
setupInterp <- function(x, y, doPoly = TRUE) {
## Interpolation points are given as vectors x and y.
##    Preparation of Newton's (doPoly = TRUE)
##    or rational (doPoly = FALSE) Interpolation.
## Rational Interpolation is more flexible in
##  approximating functions with poles and asymptotes
##  Change of vectors [0..lengthX] to [1..lengthX+1]
  lengthX <- length(x)
  if(lengthX != length(y)) {
    stop(paste("vectors have different lengths: x:",lengthX,", y:",
  if(doPoly)  {
       # mode <- Newton
    ii <- 1
    jj <- 1
    kk <- lengthX
    X <- Q <- T <- rep(NA, lengthX)
    while (jj < kk) { # interleave from below and above
      X[ii] <- x[jj]
      Q[ii] <- y[jj]
      ii <- ii+1
      jj <- jj+1
      X[ii] <- x[kk]
      Q[ii] <- y[kk]
      ii <- ii+1
      kk <- kk-1
        ## uneven lengthX
    if(jj == kk) {
      X[ii] <- x[kk]
      Q[ii] <- y[kk]
    for(ii in 1:lengthX)  { 
      y <- X[ii]
      T[ii] <- Q[ii]
      for(kk in seqm(ii - 1,1,-1)) {
        T[kk] <- (T[kk + 1] - T[kk]) / (y - X[kk])
      Q[ii] <- T[1]
  } else { # mode <- Thiele
    X <- x
    Q <- y
    for (ii in 2 : lengthX)  {## inverse differences *)
      yy <- X[ii-1]
      q <- Q[ii-1]
     for (kk in (ii : lengthX))  {
  # anything / 0 -> Inf is harmless at later stages, since 1 / Inf = 0
    	Q[kk] <- ( yy - X[kk]) / (q - Q[kk])
  return(list(x = X, q = Q, ModeI = doPoly))

evalInterp <- function(xi, ss) {
##* Give interpolated value at xi, using setup in ss from SetupInterpol
  lengthX <- length(ss$x)
  ff <- ss$q[lengthX]
  if(ss$ModeI)  { ##  Newton
    for (kk in seqm(lengthX - 1, 1, -1)) {
      ff <- (xi - ss$x[kk]) * ff + ss$q[kk]
  } else { ##  Thiele
    for (kk in seqm(lengthX - 1, 1, -1)) {
      ff <- (xi - ss$x[kk]) / ff + ss$q[kk]
  return (ff)   
}  ## end  evalIntp

minInterp <- function(x, y, add = FALSE, doPoly = TRUE) {
  # Interpolate (doPoly = TRUE . =  Newton) three points
  # or four points (x,y) (Thiele),
  # For add = TRUE one more point is used.
  # Returns the argument of the numerical minimum if it exists,
  #   or NA if too few points are given.
  ks <- sort.list(x)
  x <- x[ks]
  f <- y[ks] 
  nn <- length(x)
  km <- which.min(f)
  bm <- 4 + add - doPoly
  if(nn < bm) {
    if(add && nn == bm - 1) { # add == FALSE would also work
      add <- FALSE
      bm  <- bm - 1
    } else {
      return( list(xmin = NA, int = list(fct = NA, coef = NA, xx = NA)))
  if(nn >= bm) {
    k <- max(1,min(km - round(bm / 2),nn - bm+1))
    x <- x[k : (k+bm - 1)]
    f <- f[k : (k+bm - 1)]        
  s <- setupInterp(x, f, doPoly)
  if(doPoly) {
        #  Newton
      if(add == 0)  s$q[4] <- 0.0
        # not needed: s$x[3] <- 0.0
    a <- s$x[1] + s$x[2]
    b <- a + s$x[3]
    c <- (s$x[2] + s$x[3]) * s$x[1] + s$x[2] * s$x[3]
            # coefficients for quadratic equation for minimum   
    A <- 3 * s$q[4]                      # coeff of x^2 
    B <- (s$q[3] - s$q[4] * b) * 2       # coeff of x
    C <- s$q[2] - a * s$q[3] + c * s$q[4]  # absolute term
  } else {
         #  Thiele
    z0 <- s$q[bm]
    z1 <- z2 <- n1 <- n2 <- 0
    n0 <- 1
    for (ii in ((bm - 1) : 1)) {
      sq <- s$q[ii]
      sx <- s$x[ii]
      if(abs(z0) < sqrt(sqrt(.Machine$double.xmax))) {
        Z0 <- sq * z0 - sx * n0
        Z1 <- sq * z1 - sx * n1 + n0
        Z2 <- sq * z2 - sx * n2 + n1
        # not needed    z3 <- n2  
        n0  <- z0
        n1 <- z1
        n2 <- z2
        z0  <- Z0
        z1 <- Z1
        z2 <- Z2
      } else {
          # "restart"
        z0 <- sq
        z1 <- z2 <- n1 <- n2 <- 0
        n0 <- 1
 # coefficients for quadratic equation for minimum   
    A <- z2 * n1 - z1 * n2      # coeff of x^2
    B <- 2 * (z2 * n0 - z0 * n2)  # coeff of x
    C <- z1 * n0 - z0 * n1      # absolute term
  xmin <- sort(solveQeq(A, B, C), na.last = TRUE)
  if(Re(xmin[1]) <= min(x) || Re(xmin[1] >= max(x))) {
    xa <- xmin[1]
    xmin[1] <- xmin[2]
    xmin[2] <- xa 
  if(!doPoly && abs(n2) / 16.0+1.0 == 1.0) {
          # high chance of unreachable points
    if(abs(n1) / 16 + 1.0 == 1.0) { # constant denominator
      xmin <- sort(solveQeq(z2, z1, z0), na.last = TRUE)
    } else {
      xn <- sort(solveQeq(0, n1, n0), na.last = TRUE)[1]
      if(any(abs(xmin - xn) / 16+1.0 == 1.0)) {
            # common zeros
        xmin <- NA
            # of numerator and denominator

quadmin <- function(x, y) {
  ## Newton interpolation with 3 values
  ## around minimum / maximum value of y
  if(missing(y)) {
    y <- x[, 2]
    x <- x[, 1]
  m <- which.min(y)
  if(length(x) != length(y) | length(y) < 3 |
         m == 1 | m == length(y)) return(NA)
  d1 <- (y[m] - y[m - 1]) / (x[m] - x[m - 1])
  d2 <- (y[m + 1] - y[m]) / (x[m + 1] - x[m])
  e1 <- (d2 - d1) / (x[m + 1] - x[m - 1])
  res <- (x[m - 1] + x[m]) / 2 - d1 / (2 * e1)

lerp <-  function(p1, p2, t) return((1 - t) * p1 + t * p2)

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