packageVersion(pkg)))

handleShoji <- function(x) {
    if (is.shoji.like(x)) {
        class(x) <- c("shoji", x$element)
    if ("shoji:view" %in% class(x)) {
        x <- x$value %||% x$views ## Special-casing the dataset export :(

getAPIRoot <- function(x = envOrOption("crunch.api")) {

sessionURL <- function(key, collection = "catalogs") {
    return(shojiURL(getAPIRoot(), collection, key))

rootURL <- function(x, obj = getAPIRoot()) {
    if (is.shojiObject(obj)) {
        return(obj@urls[[paste0(x, "_url")]])
    } else {

#' Retry
#' Retry an expression. This is useful for situations where a web resource is not yet available.
#' You can set \code{options("crunch_retry_wait" = X)} some number larger than the default 0.1 in
#' your script if you are working with large exports.
#' @param expr An expression
#' @param wait The time in seconds to wait before retrying the expression. Defaults to 0.1.
#' @param max.tries The number of times to retry the expression
retry <- function(
    wait = envOrOption("crunch_retry_wait", default = 0.1, expect_num = TRUE),
    max.tries = 10
) {
    ## Retry (e.g. a request)
    e <- substitute(expr)
    tries <- 0
    while (tries < max.tries) {
        out <- try(eval.parent(e), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
            tries <- tries + 1
        } else {
            tries <- max.tries
    if (is.error(out)) {

#' @importFrom httr write_disk
crDownload <- function(url, file, ...) {
    ## Retry is for delay in propagating the file to the CDN
    ## TODO: consider only "retry" if `url` is in CDN (don't want to retry
    ## necessarily on every url/server response)
        config = write_disk(file, overwrite = TRUE),
        # Don't use general purpose `200` status handler, because this uses `httr::content`
        # on it to check for shoji-ness which loads the file into memory unnecessarily
        status.handlers = list(`200` = function(...) return(NULL))

featureFlag <- function(flag) {
    url <- sessionURL("feature_flag", "views")
    f <- crGET(url, query = list(feature_name = flag))

parse_url_for_domain <- function(x) {
    hostname <- httr::parse_url(x)$hostname
    # Remove first subdomain if there are at least 3 domain components
    # (We want to send token to all crunch.io subdomains)
    gsub(".+?\\.(.+\\..+)", "\\1", hostname)

Try the crunch package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

crunch documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 1:07 a.m.