
Defines functions GoFtest

Documented in GoFtest

GoFtest <-
function(Envelope) {
  # Verify Envelope
  if (!inherits(Envelope, "envelope"))
    stop("Envelope is not of class envelope") 
  # Verify simulations
  if (is.null(attr(Envelope, "simfuns"))) {
    stop("Envelope does not contain simulations in its attribute simfuns")
  } else {
    r <- as.data.frame(attr(Envelope, "simfuns"))[, 1]
    ActualValues <- Envelope$obs
    SimulatedValues <- as.data.frame(attr(Envelope, "simfuns"))[, -1]
  NumberOfSimulations <- dim(SimulatedValues)[2]
  AverageSimulatedValues <- apply(SimulatedValues, 1, sum)/(NumberOfSimulations-1)
  rIncrements <- (r-c(0,r)[seq_along(r)])[-1]
  # Ui calculate the statistic for a simulation 
  Ui <- function(SimulationNumber) {
    Departure <- (SimulatedValues[, SimulationNumber]-AverageSimulatedValues)[seq_along(r)-1]
    WeightedDeparture <- (Departure[!is.nan(Departure)])^2*rIncrements[!is.nan(Departure)]
  # Calculate the Ui statistic for all simulations
  SimulatedU <- vapply(seq_len(NumberOfSimulations), Ui, FUN.VALUE=0.0)

  # Calculate the statistic for the actual value
  RecenteredValues <- (ActualValues-AverageSimulatedValues)[seq_along(r)-1]
  WeightedRecenteredValues <- (RecenteredValues[!is.nan(RecenteredValues)])^2*rIncrements[!is.nan(RecenteredValues)]
  ActualU <- sum(WeightedRecenteredValues)
  # Return the rank

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dbmss documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:19 p.m.