
#' Print a "ddo" or "ddf" Object
#' Print an overview of attributes of distributed data objects (ddo) or distributed data frames (ddf)
#' @param x object to be printed
#' @param \ldots additional arguments
#' @author Ryan Hafen
#' @examples
#' kv <- kvPairs(kvPair(1, letters), kvPair(2, rnorm(100)))
#' kvddo <- ddo(kv)
#' kvddo
#' @export
#' @method print ddo
print.ddo <- function(x, ...) {

  # objName <- as.character(substitute(x))

  objClass <- class(x)
  objString <- ifelse(inherits(x, "ddf"), "frame", "object")

  titlePrefix <- "Distributed"
  if(inherits(x, "transformed"))
    titlePrefix <- "Transformed distributed"
  title <- paste(titlePrefix, " data ", objString, " backed by '", objClass[which(objClass=="ddo") + 1], "' connection\n\n", sep = "")

  ddoAttr <- getDr("ddoAttrPrintList")
  ddfAttr <- getDr("ddfAttrPrintList")

  # get all names that will be printed so that first column has same width for all tables
  nms <- names(getAttributes(x, names(ddoAttr))[["ddo"]])
  if("ddf" %in% objClass)
    nms <- c(nms, names(getAttributes(x, names(ddfAttr))[["ddf"]]))

  namewidth <- max(nchar(nms)) + 2
  options(namewidth = namewidth)

  if("transformed" %in% objClass) {
    ddfAccessAttrs <- NULL
    ddfAccessNames <- ddfAccessAttrs
    ddoAccessAttrs <- "keys"
    ddoAccessNames <- "getKeys"
  } else {
    ddfAccessAttrs <- c("splitRowDistn", "summary")
    ddfAccessNames <- ddfAccessAttrs
    ddoAccessAttrs <- c("keys", "splitSizeDistn")
    ddoAccessNames <- c("getKeys", "splitSizeDistn")

  if("ddf" %in% objClass) {
    accessAttrs <- c(
      getAttributes(x, ddoAccessAttrs)[["ddo"]],
      getAttributes(x, ddfAccessAttrs)[["ddf"]]
    accessAttrNames <- c(ddoAccessNames, ddfAccessNames)

    ddoTab <- buildPrintTable(x, ddoAttr, "ddo", namewidth, doHeader = FALSE)
    ddoTab <- paste(ddoTab, "\n", sep = "")
    ddfTab <- buildPrintTable(x, ddfAttr, "ddf", namewidth)
  } else {
    accessAttrs <- getAttributes(x, ddoAccessAttrs)[["ddo"]]
    accessAttrNames <- ddoAccessNames

    ddoTab <- buildPrintTable(x, ddoAttr, "ddo", namewidth)
    ddoTab <- paste(ddoTab, "\n", sep = "")
    ddfTab <- NULL

  ind <- sapply(accessAttrs, function(x) is.na(x) && length(x) == 1)
  bottomTxt <- "\n"

  if(length(which(!ind)) > 0)
    bottomTxt <- paste(bottomTxt, "* Other attributes: " ,
      paste(paste(accessAttrNames[!ind], "()", sep = ""),
      collapse = ", ", sep = ""), "\n", sep = "")

  if(length(which(ind)) > 0)
    bottomTxt <- paste(bottomTxt, "* Missing attributes: " ,
      paste(names(accessAttrs)[ind], collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")

  ## text for div
  divTxt <- NULL
  divAttr <- getAttribute(x, "div")
  if(!is.na(divAttr)) {
    divTxt <- buildDivText(divAttr, getDr("divAttrPrintList"))

  # connText <- paste(capture.output(print(getAttribute(x, "conn"))), collapse = "\n")

  cat("\n", title, ddfTab, ddoTab, bottomTxt, divTxt, "\n", sep = "")

# to get the name of the x:
# http://jackman.stanford.edu/blog/?p=800

# print size provided in bytes in nice format
prettySize <- function(x) {
  units <- c("KB", "MB", "GB", "TB")
  xp <- min(which(floor((x / (1024^(1:4))) %% 1024) == 0)) - 1
    xp <- 4
  xp <- max(xp, 1)

  paste(round(x / (1024^xp), 2), units[xp])

NArender <- function(x, txt, alt) {
  if(any(is.na(x))) {
  } else {

sourceDataText <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  if(length(x) > 1)
    x <- c(x[1], paste("and", n-1, "more..."))
  paste(x, collapse = ", ")

condDivText <- function(x) {
  paste("Conditioning variables: ", paste(x$vars, collapse = ", "), sep = "")

rrDivText <- function(x) {
  paste("Approx. number of rows in each division: ", x$nrows, sep = "")

printVars <- function(x, namewidth) {
  # fill the space with the variables we can print, and then say how many more there are
  # this is admittedly a bit ugly right now...
  valwidth <- getOption("width") - getOption("namewidth")
  names <- names(x)
  n <- length(names)
  extraTextLength <- nchar(paste("and", n, "more"))
  varswidth <- valwidth - extraTextLength
  types <- substr(unlist(x), 1, 3)
  names2 <- paste(names, "(", types, ")", sep = "")
  nl <- cumsum(nchar(names2) + 2) - 2 # +2 for ", ", -2 for the last one not having ", "
  tmp <- which(nl <= varswidth)
  mx <- ifelse(length(tmp) > 0, max(tmp), 1)
  if(n - mx == 1 && nl[n] < valwidth) # if we are one away and can remove "and x more"
    mx <- n
  andMore <- ""
  if(mx < n)
    andMore <- paste(", and", n - mx, "more")
  paste(paste(names2[1:mx], collapse = ", "), andMore, sep = "")

printTrans <- function(x) {
  text <- "user-defined - see kvExample(dat)"
  if(identical(x, identity)) {
    text <- "identity (original data is a data frame)"
  } else if(identical(x, as.data.frame)) {
    text <- "as.data.frame - see kvExample(dat)"

buildPrintTable <- function(x, attrList, type, namewidth, doHeader = TRUE) {
  xAttr <- getAttributes(x, names(attrList))[[type]]

  isTransformed <- inherits(x, "transformed")
  if(isTransformed && type == "ddf") {
    xAttr$vars <- attributes(x)$transforms$varNames
  xnm <- names(xAttr)

  vals <- rep("", length(xnm))
  nms <- rep("", length(xnm))
  for(i in seq_along(vals)) {
    cur <- attrList[[xnm[i]]]
    nms[i] <- cur$name
    vals[i] <- cur$render(xAttr[[xnm[i]]])
  if(isTransformed) {
    ind <- grepl("^(size |nrow)", nms)
    vals[ind] <- paste(vals[ind], "(before transformation)")

  ind <- which(is.na(vals))
  if(length(ind) > 0) {
    vals <- vals[-ind]
    xnm <- xnm[-ind]
    nms <- nms[-ind]
  xnm2 <- paste("", xnm)
  nms2 <- paste("", nms)

  # namewidth <- max(nchar(xnm2)) + 1
  # valwidth <- min(max(nchar(vals)), getOption("width") - namewidth - 1)
  valwidth <- getOption("width") - namewidth - 1

  fmt <- paste("%-", namewidth, "s| %s", sep = "")
  fmt2 <- paste("%-", namewidth, "s| %s", sep = "")

  tab <- do.call(c, lapply(seq_along(xnm), function(i) {
    sprintf(fmt, nms2[i], vals[i])

  header <- ""
    header <- c(
      sprintf(fmt, paste(" attribute", sep = ""), "value"),
      paste(c(rep("-", namewidth), "+", rep("-", valwidth + 1)), collapse = "")
  paste(c(header, tab), collapse = "\n")

buildDivText <- function(x, divAttrList) {
  divTxt <- sapply(1, function(i) {
    curName <- x$divBy$type
    paste(divAttrList[[curName]]$render(x$divBy), "\n", sep = "")
  paste("*", divTxt, collapse = "\n")

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datadr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:06 p.m.