
Defines functions extractClusterLabels valid steepDown steepUp updateFilterSDASet extractXi extractDBSCAN as.dendrogram.optics as.reachability.optics plot.optics print.optics optics

Documented in as.dendrogram.optics as.reachability.optics extractDBSCAN extractXi optics plot.optics print.optics

# dbscan - Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise
#          and Related Algorithms
# Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Hahsler

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#' Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure (OPTICS)
#' Implementation of the OPTICS (Ordering points to identify the clustering
#' structure) point ordering algorithm using a kd-tree.
#' **The algorithm**
#' This implementation of OPTICS implements the original
#' algorithm as described by Ankerst et al (1999). OPTICS is an ordering
#' algorithm with methods to extract a clustering from the ordering.
#' While using similar concepts as DBSCAN, for OPTICS `eps`
#' is only an upper limit for the neighborhood size used to reduce
#' computational complexity. Note that `minPts` in OPTICS has a different
#' effect then in DBSCAN. It is used to define dense neighborhoods, but since
#' `eps` is typically set rather high, this does not effect the ordering
#' much. However, it is also used to calculate the reachability distance and
#' larger values will make the reachability distance plot smoother.
#' OPTICS linearly orders the data points such that points which are spatially
#' closest become neighbors in the ordering. The closest analog to this
#' ordering is dendrogram in single-link hierarchical clustering. The algorithm
#' also calculates the reachability distance for each point.
#' `plot()` (see [reachability_plot])
#' produces a reachability plot which shows each points reachability distance
#' between two consecutive points
#' where the points are sorted by OPTICS. Valleys represent clusters (the
#' deeper the valley, the more dense the cluster) and high points indicate
#' points between clusters.
#' **Specifying the data**
#' If `x` is specified as a data matrix, then Euclidean distances and fast
#' nearest neighbor lookup using a kd-tree are used. See [kNN()] for
#' details on the parameters for the kd-tree.
#' **Extracting a clustering**
#' Several methods to extract a clustering from the order returned by OPTICS are
#' implemented:
#' * `extractDBSCAN()` extracts a clustering from an OPTICS ordering that is
#'   similar to what DBSCAN would produce with an eps set to `eps_cl` (see
#'   Ankerst et al, 1999). The only difference to a DBSCAN clustering is that
#'   OPTICS is not able to assign some border points and reports them instead as
#'   noise.
#' * `extractXi()` extract clusters hierarchically specified in Ankerst et al
#'   (1999) based on the steepness of the reachability plot. One interpretation
#'   of the `xi` parameter is that it classifies clusters by change in
#'   relative cluster density. The used algorithm was originally contributed by
#'   the ELKI framework and is explained in Schubert et al (2018), but contains a
#'   set of fixes.
#' **Predict cluster memberships**
#' `predict()` requires an extracted DBSCAN clustering with `extractDBSCAN()` and then
#' uses predict for `dbscan()`.
#' @aliases optics OPTICS
#' @family clustering functions
#' @param x a data matrix or a [dist] object.
#' @param eps upper limit of the size of the epsilon neighborhood. Limiting the
#' neighborhood size improves performance and has no or very little impact on
#' the ordering as long as it is not set too low. If not specified, the largest
#' minPts-distance in the data set is used which gives the same result as
#' infinity.
#' @param minPts the parameter is used to identify dense neighborhoods and the
#' reachability distance is calculated as the distance to the minPts nearest
#' neighbor. Controls the smoothness of the reachability distribution. Default
#' is 5 points.
#' @param eps_cl Threshold to identify clusters (`eps_cl <= eps`).
#' @param xi Steepness threshold to identify clusters hierarchically using the
#' Xi method.
#' @param object an object of class `optics`.
#' @param minimum logical, representing whether or not to extract the minimal
#' (non-overlapping) clusters in the Xi clustering algorithm.
#' @param correctPredecessors logical, correct a common artifact by pruning
#' the steep up area for points that have predecessors not in the
#' cluster--found by the ELKI framework, see details below.
#' @param ...  additional arguments are passed on to fixed-radius nearest
#' neighbor search algorithm. See [frNN()] for details on how to
#' control the search strategy.
#' @param cluster,predecessor plot clusters and predecessors.
#' @return An object of class `optics` with components:
#' \item{eps }{ value of `eps` parameter. }
#' \item{minPts }{ value of `minPts` parameter. }
#' \item{order }{ optics order for the data points in `x`. }
#' \item{reachdist }{ [reachability] distance for each data point in `x`. }
#' \item{coredist }{ core distance for each data point in `x`. }
#' For `extractDBSCAN()`, in addition the following
#' components are available:
#' \item{eps_cl }{ the value of the `eps_cl` parameter. }
#' \item{cluster }{ assigned cluster labels in the order of the data points in `x`. }
#' For `extractXi()`, in addition the following components
#' are available:
#' \item{xi}{ Steepness threshold`x`. }
#' \item{cluster }{ assigned cluster labels in the order of the data points in `x`.}
#' \item{clusters_xi }{ data.frame containing the start and end of each cluster
#' found in the OPTICS ordering. }
#' @author Michael Hahsler and Matthew Piekenbrock
#' @seealso Density [reachability].
#' @references Mihael Ankerst, Markus M. Breunig, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Joerg
#' Sander (1999). OPTICS: Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structure.
#' _ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of data._ ACM Press. pp.
#' \doi{10.1145/304181.304187}
#' Hahsler M, Piekenbrock M, Doran D (2019). dbscan: Fast Density-Based
#' Clustering with R.  _Journal of Statistical Software_, 91(1), 1-30.
#' \doi{10.18637/jss.v091.i01}
#' Erich Schubert, Michael Gertz (2018). Improving the Cluster Structure
#' Extracted from OPTICS Plots. In _Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen (LWDA 2018),_
#' pp. 318-329.
#' @keywords model clustering
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2)
#' n <- 400
#' x <- cbind(
#'   x = runif(4, 0, 1) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1),
#'   y = runif(4, 0, 1) + rnorm(n, sd = 0.1)
#'   )
#' plot(x, col=rep(1:4, time = 100))
#' ### run OPTICS (Note: we use the default eps calculation)
#' res <- optics(x, minPts = 10)
#' res
#' ### get order
#' res$order
#' ### plot produces a reachability plot
#' plot(res)
#' ### plot the order of points in the reachability plot
#' plot(x, col = "grey")
#' polygon(x[res$order, ])
#' ### extract a DBSCAN clustering by cutting the reachability plot at eps_cl
#' res <- extractDBSCAN(res, eps_cl = .065)
#' res
#' plot(res)  ## black is noise
#' hullplot(x, res)
#' ### re-cut at a higher eps threshold
#' res <- extractDBSCAN(res, eps_cl = .07)
#' res
#' plot(res)
#' hullplot(x, res)
#' ### extract hierarchical clustering of varying density using the Xi method
#' res <- extractXi(res, xi = 0.01)
#' res
#' plot(res)
#' hullplot(x, res)
#' # Xi cluster structure
#' res$clusters_xi
#' ### use OPTICS on a precomputed distance matrix
#' d <- dist(x)
#' res <- optics(d, minPts = 10)
#' plot(res)
#' @export
optics <- function(x, eps = NULL, minPts = 5, ...) {
  ### find eps from minPts
  if (is.null(eps))
    eps <- max(kNNdist(x, k =  minPts))

  ### extra contains settings for frNN
  ### search = "kdtree", bucketSize = 10, splitRule = "suggest", approx = 0
  extra <- list(...)
  args <- c("search", "bucketSize", "splitRule", "approx")
  m <- pmatch(names(extra), args)
  if (anyNA(m))
    stop("Unknown parameter: ",
  names(extra) <- args[m]

  search <- if (is.null(extra$search))
  splitRule <-
    if (is.null(extra$splitRule))
  search <- .parse_search(search)
  splitRule <- .parse_splitRule(splitRule)

  bucketSize <- if (is.null(extra$bucketSize))

  approx <-
    if (is.null(extra$approx))

  ### dist search
  if (search == 3) {
    if (!inherits(x, "dist"))
      if (.matrixlike(x))
        x <- dist(x)
      stop("x needs to be a matrix to calculate distances")

  ## for dist we provide the R code with a frNN list and no x
  frNN <- list()
  if (inherits(x, "dist")) {
    frNN <- frNN(x, eps, ...)
    ## add self match and use C numbering
    frNN$id <- lapply(
      FUN = function(i)
        c(i - 1L, frNN$id[[i]] - 1L)
    frNN$dist <- lapply(
      FUN = function(i)
        c(0, frNN$dist[[i]]) ^ 2

    x <- matrix()
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"

  } else{
    if (!.matrixlike(x))
      stop("x needs to be a matrix")
    ## make sure x is numeric
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (storage.mode(x) == "integer")
      storage.mode(x) <- "double"
    if (storage.mode(x) != "double")
      stop("x has to be a numeric matrix.")

  if (length(frNN) == 0 &&
    stop("data/distances cannot contain NAs for optics (with kd-tree)!")

  ret <-

  ret$minPts <- minPts
  ret$eps <- eps
  ret$eps_cl <- NA_real_
  ret$xi <- NA_real_
  class(ret) <- "optics"


#' @rdname optics
#' @export
print.optics <- function(x, ...) {
      "OPTICS ordering/clustering for ",
      " objects."
      "Parameters: ",
      "minPts = ",
      ", eps = ",
      ", eps_cl = ",
      ", xi = ",

  if (!is.null(x$cluster)) {
    cl <- unique(x$cluster)
    cl <- length(cl[cl != 0L])

    if (is.na(x$xi)) {
        "The clustering contains ",
        " cluster(s) and ",
        sum(x$cluster == 0L),
        " noise points."

    } else {
          "The clustering contains ",
          " cluster(s) and ",
          sum(x$cluster == 0L),
          " noise points."
    "Available fields: ",
  ), exdent = 18))

#' @rdname optics
#' @export
plot.optics <-
    cluster = TRUE,
    predecessor = FALSE,
    ...) {
    # OPTICS cluster extraction methods
    if (inherits(x$cluster, "xics") ||
        all(c("start", "end", "cluster_id") %in% names(x$clusters_xi))) {
      # Sort clusters by size
      hclusters <-
        x$clusters_xi[order(x$clusters_xi$end - x$clusters_xi$start), ]

      # .1 means to leave 15% for the cluster lines
      def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
      par(mar = c(2, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, omd = c(0, 1, .15, 1))

      # Need to know how to spread out lines
      y_max <- max(x$reachdist[which(x$reachdist != Inf)])
      y_increments <- (y_max / 0.85 * .15) / (nrow(hclusters) + 1L)

      # Get top level cluster labels
      # top_level <- extractClusterLabels(x$clusters_xi, x$order)
        col = x$cluster[x$order] + 1L,
        xlab = NA,
        xaxt = 'n',
        yaxs = "i",
        ylim = c(0, y_max),

      # Lines beneath plotting region indicating Xi clusters
      i <- 1:nrow(hclusters)
        x0 = hclusters$start[i],
        y0 = -(y_increments * i),
        x1 = hclusters$end[i],
        col = hclusters$cluster_id[i] + 1L,
        lwd = 2,
        xpd = NA
      ## Restore previous settings
    } else if (is.numeric(x$cluster) &&
        !is.null(x$eps_cl)) {
      # Works for integers too
      ## extractDBSCAN clustering
      plot(as.reachability(x), col = x$cluster[x$order] + 1L, ...)
        x = c(0, length(x$cluster)),
        y = c(x$eps_cl, x$eps_cl),
        col = "black",
        lty = 2
    } else {
      # Regular reachability plot
      plot(as.reachability(x), ...)

# Simple conversion between OPTICS objects and reachability objects
#' @rdname optics
#' @export
as.reachability.optics <- function(object, ...) {
  structure(list(reachdist = object$reachdist, order = object$order),
    class = "reachability")

# Conversion between OPTICS objects and dendrograms
#' @rdname optics
#' @export
as.dendrogram.optics <- function(object, ...) {
  if (object$minPts > length(object$order)) {
    stop("'minPts' should be less or equal to the points in the dataset.")
  if (length(which(object$reachdist == Inf)) > 1)
      "Eps value is not large enough to capture the complete hiearchical structure of the dataset. Please use a large eps value (such as Inf)."

#' @rdname optics
#' @export
extractDBSCAN <- function(object, eps_cl) {
  if (!inherits(object, "optics"))
    stop("extractDBSCAN only accepts objects resulting from dbscan::optics!")

  reachdist <- object$reachdist[object$order]
  coredist <- object$coredist[object$order]
  n <- length(object$order)
  cluster <- integer(n)

  clusterid <- 0L         ### 0 is noise
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (reachdist[i] > eps_cl) {
      if (coredist[i] <= eps_cl) {
        clusterid <- clusterid + 1L
        cluster[i] <- clusterid
      } else{
        cluster[i] <- 0L  ### noise
    } else{
      cluster[i] <- clusterid

  object$eps_cl <- eps_cl
  object$xi <- NA_real_
  ### fix the order so cluster is in the same order as the rows in x
  cluster[object$order] <- cluster
  object$cluster <- cluster


#' @rdname optics
#' @export
extractXi <-
    minimum = FALSE,
    correctPredecessors = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(object, "optics"))
      stop("extractXi only accepts xs resulting from dbscan::optics!")
    if (xi >= 1.0 ||
        xi <= 0.0)
      stop("The Xi parameter must be (0, 1)")

    # Initial variables
    object$ord_rd <- object$reachdist[object$order]
    object$ixi <- (1 - xi)
    SetOfSteepDownAreas <- list()
    SetOfClusters <- list()
    index <- 1
    mib <- 0
    sdaset <- list()
    while (index <= length(object$order))
      mib <- max(mib, object$ord_rd[index])
      if (!valid(index + 1, object))

      # Test if this is a steep down area
      if (steepDown(index, object))
        # Update mib values with current mib and filter
        sdaset <- updateFilterSDASet(mib, sdaset, object$ixi)
        startval <- object$ord_rd[index]
        mib <- 0
        startsteep <- index
        endsteep <- index + 1
        while (!is.na(object$order[index + 1])) {
          index <- index + 1
          if (steepDown(index, object)) {
            endsteep <- index + 1
          if (!steepDown(index, object, ixi = 1.0) ||
              index - endsteep > object$minPts)
        sda <- list(
          s = startsteep,
          e = endsteep,
          maximum = startval,
          mib = 0
        # print(paste("New steep down area:", toString(sda)))
        sdaset <- append(sdaset, list(sda))
      if (steepUp(index, object))
        sdaset <- updateFilterSDASet(mib, sdaset, object$ixi)
          startsteep <- index
          endsteep <- index + 1
          mib <- object$ord_rd[index]
          esuccr <-
            if (!valid(index + 1, object))
            object$ord_rd[index + 1]
          if (esuccr != Inf) {
            while (!is.na(object$order[index + 1])) {
              index <- index + 1
              if (steepUp(index, object)) {
                endsteep <- index + 1
                mib <- object$ord_rd[index]
                esuccr <-
                  if (!valid(index + 1, object))
                  object$ord_rd[index + 1]
                if (esuccr == Inf) {
                  endsteep <- endsteep - 1
              if (!steepUp(index, object, ixi = 1.0) ||
                  index - endsteep > object$minPts)
          } else {
            endsteep <- endsteep - 1
            index <- index + 1
          sua <- list(s = startsteep,
            e = endsteep,
            maximum = esuccr)
          # print(paste("New steep up area:", toString(sua)))
        for (sda in rev(sdaset))
          # Condition 3B
          if (mib * object$ixi < sda$mib)

          # Default values
          cstart <- sda$s
          cend <- sua$e

          # Credit to ELKI
          if (correctPredecessors) {
            while (cend > cstart && object$ord_rd[cend] == Inf) {
              cend <- cend - 1

          # Condition 4
            # Case b
            if (sda$maximum * object$ixi >= sua$maximum) {
              while (cstart < cend &&
                  object$ord_rd[cstart + 1] > sua$maximum)
                cstart <- cstart + 1
            # Case c
            else if (sua$maximum * object$ixi >= sda$maximum) {
              while (cend > cstart &&
                  object$ord_rd[cend - 1] > sda$maximum)
                cend <- cend - 1

          # This NOT in the original article - credit to ELKI for finding this.
          # Ensure that the predecessor is in the current cluster. This filter
          # removes common artifacts from the Xi method
          if (correctPredecessors) {
            while (cend > cstart) {
              tmp2 <- object$predecessor[object$order[cend]]
              if (!is.na(tmp2) &&
                  any(object$order[cstart:(cend - 1)] == tmp2, na.rm = TRUE))
              # Not found.
              cend <- cend - 1

          # Ensure the last steep up point is not included if it's xi significant
          if (steepUp(index - 1, object)) {
            cend <- cend - 1

          # obey minpts
          if (cend - cstart + 1 < object$minPts)
          SetOfClusters <-
            append(SetOfClusters, list(list(
              start = cstart, end = cend
      } else {
        index <- index + 1
    # Remove aliases
    object$ord_rd <- NULL
    object$ixi <- NULL

    # Keep xi parameter, disable any previous flat clustering parameter
    object$xi <- xi
    object$eps_cl <- NA_real_

    # Zero-out clusters (only noise) if none found
    if (length(SetOfClusters) == 0) {
      warning(paste("No clusters were found with threshold:", xi))
      object$clusters_xi <- NULL
      object$cluster < rep(0, length(object$cluster))
    } else {
      # Cluster data exists; organize it by starting and ending index, give arbitrary id
      object$clusters_xi <- do.call(rbind, SetOfClusters)
      object$clusters_xi <-
        data.frame(start = unlist(object$clusters_xi[, 1]),
          end = unlist(object$clusters_xi[, 2]))
      object$clusters_xi <-
        object$clusters_xi[order(object$clusters_xi$start, object$clusters_xi$end), ]
      object$clusters_xi <-
        cbind(object$clusters_xi, list(cluster_id = 1:nrow(object$clusters_xi)))
      row.names(object$clusters_xi) <- NULL

    ## Populate cluster vector with either:
    ## 1. 'top-level' cluster labels to aid in plotting
    ## 2. 'local' or non-overlapping cluster labels if minimum == TRUE
    object$cluster <-
      extractClusterLabels(object$clusters_xi, object$order, minimum = minimum)

    # Remove non-local clusters if minimum was specified
    if (minimum) {
      object$clusters_xi <-
        object$clusters_xi[sort(unique(object$cluster))[-1], ]

    class(object$cluster) <-
      unique(append(class(object$cluster), "xics"))
    class(object$clusters_xi) <-
      unique(append(class(object$clusters_xi), "xics"))

# Removes obsolete steep areas
updateFilterSDASet <- function(mib, sdaset, ixi) {
  sdaset <- Filter(function(sda)
    sda$maximum * ixi > mib, sdaset)
  lapply(sdaset, function(sda) {
    if (mib > sda$mib)
      sda$mib <- mib

# Determines if the reachability distance at the current index 'i' is
# (xi) significantly lower than the next index
steepUp <- function(i, object, ixi = object$ixi) {
  if (object$ord_rd[i] >= Inf)
  if (!valid(i + 1, object))
  return(object$ord_rd[i] <= object$ord_rd[i + 1] * ixi)

# Determines if the reachability distance at the current index 'i' is
# (xi) significantly higher than the next index
steepDown <- function(i, object, ixi = object$ixi) {
  if (!valid(i + 1, object))
  if (object$ord_rd[i + 1] >= Inf)
  return(object$ord_rd[i] * ixi >= object$ord_rd[i + 1])

# Determines if the reachability distance at the current index 'i' is a valid distance
valid <- function(index, object) {

### Extract clusters (minimum == T extracts clusters that do not contain other clusters) from a given ordering of points
extractClusterLabels <- function(cl, order, minimum = FALSE) {
  ## Add cluster_id to clusters
  if (!all(c("start", "end") %in% names(cl)))
    stop("extractClusterLabels expects start and end references")
  if (!"cluster_id" %in% names(cl))
    cl <- cbind(cl, cluster_id = 1:nrow(cl))

  ## Sort cl based on minimum parameter / cluster size
  if (!"cluster_size" %in% names(cl))
    cl <- cbind(cl, list(cluster_size = (cl$end - cl$start)))
  cl <-
    if (minimum) {
      cl[order(cl$cluster_size), ]
    } else {
      cl[order(-cl$cluster_size), ]

  ## Fill in the [cluster] vector with cluster IDs
  clusters <- rep(0, length(order))
  for (cid in cl$cluster_id) {
    cluster <- cl[cl$cluster_id == cid, ]
    if (minimum) {
      if (all(clusters[cluster$start:cluster$end] == 0)) {
        clusters[cluster$start:cluster$end] <- cid
    } else
      clusters[cluster$start:cluster$end] <- cid

  # Fix the ordering
  clusters[order] <- clusters

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