
T3plot <- function(x, lab=paste("T3 plot of ", deparse(substitute(x))),
                   legend.pos = "bottom", cex = 0.6, ...) {
  T3 <- function(x, v) {
  # calculation of the 3rd derivative of log(m <- n(v)) for
  # nsimul simulated series, each with ndata observations
  # x: vector with observations (nsimul simulations)
    v <- cbind(v)
    n <- length(x)
    ndata <- n
    m <- nrow(v)
    xx <- matrix(rep(x, m), ncol = m, byrow = FALSE)
    vv <- matrix(rep(v, n), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
    sumvec <- rbind( (1:ndata) / (1:ndata))
    m0 <- sumvec %*% (1 / ndata * exp(xx * vv))
    m1 <- 1 / ndata * sumvec %*% (xx * exp(xx * vv))
    m2 <- 1 / ndata * sumvec %*% (xx ^ 2 * exp(xx * vv))
    m3 <- 1 / ndata * sumvec %*% (xx ^ 3 * exp(xx * vv))
    (m3 * m0 - 3 * m2 * m1 + 2 * m1 ^ 3 / m0) / m0 ^ 2

  x1 <- x[is.na(x) == FALSE]
  ndata <- length(x1)
  vmax <- 1
  delta <- 0.05
  nsteps <- trunc(vmax / delta)
  sqrtn <- sqrt(ndata)

  #--- values in the interval [-vmax, vmax] for which 3rd derivative
  #--- will be calculated

  v <- -vmax + (0:(nsteps - 1)) * delta
  v <- c(v, 0, -v[nsteps:1])

  #--- standardization of data
  x1 <- (x1 - mean(x1)) / sqrt(var(x1))

  #--- calculation of 3rd derivative Tsimul

  Tsimul <- sqrtn * T3(x1, v)

  SD <- c(9.61361441746065,  8.64515922634257,  7.79296148487048,
  7.04237226412238, 6.38080584272215,
  5.79744863963072, 5.28301418419464,  4.82953690371646,
  4.43019863437543, 4.07918264344632,
  3.77155061867714, 3.50313856389591, 3.27046787778314,
  3.07066814694318, 2.90140845110933,
  2.76083439189198, 2.64750877045021, 2.56035496977797,
  2.49860362758496, 2.46174487159861,
  2.44948974278318, 2.46174487159861, 2.49860362758496,
  2.56035496977797, 2.64750877045021,
  2.76083439189198, 2.90140845110933, 3.07066814694318,
  3.27046787778314, 3.50313856389591,
  3.77155061867714, 4.07918264344632, 4.43019863437543,
  4.82953690371646, 5.28301418419464,
  5.79744863963072, 6.38080584272215, 7.04237226412238,
  7.79296148487048, 8.64515922634257,

  a1 <- 0.7168311; a2 <- -2.327602; a3 <- 3.688362

  m <- a1 + a2 / sqrt(ndata) + a3 / ndata

  # confidence limits

  z1  <- qnorm(0.99)
  Tz1 <- (m + z1) * SD
  z5  <- qnorm(0.95)
  Tz5 <- (m + z5) * SD

  # plot of T3 and confidence limits
  ym <- min(Tsimul, -Tz1)
  plot(v, Tsimul, ylim = c(ym, max(Tsimul, Tz1)), type = "l",
  xlab = "t", ylab = "T3", main = lab, cex = 0.8)
  lines(v, Tz1, lty = 2, col = 2)
  lines(v, -Tz1, lty = 2, col = 2)
  lines(v, Tz5, lty = 4, col = 3)
  lines(v, -Tz5, lty = 4, col = 3)
  legend(x = legend.pos, c("1%", "5%"), col = c(2, 3),
         text.col = "black", lty = c(2, 4), merge = TRUE,
         bg = "white", cex = cex, ...)

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