meta_var_name: Name of variable in PNPP experiment metadata

meta_var_nameR Documentation

Name of variable in PNPP experiment metadata


A default PNPP experiment uses the names "positive" and "negative" for its two non-empty clusters. If they are changed (for example, to "wildtype" and "mutant"), then any variable in the metadata will be renamed to use these names. meta_var_name translates a default metadata variable name to the correct one.


meta_var_name(plate, var)

See Also



plate <- new_plate(dir = sample_data_dir(), type = plate_types$pnpp_experiment)
negative_name(plate) <- "mutant"
meta_var_name(plate, 'num_negative_drops')

ddpcr documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 1:07 a.m.