
Defines functions make_param_seq predict.metamodel summary.metamodel print.metamodel mm_run_reg metamodel

Documented in make_param_seq metamodel mm_run_reg predict.metamodel print.metamodel summary.metamodel

#' Linear regression metamodeling
#' @description This function estimates a linear regression metamodel for
#' a given decision-analytic model by using the results of a probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA)
#' @details
#' The most important option is \code{analysis}, which can be either \code{"oneway"}
#' or \code{twoway}. If \code{analysis == "oneway"}, a separate metamodel is created
#' for each combination of the parameters in \code{params} and strategies in \code{strategies}
#' (by default, this is all strategies and parameters).
#' If \code{analysis == "twoway"}, \code{params} must be a vector of two parameters, and a metamodel
#' is created with these two parameters for each strategy in \code{strategies}.
#' @param analysis either "oneway" or "twoway"
#' @param psa psa object
#' @param params string vector with the name(s) of the parameter of interest. Defaults to all.
#' @param strategies vector of strategies to consider. The default (NULL) is that all strategies are considered.
#' @param outcome either effectiveness ("eff"), cost ("cost"), net health benefit ("nhb"),
#' net monetary benefit ("nmb"), or the opportunity loss in terms of NHB or
#' NMB ("nhb_loss" and "nmb_loss", respectively). "nmb_loss_voi" and "nhb_loss_voi" are only
#' used in internal function calls of metamodel within other VOI functions.
#' @param wtp if outcome is NHB or NMB (or the associated loss), must provide the willingness-to-pay threshold
#' @param type type of metamodel
#' @param poly.order order of polynomial for the linear regression metamodel.
#' Default: 2
#' @inheritParams mgcv::s
#' @return A metamodel object, which contains a list of metamodels and other relevant information.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{predict.metamodel}},
#' \code{\link{make_psa_obj}},
#' \code{\link{owsa}},
#' \code{\link{twsa}}
#' @importFrom stats as.formula formula getCall lm
#' @export
metamodel <- function(analysis = c("oneway", "twoway", "multiway"),
                      psa, params = NULL, strategies = NULL,
                      outcome = c("eff", "cost", "nhb", "nmb", "nhb_loss", "nmb_loss",
                                  "nhb_loss_voi", "nmb_loss_voi"),
                      wtp = NULL,
                      type = c("linear", "gam", "poly"), poly.order = 2, k = -1) {

  # get parameter names
  pnames <- psa$parnames

  # analysis
  analysis <- match.arg(analysis)

  # type of model
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # make sure all of params is in parameter names
  if (is.null(params)) {
    params <- pnames
  } else if (!all(params %in% pnames)) {
    wrong_p <- setdiff(p, pnames)
    stop(paste0("the following parameters are not valid: ",
                paste(wrong_p, collapse = ",")))
  } else if (length(params) != 2 & analysis == "twoway") {
    stop("If analysis == twoway, exactly 2 params must be provided.")

  # define dependent variables
  outcome <- match.arg(outcome)

  # define y, the outcome matrix
  y <- calculate_outcome(outcome, psa$cost, psa$effectiveness, wtp)

  # define strategies
  strat <- psa$strategies

  ## make sure all subset strats are in strat
  if (is.null(strategies)) {
    strategies <- strat
  } else if (!all(strategies %in% strat)) {
    wrong_strats <- setdiff(strategies, strat)
    errmsg <- paste0("the following are not in psa$strategies: ",
                     paste(wrong_strats, collapse = ","))

  # define data for linear model
  dat <- data.frame(y, psa$parameters)

  # make sure there are not more parameters to estimate than there are psa samples
  if (nrow(dat) < length(params)) {
    errmsg <- paste0("The number of parameters to be estimated by the metamodel
                     cannot be greater than the number of PSA samples")

  # list to hold linear models
  lms <- NULL

  # analysis: either oneway or twoway
  if (analysis == "oneway") {
    # loop over parameters
    for (p in params) {
      # loop over strategies
      for (s in strategies) {
        mod <- mm_run_reg(analysis, s, p, dat, type, poly.order, k)
        mod$param_of_int <- p
        mod$strat <- s
        lms[[p]][[s]] <- mod
  if (analysis == "twoway" | analysis == "multiway") {
    # loop over strategies
    for (s in strategies) {
      mod <- mm_run_reg(analysis, s, params, dat, type, poly.order, k)
      # for accessing later in predict
      mod$param_of_int <- params
      mod$strat <- s
      lms[[s]] <- mod

  metamodel <- list(outcome = outcome, mods = lms, wtp = wtp,
                    params = params, strategies = strategies,
                    psa = psa, analysis = analysis,
                    type = type, poly.order = poly.order, k = k)
  # define class
  class(metamodel) <- "metamodel"

#' Build formula and run linear regression for metamodel
#' @param dep dependent variable in regression
#' @param dat data to use in regression
#' @param all_params all params in PSA
#' @importFrom mgcv gam
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a statistical metamodel
#' @inheritParams metamodel
mm_run_reg <- function(analysis, dep, params, dat, type, poly.order, k) {

  n_params <- length(params)

  if (type == "gam" && k < 3 && n_params != 1) {
    k <- 3
    warning("k has been set to its minimum value of 3")

  if (type == "gam" && ((k - 1) ^ n_params > 500)) {
    stop(paste0("\nIn your proposed metamodel, k-1 to the power of the number of parameters must not
 be greater than 500 (i.e. (k-1)^n_params < 500). This proposed model has ", n_params, " parameters,
 and a k value of ", k, ". Models that exceed this approximate threshold will fail to execute
 due to memory constraints and/or take an excessively long time to fit."))

  if (type == "linear") {
    # build formula
    ## dependent variable
    fbeg <- paste0(dep, " ~ ")

    if (n_params > 1) {
      ## parameters of interest
      fparam <- paste(params, collapse = " + ")
    } else {
      ## parameter of interest
      fparam <- params

    ## combine
    f <- as.formula(paste0(fbeg, fparam))

    # run metamodel
    metamod <- lm(f, data = dat)
    metamod$call <- call("lm", formula = f, data = quote(dat))

  if (type == "poly") {
    # build formula
    ## dependent variable
    fbeg <- paste0(dep, " ~ ")

    ## parameters of interest
    fparam <- ""
    list_of_ps <- lapply(params, function(p) paste("poly(", p, ",", poly.order, ", raw=TRUE)"))

    if (analysis == "twoway") {
      list_of_ps <- append(list_of_ps,
                           paste0("poly(", params[1], ",", poly.order, ", raw=TRUE):",
                                  "poly(", params[2], ",", poly.order, ", raw=TRUE)"))

    fparam <- paste(list_of_ps, collapse = " + ")
    ## combine
    f <- as.formula(paste0(fbeg, fparam))

    # run metamodel
    metamod <- lm(f, data = dat)
    metamod$call <- call("lm", formula = f, data = quote(dat))

  if (type == "gam") {
    # build formula
    fbeg <- paste0(dep, " ~ ")

    ## parameters of interest
    fparam <- ""
    if (n_params == 1) {
      fparam <- paste0(fparam, "s(", params, ", k=", k, ")")
    } else {
      params_k <- paste0("s(", params,  ", k=", k, ")")
      f_s <- paste(params_k, collapse = " + ")
      k_ti <- ifelse(k == -1, NA, k)
      fparam <- paste0(f_s, " + ti(", paste(params, collapse = ", "), ", k = ", k_ti, ")")

    f <- as.formula(paste0(fbeg, fparam))

    metamod <- gam(f, data = dat)

#' Print metamodel
#' @param x metamodel to print
#' @param ... further arguments to print
#' @return None (invisible NULL)
#' @export
print.metamodel <- function(x, ...) {
  wtp <- x$wtp
  cat("metamodel object", "\n",
      "-------------------------", "\n",
      "a list of the following objects: ",
      paste(names(x), collapse = ", "), "\n",
      "some details: ", "\n",
      "-------------------------", "\n",
      "analysis: this is a ", substr(x$analysis, 1, 3), "-way metamodel \n",
      "mods: a nested list of ", x$type, " metamodels \n",
      "outcome: ", x$outcome, "\n",
      "WTP: ", ifelse(!is.null(wtp), wtp, "NA"), "\n",
      "strategies: ", paste(x$strategies, collapse = ", "), "\n",
      "parameters modeled: ", paste(x$params, collapse = ", "), "\n",
      sep = "")

#' Summary of metamodel
#' @param object metamodel to summarize
#' @param ... further arguments to summary
#' @return a \code{data.frame} containing the r-squared for each strategy and parameter's metamodel.
#' @export
summary.metamodel <- function(object, ...) {
  analysis <- object$analysis
  type <- object$type
  summary_df <- NULL
  if (analysis == "multiway") {
    stop("metamodel summary not available for multiway analyses")
  if (analysis == "oneway") {
    for (p in object$params) {
      for (s in object$strategies) {
        lm_summary <- summary(object$mods[[p]][[s]])
        if (type == "gam") {
          r2 <- lm_summary$r.sq
        } else {
          r2 <- lm_summary$r.squared
        df_new_row <- data.frame("param" = p, "strat" = s, "rsquared" = r2)
        summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df_new_row)
  if (analysis == "twoway") {
    params <- object$params
    for (s in object$strategies) {
      lm_summary <- summary(object$mods[[s]])
      if (type == "gam") {
        r2 <- lm_summary$r.sq
      } else {
        r2 <- lm_summary$r.squared
      df_new_row <- data.frame("param1" = params[1], "param2" = params[2],
                               "strat" = s, "rsquared" = r2)
      summary_df <- rbind(summary_df, df_new_row)

#' Predict from a one-way or two-way metamodel
#' @param object object with class "metamodel"
#' @param ranges a named list of the form c("param" = c(0, 1), ...)
#' that gives the ranges for the parameter of interest. If NULL,
#' parameter values from the middle 95% of the PSA samples are used. The number of samples
#' from this range is determined by \code{nsamp}.
#' @param nsamp number of samples from ranges
#' @param ... further arguments to \code{predict} (not used)
#' @importFrom stats quantile predict
#' @return a \code{data.frame} containing the outcome values predicted by the metamodel
#' for each strategy and each combination of parameter values defined by \code{ranges}.
#' @export
predict.metamodel <- function(object, ranges = NULL, nsamp = 100, ...) {

  # analysis type
  analysis <- object$analysis
  # Predicting from multiway metamodels not yet implemented
  if (analysis == "multiway") {
    stop("metamodel predictions not available for multiway analyses")

  # type checking
  ## make sure ranges is NULL or list
  if (!is.null(ranges)) {
    if (!inherits(ranges, "list")) {
      stop("ranges must be a named list of vectors")

    ## all elements of ranges must have length 2 or be NULL
    for (i in ranges) {
      if (!is.null(i) & length(i) != 2) {
        stop("all entries in ranges must have length 2 or be NULL")

  # all parameters in the metamodel
  psa_params <- object$params

  # get original psa parameter df
  psa_paramvals <- object$psa$parameters

  # set of linear models
  mods <- object$mods

  # strategies
  strats <- object$strategies

  # data frame to be used in predict - mean values repeated
  # the values for the parameter of interest are replaced
  # in each pass through the loop
  if (analysis == "oneway") {
    pred_data_nrow <- nsamp
  if (analysis == "twoway") {
    pred_data_nrow <- nsamp ^ 2
  pdata <- data.frame(matrix(colMeans(psa_paramvals),
                             nrow = pred_data_nrow,
                             ncol = ncol(psa_paramvals),
                             byrow = TRUE))

  # Name data frame's columns with parameters' names
  colnames(pdata) <- colnames(psa_paramvals)

  # these are parameters that are included in ranges
  if (is.null(ranges)) {
    q_params <- psa_params
  } else {
    # get parameters associated with ranges
    q_params <- names(ranges)
    if (!all(q_params %in% psa_params)) {
      wrong_params <- setdiff(q_params, psa_params)
      stop(paste0("The following range names were not found in psa$parameters:\n",
                  paste(wrong_params, collapse = ", ")))

  # predict outcomes from linear metamodels
  if (analysis == "oneway") {
    ## make list to hold outcome dfs
    outcome_dfs <- vector(mode = "list",
                          length = length(strats) * length(q_params))
    counter <- 1
    for (p in q_params) {
      # define evenly spaced samples from parameter range
      param_val <- make_param_seq(p, ranges, nsamp, psa_paramvals)

      # create new data from param_val
      newdata <- data.frame(param_val)

      # replace values for parameter of interest
      this_p_data <- pdata
      this_p_data[, p] <- newdata

      # predict values from linear model
      # for each strategy
      for (s in strats) {
        mod <- mods[[p]][[s]]
        outcome_dfs[[counter]] <- data.frame("parameter" = p, "strategy" = s,
                                             "param_val" = newdata,
                                             "outcome_val" = predict(mod, newdata = this_p_data, type = "response"),
                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        counter <- counter + 1
  if (analysis == "twoway") {
    outcome_dfs <- vector(mode = "list",
                          length = length(strats))
    counter <- 1
    p1 <- psa_params[1]
    p2 <- psa_params[2]
    p1_samp <- make_param_seq(p1, ranges, nsamp, psa_paramvals)
    p2_samp <- make_param_seq(p2, ranges, nsamp, psa_paramvals)
    p1p2_data <- data.frame(expand.grid(p1_samp, p2_samp))
    pdata[, c(p1, p2)] <- p1p2_data

    for (s in strats) {
      mod <- mods[[s]]
      outcome <- predict(mod, newdata = pdata)
      outcome_df <- data.frame("p1" = pdata[, p1], "p2" = pdata[, p2],
                                           "strategy" = s, "outcome_val" = outcome,
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(outcome_df)[1:2] <- c(p1, p2)
      outcome_dfs[[counter]] <- outcome_df
      counter <- counter + 1
  combined_df <- bind_rows(outcome_dfs)

#' make a parameter sequence
#' @param p parameter of interest
#' @param ranges named vector of parameter ranges
#' @param nsamp number of points from the range
#' @param psa_paramvals sampled values from the PSA. used to calculate the
#' range if none is supplied
#' @return a vector of parameter values spanning the range specified
#' @keywords internal
make_param_seq <- function(p, ranges, nsamp, psa_paramvals) {
  p_range <- ranges[[p]]

  # define default range if necesary
  p_psa_vals <- psa_paramvals[, p]
  if (is.null(p_range)) {
    p_range <- quantile(p_psa_vals, c(0.025, 0.975))
  } else {
    # throw warning if outside of psa range
    psa_range <- range(p_psa_vals)
    if (p_range[1] < psa_range[1] | p_range[2] > psa_range[2]) {
      warning(paste0("The requested range for ", p, " is outside of the PSA range.\n",
                     "requested range: [", paste(p_range, collapse = ","), "]\n",
                     "PSA range: [", paste(psa_range, collapse = ", "), "]\n.",
                     "Please interpret results with caution."))
  # define evenly spaced samples from parameter range
  seq(p_range[1], p_range[2], length.out = nsamp)

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