Man pages for dcortools
Providing Fast and Flexible Functions for Distance Correlation Analysis

dcmatrixCalculates distance covariance and distance correlation...
dcorgaussianbivCalculates distance correlation from Pearson correlation...
dcsisPerforms distance correlation sure independence screening...
distcorCalculates the distance correlation...
distcovCalculates the distance covariance...
distcov.testPerforms a distance covariance test.
distsdCalculates the distance standard deviation...
extract_npExtract the dimensions of X.
hsplotPlots Pearson/Spearman/Kendall correlation against distance...
ipcw.dcorCalculates an inverse-probability-of-censoring weighted...
ipcw.dcovCalculates an inverse-probability-of-censoring weighted...
ipcw.dcov.testPerforms a permutation test based on the IPCW distance...
plot.dcmatrixPlots a heatmap from a dcmatrix object using the function...
dcortools documentation built on Dec. 10, 2022, 1:09 a.m.