test_that("dataone library loads", {
test_that("D1Client constructors", {
#cli <- new("D1Client")
expect_match(class(d1cProd), "D1Client")
expect_match(d1cProd@cn@baseURL, "")
#cli <- new("D1Client", env="PROD", mNodeid="urn:node:KNB")
expect_match(class(d1cKNB), "D1Client")
expect_match(d1cKNB@cn@baseURL, "")
expect_match(d1cKNB@mn@baseURL, "")
# Skip the remainder of the tests because these test environments are
# often down due to upgrades, reconfiguring, testing new features.
cli <- new("D1Client", cn=cnStaging, mn=getMNode(cnStaging, "urn:node:mnTestKNB"))
expect_match(class(cli), "D1Client")
expect_match(cli@cn@baseURL, "")
expect_match(cli@mn@baseURL, "")
cli <- D1Client()
expect_match(class(cli), "D1Client")
expect_match(cli@cn@baseURL, "")
cli <- D1Client("STAGING")
expect_match(class(cli), "D1Client")
expect_match(cli@cn@baseURL, "")
# Skip the hightly unstable environments when testing on cran
cli <- D1Client("SANDBOX")
expect_match(class(cli), "D1Client")
expect_match(cli@cn@baseURL, "")
#cli <- D1Client("DEV")
#expect_match(class(cli), "D1Client")
#expect_match(cli@cn@baseURL, "")
test_that("D1Client methods", {
# Test listMemberNodes
#cli <- D1Client("PROD")
nodes <- listMemberNodes(d1cProd)
expect_gt(length(nodes), 0)
expect_identical(class(nodes), "list")
# The remainder of this test uses development machines.
# Test getEndPoint()
cli <- D1Client("STAGING")
cnUrl <- getEndpoint(cli)
expect_match(cnUrl, "")
# Test getMNodeId()
cli <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnTestKNB")
expect_match(getMNodeId(cli), "urn:node:mnTestKNB")
# Test setMNodeId
cli <- new("D1Client", env="STAGING")
cli <- setMNodeId(cli, "urn:node:mnTestKNB")
expect_match(cli@mn@identifier, "urn:node:mnTestKNB")
test_that("D1Client getDataObject", {
#cli <- D1Client("PROD", "urn:node:KNB")
expect_match(class(d1cKNB), "D1Client")
expect_match(d1cKNB@cn@baseURL, "")
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cKNB@mn))
if(authValid) {
# Skip if Mac OS and X.509 Certificate
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cKNB@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
# Try retrieving a known object from the PROD environment
pid <- "solson.5.1"
obj <- getDataObject(d1cKNB, pid, checksumAlgorithm="SHA-256")
cname <- class(obj)[1]
expect_match(cname, "DataObject")
expect_match(class(obj@sysmeta), "SystemMetadata")
expect_match(getIdentifier(obj), pid)
expect_match(getFormatId(obj), "text/csv")
data <- getData(obj)
sha256 <- digest(data, algo="sha256", serialize=FALSE, file=FALSE)
expect_match(sha256, obj@sysmeta@checksum)
test_that("D1Client uploadDataObject with raw data works", {
# Create a DataObject with a raw R object and upload to DataONE
data <- charToRaw("1,2,3\n4,5,6\n")
#d1c <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2")
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
# Create DataObject for the science data
do <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", dataobj=data, mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest))
expect_match(do@sysmeta@identifier, "urn:uuid")
newId <- uploadDataObject(d1cTest, do, replicate=FALSE, preferredNodes=NA, public=TRUE)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client uploadDataObject with filename works", {
# Create a csv file for the science object
testdf <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=11:20)
csvfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(testdf, csvfile, row.names=FALSE)
#d1c <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2")
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
# Create DataObject for the science data
do <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest), filename=csvfile)
expect_match(do@sysmeta@identifier, "urn:uuid")
newId <- uploadDataObject(d1cTest, do, replicate=FALSE, preferredNodes=NA , public=TRUE)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client uploadDataPackage works", {
# Create a csv file for the science object
testdf <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=11:20)
csvfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(testdf, csvfile, row.names=FALSE)
#d1c <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2")
#d1c <- D1Client("SANDBOX2", "urn:node:mnDemo2")
#d1c <- D1Client("DEV2", "urn:node:mnDevUCSB2")
#preferredNodes <- c("urn:node:mnDemo9")
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create DataObject for the science data
sciObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest), filename=csvfile)
# It's possible to set access rules for DataObject now, or for all DataObjects when they are uploaded to DataONE via uploadDataPackage
expect_match(sciObj@sysmeta@identifier, "urn:uuid")
sciObj <- setPublicAccess(sciObj)
accessRules <- data.frame(subject=c("uid=smith,ou=Account,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=slaughter,o=unaffiliated,dc=example,dc=org"), permission=c("write", "changePermission"))
sciObj <- addAccessRule(sciObj, accessRules)
dp <- addMember(dp, sciObj)
expect_true(is.element(sciObj@sysmeta@identifier, getIdentifiers(dp)))
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/sample-eml.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest), filename=emlFile)
expect_match(metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier, "urn:uuid")
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
expect_true(is.element(metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier, getIdentifiers(dp)))
# Associate the metadata object with the science object it describes
dp <- insertRelationship(dp, subjectID=getIdentifier(metadataObj), objectIDs=getIdentifier(sciObj))
# Upload the data package to DataONE
resourceMapId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTest, dp, replicate=TRUE, numberReplicas=1, preferredNodes=preferredNodes, public=TRUE, accessRules=accessRules)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client uploadDataPackage works for a minimal DataPackage", {
# Test that a DataPackage with only one member (metadata in this case) and not
# user defined relationships is created and uploaded correctly.
# Create a csv file for the science object
testdf <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=11:20)
csvfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(testdf, csvfile, row.names=FALSE)
#d1c <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2")
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/sample-eml.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest), filename=emlFile)
expect_match(metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier, "urn:uuid")
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
expect_true(is.element(metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier, getIdentifiers(dp)))
# Upload the data package to DataONE
resourceMapId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTest, dp, replicate=TRUE, numberReplicas=1, preferredNodes=preferredNodes, public=TRUE)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client updateDataPackage works", {
# Test that a DataPackage with only one member (metadata in this case) and not
# user defined relationships is created and uploaded correctly.
# Create a csv file for the science object
#d1c <- D1Client("STAGING", "urn:node:mnStageUCSB2")
#d1c <- D1Client("STAGING2", "urn:node:mnTestKNB")
#d1c <- D1Client("DEV2", "urn:node:mnDevUCSB1")
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTestKNB@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTestKNB@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/strix-pacific-northwest.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", filename=emlFile)
metadataId <- getIdentifier(metadataObj)
# Associate the metadata object with each data object using the 'insertRelationships' method.
# Since a relationship type (the predicate argument) is not specified, the default relationship
# of 'cito:documents' is used, to indicate the the metadata object documents each data object.
# See "", for further information about the "Citation Type Ontology".
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
sourceData <- system.file("extdata/sample.csv", package="dataone")
sourceObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", filename=sourceData)
dp <- addMember(dp, sourceObj, metadataObj)
resolveURL <- sprintf("%s/%s/object", d1cTestKNB@mn@baseURL, d1cTestKNB@mn@APIversion)
# Update the distribution URL in the metadata with the identifier that has been assigned to
# this DataObject. This provides a direct link between the detailed information for this package
# member and DataONE, which will assist DataONE in accessing and displaying this detailed information.
xpathToURL <- "//dataTable/physical/distribution[../objectName/text()=\"OwlNightj.csv\"]/online/url"
newURL <- sprintf("%s/%s", resolveURL, getIdentifier(sourceObj))
dp <- updateMetadata(dp, metadataId, xpath=xpathToURL, newURL)
metadataId <- selectMember(dp, name="sysmeta@formatId", value="eml://")
metadataObj <- getMember(dp, metadataId)
progFile <- system.file("extdata/filterSpecies.R", package="dataone")
progObj <- new("DataObject", format="application/R", filename=progFile, mediaType="text/x-rsrc")
dp <- addMember(dp, progObj, metadataObj)
xpathToURL <- "//otherEntity/physical/distribution[../objectName/text()=\"filterObs.R\"]/online/url"
newURL <- sprintf("%s/%s", resolveURL, getIdentifier(progObj))
dp <- updateMetadata(dp, metadataId, xpath=xpathToURL, newURL)
metadataId <- selectMember(dp, name="sysmeta@formatId", value="eml://")
metadataObj <- getMember(dp, metadataId)
outputData <- system.file("extdata/filteredSpecies.csv", package="dataone")
outputObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", filename=outputData)
dp <- addMember(dp, outputObj, metadataObj)
xpathToURL <- "//dataTable/physical/distribution[../objectName/text()=\"Strix-occidentalis-obs.csv\"]/online/url"
newURL <- sprintf("%s/%s", resolveURL, getIdentifier(outputObj))
dp <- updateMetadata(dp, metadataId, xpath=xpathToURL, newURL)
# Upload the data package to DataONE
newPkg <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, dp, public=TRUE, quiet=TRUE, as="DataPackage")
pkgId <- newPkg@resmapId
# Sleep for 90 secondsl to let indexing finish for the package. Because we are imposing a wait on this
# package, this test is not suitable for use in CRAN.
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client updateDataPackage with new package using previously uploaded objects works", {
# Test the typical workflow of creating a DataONE package by first uploading all data objects for the package,
# then creating a package from the already uploaded objects.
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTestKNB@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTestKNB@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
# First upload objects to DataONE that will be collected into a package
sourceData <- system.file("extdata/OwlNightj.csv", package="dataone")
sourceObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", filename=sourceData)
sourceObj <- addAccessRule(sourceObj, "", "changePermission")
sourceId <- uploadDataObject(d1cTestKNB, sourceObj, public=T, quiet=T)
progFile <- system.file("extdata/filterObs.R", package="dataone")
progObj <- new("DataObject", format="application/R", filename=progFile, mediaType="text/x-rsrc")
progObj <- addAccessRule(progObj, "", "changePermission")
progId <- uploadDataObject(d1cTestKNB, progObj, public=T, quiet=T)
outputData <- system.file("extdata/Strix-occidentalis-obs.csv", package="dataone")
outputObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", filename=outputData)
outputObj <- addAccessRule(outputObj, "", "changePermission")
outputId <- uploadDataObject(d1cTestKNB, outputObj, public=T, quiet=T)
# Create a new package, and download each member (lazyLoaded) that was just uploaded, then add them
# to the package and upload. This workflow does not require that package members are downloaded with
# lazyLoad, this is done here just for efficiency. If a package member is downloaded without lazyLoad,
# it will not be-reuploaded when the package is uploaded, unless it has been updated (i.e. updated contents,
# or sysmeta).
pkg <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes the package
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/strix-pacific-northwest.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", filename=emlFile)
metadataObj <- addAccessRule(metadataObj, "", "changePermission")
pkg <- addMember(pkg, metadataObj)
metadataId <- getIdentifier(metadataObj)
newSourceObj <- getDataObject(d1cTestKNB, sourceId, lazyLoad=T, quiet=T)
pkg <- addMember(pkg, newSourceObj, metadataObj)
newProgObj <- getDataObject(d1cTestKNB, progId, lazyLoad=T, quiet=T)
pkg <- addMember(pkg, newProgObj, metadataObj)
newOutputObj <- getDataObject(d1cTestKNB, outputId, lazyLoad=T, quiet=T)
pkg <- addMember(pkg, newOutputObj, metadataObj)
resourceMapId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, pkg, public=TRUE, quiet=T)
# Now test that we can download the newly created package and add an existing object
# Now add a new package member that was omitted from the original package
auxFile <- system.file("extdata/WeatherInf.txt", package="dataone")
auxObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/plain", file=auxFile)
auxObj <- addAccessRule(auxObj, "", "changePermission")
auxId <- uploadDataObject(d1cTestKNB, auxObj, public=T, quiet=T)
# Have to sleep just a bit, as indexing can take awhile to complete
# Keep trying for ten seconds for the package to be indexed
done <- FALSE
trys <- 0
while(!done) {
if(trys > 10) break
queryParams <- sprintf('q=id:"%s"', resourceMapId)
result <- query(d1cTestKNB@mn, queryParams, as="list")
# Now download the package that was just created, and ensure that the checksums are all the
# requested type.
if(length(result) == 0) {
trys <- trys + 1
} else {
done <- TRUE
newAuxObj <- getDataObject(d1cTestKNB, auxId, lazyLoad=T, quiet=T)
editPkg <- getDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, identifier=resourceMapId, lazyLoad=TRUE, quiet=TRUE)
editPkg <- addMember(editPkg, newAuxObj, metadataObj)
newResmapId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, editPkg, public=TRUE, quiet=T)
expect_false(resourceMapId == newResmapId)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client getDataPackage with checksumAlgorithm specified works", {
# Test that a DataPackage with only one member (metadata in this case) and not
# user defined relationships is created and uploaded correctly.
# Create a csv file for the science object
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTestKNB@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTestKNB@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
sha256 <- "SHA-256"
md5 <- "MD5"
checksumAlgorithm <- sha256
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/strix-pacific-northwest.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", filename=emlFile, checksum=checksumAlgorithm)
metadataId <- getIdentifier(metadataObj)
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
sourceData <- system.file("extdata/sample.csv", package="dataone")
sourceObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", filename=sourceData, checksum=checksumAlgorithm)
dp <- addMember(dp, sourceObj, metadataObj)
progFile <- system.file("extdata/filterSpecies.R", package="dataone")
progObj <- new("DataObject", format="application/R", filename=progFile, mediaType="text/x-rsrc", checksum=checksumAlgorithm)
dp <- addMember(dp, progObj, metadataObj)
outputData <- system.file("extdata/filteredSpecies.csv", package="dataone")
outputObj <- new("DataObject", format="text/csv", filename=outputData, checksum=checksumAlgorithm)
dp <- addMember(dp, outputObj, metadataObj)
# Upload the data package to DataONE
pkgId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, dp, public=TRUE, quiet=TRUE)
# Have to sleep just a bit, as indexing can take awhile to complete
# Keep trying for ten seconds for the package to be indexed
done <- FALSE
trys <- 0
while(!done) {
if(trys > 10) break
queryParams <- sprintf('q=id:"%s"', pkgId)
result <- query(d1cTestKNB@mn, queryParams, as="list")
# Now download the package that was just created, and ensure that the checksums are all the
# requested type.
if(length(result) == 0) {
trys <- trys + 1
} else {
done <- TRUE
pkg <- getDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, identifier=pkgId, lazyLoad=TRUE, limit="0MB", quiet=TRUE, checksumAlgorithm=sha256)
algorithms <- getValue(pkg, name="sysmeta@checksumAlgorithm")
expect_true(all(algorithms == sha256))
# Download the package again, requesting a different checksum type, and ensure that the checksums are all the
# new type.
pkg <- getDataPackage(d1cTestKNB, identifier=pkgId, lazyLoad=TRUE, limit="0MB", quiet=TRUE, checksumAlgorithm=md5)
algorithms <- getValue(pkg, name="sysmeta@checksumAlgorithm")
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client listMemberNodes() works", {
#d1c <- D1Client("PROD")
nodelist <- listMemberNodes(d1cProd)
expect_true(length(nodelist) > 0)
expect_match(class(nodelist[[1]]), "Node")
expect_match(nodelist[[1]]@identifier, "urn:node:")
expect_match(nodelist[[1]]@type, "cn|mn")
expect_match(nodelist[[1]]@state, "up")
expect_match(nodelist[[length(nodelist)]]@identifier, "urn:node:")
expect_match(nodelist[[length(nodelist)]]@baseURL, "http")
expect_match(nodelist[[length(nodelist)]]@subject, "urn:node:")
expect_match(nodelist[[length(nodelist)]]@type, "cn|mn")
test_that("D1Client updateDataPackage works for a metadata only DataPackage", {
# Test that a DataPackage with only one member (metadata in this case) and not
# user defined relationships is created and uploaded correctly.
# This is a long running test, so it should be run manually, which means
# running "test_file("tests/testthat/packageUpdate.R"), as this file is not
# run by default by testthat due to the name not including 'test*'
# Create a csv file for the science object
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/strix-pacific-northwest.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", filename=emlFile)
metadataId <- getIdentifier(metadataObj)
# Associate the metadata object with each data object using the 'insertRelationships' method.
# Since a relationship type (the predicate argument) is not specified, the default relationship
# of 'cito:documents' is used, to indicate the the metadata object documents each data object.
# See "", for further information about the "Citation Type Ontology".
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
pkgId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTest, dp, public=TRUE, quiet=TRUE)
done <- FALSE
trys <- 0
while(!done) {
if(trys > 10) break
queryParams <- sprintf('q=id:"%s"', pkgId)
result <- query(d1cTest@mn, queryParams, as="list")
# Now download the package that was just created, and ensure that the checksums are all the
# requested type.
if(length(result) == 0) {
trys <- trys + 1
} else {
done <- TRUE
# Test the download by specifying the metadata id of the package. The 'getDataPackage()' function
# should be able determine the package id based on the metadata id.
testPkg <- getDataPackage(d1cTest, metadataId, quiet=T)
expect_equal(pkgId, testPkg@resmapId)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client downloadObject", {
#cli <- D1Client("PROD", "urn:node:KNB")
expect_match(class(d1cKNB), "D1Client")
expect_match(d1cKNB@cn@baseURL, "")
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cKNB@mn))
if(authValid) {
# Skip if Mac OS and X.509 Certificate
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cKNB@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
# Try downloading a known object from the PROD environment
pid <- "solson.5.1"
path <- tempdir()
file <- downloadObject(d1cKNB, pid, path)
expect_match(class(file), "path")
test_that("D1Client uploadDataPackage public argument works", {
# Test that a DataPackage with only one member (metadata in this case) and not
# user defined relationships is created and uploaded correctly.
# Create a csv file for the science object
testdf <- data.frame(x=1:10,y=11:20)
csvfile <- tempfile(pattern = "file", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".csv")
write.csv(testdf, csvfile, row.names=FALSE)
preferredNodes <- NA
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/sample-eml.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest), filename=emlFile)
expect_match(metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier, "urn:uuid")
# give metadata object an access policy without public read
metadataObj <- addAccessRule(metadataObj, "CN=arctic-data-admins,DC=dataone,DC=org", "read")
metadataObj <- addAccessRule(metadataObj, "CN=arctic-data-admins,DC=dataone,DC=org", "write")
metadataObj <- addAccessRule(metadataObj, "CN=arctic-data-admins,DC=dataone,DC=org", "changePermission")
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
expect_true(is.element(metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier, getIdentifiers(dp)))
# Upload the data package to DataONE with public set to TRUE
resourceMapId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTest, dp, replicate=TRUE, numberReplicas=1, preferredNodes=preferredNodes, public=TRUE)
# check that all members of the package have public read
sys_rm <- getSystemMetadata(d1cTest@mn, resourceMapId)
sys_mo <- getSystemMetadata(d1cTest@mn, metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier)
expect_true("public" %in% sys_rm@accessPolicy$subject)
expect_true("public" %in% sys_mo@accessPolicy$subject)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
test_that("D1Client uploadDataPackage doesn't change the rightsHolder", {
# Test that a DataPackage with only one member (metadata in this case) and not
# user defined relationships is created and uploaded correctly.
# Create a csv file for the science object
# Set 'subject' to authentication subject, if available, so we will have permission to change this object
am <- AuthenticationManager()
suppressMessages(authValid <- dataone:::isAuthValid(am, d1cTest@mn))
if (authValid) {
if(dataone:::getAuthMethod(am, d1cTest@mn) == "cert" && grepl("apple-darwin", sessionInfo()$platform)) skip("Skip authentication w/cert on Mac OS X")
dp <- new("DataPackage")
# Create metadata object that describes science data
emlFile <- system.file("extdata/sample-eml.xml", package="dataone")
metadataObj <- new("DataObject", format="eml://", mnNodeId=getMNodeId(d1cTest), filename=emlFile)
# set rightsHolder on metadata to a test ORCID
metadataObj@sysmeta@rightsHolder <- ""
dp <- addMember(dp, metadataObj)
# set rightsHolder on resource map to a test ORCID
dp@sysmeta@rightsHolder <- ""
# Upload the data package to DataONE with public set to TRUE
resourceMapId <- uploadDataPackage(d1cTest, dp, replicate=TRUE, numberReplicas=1, public=TRUE)
# check that all members of the package have public read
sys_rm <- getSystemMetadata(d1cTest@mn, resourceMapId)
sys_mo <- getSystemMetadata(d1cTest@mn, metadataObj@sysmeta@identifier)
expect_equal("", sys_rm@rightsHolder)
expect_equal("", sys_rm@rightsHolder)
} else {
skip("This test requires valid authentication.")
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