
Defines functions integrateDerivedVar absolutifyVariables

#' Get or set a derived variable's expression
#' Get a derived variable's derivation formula as a [CrunchExpr][expressions] with
#' `derivation(variable)`. Set (change) a derived variable's derivation with
#' `derivation(variable) <- expression`.
#' To break a derivation link between a derived variable and the originating variable, set
#' the derivation value of the derived variable to `NULL` with `derivation(variable) <- NULL`
#' `is.derived` can be used to see if a variable is derived or not. Additionally
#' setting a derived variable's `is.derived` to `FALSE` will break the derivation link between
#' two variables.
#' @param x a variable
#' @param value a `CrunchExpr` to be used as the derivation (for the setter
#' only) or `NULL` to integrate a derived variable. For `is.derived`, `FALSE`
#' can be used to integrate a derived variable.
#' @return a `CrunchExpr` of the derivation for `derivation`; a logical for
#' `is.derived`; the variable given in `x` for `is.derived<-` returns
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ds$derived_v1 <- ds$v1 + 5
#' derivation(ds$derived_v1)
#' # Crunch expression: v1 + 5
#' derivation(ds$derived_v1) <- ds$v1 + 10
#' derivation(ds$derived_v1)
#' # Crunch expression: v1 + 10
#' is.derived(ds$derived_v1)
#' # TRUE
#' # to integrate or instantiate the variable in place (remove the link between
#' # variable v1 and the derivation) you can:
#' derivation(ds$derived_v1) <- NULL
#' # after integrating, the derived variable is no longer derived.
#' is.derived(ds$derived_v1)
#' # FALSE
#' # Derivations can be updated with arbitrary expressions.
#' # Consider a numeric case variable that combines weights
#' # calculated separately in a separate variable
#' # for each of several waves:
#' ds$weight <- makeCaseWhenVariable(
#'     ds$wave == 1 ~ ds$weight_wave1,
#'     ds$wave == 2 ~ ds$weight_wave2,
#'     ds$wave == 3 ~ ds$weight_wave3,
#'     name = "Weight"
#' )
#' # When a new wave is added, update the derivation
#' # of the weight to add the new condition and source
#' # column.
#' derivation(ds$weight) <- caseWhenExpr(
#'     ds$wave == 1 ~ ds$weight_wave1,
#'     ds$wave == 2 ~ ds$weight_wave2,
#'     ds$wave == 3 ~ ds$weight_wave3,
#'     ds$wave == 4 ~ ds$weight_wave4
#' )
#' }
#' @name derivations
#' @aliases derivation derivation<-

#' @export
#' @rdname derivations
setMethod("derivation", "CrunchVariable", function(x) {
    if (!is.derived(x)) {
    expr <- CrunchExpr(expression = entity(x)@body$derivation)
    # self(x) is needed and not variableCatalog because the variables are stored
    # as '../varid/' and when absoluteURL concats them, the varid from self(x)
    # is automatically removed.
    expr@expression <- absolutifyVariables(expr@expression, self(x))


absolutifyVariables <- function(expr, base.url) {
    if (is.list(expr)) {
        # Recurse.
        lists <- vapply(expr, is.list, logical(1))
        expr[lists] <- lapply(expr[lists], absolutifyVariables, base.url)
        # For others, look for "variable" references
        if (length(names(expr))) {
            vars <- names(expr) %in% "variable"
            expr[!lists & vars] <- lapply(expr[!lists & vars], absoluteURL, base.url)

#' @export
#' @rdname derivations
setMethod("derivation<-", c("CrunchVariable", "ANY"), function(x, value) {
    if (!is.derived(x)) {
        halt("The variable ", dQuote(name(x)), " must already be a derived variable.")
    if (!is.CrunchExpr(value)) {
            "The value ", dQuote(substitute(value)), " must be a CrunchExpr, got a ",
            class(value), " instead."

    payload <- toJSON(list(derivation = value@expression))
    crPATCH(self(x), body = payload)

    ## Refresh and return

# sets derived to FALSE, which integrates / instantiates the variable's values
# silently takes and discards `value` to make method dispatch easier
integrateDerivedVar <- function(x, value) {
    if (is.derived(x)) {
        payload <- toJSON(list(derived = FALSE))
        crPATCH(self(x), body = payload)

        ## Refresh and return
        x <- refresh(x)

#' @export
#' @rdname derivations
setMethod("derivation<-", c("CrunchVariable", "NULL"), integrateDerivedVar)

#' @rdname derivations
#' @aliases is.derived
#' @export
setMethod("is.derived", "CrunchVariable", function(x) {

#' @rdname derivations
#' @aliases is.derived<-
#' @export
setMethod("is.derived<-", c("CrunchVariable", "logical"), function(x, value) {
    if (!isTRUE(value)) {
        x <- integrateDerivedVar(x, value)
    } else if (!is.derived(x)) {
            "can't change a non-derived variable into a derived one with ",

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crunch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:03 a.m.