
Defines functions ts_sample

Documented in ts_sample

#'@title Time Series Sample
#'@description Separates the `ts_data` into training and test.
#'It separates the test size from the last observations minus an offset.
#'The offset is important to allow replication under different recent origins.
#'The data for train uses the number of rows of a `ts_data` minus the test size and offset.
#'@param ts time series.
#'@param test_size integer: size of test data (default = 1).
#'@param offset integer: starting point (default = 0).
#'@return returns a list with the two samples
#'#setting up a ts_data
#'ts <- ts_data(sin_data$y, 10)
#'#separating into train and test
#'test_size <- 3
#'samp <- ts_sample(ts, test_size)
#'#first five rows from training data
#'ts_head(samp$train, 5)
#'#last five rows from training data
#'#testing data
ts_sample <- function(ts, test_size=1, offset=0) {
  offset <- nrow(ts) - test_size - offset
  train <- ts[1:offset, ]
  test <- ts[(offset+1):(offset+test_size),]
  colnames(test) <- colnames(train)
  samp <- list(train = train, test = test)
  attr(samp, "class") <- "ts_sample"

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daltoolbox documentation built on Nov. 3, 2024, 9:06 a.m.