create_multinomial_baseline_evaluations <- function(test_data,
metrics = list(),
reps = 100,
na.rm = TRUE,
random_generator_fn = runif,
parallel_ = FALSE) {
# Check arguments ####
assert_collection <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_flag(x = na.rm, add = assert_collection)
# End of argument checks ####
# get metric names
metric_names <- set_metrics("multinomial", metrics_list = metrics)
# If metric == "all", we'll convert it to the named list of logicals
if (!is.list(metrics) &&
is.character(metrics) &&
metrics == "all") {
metrics <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(metric_names)))
names(metrics) <- metric_names
# Extract the dependent column from the test set
targets <- as.character(test_data[[dependent_col]])
num_targets <- length(targets)
# Extract the unique class labels
classes <- unique(targets)
# Count number of classes
num_classes <- length(classes)
# Remove columns with the name of a class from the dataset
if (dependent_col %in% classes) {
stop("'dependent_col' cannot be the name of one of the classes.")
# If we only include the dependent column
# we won't have a problem with columns named the same as the classes
test_data <- test_data[, dependent_col]
# TODO Test num_classes etc.
# Create predicted probability tibbles
random_probabilities <- multiclass_probability_tibble(
num_classes = num_classes,
num_observations = num_targets * reps,
FUN = random_generator_fn,
apply_softmax = TRUE
) %>%
dplyr::rename_all(~classes) %>%
split(f = factor(rep(1:reps, each = num_targets)))
# We want a probability within 0 and 1, so this is how close we get to those limits
almost_zero <- 0.000000001
# Create data frame with either 1 or 0 probability for a class for all targets
# This is done for all classes
all_or_nothing_probabilities <-
plyr::ldply(1:num_classes, function(cl) {
zero_probs <- rep(almost_zero / num_classes, num_classes)
zero_probs_df <-, as.list(zero_probs))
colnames(zero_probs_df) <- classes
zero_probs_df %>%
dplyr::slice(rep(1:dplyr::n(), each = num_targets)) %>%
dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(classes[[cl]]), ~ (1 - almost_zero))
}) %>%
split(f = factor(rep(1:num_classes, each = num_targets)))
# Create temporary fold columns
tmp_fold_cols_obj <- create_tmp_fold_cols(test_data)
test_data <- tmp_fold_cols_obj[["data"]]
fold_info_cols <- tmp_fold_cols_obj[["fold_info_cols"]]
fold_and_fold_col <- create_fold_and_fold_column_map(
data = test_data, fold_info_cols = fold_info_cols
# Evaluate the probability tibbles
# Evaluate random predictions
evaluations_random <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(reps),
.parallel = parallel_,
function(evaluation) {
probabilities <- random_probabilities[[evaluation]]
test_data <- dplyr::bind_cols(
evals <- run_evaluate(
data = test_data,
target_col = dependent_col,
prediction_cols = colnames(probabilities),
type = "multinomial",
id_col = NULL,
id_method = "mean",
fold_info_cols = fold_info_cols,
fold_and_fold_col = fold_and_fold_col,
apply_softmax = FALSE,
metrics = metrics,
include_predictions = TRUE,
include_fold_columns = FALSE, # We're not providing any fold info so won't make sense
na.rm = FALSE,
caller = "baseline()"
evals %>%
"Repetition" = evaluation,
.before = names(evals)[[1]]
) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
Dependent = dependent_col
# Evaluate all or nothing predictions
evaluations_all_or_nothing <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(num_classes),
.parallel = parallel_,
function(cl_ind) {
probabilities <- all_or_nothing_probabilities[[cl_ind]]
test_data <- dplyr::bind_cols(
evals <- run_evaluate(
data = test_data,
target_col = dependent_col,
prediction_cols = colnames(probabilities),
type = "multinomial",
id_col = NULL,
id_method = "mean",
fold_info_cols = fold_info_cols,
fold_and_fold_col = fold_and_fold_col,
apply_softmax = FALSE,
metrics = metrics,
include_predictions = TRUE,
include_fold_columns = FALSE, # We're not providing any fold info so won't make sense
caller = "baseline()"
evals %>%
"Class" = classes[[cl_ind]],
.before = names(evals)[[1]]
) %>%
# Extract evaluations
evaluations_random_results <- base_deselect(
cols = "Class Level Results"
# Pull Class Level Results
evaluations_random_class_level_results <- evaluations_random[["Class Level Results"]]
evaluations_all_or_nothing_results <- base_deselect(
cols = "Class Level Results"
evaluations_all_or_nothing_class_level_results <-
evaluations_all_or_nothing[["Class Level Results"]]
evaluations_random_class_level_results <- evaluations_random_class_level_results %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(.id = "Repetition") %>%
Family = "binomial", # Note, the one-vs-all evals are binomial
Dependent = dependent_col,
Repetition = as.numeric(.data$Repetition)
evaluations_all_or_nothing_results <- evaluations_all_or_nothing_results %>%
base_rename(before = "Class", after = "All_class") %>%
Family = "multinomial",
Dependent = dependent_col
evaluations_all_or_nothing_results <- evaluations_all_or_nothing_results[
method = "radix"), ]
# Gather the evaluations in the correct form
# Extract the metrics
metric_cols_results <- select_metrics(evaluations_random_results,
include_definitions = FALSE
metric_cols_class_level_results <- select_metrics(evaluations_random_class_level_results,
include_definitions = FALSE,
additional_includes = "Class"
# Prepare metrics to use in all or nothing evaluations
all_or_nothing_metrics <- set_all_or_nothing_metrics(metrics = metrics)
# Find the class level summaries
summarized_metrics_class_level <- plyr::ldply(classes, function(cl) {
# Extract the class level (non averaged) results and select the metric columns
metric_cols_current_class <- metric_cols_class_level_results[
metric_cols_class_level_results[["Class"]] == cl,
metric_cols_current_class[["Class"]] <- NULL
summarized_class_level_result <- summarize_metrics(
na.rm = TRUE,
inf.rm = TRUE
) %>%
test_data = test_data,
target_col = dependent_col,
current_class = cl,
reps = reps,
metrics = all_or_nothing_metrics
)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Class = cl)
}) %>%
# Move Class to be first column
summarized_metrics_class_level <- summarized_metrics_class_level[
, c("Class", setdiff(names(summarized_metrics_class_level), "Class"))
# Extract the metrics that we need to get entirely from the repetition results
# such as Overall Accuracy
# Extract the metrics that we need to get from the repetition results
repetition_result_metrics <- setdiff(
# Summarize the metrics
summarized_repetitions <- metric_cols_results %>%
summarize_metrics(na.rm = TRUE, inf.rm = TRUE)
# Extract the overall max,min,NAs count, and INFs count
# from the summarized class level results
class_level_max <- summarize_measure(
data = summarized_metrics_class_level,
measure_name = "Max",
FUN = max, na.rm = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = "CL_Max")
class_level_min <- summarize_measure(
data = summarized_metrics_class_level,
measure_name = "Min",
FUN = min, na.rm = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = "CL_Min")
class_level_NAs <- summarize_measure(
data = summarized_metrics_class_level,
measure_name = "NAs",
FUN = sum, na.rm = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = "CL_NAs")
class_level_INFs <- summarize_measure(
data = summarized_metrics_class_level,
measure_name = "INFs",
FUN = sum, na.rm = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = "CL_INFs")
summarized_avg_metrics <- summarized_repetitions %>%
class_level_max, class_level_min,
class_level_NAs, class_level_INFs
) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(evaluations_all_or_nothing_results %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = paste0("All_", .data$All_class)) %>%
include_definitions = FALSE,
additional_includes = "Measure"
)) %>%
base_select(c("Measure", metric_names)) %>%
# Nest the repetition class level results
# And add to the random evaluations tibble
evaluations_random_results <-
evaluations_random_results %>%
"Class Level Results" = evaluations_random_class_level_results %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
.key = "Class Level Results",
keep = TRUE
) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data$`Class Level Results`),
.before = "Process"
# Add Repetition column to confusion matrix column
evaluations_random_results[["Confusion Matrix"]] <-
add_repetition_col_to_nested_tibbles(evaluations_random_results[["Confusion Matrix"]])
# Add Repetition column to predictions column
evaluations_random_results[["Predictions"]] <-
# Group the summarized class level results for nesting
summarized_metrics_class_level <- summarized_metrics_class_level %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>% # Just to make sure
# Nest the summarized class level results
nested_class_level <- tibble::tibble("Class" = unlist(dplyr::group_keys(summarized_metrics_class_level),
use.names = FALSE)) %>%
summarized_metrics_class_level %>%
dplyr::group_nest(.key = "Results", keep = FALSE),
by = "Class"
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Class = unname(.data$Class))
"summarized_metrics" = summarized_avg_metrics,
"summarized_class_level_results" = nested_class_level,
"random_evaluations" = evaluations_random_results
all_or_nothing_evaluations <- function(test_data, target_col, current_class, reps, metrics = list()) {
num_targets <- nrow(test_data)
local_tmp_target_var <- create_tmp_name(test_data, "all_or_nothing_targets")
local_tmp_predicted_probability_all_1_var <- create_tmp_name(test_data, "all_1_predicted_probability")
local_tmp_predicted_probability_all_0_var <- create_tmp_name(test_data, "all_0_predicted_probability")
test_data[[local_tmp_target_var]] <- factor(ifelse(test_data[[target_col]] == current_class, 1, 0))
test_data[[local_tmp_predicted_probability_all_1_var]] <- rep(0.999999, num_targets)
test_data[[local_tmp_predicted_probability_all_0_var]] <- rep(0.000001, num_targets)
pred_cols <- c(
evaluations <- plyr::ldply(seq_len(2), function(i) {
data = test_data,
target_col = local_tmp_target_var,
prediction_cols = pred_cols[[i]],
type = "binomial",
id_col = NULL,
id_method = "mean",
apply_softmax = FALSE,
metrics = metrics,
include_predictions = FALSE,
include_fold_columns = FALSE, # We're not providing any fold info so won't make sense
caller = "baseline()"
) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = paste0("All_", i - 1))
}) %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
include_definitions = FALSE,
additional_includes = "Measure"
# Nests all columns rowwise
# Note: I tried with pmap_dfr and a nest_row function
# but it was a lot slower
nest_rowwise <- function(data) {
n_cols <- ncol(data)
tmp_index <- create_tmp_name(data)
data[[tmp_index]] <- seq_len(nrow(data))
data %>%
dplyr::group_by(!! %>%
dplyr::group_nest() %>%
summarize_measure <- function(data, measure_name, FUN, na.rm = FALSE) {
data[data[["Measure"]] == measure_name, ] %>%
dplyr::mutate(Family = "binomial") %>%
select_metrics(include_definitions = FALSE) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(.funs = list(~ FUN(., na.rm = na.rm))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Measure = measure_name)
set_all_or_nothing_metrics <- function(metrics) {
# Don't calculate MCC and AUC in the all_or_nothing_evaluations
# as it will be done along with Overall Acc.
all_or_nothing_metrics <- metrics
all_or_nothing_metrics[["MCC"]] <- FALSE
all_or_nothing_metrics[["AUC"]] <- FALSE
all_or_nothing_metrics[["Lower CI"]] <- FALSE
all_or_nothing_metrics[["Upper CI"]] <- FALSE
# Add the non-weighted version when f.i. "Accuracy" = FALSE but "Weighted Accuracy" = TRUE
weighted_metrics <- names(all_or_nothing_metrics)[
grepl("Weighted ", names(all_or_nothing_metrics))
metric_names_to_add_as_true <- gsub("Weighted ", "", weighted_metrics)
metrics_to_add_as_true <- rep(TRUE, length(metric_names_to_add_as_true))
names(metrics_to_add_as_true) <- metric_names_to_add_as_true
# Remove from all_or_nothing_metrics
all_or_nothing_metrics <- all_or_nothing_metrics[
names(all_or_nothing_metrics) %ni% metric_names_to_add_as_true
# Add as TRUE (c() also concatenates lists)
all_or_nothing_metrics <- c(all_or_nothing_metrics, metrics_to_add_as_true)
# Also remove multinomial metrics like weighted *
allowed_binomial_metrics <- set_metrics(
family = "binomial", metrics_list = "all"
all_or_nothing_metric_names <- intersect(
names(all_or_nothing_metrics), allowed_binomial_metrics
all_or_nothing_metrics <- all_or_nothing_metrics[
names(all_or_nothing_metrics) %in% all_or_nothing_metric_names
# Sanity check - TODO Add tests to make sure it's never used!
if (!is.logical(all_or_nothing_metrics[["AUC"]])) {
stop("all_or_nothing_metrics had non-logical element.")
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