
Defines functions rep.data.frame

Documented in rep.data.frame

#'## Function to replicate a data frame
rep.data.frame <- function(x, times = 1, each = 1, ...)
  d <- x[rep(seq_len(nrow(x)), times = times, each = each),]
  rownames(d) <- NULL

# function to calcuates the harmonic mean
"harmonic.mean" <- function(x)
{ daeTolerance <- get("daeTolerance", envir=daeEnv)
  if (any(abs(x) < daeTolerance[["eigen.tol"]]))
  { warning("Cannot calculate the harmonic mean when some values are zero.")
    h <- Inf
  } else 
    h <- 1/mean(1/x)

"rmvnorm" <- function(mean, V, method = 'eigenanalysis')
  #function to generate a vector of values from an n-dimensional normal 
  #distribution whose expectation is given by the n-vector mean and variance by 
  #the n x n symmetric matrix V.
  #The method:
  # a) uses either the eigenvalue or choleski decomposition of the variance matrix 
  #    to form a matrix that transforms an iid vector of values to a vector with variance V.
  # b) generates a vector of length n of standard normal values
  # c) premultiplies the vector of standard normal values by the transpose of the
  #    upper triangular factor and, to the result, adds mean.
{ method.opt <- c('eigenanalysis','choleski')
kopt <- pmatch(method, method.opt)
if (is.na(kopt))
  stop("method must be either eigenanalysis or choleski")
n <- length(mean)
if (!all(dim(V) == c(n, n)))
  stop("Length of mean must equal the number of rows and the number of columns in V")
if (!isSymmetric(V))
  stop("V must be a symmetric matrix")
if (method.opt[kopt] == 'eigenanalysis')
{ daeTolerance <- get("daeTolerance", envir=daeEnv)
#use eigenvalue decomposition to establish transformation matrix
eigdecomp <- eigen(V, symmetric = TRUE)
eigenval <- eigdecomp$values
if (!all(eigenval >= -daeTolerance * abs(max(eigenval))))
  stop("Variance matrix is not nonnegative definite")
R <- eigdecomp$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(eigenval, 0)), n)
{ R <- chol(V)
y <- as.vector(mean + R %*% rnorm(n))

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dae documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:07 a.m.