
Defines functions sequence_check

#' Sequence of scenarios
#' A sequence of scenarios is treated as a single scenario and each scenario
#' is simulated one after the other. If scenario `n` in a sequence was simulated,
#' scenario `n+1` will start off in the model state where `n` had ended.
#' Scenario sequences can be used to e.g. implement changes in model parameters
#' over time.
#' ### Requirements
#' All scenarios in a sequence must fulfill the following requirements:
#' * All scenarios must have identical state variables
#' * The *output times* of all scenarios must represent a continuous time series
#'   without gaps or overlaps
#' ### Limitations
#' Only simulation of sequences are supported, at the moment.
#' Effects and effect profiles (EPx values) cannot be derived, yet.
#' @return an S4 object of type [ScenarioSequence-class]
#' @examples
#' # create two scenarios that need to be simulated one after the other
#' scen1 <- minnow_it %>% set_times(0:3)
#' scen2 <- minnow_it %>% set_times(3:6) %>% set_param(c(kd=0))
#' # create a sequence and assign scenarios
#' sq <- sequence(list(scen1, scen2))
#' # simulate the sequence
#' simulate(sq)
# # the sequence can also be used to derive effect endpoints
# effect(sq)
#' @name sequence
#' @aliases ScenarioSequence-class sequence
# @aliases ScenarioSequence-class scenario<-,ScenarioSequence-method scenarios,ScenarioSequence-method
#   scenarios<-,ScenarioSequence-method sequence

# Scenario sequence class
#' @export
#' @aliases sequence

# check validity of sequence elements
sequence_check <- function(seq) {
  lst <- scenarios(seq)
  if(!is.list(lst)) {
    stop("sequence does not contain a list of effect scenarios")
  # check if start and end of output times match between subsequent scenarios
  for(i in seq_along(lst)) {
    cur <- lst[[i]]
    if(is.null(cur)) {
    if(length(cur@times) == 0) {
      warning(glue::glue("scenario at index {i} has no output times"))
    # skip further check for first element in sequence
    if(i == 1) {

    prev <- lst[[i-1]]
    if(is.null(prev)) { # nothing to compare to
    if(length(prev@times) == 0) {

    end <- tail(prev@times, 1)
    start <- head(cur@times, 1)
    if(end < start) {
      warning(glue::glue("output time gap between scenario {i-1}  and {i}: [_, {end}], [{start}, _]"))
    } else if(start < end) {
      warning(glue::glue("output time overlap between scenario {i-1} and {i}: [_, {end}], [{start}, _]"))

# Accessor functions

# @export
# @rdname sequence
setGeneric("scenarios", function(x) standardGeneric("scenarios"))

# @export
# @rdname sequence
setGeneric("scenarios<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("scenarios<-"))

# @export
# @rdname sequence
setGeneric("scenario<-", function(x, i, value) standardGeneric("scenario<-"))

# @export
# @rdname sequence
setMethod("scenarios", "ScenarioSequence", function(x) x@scenarios)

# @export
# @rdname sequence
setMethod("scenarios<-", "ScenarioSequence", function(x, value) {
  if(is.list(value)) {
    if(all(is_scenario(value) | sapply(value, is.null))) {
      x@scenarios <- value
  stop("argument must be a list containing effect scenarios or NULL")

# @export
# @rdname sequence
setMethod("scenario<-", "ScenarioSequence", function(x, i, value) {
  if(!any(is_scenario(value), is.null(value))) {
    stop("argument must be an effect scenario or NULL")
  x@scenarios[[i]] <- value

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cvasi documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 9:08 a.m.