

compareColumns <- function(columnNames, dat1, dat2)
                    function(colname, dat1, dat2)
                      col <- dat1[colname]
                      other.col <- dat2[colname][1]
                      all(col == other.col)
                    }, dat1 = dat1, dat2 = dat2)))

cat("#### Test for designRandomize\n")
test_that("randomize", {
  #Generate 5 x 5 RCBD and Latin square
  Treatments <- factor(rep(1:5, times=5))
  RCBD.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = Treatments, 
                              recipient = list(Rows=5, Columns=5), 
                              nested.recipients = list(Columns = "Rows"), 
                              seed = 521814)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(RCBD.lay), 25)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(RCBD.lay), 3)
  Treatments <- factor(designLatinSqrSys(5))
  LSD.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = Treatments,  
                             recipient = list(Rows=5, Columns=5), 
                             seed = 154381)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(RCBD.lay), 25)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(RCBD.lay), 3)
  #Simple example with allocated and recipient in a data.frame
  RCBD.sys <- cbind(fac.gen(list(Blocks = 3, Plots = 4)),
                    fac.gen(list(Trts = 4), times = 3))
  RCBD.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = RCBD.sys["Trts"], 
                              recipient = RCBD.sys[c("Blocks", "Plots")], 
                              nested.recipients = list(Plots = "Blocks"), 
                              seed = 521814, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  #Test that all unit factors are the same before and after randomization
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(c("Blocks", "Plots"), dat1 = RCBD.sys, dat2 = RCBD.lay))
  #derandomize the allocated factors and check that have the same as before randomization
  RCBD.derand <- RCBD.lay[RCBD.lay$.Permutation, ]
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns("Trts", dat1 = RCBD.sys, dat2 = RCBD.derand))

  #A small example to test randomization
  Exp.unit <- list(Squares=2, Rows=3, Columns=3, Halfplots=2, Reps=2)
  Exp.nest <-  list(Columns="Squares", Halfplots=c("Squares","Rows","Columns"),
  Exp.unit.dat <- fac.gen(Exp.unit)
  Exp.alloc.dat <- data.frame(Trellis = factor(rep(c(1,2,3, 2,3,1, 3,1,2), each=4, times=2)),
                              Method = factor(rep(1:2, each=2, times=18)))

  #randomize supplying list
  Exp.rand.dat <- designRandomize(recipient=Exp.unit, 
                                  seed = 646154)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(Exp.rand.dat), 72)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(Exp.rand.dat), 7)
  Exp.rand.canon <- designAnatomy(list(unit = ~ ((Squares/Columns)*Rows)/Halfplots/Reps,
                                       trt = ~ Trellis*Method),
                                  data = Exp.rand.dat)
  summ.rand <- summary(Exp.rand.canon)
  testthat::expect_equivalent(na.omit(summ.rand$decomp$aefficiency), c(1,1,1))

  #recipient factors in standard order in data frame instead of list
  Exp.std.dat <- designRandomize(recipient=Exp.unit.dat, 
                                 seed = 78125, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(Exp.std.dat), 72)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(Exp.std.dat), 9)
  #Test that all unit factors are the same before and after randomization
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(names(Exp.unit.dat), dat1 = Exp.unit.dat, dat2 = Exp.std.dat))
  Exp.std.canon <- designAnatomy(list(unit = ~ ((Squares/Columns)*Rows)/Halfplots/Reps,
                                      trt = ~ Trellis*Method),
                                 data = Exp.std.dat)
  summ.std <- summary(Exp.std.canon)
  testthat::expect_equivalent(na.omit(summ.std$decomp$aefficiency), c(1,1,1))
  #recipient factors in permuted order in a data frame
  Exp.unit.perm.dat <- Exp.unit.dat[Exp.std.dat$.Permutation,]
  Exp.alloc.perm.dat <- Exp.alloc.dat[Exp.std.dat$.Permutation,]
  Exp.perm.dat <- designRandomize(recipient=Exp.unit.perm.dat, 
                                  seed = 64614, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(Exp.perm.dat), 72)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(Exp.perm.dat), 9)
  #Test that all unit factors are the same before and after randomization
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(names(Exp.unit.perm.dat), dat1 = Exp.unit.perm.dat, 
                                       dat2 = Exp.perm.dat))
  #derandomize the allocated factors and check that have the same as before randomization
  Exp.derand.dat <- Exp.perm.dat[Exp.perm.dat$.Permutation, ]
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(names(Exp.alloc.perm.dat), dat1 = Exp.alloc.perm.dat, 
                                       dat2 = Exp.derand.dat))
  testthat::expect_equal(as.numfac(Exp.perm.dat$Trellis)[1:12], rep(c(1,3,2), each=4))
  Exp.perm.canon <- designAnatomy(list(unit = ~ ((Squares/Columns)*Rows)/Halfplots/Reps,
                                      trt = ~ Trellis*Method),
                                 data = Exp.perm.dat)
  summ.perm <- summary(Exp.perm.canon)
  testthat::expect_equivalent(na.omit(summ.perm$decomp$aefficiency), c(1,1,1))

  #Columns in data.frame for the systematic design (rep, block, plot) not in nesting order
  RCBD.sys <- cbind(fac.gen(list(rep = 2, plot=1:3, block = c("I","II"))),
                     tr = factor(rep(1:3, each=2, times=2)))
  ## obtain randomized layout, speciying 
  RCBD.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = RCBD.sys["tr"], 
                              recipient = RCBD.sys[c("rep", "block", "plot")], 
                              nested.recipients = list(plot = c("block","rep"), 
                              seed = 9719532, 
                              unit.permutation = TRUE)
  RCBD.canon <- designAnatomy(list(unit = ~ rep/block/plot, trt = ~ tr),
                              data = RCBD.lay)
  summ.RCBD <- summary(RCBD.canon)
  testthat::expect_equal(summ.RCBD$decomp$aefficiency[3], 1)
  #Test that the order of unit factors are the same in RCBD.sys and RCBD.lay
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(c("rep", "block", "plot"), dat1 = RCBD.sys, dat2 = RCBD.lay))
  #Test derandomized treatments the same as in RCBD.sys
  testthat::expect_true(all(RCBD.lay[RCBD.lay$.Permutation, "tr"] == RCBD.sys$tr))
  # Test with recipient columns listed in the same order as nesting, tr a factor 
  tr = factor(rep(1:3, each=2, times=2))
  RCBD.unit <- list(rep = 2, plot=c(0,2,4), block = c("I","II"))
  RCBD.unit <- fac.gen(RCBD.unit)
  RCBD.nest <- list(plot = c("block","rep"), block="rep")
  RCBD.lay <- designRandomize(recipient=RCBD.unit, nested.recipients=RCBD.nest, 
                             allocated=tr, seed=7197132)
  RCBD.canon <- designAnatomy(list(unit = ~ rep/block/plot, trt = ~ tr),
                              data = RCBD.lay)
  summ.RCBD <- summary(RCBD.canon)
  testthat::expect_equal(summ.RCBD$decomp$aefficiency[3], 1)
  #Test that the order of unit factors are the same in RCBD.sys and RCBD.lay
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(c("rep", "block", "plot"), dat1 = RCBD.unit, dat2 = RCBD.lay))
  #Test derandomized treatments the same as in RCBD.sys
  testthat::expect_true(all(RCBD.lay[RCBD.lay$.Permutation, "tr"] == tr))
  #Test except
  LS.std.unit <- list(row = c("I","II","III","IV"), col = 4)
  treat <- factor(designLatinSqrSys(4))
  LS.std.lay <- designRandomize(recipient=LS.std.unit, 
                                seed=7197132, unit.permutation = TRUE) 
  #check except for non-nested factors
  LS.noran <- designRandomize(recipient=LS.std.unit, 
                              seed=7197132, unit.permutation = TRUE) 
  testthat::expect_equal(LS.noran$.Permutation, 1:16)
  #Complicated nesting
  recip <- list(S = 2, r = 2, c = 3, R = 2, C = 2)
  nest <- list(r = c("R","C","S"), c = c("S","C"), R = "S", C = "S")
  alloc <- data.frame(tr = factor(rep(1:4, times=12)))
  r <- designRandomize(recipient=recip, 
                       allocated=alloc, seed=7197132)
  r.canon <- designAnatomy(list(unit = ~ S/(R*(C/c)) + S:R:C:r, trt = ~ tr),
                           data = r)
  summ.r <- summary(r.canon)
  testthat::expect_equal(summ.r$decomp$aefficiency[c(2,4,7)], c(1,1,1))
  #Some examples to test except
  l <- designRandomize(recipient=recip, 
                       allocated=alloc, seed=7197132)
  testthat::expect_equal(as.numfac(l$tr), rep(1:4, times = 12))

  #RCBD example
  RCBD.unit <- list(rep = 2, plot=c(0,2,4), block = c("I","II"))
  RCBD.unit <- fac.gen(RCBD.unit)
  unrand.rows <-as.numeric(rownames(with(RCBD.unit, RCBD.unit[order(rep,block,plot),])))
  RCBD.nest <- list(plot = c("block","rep"), block="rep")
  RCBD.alloc <- data.frame(tr = factor(rep(1:3, each=2, times=2)))
  RCBD.lay <- designRandomize(recipient=RCBD.unit, 
                              seed=7197132, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  RCBD.lay <- with(RCBD.lay, RCBD.lay[order(rep,block,plot),])
  testthat::expect_equal(RCBD.lay$.Permutation, c(6,4,2,1,3,5,7,11,9,10,8,12))
  RCBD.noblk.ran <- designRandomize(recipient=RCBD.unit, nested.recipients=RCBD.nest, 
                                    seed=7197132, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  RCBD.noblk.ran <- with(RCBD.noblk.ran, RCBD.noblk.ran[order(rep,block,plot),])
  #Block I should have 1,3,5,7,9,11; II should have 2,4,6,8,10,12
  testthat::expect_true(all(c(1,3,5,7,9,11) %in% 
                              RCBD.noblk.ran$.Permutation[RCBD.noblk.ran$block == "I"]))
  testthat::expect_true(all(c(2,4,6,8,10,12) %in% 
                              RCBD.noblk.ran$.Permutation[RCBD.noblk.ran$block == "II"]))

  RCBD.noplt.ran <- designRandomize(recipient=RCBD.unit, nested.recipients=RCBD.nest, 
                                    seed=7197132, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  RCBD.noplt.ran <- with(RCBD.noplt.ran, RCBD.noplt.ran[order(rep,block,plot),])
  testthat::expect_equal(as.numfac(RCBD.noplt.ran$tr), rep(1:3, times = 4))
  RCBD.plt.ran <- designRandomize(recipient=RCBD.unit, nested.recipients=RCBD.nest, 
                                  seed=7197132, unit.permutation = TRUE)
  RCBD.plt.ran <- with(RCBD.plt.ran, RCBD.plt.ran[order(rep,block,plot),])
  #triples should contain the same nos as in the rownames

cat("#### Test for AthleteRandomize\n")
test_that("AthleteRandomize", {
  #'## Generate a layout for a standard athlete training experiment
  eg1.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = fac.gen(list(Intensities = 3, Surfaces = 3), 
                                                 times = 4),
                             recipient = list(Months = 4, Athletes = 3, Tests = 3), 
                             nested.recipients = list(Athletes = "Months", 
                                                      Tests = c("Months", "Athletes")),
                             seed = 2598)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(eg1.lay), 36)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(eg1.lay), 5)
  #'## Generate a layout for a simple two-phase athlete training experiment
  #'## Phase 1 - the split-plot design that has already been generated. 
  #'## Phase 2 - randomize tests (and training conditions) to locations, 
  #'##           but Months assigned systematicaly to Batches 
  #'##           so except Batches from the randomization
  eg2.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = eg1.lay,
                             recipient = list(Batches = 4, Locations = 9), 
                             nested.recipients = list(Locations = "Batches"),
                             except = "Batches", 
                             seed = 71230)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(eg2.lay), 36)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(eg2.lay), 7)
  testthat::expect_equal(as.numfac(eg2.lay$Months), rep(1:4, each=9))
  testthat::expect_equal(eg2.lay$Months,  eg2.lay$Batches)
  #Use data.frames all the way
  #'## Phase 1: Construct a systematic layout and generate a randomized layout for the first phase
  split.sys <- cbind(fac.gen(list(Months = 4, Athletes = 3, Tests = 3)),
                     fac.gen(list(Intensities = LETTERS[1:3], Surfaces = 3), 
                             times = 4))
  split.lay <- designRandomize(allocated         = split.sys[c("Intensities", "Surfaces")],
                               recipient         = split.sys[c("Months", "Athletes", "Tests")], 
                               nested.recipients = list(Athletes = "Months", 
                                                        Tests = c("Months", "Athletes")),
                               seed              = 2598)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(split.lay), 36)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(split.lay), 5)
  #'# Design for crossed Batches and Locations
  eg2.phx.sys <- cbind(fac.gen(list(Batches = 4, Locations = 9)),
                       data.frame(Intensities = factor(rep(c(designLatinSqrSys(3), c(3,1,2)), 
                                                           each = 3), labels = LETTERS[1:3]),
                                  Surfaces    = factor(c(rep(1:3, times = 3),
                                                         rep(1:3, times = 3),
                                                         rep(c(2,3,1), times = 3),
                                                         rep(c(3,1,2), times = 3)))))
  #'## Second phase design
  #'## Generate a systematic two-phase design
  eg2.phx.sys$Months <- eg2.phx.sys$Batches 
  eg2.sys <- merge(split.lay, eg2.phx.sys) #merge on commmon factors Months, Intensities & Surfaces
  #Currently bug for this example in that only works in standard order (not in merge order)
  #(unlike RCBD with data.frame Columns in non-nestng order and 
  # example with recipient factors in permuted order)
  #The problem is that do not need to reorder allocated to match the recipient order 
  #for this example, whereas you do for the other examples. 
  #Yet, in merge order, the design seems OK, as a plot of eg.sys shows.
  #eg2.sys <- with(eg2.sys, eg2.sys[order(Batches, Locations), ])
  #'## Allocate the second phase
  eg2.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = eg2.sys[c("Months", "Athletes", "Tests", 
                                                   "Intensities", "Surfaces")], 
                             recipient = eg2.sys[c("Batches", "Locations")],
                             except    = "Batches", 
                             unit.permutation = TRUE, seed      = 243526)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(eg2.lay), 36)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(eg2.lay), 9)
  testthat::expect_equal(as.numfac(eg2.lay$Months), rep(1:4, each=9))
  testthat::expect_equal(eg2.lay$Months,  eg2.lay$Batches)
  testthat::expect_true(all(eg2.lay[eg2.lay$Locations==1, "Intensities"] ==  c("A", "B", "C", "C")))
  testthat::expect_true(all(eg2.lay[eg2.lay$Locations==1, "Surfaces"] ==  c("2", "2", "3", "1")))
  #Test that all unit factors are the same before and after randomization
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(c("Batches", "Locations"), dat1 = eg2.sys, dat2 = eg2.lay))
  #derandomize the allocated factors and check that have the same as before randomization
  eg2.derand.dat <- eg2.lay[eg2.lay$.Permutation, ]
  alloc.derand.dat <- eg2.lay[eg2.lay$.Permutation, c("Months", "Athletes", "Tests", 
                                                      "Intensities", "Surfaces")]
  testthat::expect_true(compareColumns(c("Months", "Athletes", "Tests"), dat1 = eg2.sys, 
                                         dat2 = alloc.derand.dat))

cat("#### Test for two part randomize\n")
test_that("TwoPartRandomize", {
  nblks <- 7
  nunits <- 9
  nclones <- 3
  nsoils <- 3
  # Generate a systematic design
  Trts.sys <- fac.gen(list(Clone=1:nclones, Soil=nsoils), times = nblks-1)
  Trts.sys <- rbind(Trts.sys, Trts.sys[setdiff(1:9, c(2,4,9)),]) # treats absent from partial rep (final block)
  Exp.sys <- cbind(fac.gen(list(Block = nblks, Unit = nunits))[-(61:63),],
  #Test for randomizing unequally size blocks in separate parts, with one part having only one block
  #Split the design, randomize each part of the design and recombine the parts
  Exp.sys <- split(Exp.sys, f = rep(1:2, c((nblks-1)*nunits,6)))
  testthat::expect_equal(length(Exp.sys), 2)
  Exp.lay <- mapply(lay = Exp.sys, seed = c(25201,25143),
                      designRandomize(allocated = lay[c("Clone","Soil")],
                                      recipient = lay[c("Block", "Unit")],
                                      nested.recipients = list(Unit = "Block"), 
                                      seed = seed),
                    SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  testthat::expect_equal(length(Exp.lay), 2)
  Exp.lay <- do.call(rbind, Exp.lay)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(Exp.lay), 60)
  testthat::expect_true(all(levels(Exp.lay["Block"]) == as.character(1:7)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(levels(Exp.lay["Unit"]) == as.character(1:9)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(Exp.lay[55:60, "Unit"] == as.character(1:6)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(Exp.lay[55:60, "Clone"] == as.character(c(3,2,2,1,1,3))))
  testthat::expect_true(all(Exp.lay[55:60, "Soil"] == as.character(c(1:3,3,1,2))))

cat("#### Test for set.RNGkind\n")
test_that("RNGkind", {
  b <- 4
  t <- 5
  #'### Initialize with a randomized RCBD layout
  #+ R4C5rcbd
  R4C5.ini <- cbind(fac.gen(list(Rows=b, Columns=t)),
                    Lines = factor(rep(1:t, times = b), labels = LETTERS[1:t]))
  R4C5.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = R4C5.ini["Lines"], 
                              recipient = R4C5.ini[c("Rows", "Columns")], 
                              nested.recipients = list(Columns = "Rows"),
                              seed      = 35166)
  #'### Independently calculate the A-measure
  AVPD <- designAmeasures(mat.Vpredicts(target = ~ Lines -1, 
                                        fixed = ~ Rows + Columns, 
                                        design = R4C5.lay))[1, 1]
  testthat::expect_true(abs(AVPD - 0.7333333) < 0.001)
  testthat::expect_equal(get.daeRNGkind(), "Mersenne-Twister")
  #Test different RNGkind
  testthat::expect_equal(set.daeRNGkind("Super-Duper"), "Super-Duper")
  R4C5.lay <- designRandomize(allocated = R4C5.ini["Lines"], 
                              recipient = R4C5.ini[c("Rows", "Columns")], 
                              nested.recipients = list(Columns = "Rows"),
                              seed      = 35166)
  #'### Independently calculate the A-measure
  AVPD <- designAmeasures(mat.Vpredicts(target = ~ Lines -1, 
                                 fixed = ~ Rows + Columns, 
                                 design = R4C5.lay))[1, 1]
  testthat::expect_true(abs(AVPD - 0.8217054) < 0.001)
  testthat::expect_equal(get.daeRNGkind(), "Super-Duper")

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