plate_meta: Plate metadata

View source: R/plate-attribs.R

plate_metaR Documentation

Plate metadata


The metadata is a collection of variables that describe each well in the plate. The metadata of an unanalyzed plate only contains basic information about each well, such as the sample name, whether the well was used, and the number of droplets in the well. Analyzing a plate adds many more variables to the metadata, such as the number of empty droplets, the number of outliers, the template concentration, and more.


plate_meta(plate, only_used = FALSE)



A ddPCR plate


If TRUE, only return metadata for wells that are used in this plate (wells that have any data)


A dataframe containing the plate metadata

See Also

plate_data plot.ddpcr_plate


## Not run: 
plate <- new_plate(sample_data_dir())
plate %>% plate_meta(only_used = TRUE)
plate %>% analyze %>% plate_meta(only_used = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

ddpcr documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 1:07 a.m.