# Create the base readsData class
#' @importFrom methods setClass setGeneric setMethod new validObject
#' An S4 class to represent summarised counts and the output of Bayesian
#' inference.
#' @slot counts A positive integer matrix containing summarised counts for each
#' genomic event (genes, exons, transcripts, etc) in the two conditions, A and
#' B.
#' @slot replicates A list containing the indices of the columns that belong to
#' each of the two experimental conditions, A and B. It is defaulted to A =
#' 1:(n/2), B = (n/2+1):n for an \eqn{m} by \eqn{n} matrix.
#' @slot geneNames A character vector containing the names of the genomic event.
#' It is appropriately defaulted to names of the matrix.
#' @slot initValues A list containing initial values for each parameter.
#' Defaulted to \code{N_A} = rep(1, nrow(counts)), \code{N_B} = rep(1,
#' nrow(counts)), \code{p}= 0.0001, \code{f} = 0.01.
#' @slot stepSizes A list containing step sizes for sampling each parameter.
#' Defaulted to \code{stepsizeN_A} = rep(1, nrow(counts)), \code{stepsizeN_B} =
#' rep(1, nrow(counts)), \code{stepsize_p}= 1e3, \code{stepsize_f} = 5e7
#' @slot output A list containing the samples for each parameter which are
#' generated by Bayesian inference. It can only be filled
#' inside the results function.
#' @name readsData
readsData <- setClass("readsData",
slots = c(# Define the slots
counts = "matrix",
geneNames = "character",
replicates = "list",
initValues = "list",
stepSizes = "list",
output = "list"
setMethod ("initialize", signature = "readsData",
definition = function (.Object,
geneNames = rownames(counts),
replicates = list(A = 1 : (ncol(counts) / 2),B= (ncol(counts) / 2 + 1) : ncol(counts)),
stepSizes = list(stepsizeN_A = rep(1, nrow(counts)),
stepsizeN_B = rep(1, nrow(counts)),
stepsize_p = 5e+07, stepsize_f = 1e3),
initValues = list(N_A = rep(1, nrow(counts)),
N_B = rep(1, nrow(counts)), p = 0.0001, f = 0.01)){
.Object@counts <- counts
.Object@replicates <- replicates
.Object@stepSizes <- stepSizes
.Object@geneNames <- geneNames
.Object@initValues <- initValues
return (.Object)
validity <- function(object){
if( nrow(object@counts) != length(object@geneNames) ){
return("reads and geneNamess don't match")
else if(sum(object@counts < 0) > 0){
return("counts cannot be negative")
else return(TRUE)
setValidity( "readsData", validity)
#generic for setting the initValues slot
#' Generic for altering the initValues slot
#' Updates the value of the initValues slot for the readsData object supplied.
#' @param object a readsData object
#' @param initval A list of initial values for each of the parameters.
#' @return The same readsData object with the initValues slot updated.
#' @examples
#' RD <- new("readsData", counts = ERCC)
#' initvals <- list(N_A = rep(2, 92), N_B = rep(1.5, 92), p = 0.0005, f = 0.03)
#' RD <- setInitValues(RD, initvals)
#' RD@initValues
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "setInitValues",
def = function(object, initval){
#' @describeIn setInitValues Alters the value of the initValues slot of
#' a readsData object.
setMethod(f = "setInitValues",
signature = "readsData",
definition = function(object, initval){
object@initValues <- initval
#generic for setting the stepSizes slot
#' Generic for altering the stepSizes slot.
#' Updates the value of the stepSizes slot for the readsData object supplied.
#' @param object a readsData object
#' @param stepSizesval A list of step sizes for each of the parameters.
#' @return The same readsData object with the stepSizes slot updated.
#' @examples
#' RD <- new("readsData", counts = ERCC)
#' ss <- list(N_A = rep(2, 92), N_B = rep(1.5, 92), p = 3e5, f = 3.5e7)
#' RD <- setStepSizes(RD, ss)
#' RD@stepSizes
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "setStepSizes",
def = function(object, stepSizesval)
#' @describeIn setStepSizes Alters the value of the stepSizes slot of
#' a readsData object.
setMethod(f = "setStepSizes",
signature = "readsData",
definition = function(object, stepSizesval)
object@stepSizes <- stepSizesval
#method for setting the replicates slot
#' Generic for the altering setReplicates slot.
#' Updates the value of the replicates slot for the readsData object supplied.
#' @param object a readsData object
#' @param repsval A list of column indices for the samples in each condition.
#' @return The same readsData object with the replicates slot updated.
#' @examples
#' RD <- new("readsData", counts = ERCC)
#' reps <- list(A = c(2,4,5,3,10),B = c(9,7,1,8,6))
#' RD <- setReplicates(RD, reps)
#' RD@replicates
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "setReplicates",
def = function(object, repsval)
#' @describeIn setReplicates Alters the value of the replicates slot of
#' a readsData object.
setMethod(f = "setReplicates",
signature = "readsData",
definition = function(object, repsval)
object@replicates <- repsval
#method for setting the ouput slot
#' Generic for the altering output slot.
#' Updates the value of the output slot for the readsData object supplied.
#' @param object a readsData object.
#' @param outval A list of the output from Bayesian inference.
#' @return The same readsData object with the output slot updated.
setGeneric(name = "setOutput",
def = function(object, outval)
#' @describeIn setOutput Alters the value of the output slot of
#' the readsData object.
#' @keywords internal
setMethod(f = "setOutput",
signature = "readsData",
definition = function(object, outval)
object@output <- outval
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