

# not all test environments have Hadoop installed
if(TEST_HDFS == "")

## make some dummy data to test on
iris2 <- iris
iris2$Sepal.Length[5:8] <- NA
iris2$fac <- sample(letters, 150, replace = TRUE)
data <- list()
for(i in 1:25) {
  kk <- paste(c("a", "b", "c"), i, sep="")
  data[c(length(data) + 1):(length(data) + 3)] <- list(
    list(kk[1], iris2[1:10,]),
    list(kk[2], iris2[11:110,]),
    list(kk[3], iris2[111:150,])
dataDigest <- sapply(data, digest)
datadf <- data.frame(rbindlist(lapply(data, "[[", 2)))

stripKVattrs <- function(x) {
  if(inherits(x, "kvPair")) {
    names(x) <- NULL
    class(x) <- "list"
  } else {
    lapply(x, function(a) {
      names(a) <- NULL
      class(a) <- "list"

context("in-memory ddo checks")

test_that("initialize and print ddo", {
  mdo <- ddo(data)

test_that("update ddo - check attrs", {
  mdo <- ddo(data, update = TRUE)

  expect_true(length(mdo) == 75)

  totStorageSize <- getAttribute(mdo, "totStorageSize")

  totObjectSize <- getAttribute(mdo, "totObjectSize")

  splitSizeRange <- diff(range(splitSizeDistn(mdo)))
  expect_true(splitSizeRange > 4000)

  getKeyKeys <- sort(unlist(getKeys(mdo)))
  keys <- sort(sapply(data, "[[", 1))
  expect_true(all(getKeyKeys == keys))

mdo <- ddo(data)

test_that("extraction checks", {
  expect_true(digest(stripKVattrs(mdo[[1]])) %in% dataDigest,
    label = "single extraction by index")
  key <- data[[1]][[1]]
  expect_equivalent(stripKVattrs(mdo[[key]]), data[[1]],
    label = "single extraction by key")

  expect_true(all(sapply(stripKVattrs(mdo[c(1, 3)]), digest) %in% dataDigest),
    label = "multiple extraction by index")
  keys <- c(data[[1]][[1]], data[[10]][[1]])
  expect_equivalent(stripKVattrs(mdo[keys]), list(data[[1]], data[[10]]),
    label = "multiple extraction by key")

  expect_equivalent(mdo[[1]], mdo[[digest(mdo[[1]][[1]])]],
    label = "extraction by key hash")

  # check extraction order
  keys <- c(data[[1]][[1]], data[[8]][[1]], data[[27]][[1]])
  idxs <- list(c(1, 2, 3), c(1, 3, 2), c(2, 1, 3), c(2, 3, 1), c(3, 1, 2), c(3, 2, 1))

  for(idx in idxs) {
    idxLab <- paste(idx, collapse = ",")
    expect_true(all(sapply(mdo[keys[idx]], "[[", 1) == keys[idx]),
      label = paste("extraction key matching order for", idxLab))

  for(idx in idxs) {
    idxLab <- paste(idx, collapse = ",")
    keyHash <- sapply(keys[idx], digest)
    expect_true(all(sapply(mdo[keyHash], "[[", 1) == keys[idx]),
      label = paste("extraction hash matching order for", idxLab))

  # make sure this still works after updating
  mdo <- updateAttributes(mdo)
  key <- data[[1]][[1]]
  expect_equivalent(stripKVattrs(mdo[[key]]), data[[1]], label = "single extraction by key after update")

context("in-memory ddf checks")

test_that("initialize and print ddf", {
  mdf <- ddf(data, reset = TRUE)

mdf <- ddf(data, update = TRUE)

test_that("update ddf - check attrs", {
  expect_true(nrow(mdf) == 3750)
  expect_true(all(names(mdf) == names(iris2)))

  mdfSumm <- summary(mdf)

  # summaries
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Width$nna, length(which(is.na(datadf$Sepal.Width))))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Width$range[1], min(datadf$Sepal.Width))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Width$range[2], max(datadf$Sepal.Width))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Width$stats$mean, mean(datadf$Sepal.Width))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Width$stats$var, var(datadf$Sepal.Width))

  # summaries with NA
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Length$range[1], min(datadf$Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Length$range[2], max(datadf$Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Length$stats$mean, mean(datadf$Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE))
  expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Length$stats$var, var(datadf$Sepal.Length, na.rm = TRUE))
  # expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Length$stats$skewness, skewness(datadf$Sepal.Length))
  # expect_equal(mdfSumm$Sepal.Length$stats$kurtosis, kurtosis(datadf$Sepal.Length, type = 2))


context("in-memory divide() checks")

test_that("data frame divide", {
  mdf <- divide(mdf, by = "Species")
  mdf2 <- divide(datadf, by = "Species")
  attributes(mdf) <- NULL
  attributes(mdf2) <- NULL
  expect_true(digest(mdf) == digest(mdf2))

test_that("conditioning division and bsv", {
  mdd <- divide(mdf, by = "Species", update = TRUE,
    bsvFn = function(x)
      list(meanSL = bsv(mean(x$Sepal.Length))))

  # do some additional checks here...

  keys <- sort(unlist(getKeys(mdd)))
  expect_true(keys[1] == "Species=setosa")


test_that("division with addTransform", {
  a <- 3
  mdf2 <- addTransform(mdf, function(x) {
    x$Petal.Width <- x$Petal.Width + a
  mdd2 <- divide(mdf2, by = "Species")

  expect_true(min(mdd2[["Species=virginica"]][[2]]$Petal.Width) == 4.4)

test_that("random replicate division", {
  mdr <- divide(mdf, by = rrDiv(nrow=200), postTransFn = function(x) { x$vowel <- as.integer(x$fac %in% c("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")); x })

context("in-memory recombine() checks")

mdd <- divide(mdf, by = "Species", update = TRUE,
  bsvFn = function(x)
    list(meanSL = bsv(mean(x$Sepal.Length))))
mpw <- mean(mdd[[1]][[2]]$Petal.Width)

test_that("simple recombination", {
  res <- recombine(mdd, apply = function(v) mean(v$Petal.Width))
  expect_equal(as.numeric(res[[1]][[2]]), mpw)

test_that("recombine with addTransform", {
  a <- 3
  mddMpw <- addTransform(mdd, function(v) mean(v$Petal.Width) + a)
  res <- recombine(mddMpw, combRbind)

  expect_true(res$val[res$Species == "setosa"] == 3.246)

test_that("recombination with combRbind", {
  res <- recombine(mdd, apply = function(v) mean(v$Petal.Width), comb = combRbind())
  expect_equal(res$val[res$Species=="setosa"], mpw)

test_that("recombination with combDdo", {
  meanApply <- function(v) {
    data.frame(mpw = mean(v$Petal.Width), mpl = mean(v$Petal.Length))

  res <- recombine(mdd, apply = meanApply, comb = combDdo())

  expect_true(inherits(res, "ddo"))

test_that("recombination with drGLM", {
  mdr <- divide(mdf, by = rrDiv(nrow = 200), postTransFn = function(x) { x$vowel <- as.integer(x$fac %in% c("a", "e", "i", "o", "u")); x })

  # FIX
  # a <- recombine(mdr,
  #   apply = drGLM(vowel ~ Petal.Length,
  #     family = binomial()),
  #   combine = combMeanCoef())

context("in-memory conversion checks")

test_that("to disk", {
  path <- file.path(tempdir(), "mdd_test_convert")
  unlink(path, recursive = TRUE)

  mddDisk <- convert(mdd, localDiskConn(path, autoYes = TRUE))
  expect_true(nrow(mddDisk) == 3750)
  # doing it again should result in an overwrite error
  expect_error(convert(mdd, localDiskConn(path, autoYes = TRUE)), "backing out")
  # but should work with overwrite
  mddDisk <- convert(mdd, localDiskConn(path, autoYes = TRUE), overwrite = TRUE)

  test_that("to HDFS", {
    mdfHDFS <- convert(mdd, hdfsConn(loc="/tmp/mdd_test_convert", autoYes=TRUE))
    expect_true(nrow(mdfHDFS) == 3750)

## clean up

unlink(file.path(tempdir(), "mdd_test_convert"), recursive = TRUE)

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datadr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:06 p.m.