
.spacC <- "  "  ## extra space in indexLine and charMat

n2c <- function(x, symm = FALSE){
  n2c0 <- function(y) {
    ifelse(y >= 10e10, "X", ifelse(y >= 1.0,
      as.character(trunc(log(y, 10))), ifelse(y >= 0.9, "&",
      ifelse(y >= 0.8, "%", ifelse(y >= 0.7, "#",
      ifelse(y >= 0.6, "*", ifelse(y >= 0.5, "=", ifelse(y >= 0.4, "+",
      ifelse(y >= 0.3, "-", ifelse(y >= 0.2, ":", ifelse(y >= 0.1, ",",
      ifelse(y >= 0.05, ".", " "))))))))))))
  if (is.matrix(x))
    y <- ifelse((row(x) < col(x)) & symm, " ", n2c0(abs(x)))
    y <- n2c0(abs(x))
  attr(y, "legend") <-  paste(">=1Log","9&", "8%","7#","6*","5=","4+",
}  ## n2c

indexLine <- function(n) {
  L <- c(rep(".", n), .spacC)  # extra space needed for charMat
  if (n >= 5) {
    T <- seq(n %/% 5)
    L[5*T] <- ";"
    if (n >= 10) {
      T <- seq(n %/% 10)
      L[10 * T] <- T
  paste(L, collapse = "")
} ## indexLine

n2cCompact <- function(x, symm = FALSE) {
  nB <- n2c(x, symm = symm)
  cc <- indexLine(ncol(x))
  c(cc, paste(apply(nB, 1, paste, collapse = ""), .spacC, if (is.null(
         rownames(x))) seq(nrow(x)) else abbreviate(rownames(x),
         minlength = 10), sep = ""), cc, paste("legend: ", attr(
         nB, "legend"), sep = ""))

charMat <- function(cc) { ## lines of type n2cCompact
  rows <- length(cc)-3    ## strip lines 1 and -2, -1
  colp <- nchar(cc[1])
  cc1  <- substring(cc, 1, colp)  ## proper lines of character matrix
  cc2  <- substring(cc, colp + 1)  ## column numbers
  cm1  <- rev(rev(cc1[-1])[-c(1, 2)])  ## without indexLines and legend
  cm2  <- rev(rev(cc2[-1])[-c(1, 2)])  ## useful line numbers
  u <- rep(colp, rows)  ##
  x <- unlist(lapply(u, seq))
  y <- rep(seq(u), u)
  tx <- unlist(strsplit(cm1,  split = ""))
  tx[colp * seq(rows)] <- cm2
  list(x = x, y = y, tx = tx)

explainLegend <- function() {
  print("Show n >= 1 as log(n)")
  print("     n < 1 according to its first decimal 987654321 as &%#*=+-:,")
  print("    n > 0.05 as '.'")

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cwhmisc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:55 p.m.