
Defines functions transform.dt_pca fit.dt_pca dt_pca

Documented in dt_pca

#'@title PCA
#'@description PCA (Principal Component Analysis) is an unsupervised
#' dimensionality reduction technique used in data analysis and
#' machine learning. It transforms a dataset of possibly
#' correlated variables into a new set of uncorrelated
#' variables called principal components.
#'@param attribute target attribute to model building
#'@param components number of components for PCA
#'@return returns an object of class `dt_pca`
#'mypca <- dt_pca("Species")
#'# Automatically fitting number of components
#'mypca <- fit(mypca, iris)
#'iris.pca <- transform(mypca, iris)

#'# Manual establishment of number of components
#'mypca <- dt_pca("Species", 3)
#'mypca <- fit(mypca, datasets::iris)
#'iris.pca <- transform(mypca, iris)
dt_pca <- function(attribute=NULL, components = NULL) {
  obj <- dal_transform()
  obj$attribute <- attribute
  obj$components <- components
  class(obj) <- append("dt_pca", class(obj))

#'@importFrom stats prcomp
fit.dt_pca <- function(obj, data, ...) {
  data <- data.frame(data)
  attribute <- obj$attribute
  if (!is.null(attribute)) {
    data[,attribute] <- NULL
  nums <- unlist(lapply(data, is.numeric))
  remove <- NULL
  for(j in names(nums[nums])) {
      remove <- cbind(remove, j)
  nums[remove] <- FALSE
  data = as.matrix(data[ , nums])

  pca_res <- stats::prcomp(data, center=TRUE, scale.=TRUE)

  if (is.null(obj$components)) {
    y <-  cumsum(pca_res$sdev^2/sum(pca_res$sdev^2))
    curv <-  fit_curvature_min()
    res <- transform(curv, y)
    obj$components <- res$x


  obj$pca.transf <- as.matrix(pca_res$rotation[, 1:obj$components])
  obj$nums <- nums


transform.dt_pca <- function(obj, data, ...) {
  attribute <- obj$attribute
  pca.transf <- obj$pca.transf
  nums <- obj$nums

  data <- data.frame(data)
  if (!is.null(attribute)) {
    predictand <- data[,attribute]
    data[,attribute] <- NULL
  data = as.matrix(data[ , nums])

  data = data %*% pca.transf
  data = data.frame(data)
  if (!is.null(attribute)){
    data[,attribute] <- predictand

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daltoolbox documentation built on Nov. 3, 2024, 9:06 a.m.