#' Estimate degree days from daily data
#' Estimate degree days from daily min and max temperature
#' @param daily_min Daily minimum temperature
#' @param daily_max Daily maximum temperature
#' @param nextday_min Minimum temp the day after
#' @param thresh_low Lower development threshold temperature
#' @param thresh_up Upper development threshold temperature
#' @param method Estimation method
#' @param cutoff Estimation cutoff method
#' @param digits Number of decimal places to round results to
#' @param cumulative Return cumulative values
#' @param no_neg Set negative values to zero
#' @param simp_avg_zero_method How to handle temperatures in the simple average method that fall outside the upper and lower thresholds (see details)
#' @param interpolate_na Interpolate missing values, logical
#' @param quiet Suppress messages, logical
#' @param debug Show additional messages
#' @details Units for \code{daily_min}, \code{daily_max}, \code{thresh_low}, and \code{thresh_up} should all be the same
#' (i.e., all Fahrenheit or all Celsius). The function does not check for unit consistency.
#' \code{nextday_min} is required for the double-triangle and the double-sine methods. These methods use the minimum temperature
#' of the following day to model temperatures in the 2nd half of the day. If omitted or NA, the daily minimum temperature will be
#' substituted.
#' \code{no_neg = TRUE} sets negative values to zero. This is generally preferred when using degree days to predict the timing of
#' development milestones, if one assumes that growth can not go backwards.
#' The simple average method is taken from McMaster and Wilhelm (\href{}{1997}). This method requires passing a lower threshold (also called the base temp). There are two ways of handling temperatures that fall below the base temperature. Most studies and applications use the default method (\code{simp_avg_zero_method = 1}) which simply 'zeroes out' average daily temperatures that fall below the base temp. Some studies (notably corn) use method 2, which truncates the daily minimum and maximum temperature before computing the simple average. Method 2 also allows you to pass an upper threshold. For details, see McMaster and Wilhelm.
#' Missing values (NAs) in the temperatures will result in NA degree days. If \code{interpolate_na = TRUE}, missing degree days will
#' be interpolated. NAs in the middle of the series will be linearly interpolated, and NAs at the ends will be filled with the
#' adjacent values.
#' @return A vector of estimated degree day values (either daily or cumulative, depending on the value of \code{cumulative})
#' @examples
#' daily_temps <- system.file("extdata/espartoa-weather-2020.csv", package = "degday") %>%
#' read.csv() %>%
#' dplyr::mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
#' dplyr::slice(1:10)
#' daily_temps
#' ## Simple average method
#' dd_simp_avg(daily_min = daily_temps$tmin,
#' daily_max = daily_temps$tmax,
#' thresh_low = 55)
#' ## Single sine method
#' dd_sng_sine(daily_min = daily_temps$tmin, daily_max = daily_temps$tmax,
#' thresh_low = 55, thresh_up = 93.9)
#' ## Single triangle method
#' dd_sng_tri(daily_min = daily_temps$tmin, daily_max = daily_temps$tmax,
#' thresh_low = 55, thresh_up = 93.9)
#' ## Add next day min temp as an additional column
#' daily_temps_plus_tmin_next <- daily_temps %>% dplyr::mutate(tmin_next = dplyr::lead(tmin, n = 1))
#' daily_temps_plus_tmin_next
#' ## Double-triangle method
#' dd_dbl_tri(daily_min = daily_temps_plus_tmin_next$tmin,
#' daily_max = daily_temps_plus_tmin_next$tmax,
#' nextday_min = daily_temps_plus_tmin_next$tmin_next,
#' thresh_low = 55, thresh_up = 93.9)
#' @importFrom crayon yellow red
#' @importFrom zoo na.fill
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
dd_calc <- function(daily_min, daily_max, nextday_min = daily_min,
thresh_low = NULL, thresh_up = NULL,
method = c("sng_tri", "dbl_tri", "sng_sine", "dbl_sine", "simp_avg")[0],
cutoff = c("horizontal", "vertical", "intermediate")[1],
digits = 2,
cumulative = FALSE,
no_neg = TRUE,
simp_avg_zero_method = 1,
interpolate_na = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE,
debug = FALSE) {
if (!method %in% c("sng_tri", "dbl_tri", "sng_sine", "dbl_sine", "simp_avg")) stop("unknown value for `method`")
if (!cutoff %in% c("horizontal", "vertical", "intermediate")) stop("unknown value for `cutoff`")
if (cutoff != "horizontal") stop(paste0("The ", cutoff, " cutoff method is not yet supported"))
if (length(daily_min) != length(daily_max)) stop("daily_min and daily_max must be the same length")
if (FALSE %in% (daily_min <= daily_max)) stop("daily_min must always be less than daily_max")
## Get rid of the units. (alternatively I would need to check that thresh_low and thresh_up have the
## same units, otherwise some of the equality tests below will fail)
if (is(daily_min, "units")) daily_min <- as.numeric(daily_min)
if (is(daily_max, "units")) daily_max <- as.numeric(daily_max)
## Create a template error message
err_missing_thresh <- "The {method} method requires you pass lower and upper threshhold. (If the parameters you were given do not include an upper threshold, pass a large number like 200.)"
## To handle NAs, find the indices where we have valid temps
good_idx <- which(! & !
if (length(good_idx) == 0) {
stop("Invalid values for daily_min and/or daily_max (all NAs)")
} else if (length(daily_min) != length(good_idx)) {
if (!quiet) message(yellow(" - NAs found in daily_min and/or daily_max."))
if (cumulative && !interpolate_na) stop(" - Can't return cumlative degree days because there are NAs in the input temperatures. You can let `interpolate_na = TRUE`, or fill the missing temperature values and try again.")
## Initialize objects to hold results
dd_all <- rep(NA, length(daily_min)) ## NAs will be replaced with computed dd at the very end
degday <- NULL
if (method == "simp_avg") {
### ------ SIMPLE AVERAGE -------
if (!quiet) message(yellow(" - using simple average method"))
if (is.null(thresh_low)) stop(" - the simple average method requires a lower threshhold (base temp)")
if (!simp_avg_zero_method %in% 1:2) stop("simp_avg_zero_method must be 1 or 2")
if (!no_neg) stop("`no_neg` must be TRUE for the simple average method")
thresh_low_use <- thresh_low
## If thresh_up is NULL, set a default value of 500
thresh_up_use <- ifelse(is.null(thresh_up), 200, thresh_up)
if (simp_avg_zero_method == 1) {
## First compute the average daily temp
temp_avg <- (daily_max[good_idx] + daily_min[good_idx]) / 2
## If temp_avg falls outside thresh_low_use and thresh_up_use, manually crop it
temp_avg[which(temp_avg < thresh_low_use)] <- thresh_low_use
temp_avg[which(temp_avg > thresh_up_use)] <- thresh_up_use
degday <- temp_avg - thresh_low_use
} else if (simp_avg_zero_method == 2) {
## First coerce tmin and tmax to be within [thresh_low_use..thresh_up_use]
## We can work on daily_max rather than daily_max[good_idx] because which() throws out NAs
daily_min[which(daily_min < thresh_low_use)] <- thresh_low_use
daily_max[which(daily_max < thresh_low_use)] <- thresh_low_use
## tmax and tmin are both set to thresh_up if they are greater than thresh_low
daily_min[which(daily_min > thresh_up_use)] <- thresh_up_use
daily_max[which(daily_max > thresh_up_use)] <- thresh_up_use
## Now compute degree days
degday <- ((daily_max[good_idx] + daily_min[good_idx]) / 2) - thresh_low_use
} else if (method == "sng_tri") {
### ------ SINGLE TRIANGLE -------
### Formulas come from Table 3 in Zalom et al 1983
if (!quiet) message(yellow(" - using single triangle method"))
if (is.null(thresh_low) || is.null(thresh_up)) {
stop(red(sub("\\{method\\}", "single triangle", err_missing_thresh)))
for (i in good_idx) {
this_case <- dd_case(daily_min[i], daily_max[i], thresh_low, thresh_up)
if (debug) message(yellow(paste0(" - ", i, ": case ", this_case)))
degday <- c(degday,
thresh_up - thresh_low, # case 1
0, # case 2
6 * (daily_max[i] + daily_min[i] - 2 * thresh_low) / 12, # case 3
(6 * (daily_max[i] - thresh_low) ^ 2 / (daily_max[i] - daily_min[i])) / 12, # case 4
(6 * (daily_max[i] + daily_min[i] - 2 * thresh_low) / 12) - ( ( 6 * (daily_max[i] - thresh_up) ^ 2 / (daily_max[i] - daily_min[i])) / 12 ) , # case 5
((6 * (daily_max[i] - thresh_low)^2 / (daily_max[i] - daily_min[i])) - (6 * (daily_max[i] - thresh_up)^2 / (daily_max[i] - daily_min[i]))) / 12) # case 6
} else if (method == "dbl_tri") {
### Formulas come from Table 4 in Zalom et al 1983
if (!quiet) message(yellow(" - using double triangle method"))
if (is.null(thresh_low) || is.null(thresh_up)) {
stop(red(sub("\\{method\\}", "double triangle", err_missing_thresh)))
if (is.null(nextday_min)) {
stop(red("The double triangle method requires you pass nextday_min"))
if (length(nextday_min) != length(daily_min)) stop("The next day minimum temperature must be the same length as the daily min and max temps")
for (i in good_idx) {
## With the double-triangle half-day formulas, we need to
## compute two GDD values for each half day. This requires that
## the next day min temperature is passed.
case_am <- dd_case(daily_min[i], daily_max[i], thresh_low, thresh_up)
if (debug) message(yellow(paste0(" - ", i, ": case_am ", case_am)))
dd_am <- dd_dbltri_half(case = case_am, tmin = daily_min[i], tmax = daily_max[i], thresh_low = thresh_low, thresh_up = thresh_up)
nextday_min_use <- ifelse([i]), daily_min[i], nextday_min[i])
case_pm <- dd_case(nextday_min_use, daily_max[i], thresh_low, thresh_up)
if (debug) message(yellow(paste0(" - ", i, ": case_pm ", case_pm)))
dd_pm <- dd_dbltri_half(case = case_pm, tmin = nextday_min_use, tmax = daily_max[i], thresh_low = thresh_low, thresh_up = thresh_up)
degday <- c(degday, dd_am + dd_pm)
} else if (method == "sng_sine") {
### ------ SINGLE SINE -------
### Formulas come from Table 5 in Zalom et al 1983
if (!quiet) message(yellow(" - using single sine method"))
if (is.null(thresh_low) || is.null(thresh_up)) {
stop(red(sub("\\{method\\}", "single sine", err_missing_thresh)))
for (i in good_idx) {
this_case <- dd_case(daily_min[i], daily_max[i], thresh_low, thresh_up)
if (debug) message(yellow(paste0(" - ", i, ": case = ", this_case)))
alpha <- (daily_max[i] - daily_min[i]) / 2
if (this_case == 1) {
ss_dday <- thresh_up - thresh_low
} else if (this_case == 2) {
ss_dday <- 0
} else if (this_case == 3) {
ss_dday <- ((daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) - thresh_low
} else if (this_case == 4) {
theta1 <- asin((thresh_low - (daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) / alpha)
ss_dday <- (1 / pi) * ((((daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) - thresh_low) * (pi/2 - theta1) + alpha * cos(theta1))
} else if (this_case == 5) {
theta2 <- asin((thresh_up - (daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) / alpha)
ss_dday <- (1 / pi) * (( (( daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) - thresh_low )*(pi/2 + theta2) + (thresh_up - thresh_low)*(pi/2 - theta2) - (alpha * cos(theta2)) )
} else if (this_case == 6) {
theta1 <- asin((thresh_low - (daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) / alpha)
theta2 <- asin((thresh_up - (daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) / alpha)
ss_dday <- (1 / pi) * ((((daily_max[i] + daily_min[i]) / 2) - thresh_low)*(theta2 - theta1) + alpha*(cos(theta1)-cos(theta2)) + (thresh_up - thresh_low)*(pi/2 - theta2))
degday <- c(degday, ss_dday)
} else if (method == "dbl_sine") {
### ------ DOUBLE SINE -------
### Formulas come from Table 6 in Zalom et al 1983
if (!quiet) message(yellow(" - using double sine method"))
if (is.null(thresh_low) || is.null(thresh_up)) {
stop(red(sub("\\{method\\}", "double sine", err_missing_thresh)))
if (is.null(nextday_min)) {
stop(red("The double sine method requires you pass nextday_min"))
if (length(nextday_min) != length(daily_min)) stop("The next day minimum temperature must be the same length as the daily min and max temps")
for (i in good_idx) {
## With the double-sine half-day formulas, we need to compute two GDD values for each half day.
case_am <- dd_case(daily_min[i], daily_max[i], thresh_low, thresh_up)
if (debug) message(yellow(paste0(" - ", i, ": case_am ", case_am)))
dd_am <- dd_dblsine_half(case = case_am, tmin = daily_min[i], tmax = daily_max[i], thresh_low = thresh_low, thresh_up = thresh_up)
nextday_min_use <- ifelse([i]), daily_min[i], nextday_min[i])
case_pm <- dd_case(nextday_min_use, daily_max[i], thresh_low, thresh_up)
if (debug) message(yellow(paste0(" - ", i, ": case_pm ", case_pm)))
dd_pm <- dd_dblsine_half(case = case_pm, tmin = nextday_min_use, tmax = daily_max[i], thresh_low = thresh_low, thresh_up = thresh_up)
degday <- c(degday, dd_am + dd_pm)
} else {
stop(red(paste0("Unknown method: ", method)))
## Zero out negative values
if (no_neg && sum(degday < 0) > 0) {
if (!quiet) message(yellow(paste0(" - zeroing out ", sum(degday < 0), " negative degree day values")))
degday[degday < 0] <- 0
## Round values
degday <- round(degday, digits)
## Swap in the computed values
dd_all[good_idx] <- degday
## Interpolate missing values
if (anyNA(dd_all) && interpolate_na) {
if (!quiet) message(yellow(paste0(" - interpolating ", sum(, " missing degree day values")))
dd_all <- na.fill(dd_all, "extend")
## Return degree days
if (cumulative) {
} else {
#' @describeIn dd_calc Estimate degree days using the simple avg method
#' @export
dd_simp_avg <- function(daily_min, daily_max, thresh_low, thresh_up = NULL,
simp_avg_zero_method = 1, digits = 2, cumulative = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE) {
dd_calc(daily_min = daily_min, daily_max = daily_max,
thresh_low = thresh_low, thresh_up = thresh_up,
method ="simp_avg", simp_avg_zero_method = simp_avg_zero_method,
digits = digits, cumulative = cumulative, quiet = quiet)
#' @describeIn dd_calc Estimate degree days using the single-triangle method
#' @export
dd_sng_tri <- function(daily_min, daily_max, thresh_low = NULL, thresh_up = NULL,
cutoff = c("horizontal", "vertical", "intermediate")[1], digits = 2,
cumulative = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
dd_calc(daily_min=daily_min, daily_max=daily_max, thresh_low=thresh_low, thresh_up=thresh_up,
method ="sng_tri", cutoff=cutoff, digits=digits, cumulative=cumulative, quiet=quiet)
#' @describeIn dd_calc Estimate degree days using the single-sine method
#' @export
dd_sng_sine <- function(daily_min, daily_max, thresh_low = NULL, thresh_up = NULL,
cutoff = c("horizontal", "vertical", "intermediate")[1], digits = 2,
cumulative = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
dd_calc(daily_min=daily_min, daily_max=daily_max, thresh_low=thresh_low, thresh_up=thresh_up,
method ="sng_sine", cutoff=cutoff, digits=digits, cumulative=cumulative, quiet=quiet)
#' @describeIn dd_calc Estimate degree days using the double-triangle method
#' @export
dd_dbl_tri <- function(daily_min, daily_max, nextday_min = daily_min, thresh_low = NULL, thresh_up = NULL,
cutoff = c("horizontal", "vertical", "intermediate")[1], digits = 2,
cumulative = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
dd_calc(daily_min=daily_min, daily_max=daily_max, nextday_min=nextday_min,
thresh_low=thresh_low, thresh_up=thresh_up,
method ="dbl_tri", cutoff=cutoff, digits=digits, cumulative=cumulative, quiet=quiet)
#' @describeIn dd_calc Estimate degree days using the double-sine method
#' @export
dd_dbl_sine <- function(daily_min, daily_max, nextday_min = daily_min, thresh_low = NULL, thresh_up = NULL,
cutoff = c("horizontal", "vertical", "intermediate")[1], digits = 2,
cumulative = FALSE, quiet = FALSE) {
dd_calc(daily_min=daily_min, daily_max=daily_max, nextday_min=nextday_min,
thresh_low=thresh_low, thresh_up=thresh_up,
method ="dbl_sine", cutoff=cutoff, digits=digits, cumulative=cumulative, quiet=quiet)
#' Determine the case
#' Determine the relationship between the daily min and max and the upper & lower thresholds
#' @keywords internal
dd_case <- function(daily_min, daily_max, thresh_low, thresh_up) {
# Six possible relationships can exist between the daily temperature cycle
# and the upper and lower developmental thresholds. The temperature cycle can be:
# 1) completely above both thresholds
# 2) completely below both thresholds,
# 3) entirely between both thresholds
# 4) intercepted by the lower threshold
# 5) intercepted by the upper threshold
# 6) intercepted by both thresholds.
if (length(daily_min) * length(daily_max) != 1) stop("dd_case() is not vectorized, please pass only one set of values at a time")
if (daily_min >= thresh_up) {
} else if (daily_max <= thresh_low) {
} else if (daily_min >= thresh_low && daily_max <= thresh_up) {
} else if (daily_min < thresh_low && daily_max <= thresh_up) {
} else if (daily_min >= thresh_low && daily_max > thresh_up) {
} else if (daily_min < thresh_low && daily_max > thresh_up) {
} else {
stop("Unknown case")
#' Compute half-day GDD using triangle functions.
#' This is an internal function, called by dd_calc()
#' @keywords internal
dd_dbltri_half <- function(case, tmin, tmax, thresh_low, thresh_up) {
(thresh_up - thresh_low) / 2, # case 1
0, # case 2
6 * (tmax + tmin - 2 * thresh_low) / 24, # case 3
(6 * (tmax - thresh_low)^2 / (tmax - tmin)) / 24, # case 4
(6 * (tmax + tmin - 2 * thresh_low) / 24) - ( ( 6 * (tmax - thresh_up) ^ 2 / (tmax - tmin)) / 24), # case 5
((6 * (tmax - thresh_low)^2 / (tmax - tmin)) - (6 * (tmax - thresh_up)^2 / (tmax - tmin))) / 24 # case 6
#' Compute half-day GDD using sine functions.
#' This is an internal function, called by dd_calc()
#' @keywords internal
dd_dblsine_half <- function(case, tmin, tmax, thresh_low, thresh_up) {
alpha <- (tmax - tmin) / 2
if (case == 1) {
ds_dday <- (thresh_up - thresh_low) / 2
} else if (case == 2) {
ds_dday <- 0
} else if (case == 3) {
ds_dday <- 0.5 * (((tmax + tmin) / 2) - thresh_low)
} else if (case == 4) {
theta1 <- asin((thresh_low - (tmax + tmin) / 2) / alpha)
ds_dday <- (1 / (2 * pi)) * ((((tmax + tmin) / 2) - thresh_low) * (pi/2 - theta1) + alpha * cos(theta1))
} else if (case == 5) {
theta2 <- asin((thresh_up - (tmax + tmin) / 2) / alpha)
ds_dday <- (1 / (2 * pi)) * (((( tmax + tmin) / 2) - thresh_low )*(pi/2 + theta2) + (thresh_up - thresh_low)*(pi/2 - theta2) - (alpha * cos(theta2)) )
} else if (case == 6) {
theta1 <- asin((thresh_low - (tmax + tmin) / 2) / alpha)
theta2 <- asin((thresh_up - (tmax + tmin) / 2) / alpha)
ds_dday <- (1 / (2 * pi)) * ((((tmax + tmin) / 2) - thresh_low)*(theta2 - theta1) + alpha*(cos(theta1)-cos(theta2)) + (thresh_up - thresh_low)*(pi/2 - theta2))
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